See editorial page
Partly cloudy, with
30% chance of rain tonight.
Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
Student Advisory Group
Asks Rent Increase Delay
By PAULA LUGANNANI said that the vote was in agree- cussed at next week's committee
SC 'Acquits I
-- - - - - -.
The Student Advisory Commit-
tee on Housing yesterday recom-
mended to Housing Director John
Feldkamp to delay the rent in-
crease in married student housing
until Oct. 1.
The committee's 6-0 vote with
one abstention brought the con-
troversy over a $10 monthly in-
crease one step closer to resolu-
Larry, Kallen, '69L, chairman
of the executive committee of the
Northwood Terrace Association,
ment with NTA's contention that meeting. He ,added that "this is
a 60-day notice of rent increase not an issue I expect to be solved
was both implied from the lease within two or three days."
and necessary to insure equitable Feldkamp claimed that the fin-
dealings with tenants. al decision on extending the rent
The committee action took place hike rests with him but stressed
after Feldkamp told the NTA he that he is still open to comment
would not act on the issue until from "other groups" concerned
he had received a recommenda- with the issue.
tion from the advisory commit- Controversy over the increase
tee. Negotiations on the increase sparerent strke incate
jhave been deadlocked thus far. sparked a rent strike i late Au-
Feldkamp said last night that gust involving 171, students who
the recommendation would be dis- withheld $10 from their Septem-
ber rent. When asked what was
to be done about the money al-
e ready withheld, if the increase
fdeadline is not extended, both Tom
the advisory committee, and Feld-
- ~ -~
Refuses To' Discipline
In 'U' Rule ViolatiOnS
Vows to Uphold, Only Regulations
Written and Approved. by Students
Joint Judiciary Council last night acquitted two students
charged with violating Un'iversity regulations on grounds
that "It would not enforce any rule that had not been passed
by an autonomous student legislative body."
In the landmark decision, JJC held that it would not
recognize the validity of two University regulations because
they had been set by the school administration rather than
the student government.
JJC is the University's court of appeals which hears cases
of students convicted of violation of non-academic Univer-
sity regulations by judiciaries of dormitories, fraternities,
sororities and the campus driving court. When the current
10 member JJC group was ap-
Urey Predi
"It's very likely that science
will discover simple forms of life
on Mars," Harold Urey, Noble
Prize winning chemist, predicted
He said conditions there 'are
favorable to life forms and that
"such a find would demonstrate
Mck GOPs
in Dire Need
Of Politicos
Wanted: State delegates, sign.
painters and convention organiz-
ers. To apply: Be at the Mock
Political Convention mass meet-
ing in the UGLI Multipurpose
Room at 7:30 this evening.
A mock-up of the 1968 Repub-
lican National Nominating Con-
vention is currently being orga-
nized with aid and comfort from
the University Activities' Center,
the campus Young Republicans
and Young Democrats.
The convention's goal is to be
an educational experience, con-
vention organizers explain. Em-
phasis is on the construction and
planning of a political convention
rather than the actual politics
The venture is strictly non-
partisan. The Republican conven-
tion was chosen as a model only
because it offers more opportunity
for a contest for the nomination,
assuming the Democrats will nom-
inate President Lyndon B. John-
Positions on both the executive
and finance committees are still
open. Convention sponsors empha-
size that their public relations
committee is in dire need of a
competent artist for sign paint-
Convention delegate positions
are also open, campaign managers
are needed and the paltform steer-
ing committee has yet to be form-
Petitions for the above positions
will be available from the UAC,
the Young Republicans and the
Young Democrats for those unable
to attend the meeting.
The convention will be held on
March 16 and 17, 1968, in the Yost
Field House. Observers are wel-
come, but at present everyone is
encouraged to participate rather
than watch.
Prof. John W. Kingdon of the
political science department will
serve as faculty advisor for the
Finances are presently uncer-
tain. The University has agreed
to supply a portion of the funds,
but contributions will hopefully be
raised from large corporations,
student organizations and private
pro bbe
that life elsewhere could
the same way it is be
have 'evolved on Earth."
lined the theories putJ
the origin of life in a
Civilization" presentat
kamp said that no decision had
been reached but that several pos-
sibilities were under consideration.
form in One was that the $10 deficit
would be pro-rated over succeed-
Hiee to ingoulmonths' rent, bringing the
He cut total increase to $11 until the
forth for deficit was made up. Whether or
Voices of not this approach is used will de-
,Ron at np n n a n tnn hnw nnh tin
Rackham. "'llu111palLi 11Jk U V.UUl1h z.....
money is needed to fulfill various
He said a fairly complete plc- bonding requirements, Feldkamp
ture of the advent of life on Earth said
will probably be developed with-Casaid.
in a few years, as research ad- Cancel September?
vances, and pointed to the pos- Another. possibility which Feld-
sibility of finding a yet undiscov-,kamp said has not been dismiss-
ered key particle which synthesizes ed is that the increase would notI
its own kind from chemical com- be implemented for September. PAUL SAMUELSON, economist,
pounds, But he did say that "we have posed income tax surcharge shou
"These would be the simplest to consider that a vast majority He spoke of madern governments
known organisms on Earth," he of the students have not with-
said, after explaining that such held rent, and we have a responsi-
from a large influx of energy or sitate refunding September's in S a m uelso i
partiles wreprbabl fome bility to them, Thi wu ncs
ultra-violet rays upon a massive crease to them."
"nutrient soup," which character- The NTA and Feldkamp have
ized the seas before life appeared. been invited to meet Thursday d d to
"This set of organisms began with the Student Relations Sub-
evolving," Urey said, "as some
associated with protetin to form committee of the Senate Advisory By JENNY STILLER
primitive cells, while others be- Committee on University Affairs, "If we cannot convince Main
came parasitic viruses. But some which has expressed a strong in- Street and the Congress of the
may not have changed and may terest, in the rental problem of need for the proposed income tax
still be thriving in some unexplor- mrrie studenthousing. surcharge by January, we can
ed corner." expect to see increased tighten-
"Chlorophyll was not likely NTA is also at present gather- ing of money," economist Paul
present to begin with," he noted, ing information on the propriety Samuelson warned a full aud-
citing evidence that for some time of the $10 increase. At its upcom- ience at Rackham Lecture Hallt
there was only a tenth of the ing Wednesday night meeting rep- last night.
present level of oxygen free in resentatives of the housing of Samuelson, speaking on "Prob-
the air while there was a heavy lems of, the American Economy,"
concentration of hydrogen. fice an'd Gilbert Lutz, director of outlined the fluctuations of the
He explained that the complex University apartment facilities, economy over the past two years.
chemical structure of chlorophyll will be present to answer NTA's He claimed that, despite fears
probably developed gradually to questions concerning expenses and of an impending recession and,
finally become the "overwhelming I efficiency of operations. some unsteadiness earlier this'
support for all living things." year, the economy is currently
experiencing "the resumption ofI
.It is just this rapid expansion
that the tax increase must be
tus o combat, ,Samuelsonex
thing g ivig," e sad "
thein govern1ment does someng Teectiv ndmndaenwil
see a rise in prices and further
tightening of money an te
ho Same ksntued the example of
the past year to illustrate his
point. "As we came into this
year," he said, "there was a great
debate goig on as to whether or
not there would be a recession.
There was reason for concern.
Events and policies of the past
Couine maGild
pont "s e a e t hi
Trial of three University stu-
dents and an instructor for show- |
-Daily-Michael Feldberg ing an allegedly obscene film has
R ARD U Ybeen postponed indefinitely due
nJLRILHA."U TTR I. J Ah& I Pui7 a xLi, nn ~aittnAa Rar-I.-.
warned a capacity audience at Ra
ild take effect by January to comba
W resources to prevent recessions.
( I "
pointed by Student Govern-
ment Council, last spring, a
-Daily-Bernie Baker majority of the new members
Ssaid they would only uphold
ckham last night that the pro- saidet woulden lytpold
t te efecs o rpidexpnsin.student-written regulatlons.
I the effects of rapid expansion. In both cases the students fill-
edout a new JJC-supplied mime-
hographed "Motion for'summary
7N Al -" . . judgment of acquittal on grounds
Cri~sis 'Topics,
At Teach-In
GLc,, u LeU r St eu ct 'tL a r e of nonstudent influence upon the A teach-in on "American crises"
legislation creating the rule sought in Vietnam, urban ghettoes and
to be enforced." the third world revolutions is
TY iIn one case, a graduate sociology scheduled for 10:00 p.m. tonight
eI ',O', student was charged with not reg- in Angell and Mason halls.
istering an automobile in compli- Five panels will attempt to
ance with University regulations. synthesize and analyze the re-
year had led to a very tight money continued. "Business economists The student freely admitted that lations of the three main topics.
situation." - examined empirical evidence, of the charge was true. A 'dozen seminars following the
He pointed out that many events prior to other recessions, However, he contended, and JJC panels v'ill focus more closely on
economists, himself among them, and noted that certain leading upheld, that he was innocent be- individual aspects of the topics,
had wanted a tax increase for indicators were falling. This sys- cause the driving regulation was Immediately preceding th e
early 1966, but that the govern-! tem has worked so well in the !not a student-made rule at the teach-in will be an optional lec-
ment had not been receptive to past that it managed to predict time of the offense last spring. ture in the University's "Voices
the idea. nine out of the past five reces- In the second case, a student of Civilization" series at Hill
During the year, the situation sions. charged with setting off fireworks Auditorium, featuring Swedish
got worse, particularly in Au- in Markley Hall last spring was economist Gunnar Myrdal and
gust when a run on West Coast also acquitted because there was American novelist Ralph Ellison
savings and loan banks was Schedule Change , no student-authorized regulation h
feared. But only monetary policy "Europe and Asia in Ameri- icprohibiting use of fireworks.esat-
was used against inflationary can Foreign Policy" with Dean JJC also held that the student Four of the main panels of the
pressures, making the Federal Re- Acheson and Edwin O. Reisch- in this case'was denied due proc- teach-in will be held in the Angell
serve Bank the "villain" respon- auer originally scheduled for ess by his resident director and Hall auditorium complex. Two of
sible for tight money in the pub- 2:30 p.m. in Rackham Lecture judiciary council when they ig- the panels will deal with the
lic's mind, Samuelson said. Hall will be heard at the same nored the bylaws of his housing three main topics in the program
"A hebeftise, time in Hill Aud. For full sched- unit. Joh Ge i Staghto Lynd
t the eginning o is year, ule check the Daily Official The JJC decisiIns may mark a an.erasss, aut ontain-
there were two schools of thought !TeJCdcsgsmymr Carl Oglesby, author of " Contain-
StBulletin, vast change in campus judiciary
about the expected recession," he Uni ent and Change" will partict-
procedures. Under existing pate these discussions.
I ; ~~~~~~versity rules, a student acquittdpeinhseicuio.
by JJC cannot be punished byrAismaneldvtedarlyeto
'1 Enrollment Sets iRecord raispanldethedargileto
any other University agency. MydPrfAntlRport
JJC also deided last night to hematical biologist, the Rev
send a letter to all 'University Albert Cleague of Detroit, and
37,283 Students Register housing units which will explain
the philosophy and procedures of blcAiiatFakJye h
the present council. The letter will fourth pnl ild"ita:A
Total enrollment at the University for the fall term hit a record ask the house councils to list the Way Out?" anwtitbeled by Prof.
37,283 students, an increase of 1,220 over last year's official figure of rules effective in their units. They David Wurfel political scientist at
36,063. This is the fifteenth consecutive year in which fall enroll- will be asked to specify whether the University of iMssouri and
ment has set a new record. these rules were passed independ- members of the University fac-
The increase was registered in spite of a drop in enrollment at ently and if they would enforce lty.
the Dearborn campus, the five centers for graduate study around the these rules even above an admin- A ,fifth panel. will be devoted to
state,' and in non-degree seeking extension study. Growth of the istrative veto. JJC decided at last racial problems in Ann Arbor. A
sFlin, and Ann Aror-dcampseskore thasn madeudy forthe loses night's meeting that "Unless the Complete schedule appears on
Flint and Ann Arbor campuses more than made up for these losses. answer 'yes' is given to both ques- page six.
Enrollment on the Ann Arbor campus rose to 30,779 from 29,346 tions, JJC will acquit any stu- A break in the program at mid-
and at Flint College to 1,030 from 893. dent appealing a conviction based night .will be followed by speeches
The percentage of students that are Michigan residents also on those rules." in the diag by Gerassi and Lynd.
rose this year to 75 per cent of, + -----
the total, u from 74.5 per cent CO E'IT !'mV T RY
layear. Di'r. Clyde Vroman, dir- - - ' U7Ji
ector of admissions, attributed
the increase to "pressure from.
the legislature and public" to
keep down out-of-state enroll-
This semester there are 5,052
freshmen, 4,692 sophomores: 5,743
Seks Clevelan~d Vavfraitv
ham Lecture Hall audit
on Mars. He also pred
develope a fairly comp
Noue r
ence that
icted tha
lex pictu
SGeCberR c
ze winning iemist, tom a n ac !-to an illness of the defendants' at- and - v^ - -. "% ---"- - - j- "' 1%.-
man may very likely find life torney. The opening date in the man explained that the unusually
it in a few years scientists will Washtenaw Circuit Court had been large junior and senior classes CLEVELAND, Ohio (IP)-State In some white areas, he picked
re of how life evolved on earth. set for today. represented the peak of the "post- Rep. Carl B. Stokes, bidding to up 15 to 20 per cent of the vote.
warbay oo," become the first Negro mayor of Intense interest in the Stokes-
war baby boom." a major U.S. city, won the Demo- Locher race produced a record
Most of the rise in enrollment cratic nomination for mayor of voter turnout, toppingthe 210,000
on the Ann Arbor campus was Cleveland yesterday on the basis in the 1933 primary.
- . registered in the College of Liter- , of unofficial returns. The party had raised the race
ature, science, and the Arts which , Stokes scored an upset victory issue in its campaign literature,
- ItsU M I I d &a e a - is by far the largest of the Uni- over three-term Mayor Ralph S. calling Stokes a "racist Republi-
versity's 17 colleges and schools. Locher, who had the backing of can" for past support of Repub-
The figure for LSA undergradu- local Democratic leaders, and will
the facts if the meetings were presented at open meetings, ates this year is 11,839, up from face Republican Seth Taft in the
open." Wright said he regretted the 10,721. , Nov. 7 general election.
Wright said the committee had loss of Miss Greenberg and add- The vote from 880 of 901 poll-
no power to force anyone tb tes- ed his belief that she could have The College of Engineering, ing places gave Stokes 104,749, .
tify and that he feared many made significant contributions. however, has 4,531 students, down Locher 91,473 and Frank P. Cel-
persons would not talk if the According to Wright, however, the from 4,587. The School of Edu- este 8,458. Tallying of the miss-:
meetings were open. He said he committee will continue its work cation has 3,312 about 150 more ing 21 polling places could take
understood SGC's dedication to without an SGC representative if than last fall. several hours, election board of-{
Hti,. .,,,.,,,.,- ."f ..>.,,, w~n +; ro 'h + ' . ,n.,..,n,>, _ _ iui s l a iu0;r l ze ^h weie tnv . ..'-
lican issues. One letter linked
Stokes to Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr. and said if Stokes were elect-
ed King would become "dictator"
of Cleveland.
Some observers had predicted
such an approach might backfire.
The party leaders also attacked
Stokes for using what they call-
ed "racial blackmail," when he
suggested that his election might
lessen the chance of outbreaks
of rioting in Negro area.
The city was hit by four nights
of rioting, looting and burning in
Negro slum areas in the summer
of 1966.
Stokes used a reverse racial ap-
peal in his campaign, telling vot-
ers: "Don't vote for a Negro; vote
for the man."
About one-third of the city's
Student Government Council
member Judy Greenberg, '69, said!
yesterday that, in line with a
policy adopted by Council last
solve differences over the status 'of
the meetings.
Kahn reportedly proposed .that
the majority of the meetings be
open with the committee going in-
week, she will not attend any clos- to closed executive session whenI
ed meetings of the University Sen.- matters of particular sensitivity
ate Committee on Communications were discussed. The plan was re-
-Media. jected. the concept of open meetings but necessary. Undergraduates account for
The announcement came after Neithei' Kahn nor Miss Green- felt the need to get all the facts The only student now serving' 61.1 per cent of the students;
the committee, which was ap- berg was available for comment was a more important considera- with the group is Alden Krovdahl, while gra duate students comprise
ticiais said, but they were ex-
pected to add slightly to Stokes'
13,000-vote margin,