A SENIOR EDITORIAL: See editorial page C I 4c 4viA rn :43 a ity CLOUDY, WARMER High--57 Low-30 scattered showers. expected in evening. Seven! y-!Se cii Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVIII, No. 44 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1967 SEVEN CENTS Conductronics: our' Snpin EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last of a million personally. Shares which Con- Twenty-five University staff members But. Vice-President for Research A. four part series by a team of Daily re-<- porters on military research at the Uni- ductron founders bought at a penny are joined the original Conductron staff in Geoffrey Norman points out, "The ci- versity.noselnat$1ahaeo ,' 1960. Of the 25, ten had been University cumstances of the birth of Conductron By NEAL BRUSS professors, project engineers, or research are a little bit questionable. They used can Stock Exchange. This means six department heads, 15 had worked in the University facilities at Willow Run ex- "Why isn't the University doing more figure profits for key personnel. WRL, seven in the E.E. department's tensively in the beginning. For example, for local industries?" frets mult-mu onaire eeve Mnd Siegemformer pro- mradiation lab (taking overlaps into ac- Conductron didn't have an analog com- fso r i e nive rsity'sgela frmer pia n -count). puter, so it bought the services of ours. fessor in the University's electrical engi- y neering department. "I think the Uni- Until this year when Siegel left Con- "A *ob shop arrangement developed nering deartmecnt.rvItink st Un- ductron to start a new firm called KMS in a few things where they didn't have versity has a conservative position onlf supporting local industry." Industries, Conductron maintained a the people to do the job," Norman says. Dpe e n rt close 'relationship with the University: "They would give it to us.kg Despite the University's "conservative" a posture, however, Siegel has done a top- 1 lAi *"While at least six Conductron staff "Things got to a point," Norman says, notch job in bringing the University and members were on the University faculty "where I wouldn't let them do anything outside business closer together. the firm purchased about $250,000 worth at Willow Run laboratories without Siegel founded and until last February D of research work and services from the knowing about it personally. Obviously was president and chairman of the board school. Included were the use of WRL there was a situation where they (Con- of Conductron Corp., probably the most laboratory facilities for research work. ductron were competmg with Willow successful defense research spinoff firm . The University also made up equipment Run. Michigan has ever seen. for Conductron under a "job shop" But Siegel says, "Conductron never in arrangement. its history has competed with the Uni- Because the University's military re- search laboratories are in the develop-IS At the same time Conductron has versity. MLIARY RESEARCH Indeed Conductron and the University ment business-not the production busi- taken $39,000 mnebusioess from the Uni- nesantrlopruiyfrcme-AT MICHIGAN ver ity, including a $500sbcnrc have had a close working relationship ness-a natural opportunity for commer- .vityinldga $35,000 sub-contract oe h er.Cnuto a ie h cial enterprise arises out of capus re-: from the Air Force to test radar ab- ser ivis sorbers. University $250,000 in business, includ- Conductron produces radar and op- ing a contract of $28,000 to the aeo- '' a'4.. So in November, 1960, Siegel formed tical devices, flight simulators, gas air " Conductron scientists who were on space engineering department in March, Conductron after resigning his post as conditioners and many other products. the University staff used technology they 1966, and an $11,000 contract to the head of the electrical engineering de- Many of its key staff members came developed at the school to build devices mechanical engineering department in partment's radiation lab, a post he had from the electrical engineering depart- for the firm. December, 1966. Among other business held for four years. (Siegel retained his ment and the Willow Run Laboratory. Conduct'on was founded with Uni- Conductron has given the University is E.E. professorship.) Important products, such as radar ab- versity support. Siegel says that Univer- a $10,500 contract to the Institute of In the intervening seven years, "Kip" sorbing materials (used to g'et planes sity President Harlan Hatcher gave him Science and Technology in June. 1965 Siegel; as both friends and enemies call past enemy radar undetected) were in permission to start the company which and a $2,100 contract to the electrical _ - " " - <> him, built Conductron into a $50 million fields where the University had made was originally backed by Paramount engineering department in January, 1963. a year business and made at least $5 research breakthroughs, pictures. See CONDUCTRON, Page 7 Keeve M. Siegel TWELVE PAGES off -Daily-Thomas R. Copt Pentagon Reinforces, udePntc Tar o nt Board o fA4h Governors 1.1.UL lLUIA M JCLI LLL Wisconsin Students, Faculty Washington End Move To Continue Boycott Braces For to FreshmRen' s RTMENT T\f rl()A.(1','1 By RICHARD WINTER At a mass rally last night, over 7000 University of Wisconsin students voted to continue a boycott of classes which {began yester- day. An estimated 200 teaching fellows, striking in sympathy for the students, also voted to continue their walkout. Meanwhile, faculty members rejected a proposal to condemn the University of Wisconsin's administration for calling in riot-train- ed city police to break up a student sit-in. The sit-in which took place Wednesday was in protest of campus recruitment by the Dow Chemical Co., manufacturers of napalm being used in Vietnam. Sixty-five demonstrators and three policemen were injured as the police used tear gas and riot sticks to dispervse War Protest By DAVID KNOKE Paratroopers began landing in Washington yesterday as military officials initiated a defense-of- the-Pentagon buildup in prepar- ation for tomorrow's anti-Vietnam wai march. Although the Department of De- fense refused to acknowledge that 1 1111!.11 11.! ' 1 .L-11 con Alters PhD. Requirements' By JILL CRABTREE The faculty of the economics department yesterday voted to eliminate language requirements for its Ph.D. candidates, effective next fall the program should be made flexible to allow for differences in fields of concentration within the department. John Bishop, Grad, a student representative, said the students felt language skills were "irrele- vant" for many economics stu- dents, and that languages should be "strongly recommended"-but not required-for students plan- ning to go into fields where lan- guage skills would be a necessity, such as Chinese or Russian studies. Bishop said the faculty had been "very receptive" to the stu- dents advice. Department language require- ments recommendations are still subject to approval by Rackham Graduate School. However Prof. Harvey E. Brazer, chairman of the economics department, said he did' r .. )w_ - t-- + --UVV31.TVW 1,P-0 ;the paratroops were being brought; The economics department is the crowd. Thirteen student leaders of the demonstration were re- in specifically because of the dem- the third department in the liter- <.portedly expelled. Neither univer- onstiation a vanguard of 120 men ary college ti take such action sity officials nor city authorities of the 82nd Airborne Division from since the Executive Board of have acknowledged initiating the Ft. Bragg, N.C., flew i-n yesterday. Rackham Graduate School voted order for the use of riot sticks Several other planeloads were recently to turn over the matter ockhe and tear gas. scheduled to arrive later last night, of determining graduate lan-C Rock Threefiias ndiaandha Rumors indicated' that several Air Foice officials idicated that guage requirements to the imdi- C , ,tenured professors had resigned as many as 100 C130 troop tians- vidual departments. in protest while other unverified ports carrying 6,000 men could fly The psychology and psycholog- striking teaching fellows had pital to guard the Pentagon. previously taken similar action. By JIM HECK been suspended from their jobs. The Air Force officials empha- The faculty decision came after Six precincts of policemen from sized that the Defense Department consultations earlier in the day the Brooklyn area formed a flying m Faculty in e m b e r s narrowly is gearing to bring in whatever between the Executive Committee the roolynare fored flingpassed a motion to view films oftro force is necessary to main- ofteeooisdprmnIn wedge last night to break through the demonstration and the police troop er of the economics department and a~h barricadeaofo2,00nBrooklynlcce a barricade'of 2,000 Brooklyn col- actions in an effort to determine a group of elected representatives lege students blocking the path of Reach Permit Accord of economics graduate students. a paddy-wagon carrying 46 ar- Sponsors of the march and The economics graduate stu- rested youths. Pickets marched in front of government agencies yesterday dents met early last week and Eighteen Chicago area students numerous university buildings on reached final agreement on per- decided unanimously that the de- were arrested yesterday when they the Madison campus, although mits for a rally, parade, and dem- partment should not have a lan- attempted to enter a downtown students wishing to attend classes onstration. guage requirement binding on Chicago armed -forces induction were not stopped. The General Services Adminis- every graduate student, but that center hoping to block inductions. Chancellor William H. Sewell tration, which represents district ---- - - Restrained pickets brought peace said- the university would prefer service agencies, has indicated that yesterday to antidraft demonstra- charges against the leaders of the it will rely on the 200 civilian Pen- tions at the armed forces induc- demonstration and suspend them tagon guards to keep unauthorized tion center in Oakland, Cal., after firom school, referring their cases personnel out of the office build- ti ?ee days of mass arrests. But to the student conduct commit- ing where United States war policy piket leaders warned of more civil tee. Students have the right to is made. dsobedience today. appeal their suspensions. "We support the right of orderly I. Brooklyn one girl was re- The university has been sharply dissent," said one official, but we ported hit by the fleeing paddy- criticized by the Wisconsin state cannot permit anything to inter- wagon when the police managed legislature for its policy of exces- fere with the conduct of our busi- to break a path through the crowd. sive permissiveness toward stu- ness." Sponsors of the march have Two policemen were injured, one dent demonstrators. The legisla- refused to rule out possible at- seriously. Jeff Gordon, the spokes- ture called for the expulsion of tempts to sit-in at the Pentagon.' men for the rioting students was students "whenever necessary." Troops in Reserve reported unconscious after being Kenneth Greenquist, president The paratroops will probably be hit by a billy club, of the university's board of re- held in reserve at nearby bases, Students at Brooklyn College gents, issued a statement affirm- but some 850 military police mighth rongregated yesterday when PO- ing the board's "complete confi- be stationed inside the Pentagon, liceman came to arrest Gordon, a dence in President Fred Harring- according to sources. Saturday of- student who was attempting to ton and Chancellor Sewell to cope fice personnel drops to about 3,0.00 pass out anti-Vietnam war liter- with the present crisis." from a week level of 27,000. En- ature next to a Navy recruiting trance to the building from 6 p.m-~ booth set up at the school. Atty. Gen. Bronson . LaFol iday to 7 a.m. Monday is e When a college security chief te, however, has asked for creationFstricted to 7erson ayhise asked Gordon for his identifica- ofaa special committee to investi- stricted to persons with passes tions, he refused. Assistant Dean gate the violence. He seeks repre- Persons will be allowed to ente Rebertta Baker then reportedly sentation of police, the student a grassy mall in front of the Pen called in Brooklyn area policeman body, the governor's office, the tagon's main entrance between to arrest Gordon. Gordon- 'esisted legislature, and the attorney gen- 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. tomorrow. en1' s officp en ch nommittpe Aa fta ....:. ' SRC Claims Students Have Rig~ht To Set Conduct Rules'' not forsee any difficulty in get- ting his department's recommen- dations approved. The faculty has turned over to its Curriculum Committee the problem of what new require- ments, if any, will be made to re- place the language requirement. Brazer said new requirements may be made to take up the slack of the load reduction resulting from the elimination of language requirements. Accordingto Brazer, these re- quirements could take the form of either a broader range of courses in economics or courses outside the department. Bishop said the graduate stu- dents had discussed the issue of alternative requirements at their meeting last week, and had de- cided to postpone their decision until the entire graduate program in economics could be re-evalu- ated. Itdwas decided that the student representatives should talk to individual faculty members to "get an idea of their stand" on graduate requirements. These ideas will be incorpo- rated in a series of "position papers" outlining alternative pro- grams, which will be presented at a meeting of all economics graduate students for discussion. Asks lours Approval By Cutler Still, Necessary Resolution Covers Residential College, Central Campus Units By JUDITH KOMISHANE In "a pair of unanimous decis- ions, the Board of Governors of Residence Halls yesterday adopted resolutions supporting the abolit- ion of all women's hours, for all University houses. The resolution for central cam- pus housing, introduced by Don Racheter, executive vice-president of Inter-House Assembly,, takes the form of a recommendation to Vice-President Richard Cutler, who has the authority to imple- ment the proposals. "I immediately notified Cutler's office of the resolution," John Feldkamp, director of University housing, and chairman of the board, said "and I hope it will be implemented soon." Dr. Cutler claimed last night, that he knew nothing of the resolution. This resolution states that par- ental permission must be obtained by the individual women before hours will be waived. Student Government Council had previously granted houses the right to abolish women's hours. Stockwell has'been one of several women's units to do so. Yesterday, a freshman girl :vi4g in Stockwell attempted to 3il.J ier housemother a no-hours permission slip signed by her par- ents. The housemtother refused to accept that slip, telling her that the housemothers have been told to disregard all slips, and that the rules would remain the same until official word was received from the University, the girl who handed in the slip claimed. But Mrs. Abrams, the house- mother, though confirming the in- cident, said that she had received no official notice on the matter from anyone. The parental permission clause was an amendment by the board to the original resolution which asked that parental permission not be required. In adopting the a- 3 m "Awn f +Il R ..lal -n f By LYNNE KILLIN The Student Relations Commit- tee, a subcommittee of the Senate Advisory Committee on Univer- sity Affairs, yesterday claimed that "students . . . have the pri- mary responsibility to develop sets of rules affecting their per- sonal conduct." The resolution passed by SRC stated that "the University for- mulated no non-academic pari- ental regulations for students liv- ing in non-university housing. "The need for regulations for students living in University own- ed or affiliated housing, there- fore, depends upon that fact alone. As housing conditions vary so may the necessary regulations." "The Committee believes that the students involved should for- mulate their own rules . . . al- though enforcement and adjudi- cation of such rules may well'in- volve individuals other than stu- dents." The resolution further stated frmTheseuaes whatpotin that "the University. has a re- from te rs aptin --they will take vis-a-vis the facul- , sponsibility to develop workable guidelines concerning general stu- dent conduct . . . these guidelines should be consistent with 'local and general law, and with broad educational purposes. They should not be considered as rules; except that such conduct considered in- tolerable to the educational func- tion of the university community' should be' subject to appropriate academic discipline. "The Committee feels that reg- ulations concerning organizations of students within the Universityj are a proper sphere for joint stu- dent - university regulations, and for enforcement of such regula- tions." Roy Ashmall, Grad, a member of SC_ sadthat "this statement. ty," Bishop said. MSU REVERSAL EAST LANSING (/P)-Mich- igan State University yesterday asked some of its students to pay less for their winter term courses and the Legislature to pay more for the 1968-69 school year. The MSU Board of Trustees yesterday approved modifica- tions in its controversial "abil- . ity to pay" tuition plan and asked the Legislature to appro- priate nearly $55 million for general operation during the next fiscal year. The board adopted a mini-