FBI INFRINGES ON STUDENT PRIVACY See editorial page Y Sirrin M4A61F i FAIR Cooling, 20 per cent chance of rain. Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVIII, No. 38 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1967 SEVEN CENiS TEN PAGES NO AUTHORITY:adeiSG DormitoryBoardDeni*es S , Supports Women s IHA Power Over Rules By KATHY MORGAN want to enforce within their re- "So, we asked the board to relegate The Board of Governors of Res- spective houses. Joint Judiciary to IHA its power to make conduct. idence Halls yesterday refused a Council has asked house councils rules." request from Inter-House Assem- ,to review all rules and adopt only The two student board mem- bly to give dormitory residents the cnes they choose to follow. bers, Racheter and IHA Presi- final authority over rules of con- Student Government Council dent Steve Brown, moved that * duct. last month gave houses the power the board give final authority on Under Regent Bylaws, the board to make rules of conduct when it , dormitory rules to IHA, with the has responsibility for students in revised University regulations. At ' faculty and administration only residence halls, but may relegate the same time, SGC gave Inter- advising. this responsibility to other organ- House Assembiy power to deter- The proposal was defeated, izations. mine open-open policies. 4-2. The four faculty members de- House councils, however, have "IHA felt SGC's action was too feated the motion because "the a I- ie Right Media Panel OK's Partialj Open ForumI SGC Representativ e Accepts Compromise, To Attend Meetings By ROB BEATTIE The Sena Advisnr v C,'mmit.tee P I To ae Own Hours aa uv, va usvaaw aav . .,..,. ..,,, ,t begun to tions to review University regula- determine which they 'U' Staff To Byv Counselin1 extreme," explained Don Racheter, board doesn't have the authority '69. IHA executive vice-president. to give IHA, a student organiza- tion, the responsibility for rules," e explains Prof. Donald Eschman of nforce the geology department. "The faculty needs more than 'NT. e the capacity to advise, we need S o Force -powerto make rules," comments Eschman. "Our concern is to create an aceademie atmos he~re By DAN ZWERDLING enforced by public authorities. 4l , - Director of University Housgwomens within the residence halls and in on University Affairs' Special DiecorofUnvesiy ouin Asolat igttVoterms of things academic, the Committee 'on Communications John Feldkamp has told all hous- houses in Markley Hall decided ing staff members that while all not to enforce late minutes. Fisher faculty knows more than the stu- Media agreed yesterday to oper ingstaf mmbes tatwhie al nt t enore lte inues.Fiserdents. Students themselves are a majority of their meetings to rules must be enforced, the staff House Council passed a resolution not capable of deciding the things any interested observers. Prior tc cannot discipline any student who rejecting enforcement of late min- necessary for academic growth." tyhe decision all meetings were breaks a rule. ! utes. Elliot House Council drew Several house councils have de- up a list of all house rules and "IHA's role in the past has been scheduled as closed sessions. cided that their house judiciaries left late minutes off the list. "By to work out compromises between The committee worked out the will not, enforce certain University virtue of not recognizing late min- the houses before submitting po- agreement with Student Govern- regulations, and that these regula- utes," said Elliot President Marty licies to the board. In the future, met Council, which had refused tions must be enforced by the Most, "we have left the problem we'll submit each house's original to send its representative on the staff. However, in a directive is- up to the staff." request and work to get them committee, Judy Greenberg, '69, sued to the staff at the beginning T passed," Racheter concludes, to any closed meetings. of the year and still in force, Feld- te Hestrs in ommte The board agreed to ask the The decision was a compromise kamp says that the staff may only tin, ye gdon m sp asse Regents to add two student seats for the committee since it had "counsel and persuade" students to the board, giving both faculty indicated at the last meeting that who violate rules. a resolution to refuse to enforce and students four votes. The move all its sessions would continue to late minutes. The committee en- is intended to correct the image ' io Feldkamp said y couraged other women's houses to of the board from one of facultyprests from a student member "the rules not enforced by students take similar action as a step to- veto to one of active co-operation protests must be enforced by residence hall ward entirely eliminating women's between faculty and student of the committee. staff. I will not reduce my staff to hours. members. At its meeting last night, SOC disciplinarians. If counseling isn't --- - - - --- --- - voted to accept the statemien effective, the staff will have to and reappointed Miss Greenberg request thestudent's college or SandereapprnteseMisr Gre:nbHrC school to take action." ityimti un i er ii se ea to the committee. However, SOC Feldkamp added, however, that ment to determine if the closed whenever the students in a house F~ sesn to deerine mise clsed specifically requests the staff to assion dbes misse sucn enforce a rule, the staff will be al- ; g-as a situation does arise, she is to lowed to disciplinet report back to SGC which will James Shaw, associate dean of By JAMES JENSEN pot was not worth the 20 year then reconsider its support of the Jmshassitedn fpenalty it entailed. committee. the literary college in charge of John Rosevear, author and ex- At this point Rosevear lit a The report issued by the com- student relations, said last night marijuana grower, and Ann stick f int Roust it a mittee yesterday states that that "traditionally the literary col-'Arbor Detective Lieutenant Eu- s . incense. j in case "normally our sessions will be lege has never had first jurisdic- gene Staudenmaier, the terror anyone is smoking anything out orml. our sessins will tion over non-academic disciplin- of local users of the ever-popular tere, o pe oerth chain wil- ary actions. It has served as an ap- weed, met head on last night be- Staudenmaier reiterated his co be e o convene in eeu pea fo supenionisuedfro foe a ovrfow udinceat hetention that people can reach, tive session whenever he believes peal for suspension issued from fore an overflow audience at the "theirnown high" without taking that professional relationships other judiciary areas. "If a case Ark Coffee House.gdrugs. Rosevear replied that pot might otherwise significantly im- was referred to us now, we would Fears that photographs would opened the mind to higher de- pair the committee's chances to probably defer it until the presi- be taken of the audience by the grees of awareness, obtain vital information or a dential decision-making commis- 'Ann Arbor Police never mater- "Can't humans do that without valued point of view." sion reports," Shaw said.rC ialized and the evening proved drugs?" countered Staudenmaier. Closed sessions will be held so Meanwhile, the Judiciary Coun- an unexplosive, but laugh-filled "Why do it?" that no one being questioned by cil of Van Tyne House in Mark- debate. "It is taken out of curiosity, for the committee will be "unfairly 'I s I 4 Vote Result Of Markley House Action Feldkainp Says Staff Will Not Discipline Student Made Rules By URBAN LEHNER and 'MARTIN HIRSCHMAN Student Governnkent Council last night recognized 'the right Sof freshmen women in individual residences to make their own hours" by a 9-6 vote. The action was in response to a resolution passed by Blagdon House of Markley Hall Tuesday night which eliminated from Blag- don's regulations the provision for student punishment of curfew vio- lations. "It has been residence hall staff policy since early 'last year not to get involved in types of dis- ciplinary action where students s have passed rules," John Feld- camp. director of University Hou- sing told The Daily, last night. "This includes hours regulations." s Markley Hall Director Bruce s Storey said that curfew infract- ions will no longer be punished by late- minutes. "Each infraction will instead be handled by house staff on an individual counseling basis." "SGC wants women's louses to -make their own rules on hours," according to Sam Sherman, '68, SGC treasurer. "Feldkamp has said that house mothers and resi- dent directors will not levy pun-- ishments in areas where students have made those rules." When Council abrogated the i aA A i i, --Associated Press CARDS TAKE IT Lou Brock of the St. Louis Cardinals slides safely into second base with his seventh. stolen base a Boston second baseman Mike Andrews awaits the throw. The Cardinals clinched the World Serie yesterday with a 7 to 2 victory over the Red Sox. Sae story page 9. AT WASHINGTON CONFERENCE: Student Power Issue Earns A CE's Reluctant Accepac WASHINGTON (CPS) - The making came up often as admin- In his keynote address, yest 1nation's leading educators are be- istrators in colleges and univer- day morning, Dr. Samuel Gou ginning to accept the idea that sities across the nation opened chancellor of the state Univers students should be actively in- the 50th annual meeting of the of New York, said, "The po) volved in the decisions which af- American Council on Education of student activism cannot be m fect their education. here yesterday. imized nor can its potentialr IBut they are undecided about Although many of" the panelists creating and maintaining unn 1 l t er- uld, ;ity wer in- for est just how far this involvement at the convention have publicly should extend and are worried endorsed significant student par- about its effects on such practical ticipation in determining the ma- matters as relations with trustees, jor policies of academic institu- legislators, and the public, as well tions, there seems to be an under- as on the very education which current of fear of the student ' ley Hall declared last night that it "will no longer hear any cases involving possession of liquor or drinking in the rooms." According to House President Steve Gould, Van Tyne's student council will continue to recognize only those cases in which a stu- dent "is infringing upon the rights of others." "We are not usurping any au- thority," claimed Gould. "If the staff wants to enforce the, pro- hibition of liquor it may enforce it-but we as students will not hear a case regarding possession of alcohol. We've taken the re- sponsibility off our shoulders and have put it on the staff's." Feldkamp said yesterday after- noon that any state law, such as prohibition against the possession of liquor which the house councils refuse to enforce, will have to be In his opening comments, Stau- one thing," Rosevear said. embarrassed" because of his pro- universities provide. activist movement and of the cries denmaier immediately questioned "Curiosity killed the cat," fessional relationships, the report Student involvement in decision- for student power. the value of marijuana to college Staudenmaier joked. continues. These statements will students. Staudenmaier f u r t h e r com- be held confidential with respect1 Roil Rosevear admittted that there mented that, even if legal, pot to name. was no nutritive value in smok- would never replace alcohol. "You In addition, the report empha-' ing pot, but that vitamin nourish- have to work to get high, and 'sizes that any final report which"" erePc s ment could be obtained by eat- there is no work involved in get- is issued will contain facts and Processes ing it. ting crocked," he ad.reasoning leading tocnlsis, "Eating enough of it could get Dr. Albert F. Schneider, pro- rather than just "bare-bone pro- a person high," he explained. "It fessor of pathology at the Wayne posals." Dissenting opinions will WASHINGTON CPS -- Former In his paper, Robinson said, 'gives you something you don't State University school of Medi- also be included in any final Student Government President "The leadership of this country- have. You learn something. You cine, served as moderator for the statement. Edward N. Robinson assailed col- the men responsible either directly can more deeply appreciate the discussion, He opened the talk by The committee is faced with lege administrators yesterday for or indirectly for the war in Viet- shade of a tree, the color of the describing marijuana as a weed two problems in perparing such their views on what constitutes nam, the oppression of the Negro; sky. Looking into a girl's eyes that can be illegally used as a recommendations, the report ex- participation in the decision-mak- the dehumanization of the poor- takes on all kinds of nice, new psychedelic drug. He pointed out plains. It must- work in such a ing process. is college-trained. These men are meanings." that there are many items freely manner that its work will be ac- Administrators "don't see the incompetent, incapable of seeing "I don't need pot for that," available that can produce psy- cepted as valid by the students problems of student involvement past the existing structures and Staudenmaiei' quipped. "Under chedelic effects, including coffee, and faculty. And it also must beyond how many students should traditions, incapable of devising those conditions I like to be ra- cigarettes and sleeping pills. Mar- gather as much information as it be on a certain committee," Robin- tional." He said that nothing was ijuana, he noted, was a legal item can without sacrificing the in- son said, and the majority of im- new ways for men to relate to each made better under the influence of until 1937, when it became classi- tegrity of those people testifying portant decisions "are made by a other and to their society" marijuana, and that the use of fied as a dangerous drug. before it. small group of presidents and vice- be taken lightly. Unrest and ten- sion on the campus can and should be dynamic factors for university good, but there are cer- tain elements of the current stu- dent movement which openly ad- vocate such unrest as means to- word total disruption and de- struction." ' He illustrated that with some recent statements by Students for Democratic Society and the Na- tional Student Association, which he said "reflect goals of extreme negativism and even anarchy which, if assiduously pursued, could make the Berkeley rebellion episode seem like mere warm-up exercises." The overall sentiment, however, is that students should play a role in the decision-making pro- cess but there are few definitive answers as to just how students should be involved, and no one has come forth with a formula for defining how much actual authority students should have. Strike Talks Falter DETROIT (P) - The United Auto Workers Union has reject- ed a new proposal in contract talks with the Ford Motor Co and prospects for imminent set- tlement of a 3-day strike re- main dim, it was learned 'last night. A union source denied the re- port, but said "if someone high up from the union were to meet with someone from the com- pany informally and one of them said no to an item, that would not be rejection." University's code of student regu- lations last month, its substitute SGC-written code included the provision that freshmen women's hours would remain intact until a referendum of the women in- volved had decided who would have the authority to legislate hours policy. "We have decided to forget about the referendum," said ad- ministrative Vice President Mich- ael Davis, Grad, "because we couldn't think of a way to devise a fair one." In its earlier move, SGC had given authority over visiting hours, sign out slips and the other provisions of the University's regulations regarding women's conduct except late .hours in resi- dence halls -to Inter-House As- sembly. Fisher House and -Elliot House, both in Markley Hall, last night passed resolutions similar in ef- fect to the one Blagdon adopted Tuesday.' Yesterday, the Board of Gover- nors of the residence hall system refused to delegate to IHA final authority over conduct rules. SGC's action last month throwing -out the University conduct code was not taken within the frame- work of the Regents' By-Laws. Council also postponed consid- eration of a proposal to provide the means of selection for a con- stitutional convention w h i c h would reorganize student govern- ment. A preliminary report pre- sented .by Donald Tucker,' '68, University Activities Center pres- PILOT PROGRAM LOVE SYMPOSIUM: Reverend Says Youth 'Hung Up' on Sex presidents behind closed doors." Robinson, now a graduate stu- dent in history at Columbia Uni- versity, made his remarks during a panel discussion at the 50th an- nual meeting of theTAmerican Council on Education. The topic o1 the panel was "The Academic Community: Who DPecidpc What?" By REED MAIDENBERG is a continuum inthe most perfect S sense of the woad." She spoke of iStudents should actively parti- The attitude of today's youth love as a process of exposure and nipate in and help decide impor- towards sex can best be described rik tant policy matters such as the as "hung up," concluded Rev. Don- risk, relationship between teaching and ald Allen in a Pilot Program spon- She also criticized the rigidly research, and between government sored "Symposium on Love" at defined male-female roles that ex- and the university, Robinson said. Markley Hall last night. ist today. "The redefining of roles "Students, more so than any Representatives of four different that is just beginning today other group, are' not permitted to disciplines discussed the meaning should have started with the In-I take part in governing their uni- of love from the perspective of dustrial Revolution when men be- versities," he said. He added that their fields, speaking before nearly gan to relax in their work, and his conclusions were made on the 400 students. the women began to get the cal- basis of his experience as a student Members of the panel were Dr. louses." leader in Ann Arbor. Jan Schneider, assistant pi-ofes- Allen warned that, "when fun The other menibers of the paf'el, sor of obstetrics and gynecology, becomes the primary sexual func- including a college president, a David Wulff, a graduate student in tion, solidarity is lost, and a sig- professor, and a trustee, all agreed Psychology, Pilot Program Coor- nificant sexual relationship is that students should become more dinator Diane Hatch and Allen, prevented. involved in academic decision- the Episcopal chaplain to the med- Schneider discussed the use of making, but none were willing to ical community. contraceptives. "There are many carry the concept of student power Wulff opened the discussion ways to stop the sperm from get- as far as Robinson. outlining the major problems, ting to where they are meant to Robinson had prepared a paper' u,+mhim', n n -nn-nn'ar- vaxnI r oA -- _---- - Pr.,,.-l',r. Ab-'r, .. rn whinh --n 11., Birch Society Priest Blasts Communists By RICHARD SHULIK ligious schools, clergy, and relig- "Communism is the most de- ious publications should be in the plorable, amoral and godless force forefront of educating the Ameri- existing in the world today," Rev. can people regarding subversive Francis E. Fenton, a Catholic activities. it d b f the John "Disgracefully, many clergy- Brchs Soct ai lt ng amen, by virtue of their political Bithe American Opinion Forum of affiliations, are aiding and abet- ting the Communist cause, there- Ann Arbor. by betraying patriotic members of "Indeed, if the Communist con- their congregations. However, as spiracy is not the work of the most of them are; sincere men of devil himself," Father Fenton , God, they are certainly doing this continued, "then it is the closest unwittingly." thing to a satanic force in the' He cited the unprotested ap- world." pearance of Communist speakers The American Opinion Forum at major Catholic universities, is an "organization . . : dedicated such as Notre Dame and Loyola to the defeat of Communism with of Los Angeles. facts, truth, and logic in public ' Father Fenton also condemned speaking," according to the For- the activities of such clergymen um's 'Statement of Principles.' ' of Martin Luther King, who "un-, "The Catholic Church has, in doubtedly does more damage in r. t - na r.,-h ap~ herlrl , '- 4-hi.g w 4m+a-,th an ni1rl re an no