RULES & REGULATIONS: TO EACH HER OWN See editorial page SitA6 Aait CLOUDY AND COOL Light showers, clearing in afternoon and evening Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom - - - - -. .-T.EN-- PA G ES:.- ---. - VOL. LXXVIII, No. 42 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1967 SEVEN CEN TS TEN PAGES Secret EDITORS NOTE: This is the second of a four part series by a team of Daily reporters on military research at the University. By STEVE WILDSTROM You walk through the door of the non-descript, converted Army building marked "Director's Office." Just inside the entrance a uniformed security officer asks you to state your business. The party you've come to see is paged on the intercom and when your story checks out you sign into a register and are issued a numbered badge reading "Visitor-Escort Required." While awaiting the arrival of your escort, you glance at the posters on the lobby wall: "Security, too, depends on teamwork" and "Don't discuss classified material over the telephone." Although more reminiscent of a spy movie than Angell Hall, this is the scene at the University's Willow Run Labora- tories at Ypsilanti. Located at a former Nike missile site, amidst cornfields and woods on the eastern edge of Willow Run Airport, WRL is the heart of a campus security story that spreads onto the University campus 10 miles away. In recent years WRL's classified work has expanded to the Gas Dynamics and Aeronautical Engineering Laboratories and the IST building on North Campus. Classified work is also done at the Cooley Laboratories on North Campus and the Radiation Laboratory on Catherine St. About $9 million of WRL's $11 million 1967-68 budget is classified work sup- ported by the Defense Department. Evald- son said. According to director Thomas Re search: Uncle Sam Wants U' W. Butler. $600,000 of Cooley Labs' $1,090,000 budget is in classified work. The Radiation Laboratory has under $100,000 in classified work. The physical trappings-badges, guards, escorts, locked safe-files tell oniy a small, albeit dramatic, part of the military sec- urity scene. A cr U . MILITARY RESEARCH AT MICIIIGAN Classified work also involves closed courses, seminars, and conferences, classi- fied and unclassified versions of some publications, widespread confusion and some complaining. Generally the University is not opposed to doing secret work: Explains Vice-Pres- ident for Research A. Geoffrey Norman, "Some fields are totally classified, if you want to play the game, you have to play by the rules." George Zissis, head of the WRL infra- red physics laboratory added, "We hard- ly ever turn down government money for a classified project when it remotely fits into any of the programs we're working on." The impact of the security measures extends from the electrical engineering department classroom to the highest echelons of the administration. For .example, last year the Army de- cided that it wanted 10 of its officers to "be aware of the latest talent and tech- niques in electronic warfare," explained electrical engineering department chair- man Hansford W. Farris. So for $23,000 the University set up a special semester long course during the fall term last year. The men took a spe- cial classified course in jamming and penetration aids according to Farris. In this course they studied techniques for jamming radar and looked at such questions as whether they should use FM or AM radio signals to jam. In addition the officers also took three unclassified engineering school classes in antennas and radiation. systems analysis and com- puters. "After the course was over the officers split up. Some went to Vietnam others went to Berlin and elsewhere," said Far- ris. "We put the course on because the Army wanted the package," he added. "But in the future I think we'll discour- age this kind of thing. They can do it at their own schools more cheaply." Radar is one of the fields in which vir- tually all frontier work has military ap- plications and radar research at the Uni- versity, therefore, is almost entirely clas- sified. Other fields in which University researchers work, such as infrared remote sensing and holography, the science of lenseless, three-dimensional photography, are also heavily classified. Because most frontier research in radar is classifed the engineering school's 10 day summer conference on "Principles of Synthetic Aperture Radar" was secret. About 95 participants paid $300 to learn how radar can be used to resolve objects at great distances from the earth. The project was sponsored by the Air Force. Similarly the national "Radar Sym- posium" which the University has con- ducted for the past 13 years is classified. This year about 500 representatives of government, industrial and educational institutions attended the three day clas- sified meeting devoted entirely to ad- vanced radar techniques. It wad held in Seattle in June. Security also presents, some difficulties with students. Although students can and do work on classified projects, all these and dissertations must be public, that is, unclassified. According to Cooley's Butler, this may :esult in a student preparing two versions of his dissertation research re- port, a public one for his degree and a classified one for his government sponsor. Nelson W. Navarre, assistant director of Cooley says a majority of the doctoral students working on their dissertations See CLASSIFICATION, Page 7 -Daily-Robert Sheffield LOCKED SAFE-FILES in the basement of the Cooley Electronics Laboratory on North Campus. Security rules require that the files must be closed and the locking bars put in place at the end of the day. I Ferency Blasts Anti-War Protesters LBJ Intolerance Try To Halt Induction, State Democratic Chairman Says Johnson Could Hurt Party Ticket LANSING (R) - An unpopular Lyndon Johnson heading the Democratic ticket next year could mean trouble for the whole ticket, State Party Chairman Zolton Ferency said yesterday. In a statement released by the Democratic State Central Com- mittee, Ferency expressed unhappiness with what he described as attempts by national party leaders to prevent counter-insurgency in party ranks. "It has now become obvious that the White House is in no mood to tolerate differences or dissent from administration policy," he said. "And there will be no friendly gestures in the direction of the uneasy and unhappy liberals, in- tellectuals and 'peace' Demo- crats." "Apparently, t h o s e currently holding national Democratic party .--.--..reins have already decided that they will name the ticket and write the platform, and every- bodyshad better become be- lievers." Power Structure Y; Ferency warned that if the "Washington Democratic power structure continues down the 'shape-up-or-ship-out' path it has chosen, the 1968 Democratic na- tional convention will either be a donnybrook or a dud." "Which it will be," he said, "de- pends on the reaction of the dis- stsidan d dissentngDeo S" E IY tt V d is] iD c b t+ i u Y ;a d 'd a 0 I 't 'rl 4 t :f t 1 Battle Oakland Poice By RON LANDSMAN the Oakland Induction Center. ing behind the injunction" to keep A crowd of some 3500 college "The committee feels that the students from using their facil- students from the San Francisco injunction will set a precedent bar- ities as they want to. Bay area was bi oken up by police ring all future political activity The demonstration at the induc- yesterday morning when they at- ' on campus," Lipson explained. tion center is the second in two tempted to disrupt operations at I The university recognized the days, both being organized in the he Oakland Armed Services In- injunction, which was served at name of the "Stop-the-Draft- duction Center. The policemen t.he request of the Alameda County Week." Some 50 were arrested on shoved back the students using Supervisors, and closed university Monday, including folk singer Joan iight sticks and "normal crowd facilities to the student-organized Baez and all were given ten day control procedures," while nine rally. Miss Lipson charged that the sentences yesterday in municipal >uses carrying draftees to the cen- university administration is "hid- court. ter were unloaded. Meanwhile, in Detroit, sixteen w'ar protesters were threatened Lici yesterday with possible inductionE U Se ate Resds and criminal prosecution for turn- .ng in their draft cards in a noisy - ue- demonstration at a downtown 1/fl ZIi The 16 youths, backed by other S/ anti-war sympathizers, picketing By STEVE NISSEN proval of the anti-war movement, outside had jammed 'the reception The Student Senate of Eastern the bill merely enables students room of the Wayne County Selec- Michigan University last night to attend a "politically signifi- Monday. rescinded an appropriation of cant gathering" despite a cost The Berkeley confrontation, $250 in student funds to subsi- which might be prohibitive to part of "Stop-the-Draft Week" ac- dize bus transportation to the many. tivities held across the country, Fall Mobilization in Washington The bill's sponsors claim stu- followed an all-night rally held on Saturday. The senate had come dents support the measure, citing the Berkeley campus. The rally under heavy pressure from stu- a recent poll of 400 students was held in defiance of a court dent body elements and adminis-' taken at the McKinney Union by _ ... . _ ._ - ators.t..,.. Fo1...:.ow aing te-oIg i nn svrn a fn mirm e ii e 1h~a x L -Associated Press OAKLAND POLICEMEN (dark uniforms) are backed up by Highway Patrolmen as they clear demon- strators from in front of the Armed Forces Induction Center in this California city. Of the 3,509 demonstrators at least 12 were hospitalized and more than 25 arrested during the disturbance. CONFUSION PREVAILS: Houses Watch, Wait, Activate ZOLTON FERENCY Voice Slatesi Petition On Research By AVIVA KEMPNER Voice Political Party-Students for a Democratic Society voted last night to circulate a campus petition on the issue of war re- search at the University. The petition will express op-I position to secret research and urge all the members of the aca- demic community not to engage in any military studies. The peti- tion will be circulated beginning later this week after Voice's war research committee composes the final draft. Voice has been the, presence of military research at the University continuously dur- .ing the last year, and has discus- sed nossible tactics at several of crats to this early pressure from " ver 'resh ien H oursIssueiinjunction prohibiting the gather- the Johnson administration." Poing. And, if no organized Democratic Police and university officials opposition materializes soon, he By MARCY ABRAMSON of freshman women in the Resi- sley's Hamilton and Sanford decided not to challenge the stu- added, "everybody might just as and JENNIFER STILLER dential College to end their hours. { Houses voted nearly unanimously dents on campus over the injunct- wedty efrod the conven- While Alice Lloyd House Judi- Freshmen in two dorms, Jor- for a reslution stating that they 'ion, but when the protest moved to tion unless they are for one more- ciary yesterday told freshmen dan and Stockwell, as well as would have "no hours, contingent the induction center the Oakland chorus of 'Happy Birthday women that only the University Little House in Markley, are on parental permission." Police Department, the Califor- LBJ H, can regulate hours, Blagdon House waiting to see what the Board In many houses freshmen ai e jnia State Highway Patrol, and the Democrats are deeply concern- in Markley 'Was drawing up par- of Governors will decide before only talking about hours. Some Alameda County Patrol combined edabout e continueeclno ental permission slips for Blag- taking any action. But others, don't realize that anything is to disperse the protesters. the President in the popularity don freshmen, who have already following the lead set Monday by happening. Fisher House, in aLorie LSop thmember oftek abolished curfew. freshmen in Blagdon, are voting, Markley will hold a meeting to- ones Feersencynowhowd.ocommittee, charged that the Po- "Popularity polls and opinion No one seems to know how to circulating petitions, and other- aay to explain to freshmen the ciee car g sed ta h t - surveys create a bandwagon ef- handle the resolutions by Student wise campaigning for the aboli- power they now have, according sticks in dealing with the crowd fect that's hard to reverse," he lnentCouncil, Joint Judi- tion of hours in their houses.urt- Anne Pegley, judiciary chair- "icks ideaing w int e sad.!vetrnhtfrsmeni "r ima.They tried beating us into leav- I. sembly which have given freshmen ! ing," she said. IfsistanutoothechiefBofthe Oak .anid an n exuyar 's pr women the right to determine However, an administrative as- addtcandidate, and if next year's pres- T oheirl Uwnohaurs sistant to the chief of the Oak- idential campaign descends to the their own hours. e 0end Police Department denied level of an electronic beauty con- SGC resolved that 51 per cent i landPlc Deatnt eid testthe wholecDroc rauticket of the freshmen women in a house that' any gas was used in dealing test,could petition to eliminate theirDemorat A with the demonstration. The "nor- could be in trouble for all the could Jidecided to refuse to Rhto Dl mal crowd control procedures" as wrong reasons," he added. hor.JCd;ee Erlysommimentd uphold any late minutes given byh xplained, iclude nghtsticks' Early Commitments house judiciaries which will not By SUE ELAN of conflict where it belongs-be- "wedge" and "diagonal" forma- Ferency s a i d the national acept freshman petitions. IHA de- Associate Managing Editor tween the whole student body, tions, and helmetsfor the officers. "powers - that - be" are seeking termined that each house is to Joint Judiciary Council voted which authorized the rules, and The nightsticks, he added "were early and solid commitments make its own personal conduct last night to notify residents of the administration, not between used to good end." makeitshwn prsonlccoductlascnigt tonotiyereidensio from the various state delegations regulations. the University housing system the student and an individual st actions pointing out that 'this to Johnson "and all of his works And John Feldkamp, director of that they may take the initiative member, Steinberger added. ~as oiig out hat and deeds." University Housing, told IHA JJC, in other action, acquitted was no regular non-viblent crowd andnveiy ousng 0 in bringing their cases before the .JCin - -___ ___ __-__ where the protestors are carried Last night a substitute measure was introduced which would au- thorize the Student Senate to act as an. agent for the distribution of the $250. However, the funds would have to come from dona- tions by campus and community groups, rather than the senate. The 'motion was passed after three hours of heated d'ebate. EMU Vice-President for 'Busi- ness and Finance Lewis Proffit explained last night that "public funds at our university will not be used for political purposes." He said that he would not have approved the $250 check if the senate had refused to reconsider its setion. Circumvents Veto According to senate public re- la ions director Dick Skutt the new bill effectively circumvents Proffit's veto on student govern- ment budget appropriations be- cause the funds come from out- side sources. The $250 appropriation reduces student transportation costs for the trip from about $23 to $5 for the first 36 students who signed up on a "first come, first served basis." passage of the bill last week by say a majority of those polled sup- a 13-12 vote. . . ported the appropriation. Student's Tell Antioch 'End War Work" By JIM HECK -Special To The Daily YELLOW SPRINGS, Ohio - In a mass meeting held last night, students at Antioch College is- sued an ultimatum to the ad- ministration to stop immediately all war research currently being carried on at the college. Student Leader Eric Stand told over half of Antioch's 900 campus student body at a meeting yesterday, "If they don't stop re- search by, next Wednesday, stu- dents will enter the buildings to stop it." Antioch has been carrying on war research with the Air Force since the end of World War II. Most of the approximately $500,- 000 in research has centered on projects dealing with the eom- parisons between ariel and human Dem heard ticket{ started ocrats who want to be on either the national or platform had better get d before the end of the year, Monday that residence hall staff will merely "counsel" offenders, even though they are breaking of- ficial University rules. According student judiciaries. Students reprimanded by dor- mitory staff members for conduct six students charged with a group of Te eeuigrcsad violation of Inter-House Assem- off. "They were using rocks and Sviitation f uInes.-hesdecision sticks, and had blocked all the bly visitation rules. The dstreets and sidewalks," he said. rested on the grounds that at the "California law recuired us to dis-