THE 8-MONTH LEASE IT'S NOW OR, NEVER See editorial page C, , r Sir tAau I4attI CLOUDY AND COOL High-50-55 Low-40-45 Intermittent rain by this afternoon Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVIII, No. 33 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1967 SEVEN CENTS ilot Pro ram Zooms Hih with New Dir4 By WALTER SHAPIRO . Program has always been con- "Last year the Pilot Program was Adler explained the change Pilot Program has a budget of The freshmen seminar is a rel- have and REED MAIDENBERG ceived of as a separate and dis- a vestigial organ waiting to be from last year, saying, "The approximately $21,000 received atively unstructured composition comj First of Two Parts tinct project. However, through- lopped off by the Residential success of the program this from the literary college. Prof. course where students develop Pilot "This is the year in which t'he out its history the Pilot Program College," said Robert Adler, '69 year can be attributed to Diane Newcomb indicated that almost writing experience by working of in Pilot Program must define itself," - has been used by the Residential L, resident director of Anderson Hatch. She is one of the most dy- all of this money goes entirely for within the area of speciality of in th says director Diane Hatch, Grad. College planners as a setting for House in East Quadrangle. "But namic adiinstrators to be found the salaries of staff, dormitory the teaching fellow who conducts Sh "It is not and should not be a experimentation. this year, even though we have anywhere, for she has an amaz- personnel and teaching fellows it. This semester there are four Prog second-rate Residential College. Prof. Theodore Newcomb, chair- had to start almost from-scratch, ing ability to engender creativity -for the freshmen seminar. such seminars, led by teaching cent This year, because of the inevit- man of both the Residential Col- there has been an amazing dif- in people." Prof. Donald R Brown a mem- fellows in psychology, philosophy trodi able comparisions with the Resi- lege and Pilot Program Steering ference in spirit." Life for the current 600 Pilot ber'of.thenPlotRsteering comm-and political science. Next semes- ester dential College, we must start Committees, explained, "The im- Underneath any upsurge of Program students, of whom all ber of the Pilot steering commit- ter there will be at least six is tI being creative and prove ourselves portant difference between the spirit are innovations within the but 140 are freshmen is distinctive tee, revealed that the program had such seminars. this on our own terms." two programs is that the Resi- Pilot Program and the person- in these areas: in maintaining the salaries of the Robert Rau, a political science nega The Pilot Program began in dential College has its own cur- ality of the director herself. Miss Pilot dormitories are staffed iThmdintaining the rie t RrRau sece Tg Fall, 1962, when the literary col- riculum while the Pilot Program Hatch marveled at all "the simple entirely by graduate students who level which includes room and one of the seminars, says "I have more lege attempted to place academics is academically a part of the administrative things which just are paid considerably more than board a small monthly salary focused my course around South- not within the social setting of a res- University. haven't been done before." the regular dormitory staff. and in-state tuition for out-of- east Asian politics. I have as- soph idence hall. From the outset, the Yet, the long association with "For example," she explained, Pilot, freshmen are able to sub- state students signed nine books and a number for t program combined the presence the Residential College has left "on Oct. 8 we are meeting with stitute a special Freshman Sem- of papers, to be climaxed by a enou of highly qualified dormitory its mark on the Pilot Program. all the teaching fellows who teach inar for the normally required Newcomb noted that the grad- 25 page research paper at the end secti staff members with a stress on And now, with the Residential Pilot sections. This is the first English 123. uate staff "has all the prerequis- of the semester. In a number trodu having classes with other Pilot College a reality, the Pilot Pro- time this has been done. In fact In many introductory courses, ites of teaching fellows. They were H students. gram is undertaking a year of up until now we haven't even there are special Pilot sections not hired to be proctors, but ra- of ways, the course is run like prog While often linked with the transition to establish itself as had the names of the section in- to enable students to live with ther they are supposed to be a PhD seminar." sever Residential College, the Pilot a program in its own right. structors." their classmates. mentors for the students." Miss Hatch noted that there may EIGHT PAGES ector been considerable student plaints about a shortage of sections and the presence any non-Pilot students with- iem. ie indicated that the Pilot ram has requested 10 per of the sections in most in- uctory courses for' next sem- . And, she said, "while this ie, first time we have done we have yet to receive a tive response." e problems of the sopho- s within the program are as easily resolved." While omores provide continuity he program, there is Just not gh demand to establish Pilot ons for them in any but in- ictory courses," she said. owever, despite these enriched rams the Pilot Program faces al severe handicaps which limit its future progress. OPERATION 'TURNKEY': P Publi Housing Considered by Council NSA President Denies OEO Pressure Halted Student Protest March By JILL CRABTREE Ann Arbor City Council and the city Housing Commission are currently investigating the possi- bilities of starting an "Operation Turnkey" here, whereby private developers build housing units and turn them over to the city to be used as public housing for low- income families. The investigation is partially a result of dissatisfaction with the city's present public housing pro- gram. Ann Arbor has been grant- ed $3.6 million by- the federal gov- ernment to build 200 units under a program in which the govern- ment must approve all phases of the construction, including op- tions, selection of sites and selec- tion of architects. Some citizens and officials have expressed dis- satisfaction with the slowness of this procedure. Dissatisfaction has also mount- ed against the centralization of the project. At a recent joint meeting, City Council and the Housing Commission informally agreed that the 200 planned units should be distributed over ap- proximately six sites, with about 40 units per site. Councilman Robert P. Weeks (D-Fifth Ward), who proposed the "turnkey" program to City Coun- cil two weeks ago, has charged that public housing construction programs in which the govern- ment must be involved at all stages often take a "dishearten- mgly long time." It gets around that a dwelling is public housing if the govern- ' ment is continually involved in its construction," he said, "and a stigma may be attached to the people who eventually move in." He said such a stigma might be avoided if local contractors built e houses on theirdown initia- tive, using their own designs. The Civil Rights Coordinating Council, a private, local group, last Saturday presented a written pro- posal to Mayor Wendell E. Hulch- er requesting that "snot more than 20 public housing structures be constructed in'any one precinct and/or elementary school attend- ance area." The proposal further suggested that "there should be no con- struction of public housing in school attendance areas that would push that school's Negro enrollment over the 25 per cent figure established by the Board of Education as a goal." Tuesday night, the group ex- panded its proposal in a meeting with members of the Housing Commission, requesting that the commission make an effort to ob- tain at least 10 sites, preferably smaller than the three now under option. i -Daily-Jim Forsythe President Hatcher Big Cities in Danger Hatcher to 'Voices~ By JIM HECK Mrs. Millspaugh, whom South Ed Schwartz, president of the End reporters claim 'is the main National S t u d e n t Association source for their information, told (NSA), and James Mills of the The Daily that she "had said noth- National Office of Economic Op- ing of the sort of stuff they print- NatinalOffie o Ecoomi Op-ed"in the South End released Fri- portunity (OEO), "categorically" day- denied yesterday that the OEOday. pressured NSA into calling off a She explained that she had no scheduled Aug. 24 march on Wash- concrete mformation to mtimi- ington in protest of the Vietnam date Schwartz for "sea iyg out" to iWar. OEO pressure. She admitted she In a copyrighted article printed knew of several phone calls from yesterday, Wayne State Univer- OEO during the conference, but sity's student newspaper, the South at no time did she know the con- End, claimed that OEO representa- tent of the discussions. tives contacted Schwartz several days before the scheduled marchai eG C and informed him that NSA's5- grant from OEO of $244,000 would be in jeopardy if the march went " " off asplanned. iB The article further claimed thatr Schwartz told this to a closed C meeting of NSA's governing body, Student Government Council's the National Supervisory Board decision Thursday night to with- (NSB), and that the "NSB mem- draw from the National Student bers agreed with him that it would Association (NSA) brought a be best to cancel the march rather clamor of dismay today from oth- than lose OEO funds." er regional member schools.' Schwartz called the story "a "I feel that Michigan was some- pack of lies." what premature," said Sue Chris- Mills said that his office pres- topherson, vice-president of the Language Requisites *For Grads Altered The Graduate School will im- plement new foreign language re- quirements for the doctoral pro- gram to be set by individual de- partments by Sept. 1, 1968, ac- A cording to Ralph B. Lewis, assist- ant dean. Lewis expects great diversity in the new requirements. "We will probably get requests ranging from 'no languages required' to three languages. Also, more than one level of proficiency will be de- fined," he said. Once the changes are in effect no course substitution will be per- mitted, Lewis said. Under present standards, a student may, in some cases, elect non-language courses as substitutes. The new requisites will apply to all incoming students. Students already in the school will have the option of fulfilling either the new requirements or those now in ef- fect, providing they do so by Sept. 1, 1969. Last May the Executive Board of the Graduate School, composed of 12 faculty members, delegated the responsibility of formulating the new requisites to the 90 indi- vidual departments and interde- partmental programs offering doc- torates. As each department re- vises its requirements the Execu- tive Board "will act with deliber- ate speed in authorizing the revi- sions," Lewis said. We believe the new requirements will be more meaningful to the doctoral candidate because they will be made relevant to his spe- cific field of study, he said. By STEVE NISSEN University President Harlan Hatcher warned of the danger to the world's great cities posed by the "explosive rise in population" at the convention held yesterday for, "Voices of Civilization" guests. The program, which officially ended the week-long event, fea- tured the awarding of honorary degrees to the 20 scholars chosen to represent their respective dis- ciplines at the sesquicentennial program. Hatcher, speaking for the last time before an academic convo- cation at the University in his present role as president, predicted "a world city only a century away." He told of the undesirable trends in life within the megalop- olis as exemplified by the noise and traffic jams of today as well as the "squalor of the city slums." Hatcher somewhat nostalgically recounted how the former beauty of cities such as Florence and sured NSA to do "nothing." He ex- London is being threatened by the plained that the $244,000 grant to pollution and overpopulation of ganization's budget, carried no modern times. He posed the rhe- conditions except those implicit in torial question to the "Voices of its use for the tutorial project of Civilization": Can man "halt the NSA. 'Huron TowersAnnounces New Eight Month- Lease Program undesirable trend?" The honorary degree of Doctor of Science was presented to heart surgeon Michael DeBakey, astro- physicist Subrahmanyan Chan- drasekhar, geneticist Theodosius Dobzhansky, Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget, English fluid physicist According to Paul Soglin, NSB member from the University of Wisconsin, the decision to call off the scheduled march came from those planning the march because of "bad weather and no transpor- tation." Soglin contended the decision By GREG ZIEREN Huron Towers Apts. announced yesterday that a limited number of apartment units would be placed on an eight-month, no price increase lease "on an experiment- al basis." Paul A. Harris, manager of Huron Towers, said that the -hangeover was "immediate" for seven empty units and added that "potentially forty-five units on three floors of one building could operate on the short lease if the initial experiment was successful." The change to the eight-month lease was negotiated with Mike Koeneke, '69, and Tom Van Lente, Grad, representing Student Hous- ing Association and Student Rent- al Union. Koeneke said that SHA is currently discussing the eight month lease "with a number of apartment owners" and was op- timistic about results. "We are encouraged by the changeover at Huron Towers and will continue to bargain with other landlords, particularly those who will be having their new units ready for occupancy this year." With the oversupply now, he ex- plained, the chances of these new units being filled now was "vir- tually negligible." He said he hoped SHA could bargain to fill these units "in return for an eight- month lease." Koeneke related the use of the new Student Complaint Service to the possibility of a rent boycott to obtain an overall eight-month lease. He said, "Our list of recom- mended housing will be sent in December to all freshmen, who would naturally be the ones look- ing for apartments the following semester." He indicated that the complaint service would serve as one criteria for selecting landlords for the "recommended list" and would also serve to determine the target of a boycott, if SHA decided it had the resources to pursue one. "Our basic criteria for recom- mendations, however, will be the eight-month lease," Koeneke add- ed. The complaint service will ope- biochemist Severo Ochoa. President Hatcher awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws to English anthropologist Ray- mond Firth, international aid ad- ministrator Paul Hoffman, Polish linguist Jerzy Kurylowicz, Swedish economist Gunnar Myrdal, diplo- mat Edwin Reischauer and econ- omist Paul Samuelson. Composer Luigi Dallapiccola was awarded an honorary doctorate in music, statesman Dean Acheson a doctor- never discussed in connection with OEO subsidies." Ruth Baumann, '69, alternate member of the NSB and vice-pres- ident of Student Government Council, admitted that there "was some pressure from OEO." She said, however, that the rep- resentatives from the OEO at the conference "were told they could go to hell." In a copyrighted article sched- uled to appear today, WSU's South Sir Geoffrey Taylor, Swedish bi- was made "completely outside" the ochemist Arne Tiselius, Russian NSB meeting, and that the deci- physicist Vladimir Fock and sion to call off the march "was University of Minnesota's stut body. "We have all been a bit d' lusioned with NSA," Miss C] topherson added. She said, h ever, "that the concept of ai fied national student body" is important to drop simply cause of internal difficulties." Michael Fullwood, president Wisconsin's Student Senate, SGC's action was a "disappc ing decision." He felt that it better to stay in and change organization then ! to leave, when it is in trouble." . "I'm disappointed that Mir gan withdrew, because I feel bulwarks of NSA are the large stitutions," Fullwood explair Michigan State, which, joined NSA last April, felt Mi gan's actions will leave the gional conference "very weak.' Member-at-large Harvey I din of the executive committee MSU's student government The Daily, "I feel it was a move at this time. It will cert ly weaken the regional and - the possibility of Wayne S1 dropping; the conference will very weak." Dzodin felt Michigan "will, time,.probably reaffiliate." Non-member Big Ten schc The South End contacted Mrs. Millspaugh yesterday and told her not to talk with anyone but re- porters from the South End. Both Mrs. Millspaugh and Sog- lin disapproved of the closed meetings of the NSB, but both agree that any link between OEO funds and the march never came up during any of the meetings. The South End claimed in their Friday article: "On August 22, two days before the march was See NSA, Page 2 idr awals limal ries including University of Iowa, Indi- ana University and Ohio State University, -,sympathized .,with SGC's action. OSU, which refused a student petition last year to reaffiliate with NSA, will be reconsidering affiliation again this year. Stu- dent Government Secretary Bar bara Bolt, who was on the study group which advocated non-affili- ation, believes "that those mem- bers who feel we should affiliate will take a look at Michigan and reconsider." "The NSA," she contends,, "just delves into political issues, rather than providing aids to the mem- ber schools." Chuck Larson, president of Wayne State University's student government, says he was "pleas- ed" but "surprised" at SGC's 7-3 vote to withdraw. The Indiana sudent body will be considering this year affiliating with NSA and dropping ASG, As- sociated Student Governments, a smaller but 'comparable organiza- tion to NSA. Guy Loftman, president of the Indiana Student Senat.- felt SGC's actions will influence mose who might think it best to join NSA. Ed Schwartz, president of the National Student Association, said he was "most disappointed In Michigan's decision." He admitted there were "grave" philosophical differences between NSA and the University, but he said he had hoped the University "would have tried to iron them out" instead of withdrawing. ate in civil law, Pietro Belluschi End quoted Mrs. Linda Mills- in architecture, Ralph Ellison a paugh, NSB member from New doctorate in letters and ceramist York University, as saying that Shoji Hamada a doctorate in the Schwartz would have "sold out to fine arts. OEO if he could have." NEW ORGANIZATION: Students Strive To 'Humanize' Medicine By NADINE COHODAS "The Student Health Organi- zation is humanizing medicine," says Walter Faggett, the organi- 4 i rate on the Diag starting this zation's chairman. "We're trying' Monday, he said, announcing his I to bring the medically indigent in hope that "students should become Washtenaw County into t h e aware of the complaint service, mainstream of health care. Wer make use of it and find out how believe health is a right, not a it can help them." For this reason, privilege." about 60 existing SHO chapters). After they returned, the students organized the Washtenaw Coun- ty SHO chapter. The chapter is locally autonomous with regard to program emphasis and goals, Faggett says. The organization began its activities in March by talking with several mothers on government guide underprivileged families tween the agency and the per- through their health care. One son. Many families, he said, do student is assigned to a particular not know where or how to use family and advises that family the existing organizations and about receiving aid for any med- because of this, they are either ical needs. paying more than necessary or SHO worked with the Office of completely neglecting t h e I r Economic Opportunity on Project health. Head Start during the summer. To alleviate this problem, SHO The students set up a clinic un- is writing a booklet which will < ' ": .. .-. + .. . -.: .<