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October 19, 1967 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-10-19

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'68 MOVE:
See editorial page


lflir i la


Occasional showers.
windy, cloudy, miserabl -

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
What Makes Willow Run: Tenti-M
EfITOs NOTE: This is the third of a used for flying out B-24 aircraft pro- Willow Run is not the only military graduate students and 70 undergraduates
four part series on military research at (he
University by a team of Danly reporters. duced at an adjoining plant. research .unit attached to a major college "Willow Run is a place where young
By STEVE WILDSTROM In the intervening 21 years Willow Run Campus. MIT., Cal. Tech, and Johns Hop- people ca (get excellent experiences,.
and has: kins for example, all have military re- says Norman. "In many ways it resembles
ROGER RAPOPORT earned the University an internation- search laboratories affiliated with the post-doctoral experience. A lot of people
Editor al reputation in the fields of aerial recon- schools. in the engineering field got their training
Your deadly missile is right on target. /:,... . But the distinction here is that "Wil- at Willow Run.
But the enemy's radar screen has pin- low Run is much more a part of the Ui- The Willow Run staff does a limited
pointed it in the sky. So to foil the radar a "9 0/ versity than the laboratories at other amount of academic instruction. "Some
a sophisticated signal is sent out to jam schools," explains Vice President for Re- of the people at Willow Run don't even
the radar. But the clever enemy has an search A, Geoffrey Norman. know what the main campus looks likes'
anti-missile that will intercept your mis- Wilowuni an ingal ad rto tiys one employe.
ile by homing onto the jamming signal. University, the dominant unit in the Io This year memberscf the Willow Run
What can you do to get past that anti- titute of Science and Technology, which taffwill take part in teaching 17 ouses,
missile that's homing onto your jamming serves as a kind of scientific hoding coin- Eadsns~.
of the enemy radar that is tracking your Thelan ahe laboratory ha about 60 contracts
missile?ds But at Cal Tech the school rus the J"tUcsrryntly including 40 ponsored by de-
Donald E. Barres, a scientist at the Pi opulsion Laboratory for the National Tense department agencies, 15 sponsored
University's radio science laboratory atAronautics and Space Administration by other government agencies sh tas
the Willow Run center has worked on th e aIeyNASd as a separate unit in the school. he De paineit of the Interior and the
problem. That is, NASA contracts with Cal Tech to National Science Foundation, and seven
To help arrive at an answer he ran a un the laboratory for them. with industrial or educational instiu-
simulated test of the "University of A similar situation exists at John:Hop- ti lis.
Michigan Nike Systemh" against the eii I nIAY in t ShaAve II kins where the Appied Physics Labor- TIe WRL budget h s totaled approxi-
"Countdown Counter-measure." AT MICHIGAN at ory i run under a $62 milion contract mnately $11 million for the pa. tthree
Barres' project in the field of electronic ...... ...>. r / for the Navy, and at M.I.T. which runs eas. Last year WRL had a budget of
counter-measures done on a secret defense msac.ifae ehooyadsni the Lincoln Labs for the Air Force $11788,000 which dwarfed all the other
department research contract reflects the dierC under a contract. Inall three cases the litebmasnment.tsnof mploy i stitute of
kind of work being done at the Univer- services pay the school a managementSincx angwhc ad a
Iity's Williow Run Laboratory. Last year -given the University the unique fee "W'rninoteloratries hihar hombined budget ok lihtl ndm1(w
the University picked up $66.2 million distinction of being probably the only stfedounninere labrkaolesl wc em .
worth of federal research contracts, more schooln the nation to have a missile But here, the University administrates Life at Willow Run is not radically dii-
than any other school in the country, named after it-BOMARC.( Boeing Mich- the lab and takes an overhead fee with, kerent from that at any military orrnted
And the largest single portion of the igan Aeronautical Research Center ach defense contract to defray overhead stablishment. One emiploye tells of opeH-
work is done at Willow Run. -made the "University of Michigan the costs. itu o n aigotasako
In what was probably the best real leading free world authority in surveil- "We're close to Unique in the national aerial photograps taken in Vietnam which
estate deal since the Louisiana Purchase, lance technology," according to the Army. situation," says WRL director Rune identify enemy troops concentrations,
the University acquired the entire Willow -made the school the national clear- Evaldson. "We're remarkably a part of the campfires, trucks and the like. (WRL -c
Run Airport area, east of Ypsilanti, as inghouse for ballistic missile radiation University." The laboratory staff of over aids the =government in eonnaisance TRACKING INTERCONTINENTAL BALLISTIC MI&
government surplus for one dollar, in 1946. phenomena information, as well as infra- 770 including 270 academic appointments, w r. the job of the defense department's new observatory
During World War II the airfield was red and seismic information. 330 non-academic appointments. 100-120 See WILLOW, Page 8 Haleakala in Maui, Hawaii. The observatory is run by

ourte y Willow Run Labs IST
SILES and satellites is
atop 10,000 ft. Mount
the University.

Student, Faculty Strikes
Protest Police Violence

Petition Ends T
Curfew Rule
At tockwell





Lloyd, Frost Houses
Alter Visiting Hours
III Opposition to 'U' P l aU 1

Approximately 5,000 University
of Wisconsin students voted at
a mass rally last night to hold a
strike in protest of an attack by
city police on student demonstra-
At least 65 students were in-
jured in the melee in which po-
lice used tear gas and riot-sticks.
In other action, at an ad hoc
meeting last night faculty mem-
bers voted overwhelmingly to go
on a sympathy strike today.
The faculty interrupted their
meeting to join the student rally.

They surrounded the rallying stu-
dents to protect them from pos-
sible police attacks.
The students were sitting-in to
demand that the university bar
Dow Chemical Co. representatives
from recruiting students on cam-
pus. Dow is the major producer
of napalm for use in Vietnam.
Chancellor William Sewell sus-
pended further recruiting inter-
views until a faculty meeting to-
Sewell called for the meeting
yesterday before the faculty voted
to join the students.

Sewell also suspended several,
leaders of the sit-in. The demon-
stration was organized by a joint
effort of campus organizations.
The president of the Student
Senate, Michael Fullwood, issued
a statement laying the blame for
the police action -on the demon-
strators. A student senator re-
signed in protest of the statement.
In a statement, Sewell said, 'I
deeply regret that it was necessary
to bring police to the campus.
This was done only after our
officers and staff found it im-
possible to maintain law and
Ihe demonstration s t a r t e d
around noon with several hundred
students entering the Commerce
Building as classes were in session
there. The sit-in continued quietly
for oveir an hour when campus
police chief Ralph Hanson order-
ed the demonstrators to leave the

Draft Demonstration
Continues at Oakland


for discipline (which) may include
in tarim iinn cin of trdmnt."

Demonstrations at the Oakland U ' r th a li a When this order was ignor'd.
Army Induction Center entered according to the Daily Californian Hanson consult-d Sewll and
their third day yesterday as 3,000 Heyns was out of town yesterday Joneph Kaufflta, dean of stu-
California students peacefully pic- and was unavailable for further det affairs, and returned to an-
keted the Center, comment. den at seturned to
nounce that those who did not
The protesters jammed sidewalks Ray Colvig of the university's leave the building immediately
and chanted as a few dozen staged Public Relations Office said that would be subject to arrest.
a sit-in at the entrances of the the administration is trying to m
Army Induction Center in Oakland meet the injunction to avoid con- A few minutes later, heleted
until police dragged them away. tempt of court charges. They are city police, untder the control of
currently asking that all student ,Hanson. attemnpted to enter the
The mood of the demonstration buildin but ere at first pushed
was distinctly different from Tues- organizations sign an affidavit dnk bt wereeat frstosh
day's violent confrontation be- agreeing to the stipulations of by the student protestors.
tween protesters and police. Ex- the injunction. Only one group, Tear Gas
cept for the few students who de- Volition, has signed so far. Colvig As classes were changing, a
cided to commit civil disobed- labeled the group "Goldwater con- second attempt backed by tear
fence by blocking the doorways, servative." There are some 200 gas and flying night sticks proved
the majority of the demonstrators student organizations on campus. more successful in clearing the
merely picketed and chanted anti- Student and faculty groups have building.
war slogans. The mood of the joined in a legal attempt to have One of the students hospitalized
rally was far more peaceful, un- the injunction rescinded. The As- by injuries received from the po-
like the tense feeling which sur- sociated Students of the Univer- lice, called the police tactics "ex-
rounded Tuesday's activities. sity of California at Berkeley and ceptionally brutal." Several by-
Present plans include a "day of the Faculty Peace Committee, standers, including students com-
rest," scheduled for today. for employing university law school ing from classes in the Commerce
the protesters, according to the professors as their legal advisors. Building,. were hospitalized with
Daily Californian. the Berkeley have submitted a joint petition to injuries received from night
student newspaper. A noon rally .that effect. sticks.
on the steps of Sproul Hall, the
Berkeley administration building.
is also scheduled to take place
today. There are no immediate A " In v
at the Oakland induction center.
The students voted at a rally O 7i
pitinoevr andjg wilfagin7 An'ti-War Dem
yesterday to abandon peacefulik t n ,h w v ra d w l g i
attempt to halt the transport of
inductees into the center. Stu- By LEE WEITZENKORN of the Michigan ACLU termed
dents will rally at 5:00 a.m. at The American Civil Liberties Holmes' announcement as "scan-
Lafayette Park in Oakland on Union has strongly denounced a dalous." He called it a "malicious
Friday morning and then proceed proposed investigation which could at tempt to interfere with the con-
to the center where they will at- lead to criminal action and in- stitutional rights of young people.
~~~~~~tiulla rfa sit.l, ofw~ frcngn 1}t1' ,,t ,p nt '


Freshman women in Stockwell'
Hall abolished their hours restric-
tions last night, when 150 of the
200 freshmen living in the hall
signed a petition to that effect.
Total elimination of hours for
any individual freshman is con-
ringent on parental permission.
Stockwell is the fifth women's
house to abolish curfew sincej
Student Government Council rec-
ognized their right to do so last1
At the same time, Lloyd House,
in West Quad, eliminated all re-
strictions on visitation by inem-
bers of the opposite sex. The ac-
ticn, in direct contradiction to'
University regulations, is in line
k ith a recent Inter-House Assem-
bly move to allow the individual
houses to set up their own per-
s'nal conduct codes.
Later yesterday evening, Frost
House. in Markley Hall, voted tol
have continual open-opens from
mecn to midnight Sunday through
Thursday, and from noon to 1
a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays.
Under existing University regula-
tiens, visitation hours for mem-
bers of the opposite sex are per-
knitted on Friday, Saturday, and
Sunday only.
The new visiting hours mut-
still be approved .by the Frost
stiff, and then by Bruce Storey,
director of Markley Hall.
Meanwhile, in Hunt House,
whose 31 freshmen had already
unanimously petitioned to abolish
their hours, Hunt Council adopt-
ed two resolutions, one abolish-
ing late minute penalties for girls
violating the University-establish-
ed curfew, the other establishingK
these curfews as house rules.
See HOUSES, Page 2I

FiVe-Year Programi
Included in Request
Sent to Legislature
The University yesteiday sub-
mitted a capital outlay request to
the Legislature of $18,493,000 for
The request, essentially the same
in content as the one submitted
last year, is for completion of
buildings now in construction, for
new projects and for remodeling.
The 1967. Legislature provided
capital outlay funds only for con-
-Associated Press tinuation of five projects already
monstrators who were staging a underway: Medical Science Unit
rotesting job recruiting on cam- II, the Dental Building, heating
var. Several demonstrators were plant improvements, surgical wing
ere no serious injuries reported. renovation at University Hospital,
and elevator renovation and ad-
ditions at the hospital complex,
totalling $9.3 million.
Five-Year Program
In addition to the 1968-69 re-
quest, the University also sub-
/ mitted to the state budget director
a five-year program for 1968-73
of 5140,545,845. This puts the year-
to-year requests to the Legisla-
Studentsspective, John McKevitt, assistant
tui R ISe inoant~ rwhpr
.to VicePresident for finance
dents I talked to were all very Wilbur Pierpont, explained.
capable boys, and it was a real McKevitt- said the five-year pro-
pleasure to talk with them." gran is not a request for funds,
O'Neal spoke with approximately but simply an aid to the budget
18 students by appointment. director in drawing up Gov,
O'Neal has been travelling to George Romney's annual appro-
various law schools across the priations request to the legisla-
country for "quite a while no'." tors.

.i. WF

USING NIGHT STICKS AND TEAR GAS, police routed anti-war den
sit-in at the University of Wisconsin yesterday. The students were p
pus by Dow Chemical Co., which supplies napalm for the Vietnam w
bloodied in the melee and a detective was hit by a brick, but there w
Offer Informaton P
To Prospectue L/a

However, according to Mazey,
any action directed against the
demonstrators "hasn't a whisper
of a chance." He said the ACLU
has been involved in other cases
involving Vietnam dissenters in


The Law School is conducting
a counselling-information service
for prospective law upperclass-
men. This will mark the second
year that the service will be avail-
The moan behind the ide~a is
Law Prof. James White who, to-
gether with Mrs Patricia Robin-
son of the junior-senior counsel-
ling office, has invited represent-
itives firom approximately, 20 top
aw schools in the country to
speak to University students de-
siring personalized information
about specific lav schools.
"Generally, the representatives
talk about the equrements of

"Some of the Big Ten schools
we contacted couldn't Iit us into
their schedule because we con-
tacted them too late," Mrs. Robin-
son explained, "and the Univer-
sity of Virginia law school simply
told us they were cutting back
their visitation program."
David Tahel, a University of
Chicago alumntus and represemt-
ativeĀ° for tha<t school said, "'I think
it's a t'ery good progi'ain. It's
som.ething htshould be dlone
Imore extensively, \hen I was in
law school, we, unfortunately,
never had anything like this.,
People had to select law schools
on the basis of alnost no personal
information. My purpose in corm-
ing was to discuss the University

He pointed out that "small, lib-
eral arts schools have had a pro-
gram like this for quite some
time. Even schools such as Van-
derbilt and Minesota have re-I
derbilt and Minnesota have re-
hatively well-established programs."
How does the University's pro-
gram compare to the others he's,
"Yours is a new program," he
saI. "It'getting off to a very
arn ~t I-'hrpp vna r.c ' a na,..

Romney's budget message usu-
ally comes in January, and capital
outlay requests from Michigan's
state-supported schools and col-
leges are traditionally acted on
by the Leagislature in April or
May, he added.
Remodeling Funds
This year's University request
includes $3,623,000 for remodeling
and additions to general education
facilities; $8,530,000 for new con-
struction of classroom, laboratory.

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