Indiana . . . .21
Iowa . . . . . . 17
Purdue . . . . . 4.1
Ohio State . . . . 6
Minnesota. . . . 10
Illinois . a . a 7
. r . 13
. .Z
Southern Cal . . 24
Notre Dame. . . 7
Colorado . . . . 23
Missouri . . . . 9
Georgi(i .
. . . 29
.s . . 21
Shippensburg . . 28
Lock Haven . . 13
See editorial page
Ink r43zma
Cooler. 40 Per Cent
Chance of Rain
Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
_ , u , .,r a,_, --- -
i/iV i.i i { LA]
Spartans Crush
Associate Sports Editor
It's bad politics to draw 103,200 people together and then bore
them stiff for over an hour.
Jim Raye, Al Brenner, and Sterling Armstrong obviously aren't
politicians. In a 24 second span near the end of the first half, this
Michigan State trio put together enough football skill to render ster-
ile the remaining 31 minutes.of what is sometimes a great football
The score was a not unreasonable 14-0 in favor of State with
just over two minutes left in the first half, when Raye threw on the
fly from his own 30 yard line all the way down to the Michigan 15,
where Brenner took the ball in front of baffled Michigan safety
George Hoey and scampered into the end zone.
Seconds later Dick Vidmer's last pass of the game landed
comfortably in Armstrong's gut on the Michigan 42 yard line, and no
one stopped the senior substitute cornerback until he reached the
. r**::.:::~:x-...... ~ ... ....*.*
Despite the fact that most Michigan fans went home
sad last night, a handful found cause for elation in the
day's events. Those who stopped at Wines Field after leav-
ing the football game saw the Michigan rugby club claim a
pair of hard-fought victories from Michigan State.
The ruggers, enjoying their best day of the season, won
the 'A' contest 3-0, then came back to take a lopsided 18-3
decision in the 'B' game. (See story, page 7 ).
k 4
-Daiiy-Bernie Baker
one of his rollouts in the second half of yesterday's game. The
junior kept the ball 11 times gaining 33 yards while completing
6 for 17 passes.
SGC Establi shes
Counseling Service
Wolverine eight yard line. Raye's first play from scrimmage, a pass
out in the right flat to Frank Foreman, was good for the TD and the
score at the half was 27-0.
Head Coach Bump Elliott of Michigan, and his Spartan coun-
terpart, Hugh "Duffy" Daugherty, agreed that the five touchdown
margin "was not indicative of the closeness of the game." They were
right. It was worse. "
Traffic on the green grass of Michigan Stadium yesterday was
as one way as Saline road after the game, and it was all moving to- MICHIGAN CORNERBACK GEORGE HOEY
ward the Wolverine goal line. the first half in yesterday's 34-0 loss to the SI
Vidmer and his offensive associates started seven drives in the MSU's third touchdown of the afternoon. T
first half. The first six were capped by Pete Drehmann's ubiquitous -
punts and the seventh by Armstrong's interception. The total net RULES CONAT RO EDRSY-
Wolverine yardage in the first half was an eyebrow-raising -4, in- . . 1
cluding 40 through the air and 44 backwards on the ground.
MSU had eight chances to move the ball, which was only one
more than Michigan. The difference was measured in yardage and
yard gains, and whenever the' Wolverine defense, which was essen-
tially geared for a running offense, did stop him, he would throw the By MICHAEL HEFFER units they d
ball to Brenner or Foreman, accurate six out of ten times, thrice to city Editor countered I
each. aily News Analysis thing from1
MSU's halftime yardage total was 267, 137 on the ground and Individual dormitory houses, "IHA felt
130 through the air. prodded by Joint Judiciary Coun- extreme, so
Eighty-five of these came on the first of the four Spartan cil and Student Government to relegate
scoring marches late in the first quarter Rave started the drive with Council, have begun an attack up- make condi
-Dally-Jay Cassidy
leaps in vain for a pass from Michigan State quarterback Jimmy Raye near the end of
partans. State end Al Brenner, however, gathered it in and reached the end zone to score
he fleet Brenner grabbed off three such tosses to gain 86 yards for the day.
Decide Future of IHA
eein appropriate," IHA
by asking the same
the board.
to work out compromises between
the houses before submitting the
policies to the board. In the fu-
Student Government Council is
currently offering a draft counsel-
ing service, which began opera-
tions last week.
The 11 available counselors, the
majority of whom are graduate
students, were trained at a work-
shop this summer conducted by
Joseph Tushinski, a draft coun-
selor and faculty member of
Roosevelt University in Chicago.
SGC is urging students seeking
advise concerning their draft
ice is intended to supplement the
University's draft counseling agen-
'cy. Kahn said that the SGC serv-
ice will be in frequent contact
with the Selective Service System1
to provide students with access tot
the most recent information con-
cerning the draft.
This policy of keeping up-to-1
date information readily available
has "never been done before in anr
organized way," Kahn added.
Kahn pointed out that a draft
counseling service is "one of the
most needed services" because the
Q WIls aaa.aG , "GAlUA I UU a ~. ay ~1UG 1G U V
runs of eight and six yards and finished wtih a 16 yard sweep
two yard plunge for the TD. In between were completions of2
and six yards, the first to Foreman and the latter two to Bren
nine yard run by Dwight Lee on a pitchout sustained the drive
key third and seven situation.
The second drive, which actually preceded the bomb to
ner by only a minute and 33 seconds, was largely to the credito
Apisa, the big Hawaiian fullback who had been sitting on the1
a good portion of the time up until yesterday.
Starting on his own 33 yard line,' after a fine 45 yard pu
and a
24, 15,
ner. A
e on a'
of Bob
on unpopular rules that has
Inter-House Assembly and
bring about an
women's hours.
end to fresh
The actions of these groups
the lack of any action taker
the administration, has left
question of student power
rules fairly clouded.
split Racheter, '6
may president.
Lmen The four
the board v
and quest. Ther
n by theboard.
the "IHA is
over official of
of the boar
fa ... in ...
SGC's action was too ture, we'll submit each house's
we asked the board original request and work to get
to IHA its power to them passed."
Lct rules," said, Don Whether or not this will satisfy
9, IHA executive vice- the houses may be seen at IHA's
meeting tomorrow. East Quad has
faculty members on already refused to pay IHA dues
voted against this re- pending an investigation of the
e are two students on value of IHA membership.
IHA can claim some progress,
dead," moaned one however, having stjcceeded in get-
IHA after the end ting students into board meet-
rd meeting where the ings, and getting the board to ask
made. the Regents to divide board mem-
concedes a change is bership equally between students
HA's policy: and faculty.
le in the past has been Meanwhile, the houses have
unt by
status to call the GC . office and ""' 0DRbh
make an appointment to talk with draft "affects all males." Drehmann, Raye mixed 'em up by running through the middle for a
while. Apisa went by left guard on runs of 26, 6, and 1 yard. Dwight
one of the counselors. Differentiating between the SGC Lee went over the middle just once but it was good for 27 yards, and
According to SGC President agency and the University's agen- Raye took it over center himself on a sneak for the tally.
Bruce Kahn, the SGC draft serv- cy, SGC executive vice-president See FIRST, Page 7
Ruth Baumann said that coun-
selors from SGC are prepared to
advise students on the best ways CLOSED-RESER YE:
to avoid being drafted whereas the
counselor for the University "ex-
plicates the law." Conscientious
make appeals will find informed
counselors at SGC, according to 1
Miss Baumann.
One of the confusing aspects
is that JJC, SGC, IHA and the
houses all see different routes to-
ward attaining power over rules.
The current controversy dates
back to last spring, when several
candidates for vacant JJC posit-
ions said they would enforce only
those rules passed by students
without administrative veto..
These students, now on JJC,
have already thrown out two cases
because they involved administra-
tion-made rules.
JJC members want students to
determine and enforce their own
decision was
needed in II
'IHA's rol
Freshman Hours:
A Matter of" Opinion
-_-11 A "" * I @ QQ .JAA 1- G
Approximately 10 students have F I1 I It O EJUI 110 SGC also seeks to enlarge the role
already used the service. After of the student. SGC has recognized
speaking with a SGC draft coun- By DAVID STEIN to charge books and keep records. the right of individual houses to
selor, William Murphey, '71, said, Looking for something? Previously most books design- make conduct rules.
"You wouldn't want to talk to a A student need go no further ated as required reading were During the summer SGC re-
nicer person. She told me every- than the Undergraduate Library's placed on an open reserve where viewed the administration's Uni-
thing I wanted to know and more." closed-reserve desk to find 'the the book could be used duing the versity Regulations. Last month
Both SGC and the Student I assigned reading for a particular day by any student and then SGC passed these rules with cer-
Peace Union began planning sepa- course. checked out overnight. tain changes, making this version
rate draft counseling agencies this The UGLI has put all assigned According to Miss Rose-Grace of the rules the one JJC will ac-
past summer. Toward the end of reading on a closed-reserve sys- 11Faucher, head of the Undergrad- cept as University Regulations.
August. SGC and SPU combined tem in an effort to provide better uate Library, "only teacher's As far as SGC's rules are con-!
theii efforts and sponsored the service in getting assigned books copies, rare edition, or books we cerned, John Feldkamp, director
workshop that trained the coun- to the student. Adapted this fall, had only one copy of were on of University Housing says, "SGCj
selors. the system employs a computer closed reserve. As a result stu- has no authority in the individual
-. - dents could hide a book during the conduct area," and therefore the
day, reducing our service to the r u 1 e s of the administration,
studentn" are still in effect.
reUnder the new system all books SGC, as part of its rules changes,
listed for assigned reading by gave the houses control over in-
r -u c. 7 0professors will be closed reserve. dividual conduct rules. IHA, how-
City Editor
Daily News Analysis
Freshmen women's hours do
exist, and then again, they don't.
Punishment for violation of cur-y
few does exist, and then again, it
doesn't, but that depends on
which house the woman is in.
And everything depends on whosel
rules you follow.
University Regulations, as writ-
ten by the administration, state
that freshmen women in dormi-
tories have hours.
University Regulations, as re-s
written by Student Government
Council, state that freshmen wo-
men have hours until such time
as the freshmen women in each
house vote to eliminate them.
college that the student be dis-
However, James Shaw, associ-
ate dean of the literary college in
charge of student relations, says
his college would probably defer
action until the presidential com-
mission on decision-making re-
ports. James Robertson, director
of the Residential College, and
Shaw's predecessor in charge of
students, says he has "never
heard of a case" in which a stu-
dent was brought directly from
the housing office for punishment
for violating hours.
If Feldkamp were to choose the
traditional route of taking cases
through the judiciary system he
would have to, in a case where
the house no longer included
hours in its rules, take the case
before JJC as a violation of Uni-
started acting without IHA.
- JJC has requested that all-
houses pass the rules they want
to follow. Four houses have al-
ready done this.
These houses, while accepting
the philosophy that students
should determine tleir own rules,
have avoided direct confrontation
with the administration.
Three of the houses refused
to pass enforcement of late hours.
Although they also did not pass
rules requiring hours ,they do not
see this as an abolition of hours.
Explained the president of one
of these houses, "We are not in
any way abolishing hours, nor are
we assuming any power. We are
rather relinquishing\ a power we
really have not had all along."
The affect of such action, and
indeed one of its purposes, is to
place the responsibility for en-
forcement of hours and other rules
upon the residence hall staff.
It is unclear what the staff will
do as far as enforcement. Feld-
kamp has told the staff they may
only "counsel and persuade" stu-
dents in cases where the student
judiciary no longer enforces a
The staff will be able to disci-
pline under such rules only when
specifically asked to by the stu-
dents. Otherwise, "if counseling
isn't effective, the staff will have
to request the student's college
or school to take action."
How willing the schools will be
to do this, or what will happen in
the case of mass violations or
late hours is not clear. James
Shaw, associate dean of the liter-
ary college in charge of student
relations, has said he felt his
college would wait until the Pres-
idential Commission on Decision-
Making reports before deciding
what to do.
But even as the rest of the
houses were deciding what rules
to adopt, SGC gave them a fur.
ther push by declaring that fresh-
man women should themselves
decide whether or not they want
hours. SGC reversed its earlier
position of an hours referendum
in favor of giving the freshmen
in each house the right to decide.
All this emphasis on house ac-
tion has weakened IHA.
IHA officials have said they
will now attempt to take any
changes in rules the houses want
before the board of governors.
They may ask the houses tomor-
row to give them their constitu-
tions to present to the board.
"This request could place the
houses in a compromised posi-
tion," a high SGC observer corn-
ment_ "SC ha uid the houses
General Li
Above Cen
Iral tcampui
By JAMES NEUBACHER versity has refused to comply with
Those big grey walls surround- the provisions of Public Act 124
ing the south end of the General which stipulates that the state
Library were not intended to be- controls planning and selection
come the delight of campus gra- of any architecture. For this rea-
fitti scribes although that's the son, funds for the new annex are
way things hav worked out. provided by a Federal loan, a,
However, University officials Federal grant and funds from thei
are looking' forward to the day $55-Million Fund Drive.
Books are charged for four hour. ever, has shied away from the
6 periods during the day and may SGC position, and attempted to
sY 't be used only in the building.'work out rules changes with the1
When the demand for a book is Boar'd 'of Governors of Residence]
Plans for the new building also Halls
include special rooms for the great, the charge period is re- Hatd i
Rare Book and Map collections, duced to two hours. Closed reserve cHA feels that it should initiate
air conditioning, and space for books can still be charged over- changes in policy ad th a ke
adirnirtivofies, Th se tech night. Reserve periodicals may them to the board for approval.
administrative offices. The tech- not leave the building This is what it did for open-open1
nical services, which will expandn policy and it was accepted by both
in order to serve both the old and Rolland C. Stewart, Assistant the board and the houses without
new structures, will remain in the Director of the University Libr- difficulty.
existing offices in the General aries, said that the new system was But there was objection to the
Library. To alleviate the space prompted by student complaints imposition of one set of rules on
shortage in this area that of- that books couldn't be found and each of the different houses.
ficials feel.- is "certain to crop that too many reserve books were Randy Braccialarghe, East Quad
up," a new Technical Services lost. president, argued that each house1
Building on North Campus is in "We gave the open reserve sys- should be able to make its own
+1,-. 1- 0- - n.. _.1. . . . ,, t n n nA n ;enA A - m cany tI -
Administration Policy versity rules.
admiistration, whih JJC, however, doesn't recog-
The administration, which didnize administration rules, and
not give SGC the power to change might therefore throw the case
rules, still considers its regula- out
tions in force, according to John o Administrative Dilemma
Feldkamp, director of University Therefore, in order to have a
Housing, student punished by JJC, Feld-
Joint Judiciary Council, which kamp might have to use SGC rues
is the supreme student judiciary for his complaint. This would be
body, follows SGC rules as op- a recognition of SGC rules. Feld-
posed to the rules of the admin- kamp says he won't go before
istration, but may uphold mdi- JJC.
when the addition to the General
Library will first peep over the3
top of those walls. The nine-story
structure will be the dominating3
landmark of the Central Cam-
According to the terms of the
contract, the building was to be
completed within 600 days from
the time that the contract was
awarded. at a cost of $5.432,000.
vidual house rules over SGC Even if Feldkamp, or anyone
rules, according to Peter Stein- else, brought up such a case, JJC
berger, chairman of JJC. would have to decide between the
Blagdon, Elliot and F-i s h e r SGC rule on hours and the house
houses, in Markley, have elimi- lack of recognition of hours.
nated punishment for curfew vio- Freshmen in Blagdon house
lations from their house rules. { have already begun to circulate
Blagdon and Elliot also ommitted netition to end hnurs Stein-