LET STUDENTS MAKE DECISIONS See editorial page 4urA ~E~aitF cool High--50 Low-33 Partly cloudy, Rain unlikely Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VoL. LXXVIII, No.36 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1967 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGE ' To By DAVID KNOKE The sun shines brightly as you get up to attend your first class in 1977. You walk down the hill from Stockwell and cross busy Forest Avenue on a broad pedes- trian overpass. You pass under the dental library overhanging North University Street and turn down the expansive mall that runs from Rackham to the steps of the general library. After taking freshman compo- sition in the former administration building, you relax in the tree- ringed mini-park that was former- ly a parking lot in front of the SAB. There have been a lot of changes in the physical University campus before 1977. Many of these changes were intended to shape the stu- dents' pattern of living in relation to the part of campus where they spend their waking hours. The masterminding of the central cam- pus goes back to 1963 when plan- ning consultants Johnson, John- son and Roy presented the Re- gents with copies of the Central Stress Campus Planning Study. "This guiding concept orients future campus development around major thoroughfare systems," John G. McKevitt, assistant to the vice president and chief financial officer. "The 'sub-campus' concept was one of the most important ideas in the study." By the time the class of '78 grad- uates, enrollment at the Ann Ar- bor campus will have swelled to 40,000 students. Campus planners early faced the inevitable break- away of outward projections of the centra campus such as North Cam- pus and the athletic grounds. To preserve the "singular image" of the University they decided to or- ganize sub-sections of the cam- pus around major academic in- terests and to create a transport system to bridge the large dis- tances involved. "The sub-campus concept was chosen to give greatest opportunity for accommodating the constantly changing University while realizing the desirability of creating small, comprehensive zones of activity to which students can relate as in- dividuals," said University Archi- tect Howard Hakken. The centers of each sub-cam- pus around the central quad will be located at these approximate sites: the Rackham mall, the Physics and Astronomy mall; the grounds between the old dental building and North Hall; the area between the architecture and the business administration schools; and the mall south of the SAB. Some of the open spaces which act as a focus for surrounding buildings have already material- ized. The P&A mall is an example, Another concurrent project is the re-arrangement of traffic pat- terns, being carried out under Plant Extension Department di- rector James F. Brinkerhoff with the cooperation of the city. Washtenaw Avenue is slated to be closed off as a direct route to the central campus. Preliminary plans and sketches will be released in about two months that will show Observatory Street extended through to Washtenaw and the Future Dental Library on North University Snb-Campuses PRESSING NEEDS REMAIN: Bishop Pike Three-Year Fund Drive To Address Hits $70 Million Mark 0oon R Peace Torch By MARK LEVIN As the University's $55 Million Development Fund draws its three year drive to a close, it can boast of raising an impressive $70 million, the largest amount ever raised in a capital campaign by a public institution. However, in the course of the drive, a scant $36,107 of the $1.8 million needed for the Residential College has been secured and on- ly three endowed professorships, the Alvin M. Bentley Chair in History, the S. S. Kresge Chair in Marketing, and the S. T. Dana emphasis is on the Residential College." According to one University Ad- ministrator, University President Harlan Hatcher has "talked Resi- dential College to everyone and anyone who has shown the slight- est interest in giving the Univer- sity money for anything. But he just hasn't hooked a big donor. Campaign Chairman Regent Paul Goebel is just as sincerely com- mitted. It certainly isn't for lack of trying." Executive Vice-President Mar- vin Niehuss comments that don- from over 14,000 donors. The D fund drive ends Dec. 31.DState In the final phases of the drive, To Followc University fund raisers are seek- ing small contributors. Donations By DAVID F from small contributors are usu- ally unspecified funds and may Controversial Epi be diverted into those areas the hop James Pikev University deems appropriate, peace torch rally at noon today. Whole University sponsored by the A "The large donors usually have bilization Committe a specific project in mind," says forming students Radock. "Only the small donor coming Oct. 21 an has the University as a whole Washington, D.C., in mind." ing them to particip According to Niehuss. part of ally h Parade Street Speakers RITSCH dscopalian Bis- will address a' on the Diag The r a11y,J nn Arbor Mo- ee, aims at in- of the forth- ti-war rally in and encourag- ate. elevated walkway from Stockwell to North Hall traversing Forest. "The University and city plan- ners may have a selling job on their hands when they layout major changes in the street pat- terns," commented Prof. Maurice Sinnott of the engineering college and chairman of the faculty ad- visory committtee on planning. With $75 million now under con- struction and $200 million slated for the next decade, land is be- coming a premium on the central campus. Future buildings will tend to be vertical structures resting on relatively little ground. In- tensive use of open space with in the sub-campuses will be vital. "By contrast, the medical cen- ter's growth in the next 40 years will be tremendously urban in character. Open space will be less expensive, more internally devel- oped and valuable for the contrast it provides," Brinkerhoff said. A main drawback to the grounds program has been a shortage of funds. See FUTURE, Page 2 Ann Arbor Firefighters Settle Strike City Meets Demands; Parking Increased, Roaches Fumigated By MICHAEL ROBERTS Ann Arbor firemen last night ended a five-day-old "stdown demonstration" against working conditions as the city agreed to meet all or part of three ma n grievances. "I'd call the demonstration a huge success," said Tom Ferrier a spokesmen for the firemen. All three shifts of the city fire department went on strike Friday by limiting all activities to fire and rescue calls and no mainten- ance duties until their demands were met. Reserves Nine Spots Last night the city agreed to reserve nine parking spaces for istence. firemen in a lot behind teie Cen- say its tral Fire Station. Monday the city had agreedIto fumigate bed bugs and roaches in the building and repair a faulty furnace in the main e f ire hall. f ~The city also made an offerof1 six reserved parking spots among r _ th ose in the lot assigned excusv- IL!5 ly to city hall employees. The fire- men voted Monday to continuethe strike until 16 spaces were pro- he neces- vided. ge. As the 9:00 p.m. negotiating 65, Mich- deadline imposed by the city ap,. Vietnam proached last night, a compromise ther in- number was worked out. ring July Under terms of the agreement, Park. firemen will also no longer be re- were dis- quired to pump gasoline for police- sk beside men between 11:00 p.m. and 7:0 teenagers a.m. kers to- Tour Building . n The city Health Inspector and moments Public Safety Inspector toured the ed. Later fire station and submitted a list d, 'Now I of thirteen further recomnimenda- draft 19- tions for improvement of working conditions to city government. cemobile's Ferrier described the Centra, s Service Fire Station as "a building that Scovering would have been long since con- hat "both demined had it not belonged to the city." obile is a Ferrier recalled how the firemen ement to have been trying to have their de- s, includ- mands met for almost two years, Bundy, to "At no time during the demonstra- g on the tion did the firemen refuse to an- swer emergency fire calls," he said, Chair in Outdoor Research, have ors just are not impressed with th Following Pike's speech a march been established. "the originality and uniqueness 'de problem in o taining un- will accompany the peace torch Not Marketable of the Residential College con- deign must "internally justify from the diag down State St. The "The Residential College is just ception. They think it is like any contribution to an educa- torch began its journey in Hiro- not a marketable item in terms of Morrall College at Michigan State shima. Japan, on Aug. 6, the an- poua pel"epan ie n hyaecnicdte cltonal institution. So, General sia aao u.6 h n popular appeal," explains Vice- and they are convinced the cole Motors can justify a contribution niversary of the dropping of the President for University Relations I lege will come into existence eve only it is ear-marked for auto- second atomic bomb. Michael Radock. "Our intensive if private support is not secured." motive engineering." It for at s efot ntenx he ots A fSpebr3,tefund moiv egnrig"It arrived at San Francisco and efforts in the next three months As of September 30, the n The Regents have already al- is being carried by foot across are for alumni giving and the big i campaign had raised $69,777,226 located over $1.6 million from the the country to Washington to ap- } pool of undesignated funds for pear at the rally. A id C e s*, the construction of the addition t theGrauateLibary.The Other speakers at the rally in- Romney Asks Aid for Cities; toteGaduatehLibrary.gn The dmrfr library has been the campaign's dlude Richard Elmore, of the na-, first priority item, according to mal Peace Torch Marathon e1ronm ie sj adock. of Western Reserve University; O pen-- e Th Rn prirem, ofuaccr ditComte;Pf.SdyPck ard Prof. Frithjof Bergmann, of the oiin ncc +, yrr v n nnv l i . ANN ARBOR'S ROVING PEACEMOBILE has been through many experiences in its brief exi It has encountered water sprinklers in Dexter and firecrackers on July 4. But its operators success has been "satisfactory." Peacemo bile Furthers Caus Despite Sprinklers, Firewor LANSING A) -- Gov. George Romney yesterday asked the Legis- lature to reorganize Michigan's lower court system, raise gasoline h and motor vehicle taxes, deal with urban problems and create a state police reserve at its special fall session. However, as expected, Romney's special message to the Legislature --outlining subjects to be con- sidered-excluded a general in- crease in state school aid which is sought by the state's educators. Romney's message included 12 general subjects and promised that at least one other-a state- wide open housing law-is being considered for possible introduc- tion in a subsequent message. The governor also asked for an additional $600,000 for the State Civil Rights Commission and an appropriation of $5 million for the education of underprivileged chil- dren.x In addition, Romney-empower- ed by the Constitution to call a special session and name the topics ,to be taken up-asked that state housing laws be corrected to pro- vide for a state housing develop- ment authority, and that legisla- tion be approved-providing for preparation of development plans for blighted areas, In detail, Romney asked action on the following: * School Aid-Romney recom- mends a $5 million appropriation for school aid to districts with deprived children; but no general1 increase in the state school aid formula. * Lower Courts-A new limited- jurisdiction should be established to replace justice courts, abolished by the new Constitution in 1969. Romney recommends courts of record, adequately paid lawyer- judges and "adequate revenue" ferent forms during the regular session, will be back before theI Legislature this fall. # State Salaries-Romney rec- ommends a $2,897, 749 appropria-I tion to help certain state depart- ments implement a pay raise for' civil service employes. t Planning-Lawmakers will be asked to merge existing agencies into a state office of planning coordination, which would be in the executive office. * Expressways-Romney wants a law to prevent local communities from vetoing freeway routes. * Rubbish-The recommenda- tion is to clarify the law to make certain that townships may con- tract with private corporations for disposal of rubbish as well as gar- bage. Romney told the lawmakers that the subjects presented in his mes- sage "and possible subsequent messages" are of such moment that it is important they be con-r sidered now instead of being with- held from legislative consideration until the regular session of 1968. success we t unct drive can claim is in student aid. With an origin- al quota of $5 million, the cam- paign has netted over $7 million in loan funds and endowed schol- arships. President's Club In addition, the size of the President's Club has doubled since the beginning of the campaign.' Over 436 alumni and friends of the University have each pledged a minimum of $10,000 in cash or $15,000 through a bequest, in- come gift, insurance program or other means in order to become, members. All $55 Million Fund offices have closed except the central of- fice in Grand Rapids and a branch, in Detroit.I However, in an effort to con- tinue the flow of private money for capital projects, the University has doubled the number of permanent Development Council Offices andr has reorganized and expanded the Council's permanent staff. The4 Development Council was estab- lished in 1952 to foster private; support for the University. philosophy department; and Bert Garskoff of New Politics party, All four Detroit television sta- By RON LANDSMAN tions are expected to cover the "Although most of the off-cam- rally, according to David Gordon, pus people we talk to remain in Grad, of the Ann Arbor mobili- favor of the war, we've at least zation group. given them a good impression of The Washington rally will in- the anti-war movement," said clude picketing and possibly a Peacemobile driver Louise Smith. sit-in at the Pentagon under the The bright yellow Peacemobile slogan, "Confronting the War- has achieved "satisfactory" suc- Makers." "It's going to be a big cess in distributing the anti-war rally," said Gordon. "We expect movement's literature on the Viet- maybe 250,000 people in Wash-3 nam conflict, its operator noted. mnatyn" ,s Its highly visible presence on the central campus diag has been However, Washington author- matched by constant forays off- ities have place a ban on parade campus to talk to residents about and rally permits unless the the war's effects. Most of these demonstraters call off the Penta- visits were received politely by the gon sit-in, various communities contacted Sponsors of the rally have called during the summer and early fall. the ban "unacceptable" and are Suspicious' new negotiating for its repeal. " While people are initially sus- when a policeman informed the ney when they obtain th driver that she was violating a sary permit from the villas local ordinance. The driver ac- George Abbott White, '6 compained the officer to the police igan field secretary for station only to discover that no Summer, recalled anol violation had occurred. cident that took place du Upon returning, they found a 4th festivities at Buhr: hostile crowd around the Peace- "A couple of the girlsN mobile. A shipowner turned on tributing, leaflets at dus water sprinklers effectively bar- the bus when a group oft ring the way to the Peacemobile. began throwing firecra The crew decided to beat a hasty wards them," White said retreat from Dexter. "They had a few tense Mrs. Smith, the driver that before the youths dispers night, admitted the anti-war peo- one of the girls remarke ple may have committed a blunder know why they want tot "by antagonizing them, we were year olds,' he chuckled. only defeating our own purpose Some persons have n of communicating," she said. tached views of the Peac A similar incident was avoided efforts. A Collegiate Pres in Pinckney, another farming cen- reporter who spent a yea ter, a few days ago when the the Vietnam war noted ti 1 4-im oii c i i a U a n ti~A.." As of last night, according to Dennis Sinclair, '69, Co-ordinator of the local mobilization commit- tee, no progress had been made. and none is expected for "two or three days." picious and see us as 'beatniks' Peacemobile left immediately alter iand bearded radicals,' they even- the police informed them that tually come to view us as a respon- they were violating a city ordi- sible political group," Mrs. Smith nance. "We left a good impression explained. "The hardest ones to with them, though, and they'll re- xconvince are those living in the member that," a crew member small ruralrcommunities of Wash- said. They plan to return to Pinck- tenaw County." The situation on campus is far NI hepskepte eceoil pe-Vietnam lViit bighter. One crew member, who lske h ecmbl pr ating six days a week, estimatedU.f that 75 per cent of the peoplei.v.taoc p r at t eovem tbe sldes use propagan a. "Ijowever, the Peacem welcome part of the mov force people on all level, ing Westmoreland and F re-examine their thinkin war,' he explained. Experts See Population Control, Race Conflict in Next 50 Years ary Victory Ct oks Viet Cong By JAMES JENSEN A "feast of delight" was the, term used by Prof. John R. Platt to describe a recent five-day con- ference of the American Institute of Planners on "The Next 501 Years." The conference, which took place in Washington, D.C., from Oct. 1- 6, assembled experts from variousI fields to forecast the development fore they enter. By STEVE NISSEN on the situation," he said. White stores. For couples who really to the Negro rebellion in the Uni- "Occasionally someone comes in "We cannot win the war by stressed that the people he talk- want to have children there would ted States. "Unless the popular looking for an argument," Mrs. escalating against North Vietnam, ed with were middle and upper be an "other store" with untreat- level is enlightened, all planning Smith elaborated, "but by-and- not even if we use nuclear wea- class Saigon residents, "who ed foodstuffs. Thus unwanted is nothing more than an intellec- large they just come to pick up pons," Prof. Ralph White of would have had a pro-govern- children could be avoided by tual exercise among a small sect more information." The bus is kept George Washington University ment bias if any." couples who don't use conven- of devoted planners," he said. well-stocked with pamphlets, but- told The Daily yesterday. "The most dangerous delusion tional contraceptives. Carl Oglesby, former president tons and petitions sent from the White, also a member of George in America is that if we put our A few million dollars of research of Students for a Democratic So- Vietnam Summer project head- Washington's Institute for Sino- foot down we can win quickly be- by embryologists would, if fruit- ciety, spoke of racism in regard to quarters in Cambridge, Mass. Soviet Study, recently returned cause of our overwhelming mil- ful, save billions that might be urban slums, which have "all the Counters Mass Media from a two-month tour of Viet- itary superiority," White declared. spent in these areas developing basic features of the conquest The Peacemobile itself was the nam. He is currently speaking in "This is just not so. In fact we present devices, Platt feels, and colonizing of 'sa v a ge' An-r A.. mism mmn nro- Ann Arbor to groups interested !i a w m.r a, risk alled Delusion Poplarity might have won if it weren't for the tendency of an un-informed electorate to vote for the familiar name." Dzu ran on a peace ticket and lost to military leader Nguyen Van Thieu. "The closeness of the Viet Cong to victory in 1965 suggests the degree of popular support." Even with massive U.S. aid "stalemate is the present situation. It would take a great deal more effort in the South to break this stale-