Sezenty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AU THORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS The Trials of a Conscientious Objector ."-" Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD Sr., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express, the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID KNOKE Federal Pressure on NSA Perpetuates the Quagmire By RICHARD ANTHONY Collegiate Press Service "Nothing contained in this title shall be construed to re- quire any person to be subject to combatant training and service in the armed forces of the United States who, by rea- son of religious training and belief, is conscientiously op- posed to participation in war in any form." (Selective Service Act of 1948: Title I, Section 6 (j). JOHN McAULIFF is opposed to certain kinds of wars, but not to war "in any form." As he wrote in the statement he prepared for his draft board, he does not object to "interna- tional police actions," nor to de- fensive wars. He also wrote that "although I think just policies earlier would have prevented the second World War, I would have fought Ger- many and Japan." He is totally opposed to nuclear war, and to "any war or 'peace- keeping action' which involves the nationals of one country inter- vening in another and which does not receive the backing of the broadest-based international or- ganization." McAuliff is not a "selective C.O." in the purest sense-that is, he did not apply for conscien- tious objector status solely be- cause he opposes the Vietnam war -but by almost any other meas- ure he is a selective C.O. In spite of his beliefs about war, however, his state Selective Service Appeals Board (in In- diana) has granted him C.O. status. He is to serve two years doing alternative service. McAuliff does not know why his state board decided to approve his C.O. application. He had not expected them to do so, and was preparing for further appeals and court action. "I thought I'd probably fight the case through the courts for a couple of years," he said, "and then eventually be faced with jail." Under the old draft law (since amended, but applicable when McAuliff's case was being consid- ered), his appeal could have been forwarded to the Justice Depart- ment by his state board if there was any question about it. The department would then have held a hearing to decide his case. As far as he knows, the appeal was never forwarded to Washing- ton. No Justice Department hear- ing was held. McAuliff, a graduate of Carle- ton College and a Peace. Corps veteran, now lives in Washington. THE DECISION by the Indiana Appeals Board in McAuliff's case has no legal standing, and can- not be employed as a legal pre- cedent by other applicants for C.O. status. There are only two legal decisions that bear on the selective C.O. question, both in- volving Jehovah's Witnesses. In Sicurella v. U.S., which came before the Supreme Court in 1955, the court ruled that a Witness could be granted C.O. status even though he was will- ing to kill in defense of his broth- ers and his home, or at the com- mand of Jehovah. According to a spokesman for the American Civil Liberties Un- ion, there are a number of selec- tive C.O. cases that will be reach- ing the courts within the next year. Only one case, however, that of Air Force Capt. Dale Noyd, is currently on appeal to the Supreme Court. CAPT. NOYD objects specifi- cally to serving in Vietnam or aiding in the war effort there, and has applied for C.O. status on the basis of that objection. According to one of his attor- neys, Marvin Karpatkin, the Su- preme Court is supposed to be de- ciding whether or not to hear the case within a month and a half, but it may never get to do so. Karpatkin says that Noyd has been assigned duty as it flight in- structor. "As soon as he is order- ed to train a pilot who is going to Vietnatn, he'll have to dis- obey," says the attorney. If that occurs, .Noyd will be probably court-martialled, and his military trial will take pre- cedence over his appeal to the Supreme Court. There is little likelihood, there- fore, that a "selective C.O." case will reach the Supreme Court in the near future. Others who ap- ply for C.O. status under circum- stances like McAuliff's may be successful, but if they are, it will be because their local or state boards construe the phrase "war in any form" as his state board did. There is not yet a legal pre- cedent that will support C.O. ap- plicants who object to the Viet- nam war in particular, or to wars of intervention generally. McAuliff h i m s e 1 f, although aware that his case will not pro- vide legal support for other se- lective C.O.'s, nevertheless hopes that as many potential draftees as possible will apply for C.O. status even if they are not thorough-going pacifists. "They might be favorably sur- prised, as I was," says McAuliff, "but if not, each of them will be adding to the pressure for changes in the present unjust system. "If enough pressure builds up," he adds, "then some day we may have the kind of system that recognizes the legitimacy of all conscientious objections." THE REPORT ON FRIDAY that the Na- tional Student Association was pres- sured by the Office of Economic Oppor- tunity to cancel its scheduled August 24 Vietnam protest march on Washington illuminates the quagmire of government control in which NSA has found itself. Despite the abolition of the CIA yoke, NSA is still the progeny of the Establish- ment and is dominated by the funds and favors of the federal government, and not by the interests/ of the students whose governments they represent. NSA, while it is nominally a lobby-like organization for student interests, has actually been a vehicle through which the federal government administers -sev- eral programs. During the CIA domina- tion of NSA, the organization was used not only to influence international stu- dent conferences, but in their dealings with students from Communist coun- tries, members of the international branch of NSA promised to forward all communications to the CIA, an item which led to the ultimate schism be- tween the two organizations. THE STORY in the Wayne State Uni-' versity's student paper on OEO influ- ence in NSA leaves some doubt as to the story's charges, but regardless there is some pressure placed on NSA from OEO. While OEO's motives for funding NSA are, of less dubious character, OEO is not acting merely to perpetuate NSA as a representative of student interests. The $244,000 grant from OEO was to be used exclusively in setting up and administer- ing the tutorial project. While this proj- ect does have its merits, it is significant that the funds are not undesignated, they are not for projects that are ini- tiated by and benefit NSA, but rather are fo'r projects that supplement gov- ernmental programs. THUS, THE NSA serves the OEO which in turn serves President Johnson, whose primary concern is not whom he serves, but quieting the chorus of oppo- sition to the war in Vietnam. Even the thought of NSA cancelling the scheduled August 24 march is evi- dence that NSA leaders see it more fit- ting to serve the federal government than their student constituents. Programs such as the tutorial proj- ect could certainly be financed through other organizations or directly through the OEO. If NSA's being allowed to ad- minister these programs means it must prostitute itself politically and refuse to espouse the interests of its true con- stituents, then the tutorial program must be administered through , other sources. As long ,as NSA takes in govern- ment funds for whatever purposes, they will be liable to such forms of federal blackmail. PERHAPS OTHER SCHOOLS will realize this and follow the noteworthy lead of the University's SGC by withdrawing from NSA. This will not destroy NSA, however, for its power comes not from below, from the students, but from the federal government. What can be hoped for is that out of the discontent of these schools can come a lobby that repre- sents the students in both name and fact, -RONALD KLEMPNER Associate Editorial Director a ..... .... ........r ....................:...... ............. ........:1::::.:;5. ...:.... ....... .. 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SHISTERS'S "VOICES of Two Civilizations" expresses the relative irrelevancy of the civilization of Acheson, Reichauser, and compatriots as opposed to the world in which Lynd, Gerassi, Og- lesby and others would like to see created. But, then, one only has to look at which speakers were in- vited by whom to realize the effect of the establishment. The Univer- sity brought you the former 'sec- retary of state, former ambassador to Japan, government economist, unconcerned Negro novelist, phys- icist, and other noncontraversial figures of the sciences. Make no mistake about it, the Wednesday night teach-in was in no way sponsored by the "U." Rather, SGC, Graduate Assembly, U-M Young Democrats, U-M Young Republicans, Friends of Vietnam Fall, and sponsors brought you revolution advocates, dissenters as well as resisters, ac- tivists, local leaders-people not talink about some obscure polit- ical theories of the past, but about issues that face this generation: Wurfel, observer of recent Vietnam elections, on "Vietnam: A Way Out?"; Boggs and Cleague, Detroit Negro organizers and leaders, dis- cussing the racial-economic ques- tions; professors arguing with stu- dents at three in the morning on subjects ranging from "Electoral Tactics for '68" to "The 'Rise of the Hippies." Yes, the University is a part of the "other generation." We are told it is not politically feasible for he nstitution to sponsor speak- ers who poke and prevoke. The University being what you make of it, I think organizations such as the ones which gave us this teach- in for making it a bit better. --Deo Shapiro '69 Other Voices To the Editor: IN HIS COLUMN of Oct. 6, Neil Shister made several points on which I would like to comment. Taking first his statement that Dean Acheson is not a reaction- ary, I reject this notion. Granted that the author of America's China Policy is the liberal par excellence, it is precisely this which makes him reactionary. You see the two terms are not opposites. He is reactionary be- cause he advocates the suppres- sion of the very revolutionary movements that not only happen to be with the: tide of history, but are exactly what the "third world" and the rest of us need if we are to become civilized. The point is not that Acheson and company are still talking in the late sixties as they were in the late forties and through the fifties; it is not that they are old- fashioned. The basic point to un- derstand is that they were wrong even then. To be against the rev- olution in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Detroit, Watts, Har- lem - Mississippi, today -- or to have been so in 1949 is to have been and continues to be in dia- metric opposition to the only ve- hicle for attainment of freedom and self-determination that the exploited peoples of four conti- nents have open to them. WITHIN MY system of priori- ties Mr. Acheson figures as a very uncivilized man, For while he speaks softly and supports fr'ee speech within our borders, he acts with tanks and napalm against people seeking to rid themselves of repressive. local regimes which function underathe auspicesUof American liberal support. U.S. domination is the hated enemy because it means no widespread redistribution of land, natural re- sources or the general wealth in countries where people are liter- ally starving. It means that the bulk of the inhabitants of Latin America languish under oligarchic governments who, continue to exist only because of the U.S. supplies the f u n d s, military hardware and green or purple berets which are necessary to prop them up. Mr. Acheson as a respected liberal, is the active architect of programs designed to perpetuate this status quo all around the world. The word liberal is in disrepute and rightly so because under its imprimatur, whether or not with good intentions, acts of syste- matic oppression have been an continue to be perpetrated agains the "have-nots." What must b+ reemphasized is that they have not because we have; and tha what we have is to an enormou extent what we took from them. In judging men such as Dear Acheson, Hubert Humphrey, Johr Kennedy or his heir apparent Bobby, it is misleading and even mischievous to focus their per. sonal attributes in the contex of socio-political systems. Yes John F. Kennedy and Bobby ar charming men, but their allianc for progress in Latin America was an effort to nip the South American revolution in the bud And it was John Kennedy wh first escalated American inter vention in Vietnam. The logica progression of the same policie can be witnessed today in Viet- nam, Bolivia, Peru, Guaterhala etc., under a far less witty, hum orous, or likeable but still liberal Lyndon B. Johnson. Finally, the question is erone- ously posed when it asks "are you on the side of Staughton Lynd or Dean Acheson?" The questiort is are you on the side of the op- pressed or the oppressor? -Rose Hochman SG( To the Editor: AS A NEWCOMER to this cam pus, I have been quite im- presed by the degree to which stu. dents participate in the Univer- sity's policy-making and decision- making processes. My undergrad- uate experience in student gov- ernment (at a private university of 6,000 located in the South) wa, often one of suspicion and lack of communication between student and the faculty and administra- tion; thus, the rapport apparen here is a welcome change. Th presence of student representa- tives om important boards and committees demonstrate the ad- ministration's respect for studen opinion and suggests the responsi- ble and creative nature of student government at Michigan. Consequently, I am dismayed to learn that an SGS representa- tive has refused to sit on the Uni- Me Et :t S 1. E1 "This Is An Emergency - We've Got To Use Tihe Ax" s X/ pf 6 *1 t,- - -0 -A , - - 1v6 Social Comment in a London Fog PERHAPS SOME THINKER at London Fog heard the news about Central In- telligence Agency dollars lining the pock- ets of the National Student Association. The -revelation, however, doesn't have much advertising potential. But the folks who make "Maincoats" (rain coat is anathema at London Fog) came through with the following related tale which ap- peared in recent issues of magazines widely read on campus: "ONCE UPON A CAMPUS," the ad re- lates, "a mean old gangster disguis- ed himself as a house mother in order to kidnaps a wealthy coed. After noticing how big his ears, nose and teeth were, she commented on his nifty shoulders. The better to kidnap you with,' he said, stuffing her into a laundry bag. "Shrieking for all she was worth - about 300 thou-she attracted the at- tention of The Fog, who happened to be on campus ferreting out a Communist cell in the Biology Department. "Moral: Sometimes a little red riding can catch a hood. LONDON FOG WINS on two points: Its moral is a profound analgam of sear- ing wit and civic-mindedness in an age of the anti-hero. And, its portrayal of a campus populated by at least one weal- thy coed shows an insight into the so- cial structure of some of today's univer- sities: rich, white (the coed in the ad photo is indeed blonde), middle-class. But there are flaws in the narrative skein: A depiction of a gangster with prominent features indicates a latent ethnic bias. Furthermore, the last major Communist ("cell" is a terrible pun) in a biology department was probably Stal- in's man Lyhenko. Ad writers may un- forgivably have had in mind biological mathematicians such as Prof. Anatol Rapoport, but such persons oppose the Vietnam war in the best traditions of true American morality. Thus "red rid- ing" reflects the hawkish venom at Lon- don Fog. FINALLY, THE STORY line is implaus- ible: The Fog should, for example, have noticed the kidnapping as he drove to campus in a Volkswagen that his agen- cy planned to donate to the campus stu- dent government. Thus, The Fog misses the tradition of suspense of sleuths like Sherlock Holmes. And, because of its obvious ideological bent, London Fog should best spend its efforts making trench coats for CIA agents. -NEAL BRUSS Housing the Urban Poor IN THE AREA of public housing, every effort should be made to avoid the "buck-passing" effects of red tape, and the creation of huge, monotonous, tomb- like boxes of apartment houses which neighbors can point to, or (what is more likely) move away from. Ann Arbor's planned public housing program fails on both counts. Under the program, $3.6 million in federal funds will be used to create 200 units, tenta- tively to be distributed over only six sites. The federal government must be involved in all steps of the construction, including approval of sites, options and even architects. This means public in- vestigations, not to mention an interm- inable delay. And distribution of the units over only six sites will foreseeably cause gross inequities in racial and eco- nomic distribution in the city's schools. FURTHERM4ORE, public welfare does uals should be a private contract be- tween the recipient and the distributing agency to avoid the indignity of a public "dole." An ideal solution to public housing would be the federal rent supplement program presently mired in joint com- mittee. Under such a program individ- uals would privately receive the finan- cial aid to move into decent housing in any area of a city. Equally beneficial would be a public housing program such as the ones Flint and Mount Clemens operate. Under these programs individual contractors turn over to the city the keys to finished units-single-family dwelling or apart- ments-in exchange for reimbursement out of federal funds. No federal inves- tigations are involved, and the units are widely distributed throughout the city. v F ' ? ' m,:a ;. R " r ;" . .. _-- ,_ 1 L t ; , ,, , ,: T k f , 1 +r 1 _ rY ' +,': ;j ',I . : .; l,; ;.: s11, , , . r'_ ,; C. ' ' 6 ', , . , f { f.r I'..k ..Ii~' r - versity Senate Committee on Com- munications (Daily, Oct. 4), ,and f even more concerned that SGC s chose to void its representation f rather than participate in closed s meetings. This policy, is overdoing democracy. Certainly the repre- t sentative and the Council were en- e titled to the opinion that all ses- sions of the committee should be d open, but when the majority of the members, by an equally valid' t function of democracy, voted to hold closed meetings, the student t organization should have com- plied with that majority will. Two questions are relevant here. First, where is the line to be drawn between the SGC's responsibility (and privilege) to represent and its fidelity to principle? If Miss Greenberg felt it ideologically im- possible to participate in closed meetings, she could resign for. reasons that 'would seem justified., But does SGS have the right to deny students representation on this commtitee (and perhaps oth- er's) because meetings are not pub- lic? I believe the line is not drawn between open and closed doors. THE SECOND QUESTION ap- plies to the specific situation: Must the meetings of this committee be closed for it to completely explore its topic? Although the SGC rep- resentative thought not; four of the members, at least three of whom were faculty, believed- so. Thus, in terms of majority dem- ocracy and majority judgment, the committee stated that the ses- sions should be private to accom- plish their pur-pose. The most important implication , of SGC's withdrwal from this com- mittee, however, is not the lack of cooperation or the loss of rep- resentation. Rather, this policy reflects a blurred perspective of SGC's conception of its role, its power, and its responsibilities. And what concerns me most about this policy is that such steadfast re- fusal to cooperate with a commit- tee on which it has only one seat could undermine the significant progress student government has made at Michigan. First, strict ad- herence to the recent decision could completother studentsrep- resentatives to forfeit seats on committees which desire confiden- tial proceedings. Second, SGC could lose contact with issues im- concept. But an argunent over principle when pragmatism is the necessity does not make policy, decisions-or sense. -Jeremy Joan Hewes, Grad Parking Space To the Editor: I WAS VERY much surprised to learn from Miss Eiker's Sept. 28 article, "Whence Cometh the Funds," that in the past five and a half years I have paid out about $80 to the Michigan 'Union for student, services. She noted that at the women's rate, she would have gotten off well at $1 for each admission to the League; for me, $10 would have bee ncheap. Thereason I am writing is to inquire of you and your readers exactly why the Union and the League should be maintained at all? I . understand that these buildings are owned'in some way outside the University, legally, and are run by non-University employes, but I wonder if you could clarify the exact status of the Union and the League, legal- ly, for your readers. Offhand, it seems like they would be of more value to the students if they were converted into classroom space, or even parking structures perlaps. If there is some vital aspect of these institutions which I have over- looked in the past years, I would appreciate an informative lecture on their values. -John H. Lossing '70Med Spare Us to the Editor: PLEASE SPARE us another edi- torial such as Anne Buesser's on "Sororities and Grade-Points." For triteness and trivia we have Time magazine and LBJ - must we look to The Daily for the same? "Nobody here is mediocre," she proclaims. We must demonstrate the worth of this system by "swinging the balance back to- ward academic excellence," "mo- tivating to do more than the minimum," "pushing scholarship," that is, requiring a 2.2 instead of a 2.0. "Grades tell much about the individual'shorientation into the university, her assumption of responsibility and her self-re- spect." These qualities go unde- fined-responsibility to what, and I i