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October 07, 1967 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-10-07

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Int'ernational Figres STATE DEPARTMENT WRONG':

Eome Folk' Rambler
locking Back to the (

s Dazzle,

View Science Needs

Myrdal Fears Vietnam Victory
Would Isolate U.S. from World

-'"I By DAVID STEIN cited his discovery of heavy hy-
ood -T iM e Three world-famous scientists drogen which in turn resulted in
discussing the "Scientific Future bomb.oWhenito was first develop-
stressed yesterday the need for bomb.UWeniouhthwatfirtdevelp
ed its versatility and virtuosity carefuldresearch work and the in-ed, Urey thought that It would
continuously. After many years of creasing interrelation between the be used in lab work or become an
performing together, the Ramblers various sciences, agent like neon in signs.
have developed a timing that al- ., Urey could cite only one scien-
The "Voices of Civilization"
lows them to pull off humor that ThelVwicespofeCefieizati tific prediction that has come true
is corny and predictable. In much panel wh spke beforena -Malthus' theory of overpopula-
the same way, their music appears tion - while many unpredicted
simple, yet it is not. The Ramblers T h u r s d a y afternoon, included discoveries came to mind. He de-
are all excellent musicians and Jean Piaget, Swiss psychologist; scribed the development of atomic
Arne Tiselius, Nobel Prize win -
singers. ning biochemist from Sweden' power, radio - astronomy, and
Mike Seeger remains folk music's and Harold Urey, American chem- computers as examples of such
best musician with the possible ist and Noble Prize winner. discoveries.
exception of Doc Watson. He He predicted that the most
played some beautiful mandolin on Tiselius called for more plan- promising scientific advancementsi
"In the Pines," where he teamed ning in research, explaining that of this century will be in bio-
with Schwarz in a great bit of "research has become so costly chemistry, concerning the struc-
bluegrass duet singing that made that we can't do everything tur eand behavior of living or-
for an interesting number. It isn't worthwhile, and we must be se- ganisms.
frequent that you hear bluegrass lective."
without Scruggs-style banjo. It is time to include in our
withot Scrggs-tyle an'o plans a sort of cleaning-up," said TT
John Cohen performed some Tiselius.a Sciitsshouldsestab- H fm an F
brilliant ail d b nfrailedtra Tbanjo. cionisstheud tra- !Hffishfsh research roriieprioritiesio al Cubasedwh chon s ngEmp rta ceUath r o fn ost h
ditional "Cuckoo," which he sang importance rather than cost, he
in the style of Clarence Ashley. At declared, and must remember
differentutimes the instrumenta- their debthto the fture as they 1rou g
tion featured two fiddles and a develop the abiilty to control
mandolin, auto-harp, guitar andnaueo gi E

Swedish economist G u n n a r
Myrdal says he feels "an Ameri-
can military victory in the Viet-
nam war would be the worst thing
that could happen to the United
"If the U.S. won the war, real
hell would break out," he pre-
dicted in a Daily interview.
"America would become morally
and perhaps physically isolated
from most of the world. The U.S.
would be viewed as an anti-co-

role in Vietnam before, but now
I'm really mad," 69-year-old
Myrdal says. "The U.S. State De-
partment has been completely
wrong about Vietnam. Dean Rusk
just doesn't know anything about
Asia," claims Myrdal, who has
been studying Asia for the past
12 years.
The former Swedish minister
of commerce and secretary gen-
eral of the economic council ifor.
Europe believes that "there isn't
anyone in Europe who would send
a squadron to fight with you in

lonial country putting down re- Vietnam. Sweden wouldn't give
bellions i n s i d e and outside a single kronor.
America with police power. "When Vice President Hubert
"I was angry about the U.S. Humphrey toured Europe this
oresees Future Peace
conomic Integration

summer the police had to guard
him from all the dissenters. The
people are not behind you. The
officials may have been cordial
but that's only because the
United States does them favors."
Myrdal says he thinks that only
political power of the vote "would
convince the Johnson adminis-
tration to change its views."
Myrdal suggests that the Presi-
dent take a cue from French
President Charles DeGaulle who
entered office backing his nation's
military effort in Algeria, but
then reversed himself and pulled
"DeGaulle did not become a
real political power in France and
Europe until after he pulled out
of Algeria. He gained immeasur-
ably by changing his stand."
:I've always been an optimist
about America," says Myrdal,
author of "An American Dilem-
ma." a classic study of: the U.S.
racial problem. He emphasizes
that "'ven during the dark days
of the Depression when some
people thought the country might
go under I was not a pessimist.
But if this war should go on, this
country could become a thorough-
ly brutal police state."
Myrdal feels that the only thing
that would convince President
Johnson to change the U.S. course
in Vietnam "is the power of the
He also points out that when
the Swedish parliament had a
foreign policy debate; "not only
the spokosmen for the govern-
mem' but also the leaders of all
the political parties from the
Conservatives to the Comnunists
-demanded that the United
States stop bombing North Viet-



mouth-harp, with each Rambler Piaget, speaking through an By JAMES NEUBACHER East as an ex
playing at least three instruments, he said them
Theyng blegass ahnde mrumntn interpreter, focused on closer re- "Ours is a troubled world. How- aid the
The bluegrass and mountain lationships between sciences. He along the b
harmonies were both smooth and cited the new relationships be- can and must be won, not in my and Israel, y
tight, as was the band except for tween biology and physics, and can an m us ,, njudgment w
minor lapses. In fact, if there was the relationship of linguistics, me but in yours.at peace.
one flaw, it was that the band was economics,, and biology to psy- So said Paul Hoffman Wednes- Real peac
a bit sloppy. But with the crowd chology. day in an address before an audi- man, canno
well on their side it simply was Piaget said that one of the most ence of several hundred people at where gover
another feature of their good- promising new interdisciplinary Rackham Lecture Hall. Hoffman, are spending
time music. relationships is that between bio- Administrator of the United Na- lion per yea
logy and psychology. He described tions Development Program, spoke their militar
the fundamental common prob- as, part of the "Voices of Civil- R(
ization" Sesquicentennial Cele- "h od
lems of biology and psychology tThe con
FOR F VUN AN Das the construction of new struc- bration on the topic, "Peace in lived in since
tures, and the adaptation of or- Your Time.' direct opposi
ganisms to new environments. Hoffman predicted that peace Hoffman
PROFIT -"Although each science retains'will be achieved through regional the work of
its own characteristics, there are and global economic integration. Development
Redad Uereciprocal relations between the Economics, he said, can set the directs, re-e
Read nld Use sciences," said Piaget. He attack- stage for day-to-day cooperative of economic
The Dai' ed the theory of a linear develop- contact between long-time ene- means fora
ment of sciences such as logic mies. prosperity.
Cis fed Ads ! leading to math and math leading Mutual Dependence According
to physics. He advanced the idea "The European Common Market, UNDP helps
of a spiral relationship between for example, has helped to make by assisting
sciences. "This s p ir a 1 effect France and Germany so dependent their natural
causes an interdevelopment be- on each other that war between them to trail
.............. ..:these:; ' tween sciences," he former long-time enemies fective useo
< : ::4,: ::;;::::r::<: .:::.:;"::;a: t e n developing these
added. would actually be almost impos- by aiding ti
To illustrate how unpredictable sible," he stated. ient of app]
scientific advances are, Urey Hoffman listed the "incredible Hoffman
destructiveness of modern wea- charges that
ponry" and "battlefield reporting as an organi
':{~.1::1": ".""..+,;-+ ."e. ...A D is la msby television and the other mass that 85 per
Near East Countries, Netherlands, or- - media" as two other major factors ployes are ac
tugai, S. Africa, Switzerland, Trinidad, contributing to the prospects of cial and ec
Turkey,United Kingdom, Venezuela. rressii'e peace in our time. political, fiel
All degree ievels in Econ., Math, Phys-! "The simple 1tIC frsl
For Gen. Chem., Bus. Ad. and Engrg. (Continued from Page1i preservation is a better deterent,
Fon r to great power conflicts than ever
Burroughs Corp., Jackson, Mich.-BA scheduled, Schwartz received a tore por "oslcd h an
in any field plus 1 year of acetg. ex- call from the OEO saying that the before in history," said Hoffman,
per. or courses. Sales trng., mktg. of office did not want the march to referring to the totality of any
complete line of data processing equip. .o e" future world conflict. Hoffman
WED., OCT. 11-.furthe-clied that television
Rike-Kumler Co., Dayton, Ohio - It further claimed that "The er claim
Male & female. BA Econ., Gen. Lib. NSB agreed to keep the re son has made it obvious that war is a
Arts and Soc., for Mgmt. Trng., Mer- for the cancellation secret." The "brutal, bloody business."
chandising. frtecnelto ert h
cns-_ South End attributed these to an 'War Losing Glamour'
ENGINJERING PLACEMENT SERV- unnamed person later claimed to "As a result," Hoffman said,

xample. For ten years,
re was relative quiet
orders between Egypt
yet by no standard ofI
ere these two nations'
e, according to Hoff-
t exist in a climate
nments of the world
more than $150 bil-
r for the support of
y forces.
ole of UNDP
itions the world has
e 1945 are almost the
te of peace," he said.
moved on to explain
f the United Nations
Program, which he
mphasizing the theme
c measures as the
achieving peace and

"Ours is a rich, rich «'orld in
which wide-spread poverty is sim-
ply and truly unnecessary. The
poverty of the developing countries
is not due to the lack of resources,
but to their under-utilization." he
Programs similiar to UNDP are
not only necessary in order to ob-
tain peace, claimed Hoffman, but
also necessary for the economic
and political well-being of the
United States.
"What's good for the woild is
good for America as well," he said.
Hoffman concluded by proposing
that young people try to be in-,
dividuals, try to understand their
country, and try to understand the
world around them.



New Lost City Ramblers
::y; ""t :"v '.;" :rr;..;.;r";";".i:..":""i'}{":: iXe5::}a 44?i'}Yr:{.::." }s::: :: r: ".r :: r. r:::?".::;.


T.. ...............
Tho nai ~ls J l )Uii Hi I R l b inis r-

.e auy urie Bu ez i s an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The.
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be-
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published' a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
falendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication. For ,more
information call 764-9270.

Procter and Gamble-Will interview
for sales positions at School of Bus.
Ad, on 'Thurs., Oct. 10. Call 764-1372 for
FSEE (Federal Service Entrance Exam-
ination)-Next application period closes
Oct. 11, Aext Wed. This will qualify
you to take the test on Nov. 18. Mgmt.
Intern exam will be given the after-
noon of same day. All Dec. grads are
urged to take thi' exam, processing
applications takes time.
National Security Agency-Applica-

to Hoffman the
low-income countries
them in identifying
l resources, by helping
n their people in ef-
f these resources, and
hem in the establish-
4ied research facilities.
denied widespread
the UN is ineffective
zation. He pointed out
cent of the UN em-
xtively engaged in so
onomic, rather than
i Is --


-Playboy Magazine
- Cue Magazine

tiohs fr the first test are due Oct.

Day Calendar
Medical Center Alumni Society Con-
ference, '1967-Meeting, Medical Cen-
ter Alumni Fund: Room 7330 Medical
Science Bldg., 9:30 am.
Professional Theatre Program - Luigi
Pirandello's "Right You Are": Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, 2:30 and 8 p.m.
Lecture: Prof.. Ralph A. Leigh, of
Trinity College, Cambridge, will lecture
on Mon., Oct. 9 at 4:10 p.m., in Aud.
A, Angell Hall, on the subject "Les
Liaisons Dangereuses."
University Players Dept. of Speech
-William Shakespeare's "King John":
Trueblood Aud., High School Assembly
Performance, 10 a.m.; evening perform-
ance, 8 p.m.
Concert Dance Organization and De-
partments of Speech and Art Concert:
Marguerite Lundgren-Harwood, Euryth-
mist, "The Art of Eurythmy": Barbour
Gymnasium, Sat., 8 pam.
General Notices
TV Center Program: 12 noon, WWJ-
TV Channel 4-"The Canterbury Tales.
The Prioress' 'Tale." The 'Prioress tells
of a devout young boy and a miracle
of the Virgin. The .tale is dramatized,
followed by the commentary of Prof.
Thomas Garbaty.
Parking Office: Effective Meon., Oct..
9, the restrictions in staff lot E-12
will be extended from 6 a.m.-10 p.m.,
Monday through Friday.
Flu Shots: There will be a "flu shot"
clinic at the Health Service, Tues.,
Oct. 10, from 8-11:30 a.m. and 1-4:30
p.m. The charge is $1.50 for students
and spouse and $2 for faculty, staff
and spouses.

1. 'rest on Oct. 21. Another test in ICE Make nterveapointmen
Dec. Dec. grads should take the Oct. ICE: Make interview appointments at
test, however. Room 128-H, West Engineering Bldg.
Public Service Commission of Canada OCT. 13-
-Test for Public Service and Foreign Baxter Labs., Inc.-International.
Service will be given evening of Oct. 17. Bell System- AT&T Long Lines, Bell
Please contact Bureau if interested. Labs., Michigan Bell, Western Electric,
Sat., Oct. 7-3529 SAB, 9-10 a.m., Sandia Corp.
representatives from Canadian Public Brunswick Corp.
Service Commission and Consulate in Corning Glass Works.
Detroit will be talking to students E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc.
Interested in careers with Canadian (BS & MS).
governmient. Owens-Illnois, Inc.
---- -Scott Paper Co.
wishing to interview the following em- Union Carbide Corp.-Linde Div.
ployers must have forms in the Bureau West Virginia Pulp and Paper -
by the end of this week. Employers ex- Bleached Board Div.
pect to see this resume. Call 764'-7460 --
for appointments, and come to General}
Division, 3200 SAB, to get forms.
MON., OCT. 9-
Mobil Oil Corp., Niles, I. - Male &rj
female. BA Gen. Lib. Arts, all disci-
plines, Computing Mgmt. Trng. and
Sales (inside and territorial).
Inland Steel Co., Chicago, Ill.-Male SUP URB
& female. Any degree, any major.
Mgmt. Trng., Sales (inside and' terri-
torial), Finance, Computer Systems.
11.Maei & femae BAod Athro, En.W A M
Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Chicago,
II.-alea& faealeB nthro.A Eco. A
EngI., Gen. Lib. Arts, Hist., Journ.,
MtPhilo., Poll. Sci., Psych., Soc.
andg Chem. AdcF, Computing, Mgnt.
Trng., Personnel, Production, Sales (in-
side and territorial), Secretarial. Chi-
Wrsago ndCorldwide;Pann n pr
TDUES,, OCT. 10-
1BM l Tr adsCIrc.-CitKanss City
Mo.-Ma& female BA/MBArEngCty, AND
Engi., Gen. Lib. Arts, Journ., Math,
Psych, & Organic Chem, For Trade,
Mgmt. Trng. Res., Merchan., Personnel.
'rod., Stat., Territorial Sales, General 1111
tWriting, Corporate Planning and Oper- IIIf
ations Res. OR OS1
IBM World Trade Corp.-Citizens, malej HU O US
& female, only who are returning to j Wanda Hale,
the following countries for career as- New~ York Daily News
signment: Australia, Austria, Belgium.
Bahamas, Denmark, Finland, France, Sosa
Germany, Iran, Italy, Jamaica, Japan. Sosa

be Mrs. Millspaugh. "war is losing its glamour. I can
The article con inued, "But sec- remember when in World War I
rets are not easily kept in NSA. the spectacle of great masses of
Delegates from Wayne State said men marching off to fight 'over
that Schwartz received threats there' seemed thrilling. Today it
from the OEO and these real saddens us deeply."
threats caused the cancellation." Hoffman criticized the attitude
Soglin said that the delegation that the official absence of war
fi'om Wayne State, of which South defines peace, using the Middle
End editor Art Johnston was, a -
member, broke into a closed NSB Phone 434-0130
meeting, and that the meeting was
then promptly adjourned.


For Feature Times
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4 1

I __'-.'--'''.--- ' -___ ________________


- ----~-1-





USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- I ence, Sun., Oct. 8, 7:30 p.m., at the
NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially First Unitarian Chuych, 1917 Washte-
recognized and registered student' orga- cnaw.
nizations only. Forms are available in * * *
Rm. 1011 SAB, f The 'Honors Steering Committee is
* * * now open to petitioning for new mem-
Unitarian Universalist Student Reli- bers. Petition forms may be picked
gious Liberals: Allan Slinalberg, Dept.' up and submitted at 1210 Angell Hall.
of Sociology, and others in Sociology Deadline for petitioning is Oct. 12.
Dept., will speak on "The Population * * *
Problem and Some Possible Changes," Triangles (Engineering Honorary),
followed by 'discussion from the audi- meeting, Oct. 9, 11 a.m., Union.
SHOWING 375 No. MAPLE RD .76941300


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they don't make4
Blood-and-Guts Westerns
any more?





MONDAY, OCT. 9, 7:30 P.M.
I IrliC'~ ii PA! nnCIA

Lrmwrl__- _


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