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October 14, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-10-14

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Si4 a


Partly cloudy
and mild.


Years of Editorial Freedom



State Bureau Prepares
School Integration Plan


By WALLACE IMMEN in public elementary and second-
"We are urging all school dis- !ary schools.
tricts to integrate their teaching Ira Polley, state superintendent
staffs, even if there are no Negroes of public instruction, has instruct-
in their communities," Vence Boh- ed all school superintendents to
nam of the state Department of submit a report of steps they have
Education said yesterday. taken to improve the racial mix
The state's Bureau of Equal Ed- of schools in their districts. These
ucation Opportunity is preparing a findings are being incorporated in-
detailed set of guidelines for equal to a plan to supervise better in-
opportunities for all racial groups tegration at all grade levels.
Welfare Units Get
Contilued State Aid

The need for such action was
emphasized this week by the re-
sults of the state's first public


school racial census, which found
that over three fifths of all white
pupils in the state attend schools
in which no Negroes enrolled.
The study, conducted by the
University's Survey Research Cen-
ter and the State Board of Educa-
tion, covered about 90 per cent
of the pupils, teachers and prin-
cipals in the state public school
Three other states-California,
New Jersey and Massachusetts-
have conducted similar surveys, he
Bohnam said the survey found
that 97.6 per cent of the teachers

Open Housing
On State Agenda
Romney Urges Legislative Approval
Of Law Strengthening Tenant Rights
LANSING UR) - Gov. George Romney yesterday prepared
to campaign for statewide open occupancy legislation, despite
predictions of a long battle which could effect the governor's
announced bid for the 1968 Republican Presidential nomina-
Romney added the question of open housing as well as
tenants' rights and housing code enforcement, to the agenda
for the current special legislative session.
The governor planned to be out of state all next week
to attend a national Governors' Conference held Qn a cruise
ship.sailing from New York to the Virgin Islands.
"I expect to see us get it at this session," he told a news
conference yesterday.
"If we don't, it'll be right back at the next session. We've

Washtenaw County's Depart-:
ment of Social Services may gain
a temporary exemption from aa
state order which would reduce
its staff of welfare case workers,
a county official said Thursday.
Herbert Ellis, a representative
of the Welfare Committee of the
County Board of Supervisors, said
he learned in a meeting with
John Gumbatto, an administra-
tive assistant to the state's di-
rector of social services, that the
county department may appeal
for extra workers.t
Ellis met with Gumbatto to ask,
him to give Washtenaw County
special consideration because of1
the large number of people on;
local welfare rolls as a result of
the _United Auto Workers strike
of the Ford Motor Co., and the
fact that the county is growing
more rapidly than most others in;
the state.,
Cuts in county social service
programs throughout the state,
have been necessitated by low leg-
islative appropriations to the State
Department of Social Services.
Professor s
Firing Stirs
NMU Furor

The directive to Washtenaw working in the state are'wite,
County, effective Oct. 1, provides while less than 85 per cent of the
for a budget cut of at least $2 pupils are white. He said even
million and a reduction in staff though there are no Negroes in a
from 64 to 51, including a cut in community. "hiring of qualified
the number of caseworkers from Negro teachers must be encour-
34 to 27. aged to provide children with a
taso7.ads model of the world which has a
racial mixture." The report states'
This has necessitated "signifi- that three fifths of the state's
cant increases" in caseloads per Negroes attend schools which have
worker in a number of public from 60 to almost 100 per cent Ne-
assistance programs, according to gro enrollments.
Catherine Mudie, County Social
Services supervisor.CIsolation Barrier
Ellis said Gumbatto told him "This racial isolation presents!
the state department could pro- a serious barier to quality educa-
vide counties with supplementary tion," Polley told the State Boar'd
caseworkers and clerical help if on Wednesday. "We've been urging
the County Social Services direc- districts to take action toward a
tor submitted an appeal contain- realistic racial balance for years;
ing a statement of total caseload we are confident we can quickly
and caseload per worker. solve the imbalances which nowF
"Gumbatto said if it could be exist."
shown by these criterion that the A State Board review of instruc-!
situation needed help, we would tional materials is already under
get it. We have been assured that way. Schools in many cities are re-
any requirement based on fact drawing their districts and plan-
would be honored," Ellis said. ning new buildings which will im-
Temporary Aid prove racial balances. Planners of-
However he added that such ten create "regional education
aid would be only for a one or parks," in which all of a district'sj
two-month period, and could not schools are built on one site, bring-
be extended indefinitely. ing together students from a wide
A similar emergency relief pro- range of neighborhoods, Bohnam
d i in ntnitexplained.


Wolveriney, formerly known as Sparty, makes an appearance at Thu
Sigma Chi fraternity. Wolveriney was hi-jacked from a Michigan S
ago and has since been repainted maize and blue. He will appear at so
game. Prof. Hazel Losh of the Astronomy Dept. and a corps of Univ
East Lansing resident.

gramn was institutea in
during the recent riots,
presently in operation be
the effect the Ford strike
in that area, accordingt
Ellis noted that local
COM chve bP~ al em

and is
cause of
has hadI
to Gum-
dri by the

MARQUETTE {.F}-Th'ie admire-groups navep een aarmn uuy
istratQon and the faculty and effect that cuts in county welfare
students at Northern Michigand programs will have on services.
sUdiersty appeartheradeihowand The local chapter of the National
University appear headed toward scain fScalW krs
a showdown over the dismissal of Association of Social Workers
and the Citizens' Advisory Coun-!
a history professor critical of the cil to the Probate Court have been
school's expansion plansy
The professor, Robert McClel- lobbying the state Legislature to
Ian, who had joined a local home- approp'iate more funds.
owners' group to oppose the ex-
pansion plans, has been fired, ef-
fective next June. rs V .shv
Two faculty members have re- J ,j
signed in protest, and all nineJ
members of the Faculty Serate r U i
resigned, seven of whom were FU
immediately re-elected. -
Students also began circulating
petitions Thursday protesting Mc- WASHINGTON !P - States'
Clellan's dismissal. support for higher education has
Representatives of the Student soared over the past eight years
Government Association began to a record total of $4.4 billion-
picketing yesterday morning to but it still isn't enough-a new
underscore their protest. educational survey reported yes-
The president of the associa- terday.
tion, Don Keskey of Escanaba, Support for public colleges and
said the'picketing of the office of universities from individual states
interim NMU President Ogden rose from $1.4 billion in 1959-60
Johnson would continue c.n an to the $4.4-billion figure this year,
around-the-clock basis until Mc- the survey shows.
Clellan has been reinstated. The results are reported by

Pair Schools
"But, there are still many meas-
ures which can be taken to mini-
mize segregation," Bohnam said.
The survey found that in an ex-
treme case, of the four elementary
schools in River Rouge, two have
no Negroes enrolled and two are
over 95 per cent Negro-attended.
Bohnam noted that these sets could
be "paired" so that kindergarten
through third grade could be held
at one and fourth through sixth at
the other, thus creating a way out
the racial mix.

Leaders of Peace Mol
Denied Parade, Rally
By DAVID KNOKE last Friday. refused to grant the!
The way things are developing, permits unless the mobilization
just showing up at the Oct. 21|sponsors agreed to renounce a
march on Washington, D.C., may planned voluntary picketing and
constitute an act of civil disobedi- sit-in at the Pentagon under the
ence. theme "Confront the Warmakers."
The National Mobilization Com- The committee refused to yield.
mittee, an umbrella structure of Its members say that officials are
about 100 anti-war and peace withholding permits on technical
groups which have planned the ac- points and that they will probably
tivities for the last four months, have settled differences with the
has so far been unable to secure GSA by Friday. Negotiations with
permits for a rally it plans to hold GSA will resume Monday.
at the Lincoln Memorial and for The mass march is similar to
a parade to the Pentagon. giant protest rallies in New York
Authorities in Washington, and San Francisco April 15 against
speaking through the General the Vietnam war, but a major dif-
Services Administration (GSA) ference is the inclusion of civil dis-

got to get it before the snow's off
the ground - and the sooner the
In his open housing message to
the legislature, Romney outlined
specific housing proposals and at
the same time called for more
effective and complete work by
government .'to secure the public
safety whether an individual
criminal act is involved or a
wholesale riot.
' - "We must attack the full causes
of our slums and ghettos which
in turn breed joblessness, lawless-
H E BLUES ness and poverty," Romney said.
Romney previously had main-
rsday night football rally outside tained Michigan's new constitu-
tate fraternity house two weeks tion provided for open housing
Mme time during this afternoon's enforcement through the State
'ersity students greet the former Civil Rights Commission.
Fair housing advocates in turn
accused Romney of shying away
from the controversial topic be-
cause of national political am-
Asked if he feared national po-
litical reprecussions, Romney said,
b m ization "No, I don't. I've been supporting
this for seven years, I fought for
the (civil rights) commission pro-
vision in the new constitution. I'm
e mgoing to push as hard as I can"
The governor noted in his mes-
sider the legal questions involved, sage to the legislature that pend-
according to Prof. Sidney Peck, ringcourt challenges of the civil
co-cairmn ofthenatinal o-'ights commission's authority have
co-chairman of the national mo- left "nagging doubts as to the
bilization committee. true nature of the fulfillment of
Speakers who have already been human rights in our state."
engaged included Coffin and Romney's proposals, for which
Spock; Floyd McKissick of the he said he had "general sup-
Congress of Racial Equality; port" of legislative leaders,'closely
Msgr. Charles Owen Rice of Pitts- follow those of the New Detroit
burgh; and leaders of various Committee, formed to help re-
peace, civil rights and ethnic build Detroit in- the aftermath
groups. of the July riots.
Art Sale To Aid Children
oeineatosb ini l - -IL ..rw_, LI- -.. T titam.p/7 ar


City Leader's
To Support
Housing Bill
"In a sense, passage of open
occupancy legislation in Michigan
would mean that the state was
catching up to Ann Arbor,"
Councilman Robert P. Weeks said
last night in reaction to Gov.
George Romney's addition of the
open housing question to the leg-
islative agenda.
"We enacted the broadest cov-
erage fair housing law in the
United States," he said, referring
to an ordinance which was passed
here after a long struggle and
subsequently declared unconstitu-
tional on the grounds that a state
law pre-empted it.
Weeks pointed out that'open
occupancy was only "one sector
of a broad front to bring about
social justice." He said employ-
ment was really a more basic

ows States' Support
rsities Insufficient

Prof. M. M. Chambers of Indiana
University. They are being issued
by the Office of Institutional Re-
search of the National Association
of State Universities and Land
Grant Colleges.
Even though state support is
growing, the Chambers repim s
states,, increased demands on
public higher education systems
in many cases still are oucstrp-
ping the financial suppoi't.
"Despite impressive percenmtoge

increases. the states have not
kept up with the increasing re-
sponsibilities placed on public
higher education," Chambers says
in his report. "As state support
has grown, demands and costs
have i'isen even more rapidly."
The report cites population and
enrollment growth, an increase in
the number of graduate students,
inflation, and rising salaries
among the chief reasons for
mounting costs.
The Chambers report also cized
some paradoxes between increases
state appropriations for educa-!
tion and per-capita support for
higher education.
Massachusetts, the report says,
registered a 3 per cent increase
in appropriations for public cdu-
cation over the past eight years,
but still trails almost every other
state in per-capita support for
higher education and the propor-
tion of state residents to whom
public higher education is avail-
In the South, North CarolinaI
and Georgia have shown above-
average gains in appropriations,
but both states ar'e below then-
tional average in per'-capita sup-
port for public higher education.
according to the Chambers repori'i
Institution Report
The report covers only appro-
priations for operating expenses
of higher education. The Institu-
tional Research Office of the Na-
tional Association of State Uni-
versities and Land Grant Coileges


obedience actions by individuals' l a i v t tnm w a
and groups in the planned Wash-
ington march.
On Monday, between 500 and The Ann Arbor Committee of time. COR estimates that from 10
1000 draft-age men will return Responsibility COR) will sponsor to 12 children might be treated in
their selective service cards and anait sale today and Monday to the course of a hospital year, de-
refuse to cooperate with the diaft raise funds for the hospitalization pending on the length of each
system, according to a spokesman ;of war-maimed Vietnamese chil- patient's stay.
for The Resistance, a California- d'en. The national COR chairman, Dr.
based organization which is co- The sale of paintings, pottery Herbert L. Needleman of Phila-
ordinating the 'effort. and other art objects by a hundred delphia, expressed hope that more
The Justide Department will also area artists will take place from war-maimed children will arrive
be informed of the move from 3:00 to 9:00 p.m. on the second from Vietnam for treatment. He
protst to resistance; the Selec- floor of the First Congregational noted, however, that it took nine
tive Service Act makes it a crime Church, corner of State and Wil- months to arrange the evacuation
ive "evicseAtakreit acrimeriliam Streets. 1of the first three. The children will
to "counsel, aid or abet anothei' a; Srets
to refuse or evade registration." Three Vietnamese children in- be returned to Vietnam after the
]ui'ed in the war have already ar- completion of surgical and con,
Other groups are planning to rived in San Francisco to receive valescent care.
disrupt operations at local draft treatment which is not available Dr. Needleman recently returned
boards, war supplies plants and at the present time in their coun- from on-site inspection of hos-
napalm factories during the week. try. National COR has chapters pital facilities in Vietnam. He
gye and2oter professions oerI in major cities throughout the testified last week on the situation
gymen and other professionals over United States. More than 500 and needs of Vietnamese civilian
draft age have signed a statement physicians have pledged to COR war casualties before a Senate
supporting these actions, free professional services. Hospital subcommittee on refugees under
However, one University student beds in eight major cities have the chairmanship of Sen. Edward
who had tried to organize a draft been offered. Kennedy (D-Mass).
refusal movement locally said, "I Ann Arbor COR hopes to raise Sponsors of Ann Arbor COR in-
finally dropped the effort after $15,000, according to Bruce Abra- elude Mrs. Harlan Hatcher; Rev.
calling around the country and hamse, who is directing the art James Middleton; Robert Faber;
finding there wasn't much support sale. About one sixth of that Mrs. Eunice Burns; Nicholas
for the idea except for the West amount has been raised by individ- Schreiber; Dr. Gerhard Bauer; Dr.
Coast." ual contributions. The money will Isadore Lampe; Dr. Frederick Ep-
The Washington march will be pay approximately the cost of one stein:, Mrs W. Scott Westerman;
preceded Friday night by pre- year's hospitalization for as many Rev. Hoover Rupert; and Rev.
liminary "skull sessions" to con- children as can be treated in that Patrick Jackson.

Ford, UAW Bids
DETROIT P)-Ford Motor
eo. announced last night that
it had made a new contract
offer to the United Auto Work-
ers Union, which, morment'
later, said it had responded
with a counter-proposal.
Neither side would reveal
what was contained in either
problem, that it underlies im-
provements in 'housing, though
the two are intertwined.
Mrs. Emma Wheeler, chairman
of the Ann Arbor chapter of
National Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People
(NAACP) said "I'm pleased." She
said that knowing nothing about
what the governor had proposed
or what could reasonably be ex-
pected from the Legislature, she
had no further comment.

ast uad Coeds Endure Mens Rooms

By LEE WEITZENKORN The Prescott House recreation "We often have to face former
'The shaving mirrors and tie room, the girls also complain, has Prescotters who come back to look
racks are very nice, but they're no few other facilities other than around their old home," says{
substitute for more closet space," a Coke machine. "Even a few Laurie Robinson, grad, a resident
said Laura Museo, '71, one of the folding chairs would be appreciat- fellow at Prescott House. "We
112 women in the first class of ed." says one resident. must also explain to the pizza
the Residential College which now Most of the girls, however, en- man that he no longer has the
occupies temporary quarters in joy the 'atmosphere at East Quad, run of the dormitory."

that Prescott House has no house-
Another difficulty seems to be
that the Residential College is
isolated socially because, as a new
unit, it has no social committee
or other established, channels
throcrh which tn nn event.


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