IDAY, OCTOBER 22,19604' THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THRM DAY, OCTOBER 22, 196 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE ,,,. LINCOLN MEMORIAL PROTEST: .t1 .;;, . Spock Calls President 'Enemy' WORLD NEWS SUMMARY: South Vietnamese Elect. House As Crowds Hea rRally eaders By RON LANDSMAN the war even if the AmericanI Special To The Daily people are against it." WASHINGTON - "The enemy John Wilson of the New York. is President Johnson" Dr. Ben- chapter of SNCC said the dem- jamin Spock told tens of thou- onstrators "do not come as be- sands of war protesters packed in trayers but as the betrayed. We: yeserday afte rLincoln Memorial do n.ot have 'a new, action army,': yeseray ftrnonburning people, destroying vil- "He won the election as a peace lages," he said. candidate," the pediatrician said, "We're going to tell that man, "and betrayed us. The war John- e're o 'to ,' " th lsmn son is waging is disastrous to our 'Hell 110, we won't go,'"' Wilson soniswagngisdisstou toou shouted. The crowd chanted his nation. It is leading us into a very slogan for five minutes. bloody quagmire in which we inch Ren e i ntly closer to war with China and nu- Rene Davis, recently returned clear escalation." fro North Vietnam, said the The crowd, which was estimated country is far different from news at 210,000 by rally planners and reports of it. 60,000 by the District of Columbia "The mass involvement of the police, gathered around the re- Vietnamese people in the military flecting pool at the Lincoln strategy of their nation" is one Memorial in a mass which stretch- of the signs of the strength of ed to the slopes of the Washing- the people, he asserted. ton Memorial. The crowd listened Engine noise from planes flyingt to speeches by leaders of the war overhead made it difficult to hear protest, folk songs by Phil Ochs the speakers. Nguyen Van Lui, an and Peter Paul and Mary, and American-Vietnamese, said, "This' puppet shows. . sounds like the B-52's that fly over The rally was marred early us-in my homeland. In the North, 'When two alleged members) of bombs continue to fall, but the the American Nazi party .attack- people stand upright." ed lead speaker Clive Jenkins, a Several people later entered the, British trade union leader knock- pool at separate times. Some were ing him and the podium over. carrying "Reagan for President" Jenkins finished his speech after signs when.-they walked in; others police arrested the pair, carried posters-size mock-draft' A "peace - torch" carried from cards, ridiculing the President. Hiroshima, Japan, across the U.S. Dellinger introduced Prof. Dou- was accepted by'.David Dellinger' glous Dowd of Cornell University co-chairman of the rally with as "the initiator of the original' Georgia legislator Julian Bond.,teach-in." Dowd made a plea that Jenkins claimed the rally was the Mobilization Committee needed being broadcast live in Stockholm, $7e 0 o a i ts debtseeosts.e. Oslo, Paris, Rome and London. $70 000 to pay its debts costs.. Fifty Georgetown students and Most of the crowd members, metbersorgeolshFdetsedm I were college age, bearded and blue members of the Polish Freedom- By The Associated Press The militant Buddhist minority ground movement directed by the SAIGON - South Vietnam's which follows the military govern- outlawed Greek Communist party. voters, relatively free lately of the ment's old adversary, Thich Tri Heavy prison sentence ranging Viet Cong terrorism that bloodied Quang, has about 100 candidates from 2 to 20 years were given to previous campaigns, are naming or sympathizers in the field. 16 defendonts. The other 11 re- a 137-member House of Repre- An even greater number of ceived suspended sentences rang- sentatives today. Some Americans candidates come from the army ing from 1 to 2 years. as well as government troops and civil service. There is no out- Another group of 11 students guard the polls. ward sign, however, that the mili- and workers, who stood trial The balloting will complete the tary regime is backing any par- among a group of 38, were ac- electoral process intended to give ticular slate. quitted. the war-torn nation a legal demo-* * The group was charged with ex- cratic government after nearly; ploding bombs in central Athens four years of often chaotic mili- Verbs Probe in the past three months and with tary rule. printing and passing out anti- The process began 13 months Misf unetions regime propaganda. ago with the naming of the as- Petros Dimitriou, 25, a Greek- sembly that wrote a new constitu- MOSCOW - An official account Cypriot student described as the tion. of the Soviet Union's space probe ringleader of the group, received Since Sept. 12, 1966, South Viet- of Venus said yesterday for the the stiffest sentence-20 years in nam has experienced four na- first time that instruments from prison. Three defendants received tionwide elections of varying sorts Venus 4 satellite stopped function- 17-year sentences. and the electorate is showing ing at the time of landing. Dimitriou and a friend from signs of weariness. So are the Until that time, said the ac- Athens University. Aristides Mav- Viet Cong, who killed 200.civilians count given by the Tass news rosoukis, were described by secur- in the week preceding the presi- agency, instruments from the ity police as experts in fashioning dential election last Sept. 3, but Venus 4 package that was para- homemade bombs. Mavrosoukis did remarkable little this time. chuted to the planet's surface received a 12-year sentence. Election of the House rounds Wednesday sent back signals to * * out the elected institutions pro- the last moment. vided by the new constitution. The last temperature sent back I Tant To The 60-man Senate is already -and according to Tass thus wasT sitting. President-elect Nguyen at the planet's surface-was a Reorganize UN Van Thieu will be inaugurated reading of 280 degrees centigrade, R Oct. 31. which is 536 degrees Fahrenheit. UNITED NATIONS. N.Y.-Sec- Thieu and the new legislature Previous accounts had given this retary-General U Thant proposed are to implement other constitu- high reading but left uncertain yesterday to split the top echelon tional provisions, such as setting whether it was surface or at- f the UN secretariat in two by up new judicial forms and writ- mospheric temperature. reating a new rank of undersec- ing a press law. The official account also insisted retary-general in the first reor- The South Vietnamese govern- that the instrument package had arIy-gn in e ment and the United States MiS- mlade a soft landing by parachute, I ~a o subinced n1955. heGn- sion hope for a respectable turn- something that had been in doubt In a published note to theQen- out today from the nation's 5.8 before. jmual Assembly, he said the pr esent million registered voters. No one, The antenna of the instrument quality of rank among the 36 UN :mindersecretariesd"istsomewhatoue- however, expects the, 83 per cent package failed to point in theurectan ess omnhat ne which was achieved in the presi- right direction, however, and the real, and less than fair to some dential election -- largely, it is package's bulk blocked direct con- Df the senior officials on whom a fr{yamtebcuetegv tact with the earth, heavy load of responsibility rests."; freely admitted, because the gov- To remedy that situation, he ernlment brought intense pressure +T redytasiuioh :f the United States and Jose Rolz-Bennett of Guatemala. One undersecretary each for 3eneral Assembly affairs--Chak- ravarthi V. Narasimhan of India; political and security council af- fairs Alexei E. Nesternko of the Soviet Union; trusteeship-Issofou Saidou Djermakoye of Niger; economic and social affairs- Philippe de Seynes of France, and conference services-Jiri Nosek of Czechoslovakia. * * * . Destroy Viet Torpedo Boats SAIGON - Two United Staten Navy Skyhawk pilots slashed yes- terday a flotilla of six North Viet- namese torpedo boats, perhaps massed for an attack on United States 7th Fleet warships, and said they destroyed four. It was one of the stiffest such actions of the war. The speedy, 50-ton torpedo boats, which ordinarily cruise alone or in pairs, were spotted in the Gulf of Tonkin off the mouth of the Thanh Hoa River, about 80 miles suth of Hanoi. Two American ground sweeps that started Oct. 11 were ended: -United States Marines wound up a multibattalion search-and- destroy operation called Medina in the southern section of Quang Tri Province. They said they killed 54 of the enemy and seized 26 sus- pects. Marine casualties were 34 killed and 225 wounded. -The United States 9th In- fantry Division's mobile riverine force called off a drive in the Rung Sat Special Zone, centered about 20 miles southeast of Sai- gon, from which guerrillas have harassed shipping between Saigon and the South China Sea. -Daily-Jim Forsythe ANTI-WAR SPEAKERS set the tone of the Washington mobil- ization yesterday at a rally held at the Reflecting Pool, seen here from the Lincoln Memorial. A crowd estimated at 60,000 by police and 200,000 by rally leaders stretched from the Lincoln Memorial to the Washington Memorial in the background. MOBILIZATION: Di stricet Hosts Rally (continued from Page 1) up, despite requests from the po- Students came from 48 states, dium that listeners remain seated. including Hawaii. A group of high After the rally students deci- school students said they came by ding not to march to the Penta- bus all night from New Brun- gon had to wait several more hours swick, Canada. to reboard the busses parked on Cuban revolution sympathizers a lot closed by police cordon. passed out pictures of dead geur- The march from the Lincoln rilla leader Che Guevara. The Memorial rally over Arlington Socialist Labor Party marched un- Bridge to the Pentagon started der banners proclaiming "Social- two hours after the organizers ism in '68." Even 100 veterans had scheduled. of the Lincoln Brigade from the Government officials held up the Spanish Civil War showed up. march by delaying removal of - a Black Power groups urged fence blocking .access to the Pen- Negroes to stay out of the march tagon north parking lot. Peter, from the Memorial to the Penta- Paul and Mary lead group-singing gon. Instead, they called for a among the waiting marchers: It march into the black community takes a real manto say no. Hell to spread anti-war messages from no, we won't go." door to door. A Negro rally was At 2:00 p.m., Dr. Benjamin, later held at Howard University. Spock led the way across the Spirits were dampened by the Arlington Bridge to the Penta- long wait for successive speakers gon. Rows of protestors 20 wide to finish. People began standing with linked arms fell in behind. Daily Classifieds Get Results Fighters counter-picketed t h e ned1u, andi they cominedt a car- rally. s nival atmosphere with applause About 1.150 men and 42 women, for the speeches before starting Lincoln Lynch of the New York out on the two-mile walk to the seek the 137 seats. Congress of Racial Equality as- Petaon acro-site wPotomac. Since every politically articulate serted that "an oligarchy" is nowgs segment of the nation is putting that"anoliarcy" s ;River. ruling America. "Indeed, govern- up candidates, it is a good bet ment of, by and for the peole has The fence at the' Pentagon's that the House will be fairly rep-; perished from this earth, or, at north parking 'lot despite govern- resentative. least this country," he explained. ment assurances, had not been While the Communists and Rev. William Sloane Coffin, removed as the marchers ap- neutralists have been barred, chaplain of Yale University, said, proached. The march halted until: standards have been less strictly "If the government does not rec- word was received that the barrier applied than for past elections. ognize its responsibilities, then it had been taken down. For instance, Prof. Ho Huu must bear the responsibilities for An announcement was made for Tuong, a Trotskyite prevented many other acts committed in this a separate rally for Negroes and from running for the Senate, is country." He quoted Hitler: " 'We !black power supporters in a park one likely winner in the House. have been drawn into war against near Howard University. There are a dozen or so candi- our own will. No one has made Linda Morse, chairman of the dates running loosely on the coat- more peace offers than I.' f Student Mobilization Committee, tails of lawyer Truong Dinh Dzu, the ti antdmon- explained. "We want the war over whose peace platform brought persons - X'atherdwhoni-d now and we want the troops home; him in a surprisingly strong sec- also made a rush on the speaker's we want the' graft stopped now ond in the presidential race. stand, a demonstrator who tan-and we want the government to Roman Catholics, in various gled with them and a man pro- keep its fingers out of our cam- coalitions, are strongly represent- testing the rally who refused po- puses." Miss Morse accused Amer-,ed, as is the refugee segment of1 lice admonitions to get out of the icans of fostering "a perverted the population. More than half way when the program began. society which turns our knowl-, the candidates once lived north Dellinger said the Vietnam con- edge into newer ways of killing." I of the 17th parallel. flict was the most unpopular war in U.S. history and describedr Johnson as a "martyr to principle who is going to go ahead with PETITIONING for Convict PlottersI Of Greek Coup ATHENS, Greece-In the largest' trial since the, army seized power six months ago, a special military court yesterday convicted 27 per- sons of trying to. overthrow the Greek regime by violent means.I The prosecution accused the group of students, printers and. workers pf belonging to an under-I stated his intention of naming 12 of the undersecretaries to the new, higher rank of undersecretary- ;eneral and designating the rest as assistant secretaries-general. In proposing promotions to un- dersecretary-general, Thant men- tioned undersecretaries by title rather than name. Those he men- tioned-and the men now holding the titles-included: Two undersecretaries for special political affairs-Ralph J. Bunche ;. r ' ...........-. -... --- GUILD HOUSE 802 Monroe MONDAY, October 23 Noon Luncheons-25c Beginning New Series: "Modern Ethical Problems" (Speaker to be announced) TUESDAY, October 24 Noon Symposium-Lunch 25c "Conflict of Ambiguous Nationality" Researcher: William Christian -- _ 1 . ' i ' ri I i -TONIGHT- Grapes of Wrath, dir. John Ford, 1941 From'Seinbeck's classic comes this Academy Award Winner, starring Henry Fonda, Jane Darwell. "The picture faithfully transmitted the shocking and desperate plight of California's migatory workers." *--Arthur Knight 7:00 and 9:05 ARCH ITECTURE AUDITORIUM .STILL ONLY 50c STUDENT BLOOD DRIVE Oct. 24-25 3rd floor MICHIGAN UNION CINEMA GUILD BOARD. Tues., Oct. 24 & Wed., Oct. 25 Sign up at Cinema Guild Office- 2538 Student Activities Building -" - :; i :.... r .r r li =1I i i "ABSOLUTE DELIGHT!" -Detroit Free Press "CAPTIVATES!" -Daily "WARM GLOW" Detroit News UNIVERSITY REFORMED CHURCH 928 East Ann St. Ann Arbor, Mich. Phone: 662-3153 9:30 A.M.-Study-Discussion Groups 10:30 A.M.-"KEEPING OUR PERSPECTIVE" Calvin Malefyf 7:00 P.M.-CONCERT OF SACRED MUSIC Choir, Soloists and Instrumentalists THE SAN FRANCISCO MIME TROUPE I BY A STRIKING AND ORIGINAL TRAGI-COMEDY STUDS TERKEL October 28 8:15 P.M.. DETROIT INSTITUTE OF ARTS 5500 WOODWARD Tickets: 200 F $3 00t 1 Brilliant Broadway Cast I .I I U .- r~e- - ir*tti X1)c