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October 10, 1967 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-10-10

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TITEsnAV- nCTnltFU. ltv I aill


Immediate and future vacancies for Special Education
Teachers interested in working with retarded children.
Full approval by the Michigan Department of Educa-
tion required. All Michigan Civil Service fringe benefits.
Starting salary from $7,976.00 to $10,335.00 depending
on experience and education. Maximum salary to $12,-
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Northville, Michigan
or call 313-453-1500
Order Your Daily Now-

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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
alendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication. For more
information call 764-9270.
Day Calendar
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem-
inar-"Management of Managers No.
39": 146 Business Administration Bldg.,
8:15 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.
Center for Programmed Learning for
Business. Workshop - "Workshop for

Programmers": Michigan Union, 8:30
a.m. to 5 p.m.
Dept. of Postgraduate Medicine and
Simpson Memorial Institute for Medi-
cal Research--"International Confer-
ence on Leukemia-Lymphoma": Rack-
ham Lecture Hall, 9 a.m.
University of Michigan Broadcast-
ing Service Conference-"Sixth An-
nual Music Personnel Conference":
WUOM, Fifth Floor, Administration
Bldg., Morning Lectures. 9 and 10:30
a.m.; Afternoon Lectures, 2 and 3:30
Alumni Conference and Sesquicen-
tennital Business Conference - Rack-
ham Amphitheatre, First Session, 9:15
a.m.; Second Session, 1:15 to 4 p.m.
American Association of University
Women Lecture ,(Ann Arbor Branch)-
Dr. Walter M. Spink. University of
Michigan, "Tao Chi: The Paintings of
an Eccentric Master": Rackham Am-
phitheatre. 7:30 p.m.

Professional Theatre Program - Eu-
gene Ionesco's "Exit the King": Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, 8 p.m.
School of Music Concert-University
Philharmonia - Theo Alcantara, con-
ductor and Nelson Hauensteln, flute:
Hill Aud., 8:30 p.m.
General Notices
Georgetown University Law Center:
Thomas C. Fischer, Georgetown Uni-
versity Law Center, will talk with stu-
dents interested in applying to George-
town. He will be in 1223 Angell Hall
today from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Contact
Mrs. Robinson, 764-0312 for appoint-
Flu Shots: There will be a "flu shot"
clinic at the Health Service today
from 8-11:30 a.m. and 1-4:30 p.m. The
charge is $1.50 for students and spouse
and $2 for faculty, staff and spouses.
Museum of Paleontology, Dept. of
Geology and Mineralogy: Dr. Lowell
Laudon, University of Wisconsin, "Or-
igin of the Rocky Mountain System
of Western North America," Wed., Oct.
11, Rackham Amphitheatre, 8 p.m.
Woodrow Wilson Fellows: All present
and former Woodrow Wilson Fellows
and their wives or husbands are in-
vited to attend the annual Woodrow
Wilson Reception to be held on Wed.,
Oct. 11, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the East
Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Rep-
resentatives from the national office
will be present to answer questions.
School of Music Honors Program: Ap-
plications are now' being received for
the winter term, 1968. Forms are avail-
able in the School of Music Records
Office. Deadline for receipt of appli-
cations and supporting statements by
the Honors Council (Prof. Emil Holz,
acting chairman) is Fri., Oct. 27,
Doctoral Examination for Robert Ca-
dy Magor, Industrial Health; thesis:
"Fluroescence Analysis of Benzo(a)Py-
rene and Benzo (ghi) Perylene in
the Solid State: Applications to Quan-
titative Analysis on Chromatographic
Media and Mixture Analysis," Tues.,
Oct. 10, Room 3005 School of Public
Health at 9 a.m. Chairman, P. M.
Foreign Visitors
The following foreign visitors can be
reached through the Foreign Visitor
Programs Office, 764-2148.
Mrs. Helene Bauer-Bernet, member
of legal staff, European Commission ,

a vi oun x , VV 1 "Dr n 1U, lyb

in Brussels. Belgium, Oct. 1-Nov. 10. duction, Purchasing, Sales, Stat., R. & grad students in Foreign Service Ca-
Dr. Valeriyva E. Bushurova, chief - D. reers. Contact Bureau to sign up. Stu-
of Laboratory of Engineering Psychol- Brunswick Corp., Chicago, Ill. - p.m. dents below senior level are also wel-
ogy and System Engineering, Lenin- only BA Econ., Gen. Lib, Arts for Per- come.
grad University, U.S.S.R., Oct. 5-Dec, sonnel and Territorial Sales. Dept. of State, Office of Equal Em-
15. Scott Paper Co., Mktg. Div., Philadel- ployment Opportunity, Wash., D.C. -
Dr. and Mrs. Jaime Cardenas, pro- phia-Male & female. BA Arch., An- Mr. Wright will be at the Bureau to
fessor of Dental Faculdad de Odentol- thro., Astro.. Econ.. Educ., Engl., Fine talk to members of any minority
ogia, Universidad de Antiquia, Medil- Arts, For. Languages, Gen.Lib. Arts, group from 9-5. No appointment nec-
lin, Colombia, Oct. 8-15. Geog., Geol., Hist., Journ., Law. Math,j essary. Will give information on op-
Dr. Charles Van Herbruggen, Min- Philo,, Poli. Sci.. Psych., Speech, Soc. portunities with Dept. of State and
istry of Economic Affairs, Belgium, for Consumer Representatives, Sales. related agencies such as AID. Under-
Oct. 8-14. Jacobson Stores, Inc., Jackson, Mich. grads, Seniors and Grads welcome.
Farai Abdulahad, professor of eco- -Male & female. Any degree, any ma- Central Intelligence Agency - See
nomics, director of Business Education jor, for Mgmt. Trng. and Merchandis- Tuesday listing.
Research Project, AI-Hikma University, ing. Michigan Consolidated Gas Co., De-
Baghdad, Iraq, Oct. 9-11. FRI., OCT. 13- troit, Mich.-Male & female. BA/MA
Prof. Pradel Pompilus, professor of Scott Paper Co., Phila., Pa. -- Male & Econ., Math and Chem. for Comput-
linguistics, StateaUniversity of Haiti, female. Corporate div, Male & female. ing, Mgmt Trug, Controller's Office,
Port-au-Prince, Haiti (accompanied by For Sales and Consumer Representa- DeriadsnC.,Dtot ih
interpreter James Khwaly). Oct. 10-12. tives. Detroit Edison Co., Detroit, Mich.
Twelve educators, Osaka Prefectural Northwestern University, Graduate -Male & female. BA/MA Econ., Educ.,
Board of Education, Japan, Oct. 10-12. School of Business Administration -- Math and Psych, for Computing, Per-
Peter Hastings, director, Council on Male & female. a.m. only. Students sonnel, 'roduct. and Program Learn-
New Guinea Affairs, Sydney, Australia, in all fields interested in MBA and lng.
Oct. 11-13. PhD program in business. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, N.Y.C.
Nguyen-Khoa Phon Anh, director, Xerox Corp., Birmingham, Mich. - -Any degree in any discipline for
Social & Market Research Division, p.m. only. BA/MA Econ., Gen. Lib. sales and manuscript soliciting.
Center for Vietnamese Studies, Sai- Arts, Hist., Journ., Poll. Sci., Psych., FRI., OCT. 20--
gon. Vietnam, Oct. 16-22. Speech for Inside and Territorial Sales. Honeywell, Inc., Minneapolis, Mnn,
Prof. Teruo Matsushita, professor To- Corning Glass Works, Corning, N.Y. -Male & female. BA/MA Econ., Math,
kyo University of Education, Japan -Male & female, Bach. and PhD in Philo., Physics and Phys. Chem. For
(accompanied by escort Coleman Econ., Geol., Libr. Sci. Math, Physics, Sales and Data Processing Trainees.
Clarke). Ovt. 17-22. Biochem., Chem. (all fields). Comput- Aetna Life and Casualty, Life Di-
ing, Library, Mktg. Res., Personnel, etrit c A EconyL en.
Prodctin, Sles Sta. 'sion, Detroit, Mich. -- BA Econ., Gen.
Production, Sales, Stat. Lib. Arts, Law and Math for Insur-
Placement MON., OCT. 16- ance, Mgmt. Trng. and Sales.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: National Steel Corp., Ecorse, Mich. U.S. Civil Service Commission, De-
-All level degrees in Math and all troit, Mich.-Male & female--General
FSEE Applications -- For November areas of Chem. for Computing, Mgmt. FSEE opportunities, Railroad Retire-
Dest are due tomorrow, Oct. 11. All Trng., Prod., Purchas., Sales, Traffic ment Board and Social Security Ad-
Dec.sgrads shouldyaet rstest ifand R. & D. ministration interviewers here to in-
interested in any U.S. federal em- form interested students about these
ployment. TUES., OCT. 17- agencies.
Canadian Public Service Commission Dun & Bradstreet; Inc., Detroit, Mich. * . *
-Administration and foreign service -Male & female. p.m. only. BA/MA
exam, given Oct. 17, contact the Bu-Ec. rMm.Tr.an Mk.Rs For further information please call
reau immediately if interested. 'Econ for Mgmt. Trng. and Mktg. Res. 764-7460, General Division, Bureau of
Stanford University Graduate School Appointments, 3200 SAB.





O i

National Bank


, ' rr,1,u , ,

wishing to interview the followin
ployers must have forms in the E
by the end of this week. Employe
pect to see this resume. Call 7f
for appointments, and come to G
Division, 3200 SAB, to get forms.
THURS., OCT. 12-
Union Carbide Corp., Linde Di
N.Y.C.-Male & female. BA/MA
Engl., Gen. Lib. Arts, Hist., J
Math, Poli. Set., Phys., Chem
fields). Computing, Mgmt. Trng.
sonnel, Production, Purchasing,
Technical Writing.
General Foods Corp., WhiteI
N.Y.-Male & female. All degree
Econ., Engl., Gen. Lib. Arts,
Journ., Law, Math, Microbiol.,
Poll. Set., Psych., Speech, Soc.
chem., Chem. (all fields) for Co
ing. Mgmt. Trng. Res., Personnel

lg em-
ers ex-
. (all

of Business, Calif.-Male & female.
Anyone interested in MBA or PhD
programs regardless of major.
University of Michigan Personnel Of-
fice, Ann Arbor, Mich.-Male & female.
BA/MA Engr., Gen. Lib. Arts, Journ.,
Libr. Sci., Microbiol., Pharm., Bio-
chem., Chem., all fields. For Biol., Bot.,
Zoo., Libr., Mgmt. Trng., Purchas.,
Secretarial, Writing and Gen. Writing.
Johns HIopkins School of Advanced
International Studies, Wash., D.C. -
BA Econ., For. Lang., Gen. Lib. Arts,
Hist., Poll. S., for grad program
leading to MA in International Rela-



most people finance the National way
National Bank

Campus Office:

Will iam at Thompson

Wednesday, October 11,
explore an
engineering career
on earth's
last frontier.
Talk with Newport News On-Campus Career Con-
sultant about engineering openings at world's
largestsshipbuilding company-where your future
is as big as today's brand new ocean.
Our half-a-billion-dollar backlog of orders means high start-
ing salary, career security, with your way up wide open.
It also means scope for all your abilities. We're involved
with nuclear ship propulsion and refueling, nuclear aircraft
carrier and submarine building, marine automation. We've
recently completed a vast oceanographic ore survey. We're
a major builder of giant Water power and heavy industrial
equipment. We're ;starting to apply our nautical nuclear
know-how to the fast expanding field of nuclear electric
power generation. We're completing competitive systems
designs for the Navy's $1 billion plus LHA fleet concept.
Interested in an advanced degree or research? We're next
door to Virginia Associated Research Center with one of
the world's largest synchrocyclotrons, offering advanced
study in high energy physics. We're close to Old Dominion
College and University of Virginia Extension Division, where
you can get credits for a master's degree, or take courses
in Microwave Theory, Solid State Electronics, Nuclear En-
gineering and other advanced subjects. Ask about scholar-
ships, tuition grants, study and research leaves to imple-
ment these opportunities.
Ask, too, about the pleasant living and lower living costs,,
here in the heart of Virginia's historic seaside vacation land,
with superb beaches, golf, fishing, boating, hunting.

Learn How To Groove & Deal
extend your socialife
TUESDAY, 7:00 P.M.


levels Central Intelligence Agency, Wash.,
Hist., D.C.-Male & female. All degree levels
Philo., in Econ., For. Lang., Gen. Lib. Arts,
Bio- Geog., Geol., Law, Libr. Sol., Math,
imput- Phys., Poli. Sci. for Cartography, Coin-
, Pro- puting, Languages, Library, Mgmt.
Trng., Secretarial, and Intelligence
* WED., OCT. 18-
Standard Oil Co., Detroit, Mich. -
BA Econ., Gen. Lib. Arts and Organic
Chem. for Mgmt. Trng., Merchan., Ter-
ritorial Sales.
Central Intelligence Agency - See
Tuesday listing.
Bell System, Detroit, Mich.-Male &
female. BA/MA Econ., Engl., Gen. Lib.
Arts, Hist., Math, .Poll. Sci., Psych.,
Phys., Chem. for Computing, Mgmt.
Trng., Prod., ;Purchas., Sales (inside),
and persons interested in management
regardless of major,
Marathon Oil Co., Detroit, Mich. -
p.m. only. BA/MA Econ., Gen. Lib.
Arts for Mgmt. Trng, and Sales Rep.
Internal Revenue Service, Detroit,'
Mich.-Male & female. BA Econ., Eng-
lish, Gen. Lib. Arts, Hist., Math, Poll.
Sci. and Soc. for Revenue Officers
and Tax Technicians.
THURS., OCT. 19-
Dept. of State, Wash., D.C. - Male
& female. Mr. Donovan, foreign serv-
ice officer, will conduct group meet-
ings to interest present seniors and

The following schools have recorded
vacancies for the present semester:
Bellevue, Mich.-H.S. Inst. Music.
Bloomfield Hills, Mich. (P.S.) -
Drafting teacher.
Howell, Mich. (Livingston Interme-
diate Sch. Dist.)--Audiologist.
Lansing, Mich. (P.S.)-H.S. Band.
North Branch (U.S.)-Speech/Eng.,
Type/Shorthand, Alg. (Jan.), Eng.
* * *
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB, 764-
7459. /
ICE: Make interview appointments at
Room 128-H, West Engineering Bldg.
OCT. 16-
Arthur Andersen & Co.
Arco Chemical Co. - Div. Atlantic
Richfield Co.--PhD's. (Make appoint-
ment at Chemistry Placement, 2028
Chem. Bldg.)
Bell System.
California State Personnel Board.
Deere & Co.
Factory'Mutual Engineering Div.
General Electric Co.
Hewlett-Packard 'Co.
Kimberly-Clark Corp.
Standard Oil of California & Chev-
ron Research Co.
The Timken Roller Bearing Co.
Vitro Laboratories.
Student Wives: Wanted to work in
North Campus area as scanners to
read tracts on nuclear photograph
emulsions with a microscope. No iskill
or experience necessary. Those inter-
ested may contact the Part-Time Em-
ployment Office, 2200 Student Activi-
ties Bldg.,, 764-7283.



Popular Dance

Beginning Bridge

if you don't,
f fit the mold...
::rr where should,
v ~you work?
y -_
And Avco Everett's that sort of laboratory ... a laboratory that doesn't
have a mold ... a laboratory run by research scientists. The type of
people we are looking for are Ph.D.s who like the academic life ...
its freedom, its pace, its vast research facilities and its interchanges
with the foremost scientists in the country. Avco Everett is looking for
the man who appreciates those benefits, but who also wants all the
personal advantages of working for a private firm. That sort of man
will be happy working with Avco Everett, and Avco Everett will be
happy working with him.
Interested? Our investigations range from high temperature gas
dynamics, plasma dynamics,aerophysics, atomic physics, reentry
physics, magnetohydrodynamics to low temperature physics including
superconductivity. If you're in any one of these fields, write Mr.
Louis Rudzinsky, Industrial Relations Director. He'll be glad to send
you bibliographies and abstracts of our recent publications. Then
you'll have a better basis to judge us. We think you'll see what
we mean.




Mechanical Engineers
Electrical Engineers
Marine Engineers
Industrial Engineers
Systems Analysts

Naval Architects
Nuclear Engineers
Civil Engineers
Metallurgical Engineers

International World's Fair
Petitions will be available in
UAC offices-2nd floor, UNION


See our representative
Jerry Vaughn
Wednesday, October 11
He'll be at the Placement Office to answer questions, dis.
cuss qualifications, take applications for fast action,
lTewpcrt 1%ews (
An Equal Opportunity Employer.

Oct. 9-Oct.

13-3-5 P.M.

Petitions are due Friday, Oct. 20


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