PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1967 PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1967 Don't laugh at, Charles Van de r Hoff Is. big ears . He can hear a =partya mile away, thanks to Sprite. VAN DER HOFF Social-life majors, take a WITH SPRIT 0look at Charles Van der Hoff. He can't play the guitar. Never directed an underground movie. And then look at his ears!l A bit much? Yes! But--Charles Van der Hoff can hear a bottle of tart, tingling Sprite being opened in the girls' dormitory " #e from across the h f 0campusl! What does it matter, you say? Hah1 Do you realize that Charles Van der Hoff has never i re missed a party in four years? When he hears those bottles of Sprite being uncapped--the roars--the fizzes--the bubbles--he runs! So before you can say anti-existentialism, he's getting in on that tart, tingling, slightly tickling taste of Sprite. And delicious refreshment --as well as a good time--is his. Of course, you dont have to have ears as big as Charles Van der Hoff's to enjoy the swinging taste of Sprite. You may' just have to resign yourself to a little less social life.- Dai By GRANTLAND OKRENT so ID It was a day like any other day. EThe cold, damp October winds M whipped across Ferry Field. Sev- t en grim-faced men strode out ontotw the gridiron, one thought in their B: collective mind. It was that de- sire to win, the noble feeling that r graces the hearts of the bold and courageous. And those seven minds who had made up their minds-- th and because they made up their ha minds-won. tr It was a spectacle that man the only 'sees once in his time on w earth. Shister to Carney to Was- of serman-the daring double-pass, "E that gut-crammed play that weak- er men can only dream of. And st JAG: Tor the Killer it came to pass that Th aily Libels shamed the UA uggers off the field, banishin hem to well-deserved oblivio ith an -8-0 trouncing. And, fc he first time in years, the Litt] rown Wastebasket graced the o1 edbrick at 420 Maynard. 'Killer' Yea, it is easy for us to attribut hat stirring victory to the flash rands and feet of that gloriot iumverate. Yet, lest we forge here is one man whose nam ill live on forever in the heart Daily lovers the world over - Killer" Killingsworth. This was a man made of th uff that predestines greatnes JET TO EUROPE Students, Faculty, and Employes of the U. of M. VIA TRANS INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES DC-8 (America's Leading Supplemental Airline) ROUND TRIP DETROIT to AMSTERDAM, Leaving June 24 Return July 22 ROUND TRIP COST ONLY $274 LIMITED NUMBER OF SEATS Additionol Travel Information Available Call 769-4275 or apply at 220 N. First Ave.; Ann Arbor Le When "Killer" stood as a bulwark colors. "Shoo-Shoo" Shister, the C on the "dirty shirt" crew, oppon- wily field general with the arm g ents blanched and trembled. With of a bazooka and the mind of a n his spare 103 pounds stretched pancake, will not forget. r over a 6'2" frame, that lean and And it lives on for gutty "Tank" le hungry look in his bloodshot eyes, Copi, who serves as a combina- d he captained that victorious Daily tion Joe Schmidt-Sam-Huff-Ver- squad of yesteryear. onica Lake as The Daily's line- Indeed, "Killer" Killingsworth, backing squad. It is "Tank" Copi te whose clear mind and antiseptic that will be counted on this year y spirit guided that team, was one to fill the shoes of the "Killer," as to never forget. But one day, after zooming in on unsuspecting prey t, the snap flipped off the fingers to satiate his gluttonous desire e of that lithe center, "Scrunch" for bone-crunching contact. ts Vetzner, and into the eager hands - of that noblest Shister of them all, M'hos on First? "Killer" went into a cataleptic So, too, does it live for "Firsh" .e frenzy, streaked off the field and Firshein, rated by some to be an s. into the cavernous wasteland of even better end than his famed Yost Fieldhouse, and was seen no ancestor, "Shecond" Firshein. more., And how can "Wild Man" Wild- Boosting strom ever forget the "Killer?"{ But his spirit lives on, picked It was "Killer" who taught the up and boosted to Vesuvian first-year man from that breed- heights and magnitude, indelible ing ground of grid giants, Oak in the hearts and heads of those Park, Mich., how to do his stuff. who have been charged to wave And also there to avenge the the banner of another campaign, name of her former boss, flashy another season. Pat O'Donohue, a Flint femme Yes, the spirit lives on-it lives who has promised to wear her on in the thoughts of "Shoo- psychedelicious pettipants as she Shoo" Shister, the only return- holds down the center of the of-s ing starter to bear The Daily's fensive line. The pettipants may; - not increase her maneuverability, but their presence should afford the quarterback a hell of a view. r r r r(Says the ever-witty Shister, "We were going to run from a standard ! 'T' formation, but there'll be enough pressure in this game HEATED GRANDSTAND without the added distraction.") And on it goes-flanker "Pud- . ~ d'nhead" Lottier; defensive tackle "Legs" Lees or, if you will, "Lees"' Legs), end "Snortin" Norton, of- fensive lineman "Sour" Krauss and last but not least, the Libels' wiz- ened, graying Coach "Himstein" J Herstein-none shall forget. And so it will be, at 6 p.m. J N Hthis evening on Wines Field '(you *8 know, the place where the March- ing Band practices), when that --- - throbbing, pulsating cry will be regurgitated from Mother Earth, from the depths of mankind's well of fury, when the charge shall proceed with the roar: "WIN ONE FOR THE KILLER" GRID SELECTIONS Skiing? In this weather? If you can win Grid Picks, you can do anything! The 2 free Cottage Inn pizzas given to the winner will warm any wintry night, and 2 Michigan Theatre tickets will be mighty handy when your next grasser gets snowed in. You can join these happy snow bunnies 4! i by getting your Grid Picks entry in to The Daily by midnight tonight, remembering, of course, to include The Daily among your winning picks; circling the "other team" will put your entry "on ice." (Consensus in capitals) 1. Navy at MICHIGAN 11. WYOMING at Brigham Young 2. Wisconsin at MICHIGAN ST. 12. Clemson at GEORGIA TECH 3. Indiana at ILLINOIS 13. CORNELL at Colgate 4. Minnesota at SMU 14. DAYTON at Louisville 5. Northwestern at PURDUE 15. Florida St. at TEXAS A&M 6. OHIO STATE at Oregon 16. Miami (Ohio) at KENT ST. 7. Iowa at NOTRE DAME 17. N. TEXAS ST. at N. Mexico St. 8. CAL at Air Force 18. Pitt at WEST VIRGINIA 9. Mississippi at ALABAMA 19. TCU at Arkansas 10. Arizona at MISSOURI 20. uac at DAILY CLARK NORTON (Sports Editor, 24-16, .600)-Michigan, Michigan State, Illinois, SMU, Purdue, Oregon, Notre Dame. California, Alabama, Missouri, Wy- oming, Georgia Tech, Cornell, Dayton, Texas A. & M., Kent State, New Mexico State, West Virginia, Arkansas, DAILY. BOB McFARLAND (Executive Sports Editor, 24-16, .600)-Michigan, Michi- gan State, Indiana, Minnesota, Purdue, Ohio State, Notre Dame, California, Alabama, Missouri, Wyoming, Clemson, Cornell, Louisville, Florida State, Kent State, New Mexico State, West Virginia, TCU, DAILY. RICK STERN (Associate Sports Editor, 21-19, .525)-Navy, Michigan State, Illinois, SMU, Purdue, Oregon, Notre Dame, Air Force Academy, Alabama, Mis- souri, Wyoming, Georgia Tech, Cornell, Louisville, Texas A. & M., Kent State, North Texas State, West Virginia, TCU, DAILY. GRAYLE HOWLETT (Associate sports Editor, 20-20, .500)-Michigan, Michi- gan State, Illinois, SMU, Purdue, Ohio State, Notre Dame, California, Ala- bama, Missouri, Wyoming, Georgia Tech, Colgate, Dayton, Texas A. & M., Kent State, North Texas State, West Virginia, Arkansas, DAILY. "DOC" LOSH (Guest Selector)-Michigan, Michigan State, Indiana, SMU, Purdue, Ohio State, Notre Dame, California, Alabama, Arizona, Wyoming, Clem- son, Colgate, Dayton, Florida State, Miami, North Texas State, West Virginia, TCU, DAILY. N 4 4 SPRITE, SO TART TINGLING, WE JUST COULDN'T IT QUIET. SPRITE IS AREGISTERED TRADEMARK OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY AND KEEP 4 ifil I I +I !I I I 44 A I sewn moccasin in the most luxurious leather yet . . . leather with a