SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, X967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY P'A VIR TTIllt , . SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7,1967THE MICHIGAN DAILY rti* r int1 m' FA LBJ Renews Plea for Tax Boost in '68' Appropriations Head Stymies Measure, Wants Budget Cuts WASHINGTON (P) - President Johnson again pleaded for a tax increase yesterday while Congress' tax chief spelled out a stiffened demand for future as well as pre- sent economies. The indirect exchange left the gulf between Johnson and the congressional economy forces, whose spokesman is Rep. Wilbur D. Mills (D-Ark), as wide as ever, if not wider. Johnson said government ex- perts think prices will rise four to five per cent next year-and perhaps more in 1969-unless Con- gress "enacts his proposed 10 per cent income tax surcharge. If the higher tax is put into ef- fect, he said, their estimate is for a 21/2 per cent price rise next year and less than that in 1969. Mills is chairman of the tax- writing Ways and Means Commit- tee, which has pigeonholed the President's proposed 10 per cent surcharge on income taxes until the White House and Congress agree on spending cuts. "This kind of buck-passing makes it all the more difficult to come to grips with our real prob- lem," Mills said. Mill said "spending cuts in this fiscal year or in 1969, welcome as they would be, are not really the central objective. "When administration officials and spokesmen insist that it is Congress' job to cut appropriations and spending and insist that the President cannot act until appro- priations actions have been com- pleted by us," Mills said, "they are concentrating only on this year's expenditures." Rep. John W. Byrnes of Wiscon- sin, senior Republican on the com- mittee,,remarked, "It almost begins to look-as though there is a ques- tion whether the President really wants a tax increase. It seems to me he would be trying to find ways of accommodation rather than widening the gap by his adamance." Johnson, meeting with officials of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board system at the White House, said, "I know it's not a popular thing to ask for a penny out of a dollar for a war that's not pop- ular either." But he stressed the two situations have to be faced and he would like to see it done "reasonably, nonpolitically." -Associated Press PRESIDENT JOHNSON, meeting yesterday with executives of home loan banks, again tried to muster support for his proposed income tax in crease. Until Congress and the President can agree on spending cuts, the lawmakers have shelved his proposal for a 10 per cent surcharge. At right is John E. Stipp of Chicago. Britain'sabor Party Resolves Policy Conflict wLiith Left Wing McNamara Halts Army Construction Holds Housing Funds For Military Families In New Spending Cut WASHINGTON (P) - Pentagon figures showed yesterday that Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara froze $91.7 million in family housing projects Thursday when he ordered an indefinite halt in contracting for some $350 million in military construction work. McNamara's actions - which also included a suspension of new "pork barrel" civil works projects -came in response to congres- sional demands for assurances of economizing b e f o r e President Johnson's proposal for a 10 per cent surtax is considered. The $91.7 million covers 5,048 units of housing for the wives and children of American serv- icemen in the United States and abroad. Unfrozen in January Construction of such units was frozen once before, in December 1965, when .McNamara ordered a reduction in spending because of the Vietnam war. He unfroze these units last January but contracts had not been let when the new clampdown came. McNamara's move flies in the face of strong appeals from the armed services for more family housing, which the services con- sidered a vital factor in keeping seasoned officers and enlisted men in uniform. It also flies in the face of the Pentagon's own findings on the importance of such housing. Disdain for Congress And the action drew some an- gry response in the Senate where Sen. Henry M. Jackson (D-Wash) said it is another example of what he termed McNamara's dis- dain for Congress. Paul R. Ignatius, then assistant' secretary of defense for installa- tions and logistics, told a House committee in May that a Penta- gon study found that: "Satisfactory living accommo- dations for uninformed personnel and their families are a decisive motivating factor in influencing the retention in service of both enlisted and officer personnel." Trimmed Request This year, the Pentagon asked for 12,500 new units that would cost about $247.5 million. Con- gress trimmed this to 10,609 units to cost $212 million but has not completed action on the bill Ignatius assured Congress this year's program-following a total absence of new military housing requests last year"Marks the return to the orderly development of an annual program of new housing." NASHVILLE, Tenn. {P)-Warn- ing that the United States faces "a crisis of survival," Michigan Gov. George Romney proposed' yesterday a "Strategy for a NewI IAmerica" designed to lessen the gap between Negroes and whites. He called for strict and equal, law enforcement, more job train- ing, an end to discrimination anda stepped-up federal spending even at the expense of ~other national programs. "If the lot of millions of people on earth is more important than1 putting a man on the moon in this decade," Romney said, "let us invest more in people and even less in space. Let us spend more in Harlem and less in the sea of tranquility." Romney,an undeclared Repub- lican President contender who recently finished a 20-day tour of many of the nation's cities, warn-I ed the National Conference of Editorial Writers in prepared re- marks that "America is becomingr dangerously polarized." Romney's "Strategy for a New America" included these ideas: -"Stop looking at the people1 of the slums as a drag on our so- ciety, and see them rather as an untapped asset. There is as mucht talent and leadership in the slums as there is in the suburbs." t s -Negro self-help, "the creatives side of black power." "Time and again," he said, "thea people of the ghettos showed met how they were altering the at-s mosphere and direction of lifet around them by producing pro- gress of their own making-pro-e gress they will fight to defend,r not to destroy, because it is their ing priorities to make more own." money available to deal with -Eliminate discrimination, es-!' slum problems. pecially in housing and employ- "We can cut down and defer ment. public works," Romney said. "We "Poverty, not race, is the com- can wait to beautify our high- mon denominator of the people ways; we can delay urban renewal of the slums," Romney said. "And projects that replace potentially the answer to poverty is employ- servicable housing with palatial ment, not welfare - jobs, not office buildings and luxury apart- handouts." ments. Business should locate plants in "We can slow down spending slum areas and "both business for a multitude of other purposes, and unions must end discrimina- even some defense spending," tion and establish more flexible Romney said, "but we can't hold and realistic job entry standards," back on eradicating slums and on he said. the promise of a better life for -A revision of federal spend- those who live in them." Teamster Independents Still Striking for Pay Increase INCREASED SPENDING: Romney Seeks 'New Strategy' To Ease Urban Ghetto Tension SCARBOROUGH, England OP) -Prime Minister Harold Wilson's Labor party emerged last night from its annual five-day conven- tion apparently united on most key issues. Party Chairman John Boyd proclaimed inhissclosing address: "Let this message ring out through the country - there has been no split. There has been no divorcement whatever between party and our government col- leagues." What Boyd meant was that Wilson and his government had successfully weathered a much heralded onslaught by the party's disgruntled left wing on the ad- ministration's foreign, defense and economic policies. Only on Viet- nam did the government take a beating and that by such a slim margin that Foreign Secretary George Brown wrote it off as a tie. The left, which only last week was promising fireworks and a determined campaign to force the government to change its policies, appeared in the words of the authoritative weekly Econo- mist to have "sunk into gloomy despondence." The left wing re- mained leaderless and disorgan- ized. Wilson won party endorsement for continuance of his economic deflation despite the pain of ris- ing unemployment, of his defense policy and of his intention to seek membership in the European Common Market. The 6,000 delegates, despite Brown's appeals, demanded the government Wednesday dissociate itself publicly from U.S. bombing of North Vietnam and work for the ouster of the Greek military regime from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Defense Minister Denis Healey won party endorsement for the government's defense policy by a massive million and a quarter votes Wednesday. But political quarters wondered as the convention closed how much of the confidence of the electorate at large in him had been restored. PITTSBURGH (P) - A spokes- man for trucking firms said yes- terday he will try to get striking steel hauling drivers the pay they want for waiting at mills to be loaded. The waiting without pay has been a key issue in the violent walkout, which has constricted steel producers and users in seven states for nearly two months. And in Salt Lake City, Utah, an air of pessimism hung over nego- tiations in the nationwide copper strike yesterday-but there was a tiny glimmer of hope. "All strikes must come to an end, and this one is getting pretty ripe," said one union negotiator Congo Mercenaries Leave For Repatriation in Malta Governor Issues Tax Report; Notes General Fund Surplus after three days of talks with the nation's largest domestic copper producer, Kennecott Copper Corp. Besides pay for waiting, the striking truckers want their share of shipping costs hiked by six per cent to 79 per cent. The indepen- dents, angry with the Teamsters Union over a new three-year na- tional contract signed last spring, want the contract reopened. The Teamsters say the contract was approved by a whoppingma- jority and have refused to do so. As union pickets at the entrances to America's copper mines, smelt- ers and refineries logged their 84th day on strike, the issues seem- ed much the same as when talks began last spring. But in Salt Lake City there ,were, signs of give and take, despite emotion-charged press releases. Since Utah Gov. Calvin L. Rampton induced the sides to re- sume negotiations earlier in the week, the coalition of unions led by the United Steelworkers of America, AFL-CIO, has retreated from its original "heaven in '67" demands estimated to cost in ex- cess of $3.00 per hour for each em- ploye. On the auto scene following his third visit of the week to the bar- gaining table ended as the others, in no progress, United Auto Work- ers Union President Walter P. Reuther took to the picket lines yesterday to cheer the union mem- bers striking Ford Motor Co. The strike, in its 30th day, be- came the fifth longest national strike in auto industry history. world News Roundup GENEVA (A)-The white mer- cenaries in the Congo have agreed to end their three-month rebel- lion against the Congolese gov- ernment and will be flown to Malta for repatriation, the Inter- national Red Cross reported yes- terday. President Joseph D. Mobutu first requested the Red Cross in August to arrange for evacuation of the mercenaries under Col. Jean Schramme, a Belgian. Ne- gotiations have been going on since. Jean Wilhelm, Red Cross dele- gate to the Congo, said Mobutu had shown him a statement sign- ed by Schramme agreeing to withdrawal ofhis 130-man white army and 1,000 Katangan troops if guaranteed safe passage by the Red Cross. Schramme and his rebellious army hold Bukavu, capital of Kivu Province, where they routed' Congolese troops and later beat, off repeated attacks. Red Cross Director Roger Gal- lopin said the Mediterranean island of Malta was suggested as a withdrawal point by Mobutu "purely for technical reasons" and Maltese authorities agreed. "We assume that the mercena- ries will choose to return from there to their country of origin if they want to," Gallopin added. The Katangan -troops have agreed to go to Zambia, where they will decide on their future, Gallopin said. As Congolese, the Katangans may want to return to their southeast province of Katanga, but whether Mobutu will let them is another matter. The white mercenaries launch- ed their uprising July 5 at Kis- angani, formerly Stanleyville in the northeast, and at Bukavu. The uprising at Kisangani failed but Schramme consolidated the rebel forces at Bukavu. The mercenaries struck after a plane carrying ex-Premier Moise Tshombe was hijacked over the Spanish Balearic Islands June 30 by a French passenger and forced to land in Algeria. Tshombe awaits death on a treason charge in the Congo if extradited from Algiers, and the mercenaries and Katangans back him. He led an unsuccessful at- tempt to secede from the Congo when he was president of cop- per-rich Katanga Province. Gallopin told reporters a Red Cross delegate will be named next week to supervise the evacuation, which should be finished 'in three weeks to a month." The whites will first go to neighboring Rwan- da, then fly to Malta. LANSING (R) - The state of Michigan spent $1.049 billion in fiscal 1966-67, took in $893 mil-' lin in revenue and ended the year with a general fund surplus of $11 million, Gov. George Romney re- ported yesterday. The figures, announced by Rom- ney at a news conference, were taken from the year-end closing financial report for the state, sub- mitted to the governor by state Budget Director Glenn S. Allen. Romney said the year-end fig- ures were "extraordinarily close to budget estimates previously made" and "contain no surprises." Romney said two mutually off- setting developments have oc- curred since the end of the fiscal year on June 30. "On the favorable side new fig- ures for 1966-67 released by the federal government give reason to WASEINGTON - Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore), indicated he will support President Johnson for re- election;next year. While criticizing many Johnson policies, Morse told the Senate that nevertheless he prefers to "take my chances" with the Pres- ident as compared with potential Republican nominees. Morse, who himself is up for election next year, has been highly critical of U.S. involvement in the Vietnamese war. He has attacked other Johnson policies, too, but has supported many administra- tion measures. SAIGON -- U.S. planes have blasted the Tien Nong fuel dump six miles northwest of Haiphong, cutting another target from the forbidden list in North Vietnam. Storage tanks at Tien Nong were estimated to hold- 700 tons of oil for the Communist war machine. U.S. fighter-bombers hit them.for the first time Thursday in one of. 134 missions that again centered primarily on objectives in an area of Haiphong, North Vietnam's principal port, and' once-exempt bridges in a zone ranging as close, as 10 miles to Red China's frontier. Still high on the restricted list1 believe that income from the new tax package will be somewhat higher than originally forecast," he said. However, he did not elaborate on what the changes in figures for the revenue produced by the state's new income tax might be. Offsetting this, Romney said, "is the effect of the Detroit and, the Ford strike." "Sales tax returns are already running somewhat below original estimates and, should the Ford strike continue, will run substan- tially over," he said. of U.S. targets is Haiphong's wa- terfront, though pilots have bomb- ed the city's power plants and cut its four major bridges in an in- tensive effort to block trans-ship- ment of the incoming supplies. ** * WASHINGTON - Narrowly de- feating two efforts to cut it, the Senate passed a bill yesterday to provide more than 4.6 billion to carry on the U.S. space program this year. The vote was 60 to 5. Before passage Sen. Margaret Chase Smith (R-Maine), ranking Republican on the Senate Space Committee, said James E. Webb would be justified in quitting' as head of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.-In- dian Defense Minister Swaran Singh declared yesterday he was confident a cessation of all hostil-, ities in Vietnam would follow an unconditional halt in the U.S. bombing of North Vietnam. Singh, whose government has close and direct contact with Hanoi through at least two chan- nels, told the U.N. General As- sembly in a major policy speech that the "essential first step" for peace in Vietnam was a'halt in the bombing. Controversy 67' UNION-LEAGUE presents Bishop James Pike Wednesday, October 11 8 P.M. H ILL AUDITORIUM A Mike Seeger John Cohen Tracy Schwarz THE NEW LOST CITY RAMBLERS TONIGHT and Sunday--8 P.M.-$2 at the door MEET THEM! today at Noon-Herb David's Guitar Studio LAST TIME TONIGHT! OPENS TUESDAY! CINEMA II PRESENTS JASON ROBARDS JR. A Thousand Clowns . e !. - A k A W 0 A I W & A S IP M W 9