I Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS mw. - .m Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. [HURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: PAT O'DONOHUE Making the Move To 'Dump Johnson in '68' ZOLTON FERENCY took a big step Tues- day. In calling for the rejection of Lyndon Johnson as the Democratic party's 1968 presidential candidate, the former gubernatorial candidate has be- come the first national party figure to join the "Dump Johnson in '68" band- wagon, and should be congratulated for his efforts. As Ferency explains: "It has now be- come obvious that the White House is in no mood to tolerate differences or dis- sent from, administration policy. And there will be no friendly gestures in the direction of the uneasy and unhappy liberals, intellectuals, and peace Demo- crats." What is most important, though, is not what the Democratic State Party Chairman has said, in that his statement not a particularly original analysis, but rather that a major party figure has finally opened the floodgates for dissent within the rapidly dying Democracy. It now becomes the responsibility of other party figures to renounce Johnson and to allow for an atmosphere within which other possible candidates may be considered. This is where the trouble begins, though, for Ferency, in all his frankness,'does not have a position to protect where other "leaders" such as Robert Kennedy, Eu- gene McCarthy, and Mike Mansfield do. It may certainly be that these men of "importance" will sacrifice their ideals for the pragmatism and safety of the present administration, as indeed they have indicated in the past. BUT THE SUPPORT of such men may not be needed, at least not at first. A more advantageous means would be to build up a substructure of sympathy for a non-Johnson ticket at the state level, with men like Michigan's Ferency at the forefront. If this were to be conducted successfully, then the Kennedys, McCar- thys, and the Mansfields would almost be forced to follow suit. Ferency, in his press release, may have started a ground swell for an alternative in 1968; his statement hopefully can act as a catalyst for a "real choice" can- didate. Johnson, though, must be re- placed at all costs. Harry S. Truman 'once caustically re- marked that "any fool can get himself renominated." Let's hope he wasn't right. -JOHN LOTTIER Associate EditoriAl Director r w 'Under the Influence Where Have All the Flowers Gone? of Meredith Eiker In days of old when nights were bold University far more even than they are hurting them- and the dramatic high tragedy which has resulted when And freshman girls had hours, selves. The concept of chivalry has been dealt a freshman girls were forced to leave their loves for the For a sweet young lass without a pass dastardly blow and the elimination of freshman women's night. Men have been forced into a position of com- Late minutes equalled flowers ... hours seriously threatens the remnants of masculinity plete honesty. No longer will they be able to secretly on campus. arrange a late date with an upperclass coed and have a hE WEEKEND ORDEAL of ingenuity which for years ready-made reason for taking the gentle freshwoman has challenged freshman women is coming to a mournful end. No one cares anymore whether screens UNIVERSITY MEN will lose the tradition of sending they're also dating home before two in the morning. can be carefully prepared for immediate removal on the roses to young ladies receiving late minutes on their ac- The University is witnessing the end of a great era cant becrfullyprepredforimeiatremhoval tihg count. What earthly good is a rose without a late min- and embarking upon another stripped of many of the first hlor of Stockwell; no one will spend hours sculpting ute attached to it? They will have no reason for waking weekend traditions it's held for so long. Housemothers shapely dummies for empty beds or bother to put hair- utatahdtitThywlhaenresnfrwknwekntrdtosi'hedfrslogHosmtespeeonplosCoebtlswlloeterueunsthsleigbatwhhapasdiastpriahaeencstsdeskeesofheesadwllid pieces on pillows. Coke bottles will lose their usefulness the sleeping beauty who has passed in a stupor in a .have been cast aside as keepers of the keys and will find as door stoppers, and woe of woe, apartment dwellers' roommate's bed. And pity the roommate who must nestle themselves spending many nights alone in the dorms asoorhstoppernandoer owoepraimnthimself and his "Snoopy" doll on the floor in front of with not even the remotest excuse for running a bed couches will no longer be at a premium. the TV for the night. check and saying good-night to the girls. As freshman women vote away the administrative chastity belt of hours, they are voting at the same time Univrsity m will now know what men i the ea WHAT OTHER INSTITUTIONS this new generation to eliminate the University's greatest opportunity for wi set like wen sfme was given t will seek to destroy is beyond my senior comprehension. utilizing students' creative resources. The "mission im- Without hours, freshman women have been given the Within a few years the University community may wit- posible" struggle which highlighted a coed's weekend right to participate in panty raids which have long been ness the end of window-peeping at Markley, midnight plans has ceased to be necessary. Privacy will once again monopolized by men. All the sport will evaporate from kisses under the Engin Arch, and roaring lions in front return to the walkways leading to women's dorms during panty raids as women come out and hand men items of of the Natural History Museum. the midnight hours and the ceremonious line-up for the underwear instead of making the men beg and plead Who knows, maybe someday someone will turn the last good-night kiss will dissolve. beneath a coed's window 'M' in the middle of the Diag upside down so that it's a The women, however, are hurting the men of the Ruined as well is the age old scene of unrequited love W'-for women. Letters: Sex and the Single iation Ethc To the Editor: express a unity already achieved). More on Revolution malists to the old Russian popul- suggests, would go unnoticed by HAVE RECEIVED enuogh com- Such acts express habitual msm- To the Editor: ists has a valid point, we think the organs of government, both ment on The Daily's report of cerity and reflect the inability of ROF. MENDEL'S article in that a more apt analogy (still state and federal. Perhaps, by the October 12 Symposium on Love persons to encounter others as Ssndrawing on Russian history) threatening the country with vio- to feel compelled to offer this re- persons, to participate fully and revolutions was both perceptive would compare the atmosphere in lence, they will awaken our som- iteration of my answer that eve- joyfully in the human reality. andthought provoking. Neverthe- Russia in 1904-05 with that of nolent leaders who will then ning to the question "Are you in The question becomes, in the less, we think there are a few our country today.. Russia was seething with revolu- towards social improvement in favor of premarital intercourse?" I end, one of the role of sexuality inf points that call for comment. tissnaya sethitandrviolenc on ord to prven thoemcenasin tried to articulate this position as human existence. I believe that we It is strange for example, that thonary sentiment nd violegvern ave of violence from becoming an alternative to D Schneider s and moral codes, products of an- the Vietnam war escaped mention ment was fighting its "splendid an open civil war. marital intercourse, other time, will need to give way most vociferous critics of that war little war" in the Far East. The Incidentally, things may well to a sex ethic expressive of our are our activists, moderates as Russo-Japanese War, like the get worse before they get better, The primary basis of any per- rising aspirations and new sensibil- well as extremists. All the acti- Vietnam war (as recent polls have for it is possible that, until they sonal relationship, in or outside of ities. I hope that the day is not indicated), was extremely unpop- get worse, nothing will be done marriage, is a mutual love, safe- far off when every individual will sts realize thetat e slums can- ular at home. But let us not get to solve the problems that plague guarded in its expressions by emo- be able to affirm his sexuality joy- nof helpm i classe candot lost in esoteric analogies. ue. tional sincerity-not by simple be- fully, confidently, and responsibly inifitly po veas lng Our maximalists today were -F. Philos havioral rules. Though I believe as an integral part of his human- be gnificatly proved as o not always maximalists. They be- -Carlos Montedoro that mutual desire,whether sexual ity tgan with nonviolent action to wealth are diverted to the war. To the Editor: or not, is never an appropriate aheelglcvlrgt;bti basis for human relationship, this -David M. Wulff, Counselor While Prof. Mendel's analogy he lea h bHE Graduate Art Association doeis nothman thatioheisexalhie Office of Religious Affairs comparing the American maxi- the last decade they became dis- HEGautArAsoiin does not mean that the sexual re- illusioned when they saw that the at a meeting Thurdsay night, lationship is always inappropriate real problems were economic, not endorsed a letter demanding evi- outside of marriage. \ racial. Is there any wonder that dence supporting the tuition dif- As the philosophere John Mac- \theysee an intimate connection ferences as they now exist between murry hs pt i, th la ofre-between the living standards of graduate and undergraduate stu- murray has put it, the law of re- the poor and the distorted values dents in the Art Department The lationships is simply this the of our society whose leaders are Association also ruled that unless hen nemaesobectof the squandering billions to kill peo- valid justifications are brought pleandgose ggstomake ti forth by Oct. 27, it would request othrevn f h cnsnt, oe io \ple and goose eggs to mk this that the University return the other, even if he consents, one vio- country lates the other's integrity and one country a ecent place i wh tuition difference to graduate stu- thereby violates his own. LearningtolvTeaiissmywl te ryinontessemotinaingismo ~"have their own psychological rea- dents. integrity in ones emotional life is sons for doing what they are do- The Graduate Art Association, never easy, especially in face of madeup of MA and MFA degree the pervasive dishonesties in our ing, but to a large degree their candidates, is concerned over the culture; yet it must be learned if psychological interests coincide gross inadequiacies underlying the individuals are to experience the with the material interests of the Graduate Arts programs and is por alarmed at administrative inef- commitment and intentional mu- aamda dmsrtv nf tuality of full human relationship. IT IS ALL well and good to ad- fectiveness in improving matters (The body of my address attempt- Physical conditions in the Art ed to suggest some qualities of vise the affluent extremists to Department are not only inade- genuine relationship, phenomena "f wcaseoadotg ene; bute quate, they are deplorable foster- which are still far too rare in this what would Prof. Mendel advise ing an attitude of frustration un- age of sex manuals and laboratory the conscious members of the low- matched by any other Graduate intercourse.) er classes - Carmichael, Brown, Department at the University. \ the Black Panthers, et, al.? How Many students are forced to rent BELIEVE TAT SEX would he advise them to go slow work space on their own, away tura and appropriate expression and be peaceful when the afflu- from the school, hoping to accom- of real unity between persons, ent society is paraded before the plish their work 'in spite of the achieved through emotional sin- eyes of the rat-bitten-slum dwell-+' shcool." cerity. The difficulty, of course, is ers every day by the mass media? The Association feels that the that most young people have little Prof. Mendel writes that the Art School fails in minimal res- und estnding o w hac love \*maximalists are irrelevant here ponsibility to its graduate stu- undestandiatg f wht such a love andacualy+arfultoth dents (in many cases graduate is. (Rilke states this well in his i , *ti ,=z:+1x " v.' and actually harmful to the det(imaycssgdue "Letters to a Young Poet.) I would \ cause of social justices in our students must work around un- guess that at least 95 per cent of country. Not necessarily. They dergraduate classes) and feels the acts of premarital intercourse are serve to focus attention on these University has a moral responsi- sadly inauthentic-and therefore burning problems, which, if at- bility to refund the tuition dif- inappropriate, unwise, "sinful" (in 3 "'KW' ' t A WAR. RAINWASH JOE. tacked in the slow quiet and that they separate, rather than ~ ~ " ~ MxE.''" peaceful manner Prof, Mendel -Daniel Higgins, chairman ............ . ......V. .. .. . . . . . ... . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . : . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... . . ., . .. ._ . r f You Dropped Your Card the Last Time You Visited?' A .4 I A The Fire This Time IT IS UNFORTUNATE that there were no photographers present at the Plaza Hotel this summer when Los Angeles po- lice - armed with nightsticks and work- ing their patrols in roving motorcycle bands - stamped a non-violent, non- obstructive, peace demonstration. Their pictures would have proved hauntingly similar to the now infamous shot of the Birmingham police "restoring order" at an early civil rights demonstra- tion with fire hoses, cattle prods, and police dogs. For, clearly, the peace movement is follow a path only too reminiscent of the one the civil rights movement took in the early '60's. Orderly, non-obstructive protests were then and are increasingly now met locally by violence and nation- ally by amused inaction. THE PEACE MOVEMENT, in fact, has already known far more serious frus- trations than its predecessor. Where civil rights at last secured national support, the anti-war drive has had to contend with the adamance of the federal govern- ment and the virulent counter-moves of the local police. The demonstrations in the Bay area this week may have set the mood of pro- test for the next several years. As pro- tests aimed only at expressing discontent over present policy consistently fail, they give way to acts of civil disobedience which attempt to slow the war by phy- sically obstructing war preparations. But the mood of violence has been set not by the protesters but by the police who have chosen to block orderly demon- strations with gas bombs and nightsticks -what the Oakland Police Department calls "normal crowd control procedures." GUERRILLAS GRENADING Dow Chem- ical plants are unlikely to replace the Detroit Lions as Sunday afternoon tele- vision fare. But it is equally inconceivable that the drive to end the war will crumble in the face of increasingly harsh police tactics. What is probable is that the protesters will counter force with force. The first acts of civil violence have been directed at attacking police, both in Oakland and yesterday at the University of Wisconsin. There is little doubt that the violence is going to spread. -RON LANDSMAN 4 A Token of Little Esteem IN PURSUING the commendable but un- attainable goal of numerical racial equality in the public schools, Michigan may be forgetting its foremost obliga- tion: to provide the highest quality of education for all the students of the state. Prompted by the outcome of a recent survey by the University's Survey Re- search Center, the state's Department of Education Plans to use the State Board of Education's constitutional power to direct The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by carrier ($5 by mal); $8.00 for regular academic school year ($9 by mail). Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 420 Maynard St, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Editorial Staff ROGER RAPOPORT, Editor MEREDITH BIKER. Managing Editor MICHAEL HEFFER ROBERT KLIVANS City Editor Editorial Director SUSAN ELAN ........... Associate Managing Editor STEPHEN FIRSHEIN ...... Associate Managing Editor LAURENCE MEDOW ...... Associate Managing Editor JOHN LOTTIER ........ Associate Editorial Director RONALD KLEMPNER .... Associate Editorial Director SUSAN SCHNEPP?............... Personnel Director NEIL SHISTER ............. . Magazine Editor CAROLE KAPLA ........Associate Magazine Editor LISSA MATROSS .................... Arts Editor ANDY SACKS ..... ......... Photo Editor RIOERT SHEFFIELD ... ... .Lab Chief NIGHT EDITOR~S: W. Rexford Beniot, Neal Bruss, school policies to integrate the teaching staffs of every district in the state--even those where no Negroes reside. Moreover, the department is asking that every pos- sible method be used to distribute Negro and white students equally within schools. SRC's findings do demonstrate clear racial imbalance. While 85 per cent of the state's pupils are white, 97.6 per cent of their teachers are white. Sixty per cent of the state's pupils attend all-white schools and 75 per cent of the Negroes attend schools which approach 100 per cent Negro enrollment. YET THE PROVISION of a few token Negroes in each school to "show child- ren what it is like to live in a multi-racial world" not only falls far short of remedy- ing the imbalance, but also makes the offensive assumption that Negro teachers are not only available to teach but are willing to be put on display in white suburban classrooms. And the request for homogeneous en- rollments -- which according to the de- partment could best be accomplished by busing, is unlikely to be taken with a smile by districts which are not anxious to spend their limited education money on large-scale transportation efforts. THE PROBLEM with both of the depart- ments' proposals is that they ignore the growing need for state money just to provide a top-flight education for the By DAVID KNOKE First of Two Parts THE MOST disappointed per- sons watching Monday's na- tionwide returning of draft cards to selective service boards were those men who had previously de- stroyed their cards and were un- able to participate. In 30 American cities and Lon- don, the total number of draft card burnings and returnings easily passed 1,000. In most in- stances, participants in the co- ordinated resistance effort were denied the satisfaction of having a selective service official volun- tarily accept the cards. In those instances, the registration slips were left on desks, doors or mail- ed into Washington Selective Service Headquarters. In Washington a Col. Olmer took cards from 11 men but de- nied that he had "accepted" them even while holding them in his lap. "It's the policy of the selec- tive service not to put people in jail but to get them to comply with the law. If they get another card, I'd say we'll forget about it," he said. BUT FORGETTING about the draft refusals is the last thing the resisters want. The massive na- tionwide effort was co-ordinated by a California-based group call- ed The Resistance as part of a week-long "stop-the-draft" move- ment of hand-ins, sit-ins and The first is the possibilities for prosecution; the second is keep- ing the movement alive. Under federal law, willful de- struction or non-possession of a draft card is punishable by up to five years in jail or $10,000 fine. Most of the militant sup- porters of the hand-ins fully in- tended to go to jail in the course of the civil disobedience. However, selective service offi- cials cooly played dumb by re- fusing to officially "accept" the severance of ties. None of the officials are willing to comment on what will follow, although FBI investigation is probably the next step. Local draft boards will probably be informed of a resister's non- possession of a card. However, the youth must have included a statement to the effect of non- cooperation with the handed-in card. Otherwise, he may receive the registration form in the mail with a note to the effect "We notice you dropped your card the last time you visited." The chances for prosecution appear very low. During the last April 15 mobilization at New York, 158 draft cards were burn- ed; since then only one burner has been arrested. Only 20 cases altogether have been before the courts. THE SITUATION is further complicated by two cases on non- session was an offense necessarily included within the charge of de- stroying the card. The Justice Department asked the Supreme Court to iron out the contradictions between this choose to speed up induction or- churches in Detroit have been ders as a form of punishment. offered as refuges. SEVERAL OLDER anti - war leaders have put forward a sym- bolic affirmation of support for BUT BEYOND the willful self- martyrdom of the draft resisters -a martydrom the selective serv- irgp wilfl t- r to avod fanning--the~ Id