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October 11, 1967 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-10-11

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''gee Soxil
HEATED GRANDSTAND By The Associated Press
BOSTON - Gary Waslewski,
an obscure commuter between
, - . Fenway Park and the Toronto
farm club, is the Boston Red Sox's
hope to square the World Series
in today's sixth game as the
10 Race Nigpitching foe of St. Louis' Dick
Dine . our Trailing 3-2 in games, Manager
Dick Williams of the desperate
J SRed Sox has to gamble on a
HRpitcher with a 2-2 record against
a 16-6 Cardinal regular in hopes
of extending the Series to seven
games and a third chance for Jim
Catholic Priest, Lecturer,
Member, Council of the John Birch Society
12 OCTOBER 1967
Ann Arbor High School
8:00 P.M.
TICKETS: $2.00

A victory for the favored Car-
dinals would close out the series
and give St. Louis its eighth world
title without the need of a third
effort by Bob Gibson.
"We have to win both games,"
said Williams, "All the players
know it. We faced the same situ-
ation in the last two days of the
season when we had to face Min-
nesota's best pitchers. We never
had beaten Dean Chance all year
and our ace Lonborg never had
beaten the Twins.
"We think we'll win this ball
game and then we'll have our ace
come back against Gibson, anoth-
er fellow we never have beaten."
Winning Line-up
Williams decided to stick with
the same line-up that won the
fifth game in St. Louis. That
meant Joe Foy will remain at
third base, Mike Andrews at sec-
ond base and Ken,.Harrelsop in
right field. Dalton Jones, the
leading hitter at .353, will remain
on the bench.
The, Cardinals' manager, Red
Schoendienst, also plans to use
the same batting order that has
started previous games.
"We won the pennant on the
road 52-28," said Red. "So we'll
win the World Series on the
Hughes, beaten 5-0 by Lon-
borg's one-hitter in the second
game, is a candidate for rookie'
of the year honors in the Nation-
al League. After nine years in the

to Uni
Cardinal chain gang the right-
hander finally made the big show
at the age of 29.
"I feel better about this start
than the first," Hughes said. "I
have had a lot of rest since Thurs-
day and I have a better idea about
the hitters. Last time I had my
fast ball but I didn't have my
good curve and slider."
Asked how he would pitch to
Carl Yastremski the second time
around, the bespectacled Arkan-
san unloaded a chew of tobacco
and said, "I'll just give him my
best pitch. Like I said before, the
home run he hit was half a mis-
take. He made it a whole mistake.
The ball was where I wanted it


Hurler NC State Seeks To Bury
'Clemson in ACC Race

but it didn't have enough stuff."
Yastremski hit one homer off
Hughes and the second off Joe
Hoerner, the left-handed relief
If Waslewski wobbles, Williamsr
will be sure to clean the bench
for pitchers. However, he said he
would not go to Lonborg on relief
in any circumstances. If it should
rain, Williams indicated he would
stay with Waslewski.
f-Gary Bell, Lee Stange, Dave
Morehead, Jose Santiago, Johnz
Wyatt and all the others will be
standing by on a ready basis.
After five games the pitchers
clearly are dominating the Series.
St. Louis is hitting .210 and Bos-
ton .206.


Two weexs ago, Houston upset
Michigan State'37 to 7.
Last Saturday, North Carolina,
State upset Houston, ranked sec-
ond in the nation, 16 to 6.
That upset victory propelled
North Carolina State -into the na-
tional rankings, and it hiay spur
the Wolfpack on to capture the
Atlantic Coast Conference title.
Its present 4-0 record reverses'
the situation of the past two years
where the Wolfpack was plagued
by poor starts. Though they im-'
proved in the latter half of those
seasons, they were forced to fin-
ish second to Clemson both years.
This may be the year to reverse
the final results, too.
Clemson, the preseason favorite
to repeat as ACC champion, has
dropped its last two games: first
to Georgia 24-17, and last Satur-
day to Georgia Tech 10-0, with
Alabama still to be faced.
However, last season it lost all
three of its non-conference games
(Southern Cal, Alabama, and
Georgia Tech) and still wenton
to become the ACC champion. The
only conference game the Tigers
lost last year Was to North Caro-
lina State, 23-14, in North Caro-
lina State's newly finished Carter
This year's North Carolina
State-Clemson clash takes place
November 18 on Cleinson home

!leads the defensive unit aided by
All-ACC guard Harry Olszewski
and ends Burt Saursavage and
Lory Branton.
Altogether, the Tigers can show
not only talent but depth at every
position both offensively and de-
North Carolina State, on the
other hand, was expected to field
an outstanding defense, with an
offensive line weakened by grad-
Ali - American Tackle Dennis
Byrd along with end Pete Sokalsky

Upsets Plague Grid Powers



In the sporting year of 1967 the
word upset has become an over-
worked and rather vague way of
saying that any team can beat
any other team on a given day.
It all began last spring when
the Chicago Black Hawks were
blasted out of the Stanley Cup
playoffs (as usual). Then Jack
Nicklaus missed the cut in the
Masters Tournament at Augusta
and Gay Brewer, a 20-1 shot, won
the coveted green jacket.
When baseball season began,
most of the oddsmakers had Pitts-
burgh picked as the winner of a
tight NationalaLeague race and
Baltimoie should have run away
with the Junior Circuit crown.
But St. Louis ran away with the
NL title, accumulating a won-lost
percentage of .620 and Boston
won a hectic AL battle.
Autumn has arrived now and
the only thing that seems to be
going as predicted is the World
Series, and even there Las Vegas
would not give odds.
Here, There, Everywhere
Football's '67 season has turned
out to be the most unpredictable
in quite a while, much to the con-
sternation of local bookies. Up-
sets have been more frequent
than babies and the season is on-
ly three weeks old.
Take the Big Ten for example.,
Pre-season polls had Michigan
State ranked in the Nation's Top
Ten. The unranked, unheralded
Houston Cougars were to be their
first opponents. About the only
thing that Houston could really
boast of was Warren McVea and
who ever dreamed that all his
press releases were true.
The Cougars flew into East
Lansing, stayed for a couple of
days and, before leaving, had suc-

ceeded in ravaging the Spartans.j
They scored 37 points by blasting
holes in the MSU defensive line
and, for versatility's sake, they
held the potent Spartan offense
to one morale-boosting touch-
down. Duffy Daugherty called
McVea one of the best halfbacks
in the country and then ran off
to lick his wounds.
A couple of hundred miles to
the west on that same afternoon,
the Northwestern Wildcats were
busy biting the wind out of the
sails of the Miami Hurricanes,
who were ranked second on most
pre-season polls.
In the South, Bear Bryant's
Johnson Voted
Back of Week
The Associated Press yesterday
picked Michigan's Ron Johnson
as the Back of the Week for his
outstanding running against, Na-
vy last weekend.
His rushing efforts also boosted
him to seventh place for rushing
in the nation with a total of 405
yards in three games.
The 6-1, 190 pound junior piled
up a total of 270 yards from
scrimmage in 26 carries, including
touchdown runs of 62 and 72
yards. Another 37 yard dash set
up a third Wolverine score.
He caught three passes for 19
yards, thus accounting for all but.
97 of Michigan's 386 yard total
Johnson's total broke the Mi-
chigan single game record set 24
years ago by Bill Daley and sur-
passed the best efforts of such
greats of yesteryear as Tom Har-
mon, Willie Heston, and present
coach Bump Elliott.

Crimson Tide had red faces to
match their red uniforms as Flor-
ida St. managed to score as many
points in one game against Ala-
bama's defense as the Tide had
given up all last season. It was
only good enough to gain a tie
for Florida State 37-37, but it-was
as cherished as a victory.
If the biggest upset of the year
was to be picked at this early,
stage of the season, the-frontrun-
ner would certainly be Purdue's
victory over the Fighting Irish of
Notre Dame.
Notre Dame, nearly everyone's
pick for National Champions, had
their proverbial Irish shaken by
the likes of Purdue's Mike Phipps
to Jim Beirne passing combina-
By virtue of their win, the Boil-
ermakers. have been made the
favorites to capture the Big Ten
title this year. But with Michigan
State and Ohio State on their Big
Ten schedule, the path to the
crown will be littered with green
and red obstacles, all itching to
be on the right end of the upset
Other notable upsets have in-
cluded Texas Tech's whomping of
Texas; N. Carolina St. preserving
their perfect record this past
weekend by nipping Houston; and
Duke jolting Army's Lambert
Trophy hopes by beating the Ca-
Navy has been involved in three
upsets. The Middies upset Penn
State and Michigan and were up-
set by Rice in between.
There are still seven weeks of
football remaining and the upset
fever is just catching on. It ap-
pears as though the tean that
can find the preventive will be
the National Champions.


ground, and may decide the con-
ference champion.
,Clemson Coach Frank Howard,
beginning his 22nd season as head
coach, lost only 2 offensive first
stringers, and 4 defensive starters
through graduation. Outstanding
among the 46 returnees are quar--
terback Jimmy Addison, fullback
Buddy Gore, and All-American
Tackle Wayne Mass.
Addison, who set Clemson pass-
ing records last season, has his
two favorite receivers, flankerback
Phil Rodgers (6-2, 175)and tight
end Edgar McGee (6-4, 213) back
In the line-up this year.
Gore, ACC rushing champion
last year, sparks the running game
with help from tailback Jacky
Mass, a 6-4 and 245-pounder,

(6-1, 215) bolster the defense and
safety Art McMahon and middle
linebacker Chuck Amato head a
seasoned secondary.
Among the six remaining teams
in the conference, South Carolina
and Duke present the only real
challenge for Clemson and NC
Paul Dietzel, South Carolina
coach, has said, "I wouldn't trade
our backfield for any in the con-
ference or possibly elsewhere in
the nation.".With fullback Warren
Muir rated eighth in the nation in
rushing previous to Saturday's 21-
0 loss to Georgia, and Mike Fair,
one of the leading passers in the
nation, he may be right.
Michigan has already-had a look
at the Duke Blue Devils, including
defensive tackles Bob Lashy and
Robin Bodkin.
Highly rated fullback Jay Cala-
brese, however, abdicated in favor
of tailback Frank Ryan here in
Ann Arbor and ran only 10 times.
Bringing up the tail end of the
conference are Virginia, North
Carolina, Maryland, and Wake
The Cavaliers from Virginia are
2-1, a 26-7 defeat at the hands of
Army opening the season followed
by 35-2 victory over Buffalo and
a 14-12 edging of Wake Forest.
Though tailback Frank Quayle has
not quite lived up to expectations,
-teammate Gene Arnette is tenth
in the nation in scoring.
All in all,, it looks like a two
team contest for the ACC cham-
pionship; and if last year's num-
ber two team (NC State) tries
harder, it may end up number one.




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