t Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS AT-LARGE The Sinking S hip of State Ly NEIL SHISTER - -11111100101OLO& =-Wam Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICI. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIbAY, OCTOBER 20, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: W. REXFORD BENOIT Student Self-Government THE Residence Halls' Board of Gover-' nors has recommended the abolition of freshman hours, thereby affirming the justice of students' rights. The Board's action - and all Vice Presi- dential and Regental decisions to fol- low will merely be the belated recogn- ition of a reality which students have been creating here during the past week. In the residence halls, in Student Government Council and Joint Judic- iary Council students have asserted two principles: the right of students to set their own collective standards for non- academic behavior, and the right of students to appoint the judicial agen- cies that enforce these standards. The University administration, while defending the legal authority of the Regents and of its existing regulations has said it will not impose penalties on those who violate those rules while obeying the student-passed ones. The power it does leave itself - to recom- mend expulsion to a student's college for gross cases of misbehavior - can- not be readily applied against whold groups of students, such as freshman women in the dormitories, unless their behavior is a genuine menace to the safety of others or to University property. No one, whether in the Office of Uni- versity Housing, in the literary college or elsewhere, has ever suggested that these violations of visitation rules, or hours policy, could, ever by themselves justify such action. HAT THE UNIVERSITY adminis- tration must do is legally ratify the authority which students have - de facto - already obtained. To delay this is to have the worst of both worlds: no practical control over stu- dent behavior by "legal" authority, and no legal authority in the hands of those (House Councils, SGC, JJC) with the practical control. Students, for their part, should make sure that when all the dust has settled, not only a more liberal hours and visitation policy, but the student body's de facto authority to make such rules will be institutionalized - in the eyes of the Regents, administrators, faculty, and the students themselves. There is no need for attack on the legal responsibility of the Regents if they in turn understand that the most important single merit of any policy on student standards is its origin in the free collective will of the students themselves. Eventually, a university composed of "estates" like a medieval city, with separate legal "privileges" for students, faculty, and administration, should give way to an institution completely democratic. in its internal workings, with all who are concerned - faculty as well as students - discussing housing, academic, and financial pol- icies. STUDENT decision-making is a step toward this goal, not - as some have charged -- away from it. Com- munal self government in the Univer- sity is not built-in to the law of Michi- gan, or any other American jurisdic- tion. But it is not forbidden either, and we should certainly forge ahead to build it. -THE SENIOR EDITORS THE S.S. AMBITION, steaming its way to the Virgin Islands with 44 of the nation's governors on board holding their annual meeting, was waylaid early this morning by torpedo fire and is badly foundering and in danger of going down. The captain and crew of the boat were killed by the initial explosion of the blast, and there is currently great anxiety on the AMBITION because nobody is exactly sure how the ship runs. The first one to offer himself up .for command of the vessel was George Romney of Michigan and for a while there was much satisfaction with him. But it soon became obvious that despite the vigor of his clench- ed fist and the rakish angle at which he wore his captain's hat, he knew nothing of navigation, com- munication or engineering. Just before being relieved of command Romney made an emotional speech to his cohorts, imploring them to remain steadfast, and not cast him aside. "We must weather the despair of this crisis while still remaining steadfast and committed to the reality of the moment and never surrender the proud heritage that our forefathers who sailed the seas in birch-bark canoes left us." When asked exactly what they should do in con- crete terms, Romney answered "swim." THE NEXT CANDIDATE was Lord Nelson Rocke- feller of New York, an astute sailor who at one time was bucking for captain aboard another ship. He de- clined the emphatic pleas of his present shipmates by saying "I am no longer in the navy." Despite subtle efforts by Time Magazine to have Rockefeller assume the ship's command by printing his picture on its cover in a snappy captain's uniform, Sir Nelson refused to leave his shuffleboard game. Looking up from his deck-chair, Rockefeller told a delegation from the bridge and boiler room that "there comes a time when a man simply no longer needs to be captain, when he is willing to patiently sit in the life- boats and eat rations with everybody else." THIS THREW THE whole ship into a desperate quandary, for there was a growing need for somebody to take over. The Democrats threw up a hasty caucus and found not only that they were ignorant of the ways of the sea, but their chief Admiral in Washington evi- dently didn't much care. They wired him for immediate instructions and the best he could come up with was the terse reply: "present condition of ship unimpor- tant. Must think in terms of what is best for whole navy. Am dispatching a tug-boat from New York to rescue you. Should be there in ten days. Rest of fleet is in Pacific." put down and told to be patient, for soon something would be done. The Democrats leaked the news that in ten days the tug boat from New York should be arriving and perhaps there would be room for them if they didn't cause trouble. Shaken up by the threat of insurrection, a new Golden Boy arrived on the scene from California. Tell- ing his shipmates how he had once played a naval captain in one of his best pictures, the story of John Paul Jones and the Boston Tea-Party, second-rate character actor Ronald Reagan decided it would be wise for him to have a go at command. By this point the spirit of the ship was so downcast that there was no objection. Reagan took over with the ship in bad straits, but soon resigned in anguish, saying "I found the stick-shift okay, but I don't think there is any clutch on this car." AS YET THERE IS NO information about who com- manded the one-man submarine that was sighted mo- ments before the first torpedo struck. There is a rumor circulating that an itinerant lawyer who has lived in California, Washington and New York City was inquiring about renting such a vessel a few days ago in Miami. He is described as unusually swarthy, with shifty eyes anddcarrying around some 'pancake cosmetic' which is usually used by television performers L make their beard less noticeable during a performance so they seem less disreputable. A second possibility is that the supreme Admiral him- self snuck down to Florida to destroy the ship, thereby insuring that he would be .the only possible candidate for his next objective, resident God. But the inside word from an unusually good source is that it was Che Guevera. I Broken of spirit and hopelessly disappointed, Democrats resigned themselves to going down with ship and are now' scurrying around looking for jackets. the the life BY THIS POINT morale on board had reached a new low. The compass was jumping wildly around, the ship's wheels turning madly. The cabin boys and stewards on board, natives from the Virgin Islands who claimed they hadn't wanted to work on the ship but were shanghaied, decided at this point that they could best handle the situation themselves and erupted from the kitchen and ward room with their pots and pans. They stormed the bridge briefly, but were quickly Letters: why He Returned His DraftCard To the Editor: THE FOLLOWING is a copy of the letter I sent my draft board after taking part in the nation- wide return ofdraftscards to the Selective Service System on Oct. 16. Michigan Local Board No. 87 Wayne County Board Members: - This letter is to inform you that I, as a member of the Resistance, am renouncing the 2-S deferment I have held on your sufferance for the last seven years. I absolutely refuse to cooperate in any way with the Selective Service System. En- closed is my classification card. I have returned my registration card to the Federal Marshal in New York City. I refuse to cooperate for the following reasons: (1) The Selective Service Sys- tem is grossly unjust. It divides black from white, poor from rich. non-student from student. The 2-S deferment is a class privilege which I can no longer accept. (2) While you have sent the black and the poor to fight and die you have bought much too cheaply the political emasculation of the white and the well-off. As long as I accept a 2-S deferment, I am politically irrelevant to the task of making radical social change in this -country. I can no longer permit you to do this to me. (3) The Selective Service Sys- tem feeds the manpower require- ments of the war in Vietnam--a brutal, vicious, immoral war vio- lating the demands of political wisdom, national interest and common humanity. You insist on cooperatng with those who run this war. I will not. (4) Selective Service is part of a system which aborts attempts Marijuana vs. Alcohol "WHETHER OR NOT marijuana is a more dangerous drug than alchol is debatable -I don't happen to think it is. Dr. James L. Goddard, Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administra- tion, opened himself up to blasts of criticism from self-termed narcotics ex- perts when he expressed this opinion Wednesday. Dr. Goddard further said that he favored removing all penalties for the possession of marijuana, leaving pen- alties only for its sale or distribution. "We don't know what its long-term, ef- fects are," he said and added that "we need more research on chronic use ... and I think this rsearch will start now." IN RESPONSE to Dr. Goddard's com- ments, Dr. Robert W. Baird, a cam- paigner against marijuana and other narcotics, demanded Goddard's resign- ation as head of the Food and Drug Ad- ministration. He said Dr. Goddard's comments had done "irreparable"damage across the col- lege campuses as well as in the high schools." To strengthen his contention that marijuana is much more harmful than alchohol, Dr. Baird claimed he could produce a dozen youngsters who had become involved in accidents of one kind or another after smoking marijuana. And someone could produce 100 more who hadn't. Or someone could produce at least a thousand people who had become involved in accidents of one kind or another after having a few alcoholic beverages too many. Dr. Baird's arguments are typical of the die-hard opponents to the legalized use of marijuana - or at last a rational and restrained discussion of the drug. The belles of the prohibition campaign couldn't hold a candle to Dr. Baird and his comrades. DR. BAIRD'S demand for the resigna- tion of Dr. Goddard is absurd. Dr. Baird may well have to demand that numerous other doctors renounce their right to practice for making a similar statments. The discussion of mar- ijuana is no longer limited to dimly-lit back rooms. Many prominent doctors have supported the legalization of mari- juana and many states, including Michi- gan, may soon be considering legislation legalizing its use. Dr. Goddard said that it is time ade- quate research to be done on, the subject. It is also time for a rational and wide- ranging discussion of th drug and its effects. And indignant reactions such as Dr. Bairds will not contribute one iota to this discussion. -PAT O'DONOHUE Xi~ti }~ pp1 ~~~/t/ , "WELL, 1AT MIAT WE WON'T %* OO PYcRoWPS UPSTAR. in the underdeveloped world to make social revolution. Iran, Guatemala, Cuba, Dominican Re- public, and Vietnam are a few of the ugliest and most blatant ex- amples. I do not share your para- noid anti-Communism. There are rich nations and there are poor ones. Revolutions will occur in the later. I refuse to cooperate with your attempts to prevent them. THE RESISTANCE has been formed to organize and encourage non-cooperation with, resistance to, and disruption of the Selective Service System. I am now working with this group. -David Zimmerman, Grad. New York City Unholy War To the Editor: IN A RECENT issue of Ramparts Magazine appears this: "There are 145 Congressmen and Senators who have 190 sons registered for the draft. Of these 190, only one has been sent to Vietnam and he asked to go. The present draft system smells to high heaven." Congressman Alvin O'Konski of Wisconsin has this to say: "There are approximately 500 boys from my district serving in Vietnam Every single boy comes from a iedium or low income family. The draft system is most undem- ocratic and grossly unfair." IT IS DOUBTFUL if, in the en- tire history of the world, there has been a conflict more universal- ly unpopular, more barbaric in its conduct, and more destructive of vital domestic needs than the un- holy affair now taking place in Vietnam. How in the world can any intel- ligent person say that we can or will achieve a "victory." We strongly condemn the Ger- man people for being a bunch of sheep, and permitting Hitler to carry on as he did. But actually just how much better are we by remaining silent and submissive while Johnson and the Pentagon dissipate our very life's blood in an ungodly and outrageous in- volvement in a tiny country 10,000 miles from our shores. -Charles C. Lockwood Class of 1914 "Be Assured We Are Keeping Her In A Secure Place" 4 I The Glory Lost To the Editor: ONE HUNDRED and fifty years of academic and athletic ex- cellence stands the University of Michigan. So what?- Today, Michigan stands stag- nant, crumbling in its regretable smugness. Educationally, the U of M still remains among the top, but unlike the others, refuses to move. With- OPINION The Daily has begun accept- ing articles from faculty, ad- ministration, and students on subjects of their choice. They are to be 600-900 words in length and should be submitted to the Editorial Director. in the next few years, Michigan State University's law and medical schools will compete openly with those of Michigan. Athletically, the University seems to think contests are won through the "great gods of the past." The fabulous records of the forgotten past cannot recruit strong teams of the .future. The once great U of M Band showed things for what they are in their October 14th decaying performance of "Michigan Firsts." It exemplified the fact that Mich- igan's mind is sponging on the glory-filled, but dead past. Whatever it takes to rejuvenate the dying giant, it must be done quickly. Come on Michigan, look ahead. GO BLUE, before it's too late ! -James Benjamin Grand Rapids, Michigan 4' ""Vr::::Al:"."AV::."N1: :.::VI.V.:Lit:"}:":":':"'.:{ : : ::{V:l.....N ... "f V: "5"N t. " I rN N.LhV. J:: r:NJ.V::': ..f . ......."..}. {{t':.:h VJ "l "r"""""""""" yV 441Vr L": f. 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Do you, my son, see an inherent unity in Herodotus? "Why yes, of course. Herodotus was indeed one of the most unified. Any dis- crepency between his early works and his late and great masterpieces is easily eliminated by his intuitive middle en- deavors." AH YES. I see you are applying to the University of Chicago in history. What has turned up the highly interesting fact that the South was not really pro-slave but the dupe of Sweden." Ah Ha! That was a bit too quick, my kid. Crackenhood is at Penn and his field, far from being the South is actually the Italian peasantry. My son, we must know, why did you leave blank the space marked "Religious Affiliation" on your application? Are you a religious person? Or are you ... a hum- anist? "Yes." Do you see any relationship between this fact and your unusually low marks in the second term of the sophomore year? "No." A Y SON. there is no need to be taciturn By DAVID KNOKE Second of Two Parts FOM TIME to time segments of the American public descend upon the nation's capital to dem- onstrate against their plight or air their grievances. Coxey's "army," the Bonus Marchers, the 1963 march for "jobs and equality"-there is a traditional American belief that if the people speak loud enough, their elected officials cannot but hear and obey. THIS SATURDAY, anywhere from 50,000 to 100,000 persons are expected to descend on the Lincoln Memorial. In the shadow of the Great Emancipator's statue they hope to hold the largest anti-war rally ever seen in Wash- ington. Plans call for a parade to the anti-war sit-ins at Oakland and the University of Wisconsin ear- lier this week, people taking this action could be letting themselves in for more than nonviolent protest. DAVID DELLINGER, editor of "Liberation" and co-chairman or this weekend's protest, said that "simple dissent is no longer ade- quate: this is a no-nonsense movement at this point." He said that leaders could not agree to limit picketing to "administrative areas" in which government rep- resentatives have tried to bind them. While Dellinger and other pro- ,test leaders have publicly commit- ted themselves to maintaining nonviolent protests, they are ne- cessarily unable to control either the opposing law enforcers or the bility for the consequences of their actions. This means not re- sistance to arrest by violent means, but gaining leverage from small numbers of nonviolent re- sistance, e.g., going limp and thus compelling the police to drag the protesters away. 4 The reason for breaking statu- tory limits is to bear witness to higher laws. To attempt non-vio- lently to close down the Pentagon is, as Staughton Lynd puts it, "to dramatize to our neighbors how deeply we feel about this wvar." FOR AMERICANS of all walks of life, from all backgrounds and all political persuasions, to come to the nation's capital to demon- strate dissent from their elected officials' foreign policy is to as- sert claims to basic rights of free- 1h0poiglwefocr-rteI .... .4-0