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I Excursion on
By MARCY ABRAMSON Oriental Art in two main floor ph
rooms. Cee
A student interested in naturalrom.e
s tudn e ntinterh e stegy, n at a ls The University sponsors chang- st
sciences, archaeology, or the arts ing art exhibits in the Architec- me
can find ample opportunities in gureneibudin ghack-
Ann Arbor to indulge his avoca- ture and Design building, Rack-
tion if he is willing to do a little ham Gallery, the Clements Library
legwork. Within walking distance and even the Undergraduate Li- C
from central campus can be found brary. Exhibitions are announced a
ia e o n teclna foigeet
exhibits of everything from con- in the calendar of coming events
temporary paintings to towering published each week. M
dinosaurs to 17th century musical The foreboding building on m
instruments. North University with the tra- G
In the newly remodeled Univer- ditional lions in front of it houses to
n t nely emoele Umer-the University's Exhibit Museum; bE
sity Art Museum, a gallery of con- three separate museums which:
temporary art has replaced por- conenterateonmrsearc h ilchi
traits of pastUniversity presidents concentrate on research, field hi
in the main corridor of the former work and exploration in the fields ar
Alumni Hall. The special exhibits of anthropology, zoology, and pa- ve
which highlighted the musuem's leontology, and the University th
reopening in April included both Herbarium. ye
drawings by Robert Rauschenberg Last year over 105,000 people h
and the first exhibition in the visited the Exhibit Museum, which at
United States of paintings by 18th gatesispland plant life, orhE
century Italian artist AlessandrojignamladpatlfeNoh
Magnasco. American Indian life, astronomy, 55
geology, geological principles and ia
Special Exhibits primitive technologies.k
A schedule of this year's special Dinosaur Skeletons at
exhibits is not yet available, but The thousands of school chil- h
they should match the quality of dren who visit the museum eachI
the initial shows which attracted year on field trips are especially
over 5,000 people to the musuem in fascinated by the huge skeletons E
one month. of a flesh-eating Allosaurus dino- ar
While the museum collection is saur and a mastodon which lived w
not noted for masterworks, it does in Michigan only a few thousand Bo
hotographic transparencies of
elestial phenomena and a recon-
ruction of the surface of the
oon as seen through a telescope.
An occasional empty case in the
xhibit Museum emphasizes the
onstant process of reorganization
nd modernization of displays.
A tour of the turreted Kelsey
useum. which appears to have
aterialized from the depths of a
othic novel, begins with Roman
mbstones in an appropriate
asement setting.
The Kelsey Museum displays ex-
bits which are the result ofj
rchaeological expeditions by Uni-
ersity faculty and students over
he last 40 years. During the past
ear, for example, expeditions
ave been working at Karanis and,
St. Catherine's Monastery in
The monastery was built around
0 A.D. by the Emperor Justin-
in, and houses, the only icons
nown to have survived the eighthy
nd n i n t h century iconoclast
Book of the Dead
The Mediterranean and Near
astern collections display jewelry,
twork, coins, glass, pottery and
riting materials. The Egyptian
ook of the Dead opens in the
rst floor display hall.
Exhibits are not confined toI
ecific museum buildings. The
atural Science Building houses
collection of rocks and minerals
nd displays of the results of Uni-
rsity geological projects.
The Sterns Collection of Musical
struments in Hill Auditorium
splays musical instruments as
art form.
The collection includes forerun-
rs of the modern guitar deco-
ted with many layers of wood-
rvings. The highly ornate in-
ruments of 17th and 18 century
rance and Italy are also display-
along with Far Eastern instru-
ents and their ancestors.. Some
these instruments are even used
school of music concerts.'
contain a fine collection of draw-
ings, etchings and lithographs,
including a "Garrotted Man" from
Goya's "Desastres de la Guerra"
series and a Picasso horse. A Beck-
mann painting and a fine though
small group of English sculptures
stand out in the museum's perma-
nent collection.
Also included in the permanent
collection are paintings by Klee,
Millet, Corot, Magnasco, Whistler,
Vlaminck and Courbet, and sculp-
tures by Giacometti, Henry Moore,
Rodin and Arp. Works by less'
well-known artists are often of
equal interest.
The museum not only exhibits
traditional American and Euro-
pean art, but also contains the
renowned Parker Galleries of
years ago.
Geology and anthropology stu-
dents may not be as entranced,
but they also spend considerable
time at the museum fulfilling lab-
oratory assignments and studying
displays of fossils. Originally in-
tended as a supplement to general
natural science and anthropology,
courses offered at the University,
the Exhibit Museum has been sub-
sequently expanded and simplified
for general public use.
Also included in the museum is
a planetarium and astronomy al-
cove. Demonstrations are given on
weekends or by request for special
groups of 15-50 persons. Over
12,000 people a year view the
planetarium shows.
The astronomy alcove contains
Flunking Out:
An Easy Path,
Not To Follow
For freshmen who lack academic discipline, the University
will provide plenty of its own when the first term ends.
No matter which of the seven colleges or schools they enter
-literary, architecture and design, pharmacy, engineering, nurs-
ing, music, or natural resources-about 19 out of every 20
students admitted this fall will witness the spring in Ann Arbor.
A lagging grade-point will have sent the other home.
But of the 19 students who remain in good standing on the
academic roster, about three of them will be benched for sub-C
performance by the time of their graduation.
Michigan Honor Points are figured out in the following
fashion: A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1, E-0. Thus, if a student takes
15 hours, the standard University course load, he is expected to
earn at least 30 Michigan Honor Points. His work is considered
deficient if he cannot reach that level.
A grade point average is determined by dividing the num-
ber of course hours into the number of Michigan Honor Points.
Thus 30 Michigan Honor Points with a course load of 15 hours
is a 2.0 average.
Here is a rundown on the guidelines for academic disci-
plinary action and a review of the individual college's method
for handling them.
Literature, Science, and the Arts
Freshman probation is the fate of any literary college
freshman whose grade point falls below 2,0 (C) for the first
term. Once placed on probation he is required to bring his
overall average up to 2.0 (C) within the next term or face
possible expulsion. Statistics indicate that freshmen are usually
given the year to establish eligibility to continue their studies.
But, beware, students can be' expelled at the end of the first
semester, if after consideration the administrative board feels
it advisable,
Action is flexible. All decisions are a result of the personal
examination of the student's record by at least six members
of the literary school's administrative board. More than 1800
'transcripts are reviewed each semester.
After the freshman year, any other sub-C term will force the
student to withdraw from the college. In special circumstances
"probation continued" status will be granted, which will allow
the student to continue his studies. The student may request
a hearing on the action of the board.
In the engineering college, if a freshman is from one to
nine grade points deficient, he is placed on probation. If he is
more than ten points deficient, his further enrollment is with-
held. However, the engineering school has made it a practice
of giving freshmen at least a second opportunity to perform
A student must receive the recommendation of the Faculty
Committee on Scholastic Standings to be reinstated in the
college once he has been expelled.
The pharmacy school expects all its students to maintain
at least a 2.0 overall average. If a freshman is 17 points defi-
cient he will usually be required to withdraw from the school.
However, the individual merits of each case are considered by
the pharmacy faculty.
If the student is found to be more than 13 points deficient
after his freshman year he is asked to withdraw. If a'student's
deficiency is less than 13 points, he is placed on probation. The
terms of his probation are determined by the pharmacy faculty.
Architecture and Design
The architecture and design school places the freshman
student "on notification" if his average falls below 2.0 in his
first term. Rarely is a student asked to withdraw after only his
first term. If after a student's second term his cumulative
average is more than 10 honor points deficient, he is asked to
withdraw. However, he may petition for readmission the fol-
lowing year.
Probation is incurred at any time, except the freshman
year, when a student's cumulative grade point falls below a
2.0 (C).
The nursing school places a student on probation if her
overall average falls belows 2.0, including her average for the
first semester. Students may sometimes remain on probation. for
more than one semester before being asked not to return. Each
individual case is given individual consideration by the dean.
Music school freshmen are placed on probation if their
first semester average falls below 2.0, and may remain on a
"stringent probation" if their overall average after the second
semester remains below 2.0 Once a student's overall average is
above 2.0, he may be placed on probation if his average for
any semester sags to below "C," but he is usually not given a
"not to return" unless his overall average falls below 2.0.
This Towering Dinosaur Lacks the Essence, But Still Lives on
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