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October 11, 1967 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-10-11

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Soviet Schools Face
Problems as in U.S.

:.........,. .:...:s:::. .............. ..::. .... .... . N

Pot? Why not? Sex? What's next?
Anything goes-when you're


EDITOR'S NOTE: Critics who
scrutinize the Soviet system of ed-
ucation invariably point out that
the Communists have the same
problems as the capitalists: drop-
outs, teacher shortages, classroom
shortages, and so on. But 50 years
of Communism has produced more
than these similarities; it brought
a backward feudal nation to a
high rate of literacy, a climate in
which education is vital-and na-
tional honor as a pioneer of space.
MOSCOW (P) - Red scarves
around their necks denoting mem-
bership in a Communist youth or-
ganization, Soviet schoolchildren
sit neatly disciplined in old-fash-
ioned wooden desks under the gaze
of Lenin's portrait and study
mathematics, physics and other
subjects in a science-oriented cur-
From the sharply supervisory
eyes of the portrait to the subjects
selected for producing "builders
of Communism," Soviet schools
have a more ideological slant than
western ones.
But they suffer from many of
the same problems: dropouts, fail-
ures, inadequately trained teach-
ers and antiquated teaching meth-
ods, classroom shortages and other
From the extensive system of
pre-school clases through univer-
sity lectures, ideological indoc-
trination is first priority. Text-
books are rigorously adapted to
Kremlin thinking.
Since universal education began
in 1930, the Soviet school system
has projected this country into
second place behind the United
States in industry and science.
The first Soviet sputnik in 1957
brought Western recognition of
the quality } of Soviet education.
But, ironically, the decade since
then has been a time of tinkering
with the system and second
thoughts about its soundness.
Too Technical?
Some Soviet critics say it is too
technically oriented, too little de-
signed for the needs of a maturing
industrial power. Of the 10,000
hours of subjects in the 10-year
education system, about 2,000 are
spent on mathematics, sciences
take about the same.
"Ideological indoctrination" en-
croaches into subjects like history
and geography. Literature, assign-
ed 820 hours in the 1940 school
program, now gets only 560 hours.
This is lopsided, said a critic

recently. "It is impossible to ig-
nore the emotional channel in ed-
ucating a child."
A Russian child starts school
at the age of 7, usually after
learning a little reading, writing
and arithmetic in pre-school
classes. These classes form, part
of the baby-sitting system in a,
land for working mothers.
Children 7-10 years old go to
school four hours a day, six days
a week. Older pupils go at least
five hours daily and to their 30-
hour week are added optional-
and sometimes not so optional-
There are more than 48 million
pupils in Soviet elementary and
secondary schools, and 2.5 million
teachers. This is a ratio of 19
pupils per teacher, compared with
24% to one in the United States.
Teacher Problem
In a comment echoing some
American criticism of U.S. teach-
er training, minister of education
Mikhail A. Prokofiev says there
are complaints about low qualifi-
cations of those who teach teach-
ers and insufficient time spent
teaching teachers the subjects
they wvill teach.
Prokofiev complains that schools
have been vulgarized with a vo-
cational outlook. Scientific in-
struction has gotten out of date.
Textbooks are inadequate.
Others report a disturbingly
high rate of dropouts and fail-
ures. Statistics are kept secret.
Not General
The Soviet system has , little
space for the kind of general edu-
cation that most American college
graduates receive. Last year the
Soviet Union graduated 179,000
engineers, the United States, 43,-
Heavy emphasis on technical
subjects remains a response to
the needs of industrialization.
But many bright youngsters shy
away from non-technical sub-
jects like history.
Such subjects have too many
career hazards in a country that
is continually rewriting its history
and adjusting other topics to meet
the current Communist Party
Most Western visitors develop
respect for the educational re-
sults. The Soviet space program
is its best advertisement.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an test, last one this semester for Dec. Goodrich, Mich. (Reid Elem.)-3 & 4
official publication of the Univer- grads, are due today, Oct. 11, post- combination, Grade 3, Grade 1.
sity of Michigan for which The marked today. The mgmt. intern test Grayling, Mich. (Crawford-AuSable
Michigan Daily assumes no editor- is given with this exam. Sch. Dist.)-Elem. 6, Girls' Phyc. Ed. 7-
ial responsibility. Notices should be Canadian Civil Service Exam-Con- 12.
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to tact the Bureau if you are interested Inkster, Mich. (Inktser Board of Ed.)
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- in the Canadian Civil Service exam. -Early Childhood Educ. Consultant re-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding Will be given Oct. 17, evening. For quiring 1. Exper. with kindergarten
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday Public Admin. and Foreign Service. and/or early childhood educ. work. 2.
for Saturday and Sunday. General Literature at Bureau. Skill in working with adults in pro-
Notices may be published a maxi- fessional development. 3. MA in early
mum of two times on request; Day POSITION OPENINGS: childhood education.
Salendar items appear once only. State of Wisconsin, Dept. of Admin- Mason, Mich. (P.S.)-J.H. Ind. Arts.
Student organization notices are not istration, Madison, Wis. - Announces Mt. Pleasant, Mich. (P.S.)-Int. Room
accepted for publication. For more Career Candidate Program for 1967- Type A Mentally Ret., 15-21 yr. Type
information call 764-9270. 68. Information and applications avail- B.
able at Bureau. State of Wis, will be North Branch, Mich. (Area Schs.) -
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER I1 interviewing at Bureau on Feb. 19, H.S. Typing with Shorthand, J.H. Eng.
1968, however, they would appreciate Southgate, Mich. (Heintzen P.S. Dist.)
applications before their visit from all -H.S. Counselor (male), Primary &
Day a len dar interested. Interm. Spec. Ed. Type A Mentally
Bureau of Industrial Relations sem- Smith, Kline & French Laboratories, Handicapped, J.H. Sc. (7th grade).
Philangmn o aagr o a., Pa.-Admin. Trng. program inNo39"16BsnsAdiitainBg.,mk.re. s. alI
39ar":M4aBngessn Admitatinagr Bl mtg res, dist. sales, personnel, man For further information contact the
a- ah8:15 a.m.t 5 p.m.and 7 to9p.m. ufacturing, promotion, admin. service Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB, 764-
and subs, companies, Mgmt. Syst. An- 7459.
Center for Programmed Learning for IaytB/AMt rLb rspu
Business Workshop - "Workshop for 1-4 yrs. prog., syst. exper. Openings ENGI.ERING PLACEMENT SERV-
Programmers": Michigan Union, 8:30 for those with some exper. plus de- ICE: Make interview appointments at
a.m. to 5 p.m. grees in Engrg., Math, Bus. Ad., Lan- Room 128-H, West Engineering Bldg.
a. .p. .guages, Econ., Psych., Public Health, OCT. 17-
Dept. of Postgraduate Medicine and Journ., Chem., Pharm. and Zoo. American Oil Co.-Manufacturing De-
Simpson Memorial Institute for Medi- Pontiac Motor Division, General Mo- partment., Research & Dev. Dept., Gen-
cal Research-"International Confer- tors Corp., Pontiac, Mich.--Service Rep- eral Office, Chicago.
ence on Leukemia-Lymphoma": Rack- resentative, visit dealerships, give serv- Bell Systen.
ham Lecture Hall, 9 a.m. ice advice, mktg. adv.. training in war- Eaton Yale & Towne, Inc.
ranty claims initially. Man, BA, high Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.-Cen-
University of Michigan Broadcast- mechanical aptitude, age 22-27. tral Res. Labs.
ing Service Conference-"Sixth An- Florida Board of Conservation, Tal- General Electric Co.
nual Music Personnel Conference": lahassee, Fla.-Economist, BS plus . 1 Phillips Petroleum Co.-Atomic En-
WUOM, Fifth Floor, Administration yr. in river basin planning, or MA. ergy Div., Idaho; Research & Develop-
Bldg., lectures, 9 and 10:30 a.m. Geologist, BS plus 2 yrs. or a mas- ment, Okia.
_________ter's degree. Statistician, BS in Stat, or Standard Oil of California & Chev-
Film on Paul Tillich-Multipurpose Geog.; plus 2 yrs. or an MA. ron Research Co.
Room. UGLI, 12:30-1 p.m. Local Organization, Ann Arbor, Mich. U.S. Naval Ammunition Depot.
-Intake Supervisor, male or female, OCT. 18-
Anatomy Seminar-Dr. George Nace, MSW required and agency. exper. So- American Oil Co.-Manufacturing De-
University of Michigan, "The Luk6 Re- cial Worker, Probation Officer, male, partment., Research & Dev. Dept.
nal Adenocarcinoma of the Frog": 2501 two vacancies, supv. children. Court Standard Oil-Detroit Region.
East Medical Bldg., 1:15 p.m. Social Worker, BA in Soc. Sci. Senior Dow Chemical Co.
_ Court Social Worker, MSW or MA in Hercules Research Center
Statistics Seminar-Prof. Ester Sam- Corrections. Johnson & Johnson.
uel, Hebrew University and Purdue Personnel Consultants, N.Y.C.-Exec- Martin Marietta Corp.
University, "Sequential Maximum Like- utive Vice-President, exper. as con- Phillips ePtroleum Co.-Atomic En-
lihood Estimation of the Size of a troller or treasurer in moderately sized ergy Div., Idaho; Research & Develop-
Population," Room 3201 Angell Hall, organization. Gen. manager or admin. ment, Okia.
4 p.m. in custom design engineering firm. Standard Oil of California & Chev-
y * * roni Research Co.
Reception for Woodrow Wilson Fel- For further information please call Symington Wayne Corp.
lows-All present and former fellows 764-7460, General Division, Bureau of The Trane Co.
and their wives or husbands are in- Appointments, 3200 SAB. Union Carbide-,Mining & Minerals
vited to attend, East Conference Room, Div.
Rackham Bldgy., 4-6 p.m.._....... ..-m Watkins-Johnson Co.

bYPatricia Welles




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Rackham Bldg.,4-6 P.M.
Zoology Seminar-Prof. Donald M.
Maynard, Department of Zoology, Univ.
of Michigan. "Howma Crab Controls
His Stomach," Room 1440 Chemistry
Bldg., 4 p.m.
Center for Russian and East Euro-
pean Studies, Center for Near East
and North African Studies and Dept.
of history Lecture-Dr. A. N. Kurat,
Ankara University, "Kemal Ataturk and
Lenin": Room 200 Lane Hall, 4:10 p.m.
Student Laboratory Theatre Perform-
ance-Of "Overruled" by George Ber-
nard Shaw, Arena Theatre, Frieze Bldg..
4:10 p.m. Admission free.
Botany Seminar-Dr. Malcolm Sar-
gent, "Timex, a Strain of Neurospora
for the Study of the Molecular Biol-
ogy of Biological Clocks," Room 1139
Natural Science Bldg., 4:15 p.m.
College of Engineering Lecture-Prof.
Brice Carnahan, University of Mich-
igan, "An Introduction to Digital
Computers and the MAD Language":
Natural Science Aud., 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Ermine Cowles Case Memorial Lec-
ture-Sponsored by Museum of Pal-
eontology, Geology and Mineralogy De-
partment and Sigma Xi. Prof. Lowell
R. Laudon, University of Wisconsin,
"Origin of the Rocky Mountain Sys-
tem of Western North America," Rack-
ham Amphitheatre, 8 p.m.
Professional Theatre Program - Eu-
gene Ionesco's "Exit the King": Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, 8 p.m.
School of Music Concert - Stanley
Quartet: Rackham Lecture Hall, 8 p.m.
General Notices
Seminar: On Paul Tilljch, film and
book discussion, Canterbury House, 330
Maynard St., 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 12.
NSA Test Applications (for Oct. 21
test)-Must be postmarked today, Oct.
11. Next deadline Nov. 24 for Dec. 9
College Placement Annuals - For
1968 are now at the Bureau, if you
have registered and got a 19677 an-
nual, you are entitled to a current
FSEE Applications - For November

The following schools have recorded
vacancies for the present semester:
Aimont, Mich. (Almont Community
Schs.)-Lower Elem. Spec. Ed. Type
A M. H.
Dearborn Heights (Fairlane)-Elent.
Speech Correctionists.
Garden City, Mich. (P.S.) - Elem.
Upper & Lower. Elem. Phsical Ed. (fe-
male preferred), Reading Supervision
(to complete balance of this semes-
ter only), J.H. Remedial Reading. H.S.+
Librarian, J.H. Eng./SS (block time),
Elem. Teacher of Deaf, H.S. Ind. Ed.

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Student Wives: Wanted to work in
North Campus area as scanners to
read tracts on nuclear photograph
emulsions with a microscope. No skill
or experience necessary. Those inter-
ested may contact the Part-Time Em-
ployment Office, 2200 Student Activi-
ties Bldg., 764-7283.

NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially
recognized and registered student orga-
nizations only. Forms are available in
Rm. 1011 SAB,
* * *
La Maison Francaise (French House),
open meeting, Sun., Oct. 15, 2-5 p.m.,
French House, 613 Oxford Rd.
* * *
Southern Asia Club, bag lunch, Oct.
12, 12 noon, Lane Hall. Prof. Rhoads
Murphey, will speak on "dolonial Ports
and Their Impact on Asian Societies."
Baha'i Student Group, informal dis-
cussion: "Are You Searching More Now
and Discovering Less?", Fri., Oct. 13,
8 p.m., 520 N. Ashley. Call 662-3548
if you need transportation. All wel-
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, Wed., Oct. 11, 8 p.m.,
Chapel Assembly meeting, 10 p.m.-
Midweek devotion, student led.
* * *
Members of the University com-
munity interested in objectivism, the
philosophy of Ayn Rand, who would
like to form, a discussion group please

call: Philip Coates, 763-1668 or
Armstrong, 665-2866.
* * *


University of Michigan Amateur Ra-
dio Club will hold its second meeting
on Wed., Oct. 11, at 7 p.m. in Room
2080 East Engineering Bldg. Rabindra-
nath Rampersad will describe amateur
radio activity in Trinidad. Students
from International Center will be there
as guests to get acquainted and see
station WUOM.
Business Administration Students
Wives' Club, Oct. 11, 9th floor lounge,
Bus. Ad. Sch. Speaker: Prof. Pilcher,
"Cooking, Cleaning and Common
Stocks," 7:30 p.m.
* * *
Engineering Council, meeting, Oct.
12, 7:00 p.m., SAB 3511.
* * *
UM Scottish Country Dance Society,
dance meeting, Wed., Oct. 11, 8-10:30
p.m., WAB lounge.
* * *
UM Rifle Club invites you to learn
to shoot every Wednesday, 7-9 p.m.,
ROTC Range.
* * *
Deutscher Verein, kaffeestunde, every
Wednesday, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze.

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