Seveny-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS THE VIEW FROM HERE The Deafening Silence of Serious Debate BY ROBERT KLIVANS ansss as#ses~saenmmmnimai##sis~isanissiisiesism saisasassiisissississ~ilasim isimiM~assssasata asa massss~ssaassesaysmasam assma syaam sus I I - - - ; Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MicYL. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: WALLACE IMMEN TUESDAY. OCTOBER 3, 1967 Romney Goes Slumming As Things Start Humming OV. GEORGE ROMNEY ended his 19- day tour of racially-troubled cities Saturday with the prediction that "unless we reverse course and build a new Amer- ica, the old America will be destroyed." Destruction, he warned, could come "through open rebellion with bullets, cannon and all the violent means imag- inable." Romney's journey began, ominously enough, with his unforgettable "brain- washing" statement. He was also criticiz- ed for leaving Michigan to study racial problems in the wake of a riot that de- stroyed an estimated $500 million of prop- erty in Detroit. And he is currently hav- ing difficulty buying television time to bring his insights from the trip to the people. Nevertheless, Romney's political stat- ure may have, benefitted from his trip. Doubtless he picked up considerable in- sights on how other communities are meeting the problem of increased Negro impatience. And Romney received moral support from fellow Republicans who bolted tacit silence on Vietnam to blast the President's foreign policy. ALL IN ALL, Romney will be fortunate if he broke even on his pilgrimage. Where three weeks ago he had been run- ning neck-and-neck with Johnson in the polls, his "brainwashing" statement has caused his popularity to plunge below that of Rockefeller and Reagan as po- tential GOP presidential candidates. On the plus side of the balance sheet, Romney has begun to forge an image of' a progressive Republican who is con- cerned enough about domestic crises to make an effort to understand their caus- es and implement possible cures. It is his minimal comprehension and contact with foreign affairs that is Rom- ney's albatross. Insteal of discrediting the administration's credibility on Viet- nam, Romney opened a credibility gap of his own. Because he delayed expressing opinions on the war and because he has vacillated from hawk to dove along the aviary spectrum, Romney has been made to appear foolish. BUT, PROBABLY overlooked by those who laugh or mourn Romney's sup- posed early political demise, are the def- inite trails he has blazed leading to the 1968 elections. Romney is the first serious Republican contender to openly chal- lenge the basis for the Vietnam war. He has carefully laid grounds for mak- ing domestic concerns a primary election issue. By making his move early-albeit on untested ground-Romney has made{ it easier for other GOP contenders like Rockefeller to move in his direction and offer a viable political alternative for those voters who are fed up with John- sonian consensus politics. For these reasons, it is evident that Romney has considerably matured po- litically. -DAVID KNOKE PRESIDENT HARLAN HATCHER gave his annual State of the University address last week, and in traditional style, it had all the impact of a wet sponge. It was an opportunity for Hatcher to say so much about so many things, but instead he confined himself to the question of autonomy from the legislature and left un- touched vast issues which have rarely been discussed, But the speech came as no disappointment-as hardly anything does in the closing months of the Hatcher ad- ministration-for discussing issues of substance is anl unpracticed pastime at this University. Who can re- member the last time President Hatcher-or any Uni- versity official-has made a pronouncement on the course, purpose, or direction of the University? IT MAKES ONE WONDER-and worry-about the men who are holding the reigns here. Are they so pre- occupied with administrative technicalities and alumni relations that they have had no time to formulate ideas about the course of the University? And if they have ideas to contribute, why the deafening silence of debate? If President Hatcher's intellectually-shallow address is one example of a directionless leadership, others are not hard to find. The course of so many projects on this campus leads one to believe that priorities for the University have been established on a strange founda- tion. For example, the $55 M program, that gloriously successful (and much-needed) fund-raising effort, in- jected a great deal of money into the University's blood- stream. And though it was difficult to avoid, the money will mainly be used for personal monuments to the donors (e.g. the $10 million Highway Safety Research Institute) rather than carte blanche funds for needy programs like the Residential College. The $55 M pro- gram is reflective of an administration which ranks new theaters and sports buildings before slumping teach- ears' salaries and crowded classrooms. THE CONCERN FOR openly facing the challenge of the modern university has not been displayed here. The discussion has not been initiated from above, where it most logically could start, and from below all that can be heard are the grumblingsof oppressed student leaders. The vacuous pronouncements that were met in the past by disappointment are now merely glossed over while interested students and faculty wait for the lame duck administration to end and the new, though per- haps no different, reign of Robben Fleming to begin. But it is proper to start asking now the questions that have not been discussed at all before: Where is this University heading? What committment does the Uni- versity have to society and how is this best fulfilled? Where have we moved in the past decade or two and why have we not headed somewhere else? THE FRUSTRATION AND WORRY is not that answers have yet to be found-for these are complex and confusing issues--but rather that the basic ques- tions are not even being asked, and thus are not openly and frankly discussed. Perhaps this is all, a product of the "administrator syndrome"-a phenomenon which places technicians, not educators, at the highest eche- lons of our colleges and universities. This may not be the exclusive rule, but the appoint- ment last week of Charles Hitch, an ex-Pentagon budget analyst, as President of the University of California em- phasizes its application. Hitch may prove to be a mar- velous eductor and creative thinker (which the sprawling Cal complex needs), but if he proves to be one it will only be in spite of-not because of-his qualifications for the California presidency. IF THE UNIVERSITY IS NOT what its severest critics make it out to be, it certainly is not the intellec- tual hotbed which is probing for new paths in higher education. And this is the case because the leaders either don't wish to debate or simply don't recognize the prob- lem. Moreover, the crisis in this University is not peculiar to Ann Arbor. Institutions of higher education are in the grips of a rapidly flowing society, and, to extend the metaphor, we have seemingly lost our rudder. The prob- lem, as Clark Kerr once phrased it, is not that univer- sities are directionless. "They have been moving in clear directions and with considerable speed," he said. "These directions, however, have not been set as much by the university's vision of its destiny as by the external environment, including the federal government, the foundations, the surrounding and sometimes engulfing industry." IT IS THE ANNUAL State of the University speech, and the ringing emptiness it projects, which reminds one again that this University has no vision of its own destiny. What should be worrying the conscience of the campus is not the inability of President Hatcher and his administration to find the answers, but more simply their refusal to ask the questions. Howard: Preparing for the Long, Rlot Full' q N Comment Department: Sex and the Single FBI Man A FEDERAL JUDGE suggested yester- day that young men who have become accustomed to premarital petting while in the military service may have a legal right to continue the practice for a short period after leaving the service. Furthermore, this right might apply even if the young man. becomes an em- ploye of the Federal Bureau of Investi- gation, the judge said. Judge Harold Levanthal, sitting as the Court of Appeals for the District of Co- lumbia, made the comments while con- sidering whether the FBI director, J. Ed- gar Hoover, had acted legally in discharg- ing a bachelor clerk who kept a girl in his apartment overnight. The former clerk, Thomas H. Carter, 26, has sworn that nothing but "necking and spooning" went on. But a lower court dismissed his suit on the ground that the circumstances were sufficiently "indis- creet" to justify the discharge. HOOVER SAID in dismissing the $4930- a-year clerk, who lasted only one month after returning to-the FBI from four years in the Air Force that his ac- tion constituted "conduct unbecoming an employe of this bureau." Judge Levanthal said that under the Uniform Military Training Act a return- ing serviceman must be given a chance to adjust to the changed conditions of his civilian job. He cited several post-World War II court decisions in which baseball clubs were required to keep returning service- men until they had an opportunity to get back in playing condition. Using the same reasoning, he said, the FBI might have to give returning service- men a chance to adjujst to the FBI's strict standard of male-female relations. "Many people in the military service think that premarital petting in private The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school year ($9 by mail). Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class po'stage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Editorial Staff ROGER RAPOPORT, Editor is not offensive," said Levanthal, a for- mer Coast Guard lieutenant commander. "Maybe even officers would do it," he added. Assistant U.S. Attorney Thomas Lum- bard argued that Carter's offense had been carelessness and poor judgment in creating an impression of misconduct. His conduct came to light when an an- onymous person wrote the FBI about the overnight visit, saying, "it annoys me terrible." LUMBARD ARGUED that the incident had compromised the reputations ofp the bureau and the girl. "A vast number of people still feel that this kind of conduct is wrong-people in Oklahoma and Kentucky where this young man came from-even if perhaps not in the sophisticated East," Lumbard said. Richard M. Millman, who represented Carter, argued that Carter's actions "were not only normal but healthy, leading to- ward a marital relationship." Carter, who is still a bachelor, now works for a bank here. Millman said he seeks back pay and reinstatement so that he can resign with a clear record. Legal observers said the case could be legally significant as a test of the con- stitutional rights of employes of sensi- tive federal agencies that are not covered by the Civil Service laws. Carter's lawyers have charged that the FBI's actions vio- lated his right of personal privacy and his right to due process as a federal employe. -From the San Francisco Chronicle Sept. 21, 1967 First Come First Serve GEN. MARK O. HATFIELD (R-Oregon) says he would support Gen. James Gavin for President. Gavin, however, says he is for Hatfield; Hatfield says if Gavin won't run, he's for GOP Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of New York. Rocky, on the other hand, has been backing Gov. George Romney of Michigan for the nomination. Romney hasn't declared himself in the race, while Gov. Ronald Reagan of Cali- fornia has been drawing big crowds yet won't admit he's running for anything. Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (D-NY) says he has taken polls of Democrats which show he is a leading contender for the By RICHARD ANTHONY Collegiate Press Service G EORGIA AVENUE is the main routefrom official Washing- ton to Howard University. It is a broad, straight road, well-paved and well-maintained, but it is bordered by the dingy, interminable rows of two-bit bus inaess establishments that readily identify the area as a black ghetto-pool halls, barber shops with their striped barber poles askew, second-hand cloth- ing stores, bars with their neon window signs flickering half- lighted, a food market overf low- ing the ground floor of a turn- of-the-century brick warehouse. The sights to be seen along Georgia Avenue help to explain why Howard may be in for a "long, hot fall." The message of the ghetto, forcibly brought home to the country at large this sum- mer, is also getting through to Howard. Unfortunately, Howard is ill-prepared to receive it, Among Negro colleges, Howard has always held a special place. Although suffering from the pa- ternalism and conservatism that is characteristic of Negro colleges generally, Howard has had a good reputation academically and has been known as well as the place where Negro leaders-"the black bourgoisie"-get their start. IN THE BROADEST sense, it is the question of what kind of leaders Howard should be pro- ducing that lies behind the pres- ent unrest at the school. Lynda Blumenthal, a white in- structor at the school for the past ftwo years, says Howard has tra- ditionally tried to implant white values in its students. She explains that Howard has tended to reinforce the "negative identification" by students to- ward their being black. "Now the students are learning to be proud of being black," she says. "They have confidence in themselves. That's why they're more critical of paternalism at Howard." THE ISSUES OF student pow- er and black power are not really separate issues, according to Miss Blumenthal. Talks with student leadersnconfirm this judgment. Ewart Brown, president of the Student Assembly, and the lead- er of the group of more than 150 students and faculty who walked out during Howard President James Nabrit's opening address last week, wants Howard to create a black leadership that does not accept white values. Black leadership must be de- veloped in the black universities," Brown said. "We need leaders who can infiltrate the system and not be Uncle Toms." Brown and other student lead- ers are devoting most of their ef- forts now to winning student con- trol over "non-academic affairs," particularly o v e r disciplinary matters. They aretconfident. "The stu- dent body this year has the de- termination to do things," says Tom Myles, head of the Student Rights Organization. "We're more unified than ever." Myles expects strong support from the freshmen. "This year's freshmen are more aware, more militant," he explains. "They're the 'Birmingham babies;' they've grown up with the movement.' ACCORDING TO Brown, How- ard President James Nabrit has indicated that concessions will be made to the students. Greater student control over disciplinary matters is probably in the offer- ing. But the concessions may not be enough to keep Howard from having a long, hot fall. The leg- acy of bitterness from last spring's conflicts between students and the administration will make a peace- ful resolution of present conflicts hard to come by. THROUGHOUT last year, pro- tests over matters affecting stu- dent rights escalated on the cam- pus. Matters first came to a head, however, when draft director Gen. Lewis Hershey arrived on campus to give a speech. A group protesting the sending of Negroes to Vietnam greeted him with signs and chants. He left without delivering his talk. Though the group protesting Hershey's visit was small, its num- bers grew when the university scheduled hearings for four stu- dents charged with leading the Hershey, demonstration. A group of students broketup the hearing. They charged that the administration had named one of the four students, Robin Gregory, because she had become a symbol of black power on cam- pus. 1~ 9' Urban Ghettoes: The Other Side of the Curricular Coin MISS GREGORY, who was elected homecoming queen last fall, was at the time part of a women's group associated with the Black Power Committee and the Student Non-Violent Co-ordinat- ing Committee (SNCC). Finally, in May, a one-day boy- cott was organized by a coalition of student groups to dramatize six student demands. One of these was the demand that no one be disciplined for political activities on campus. As a result of the boycott Pres- ident Nabrit agreed to meet with the leaders of the coalition. They say he committed himself at the time to foregoing any disciplinary measures against political acti- vists. Nabrit and an assistant dean who attended the meeting, Carl Anderson, deny it. IN ANY CASE, this past sum- mer 14 students were expelled and five faculty members notified that they would not be rehired. The univeristy took the action in mid- June, without prior notice and without hearings. The faculty members and four of the students took the case to court. In the course of proceed- ings it was revealed that Dean Anderson had prepared memor- anda for the dean of students listing students who were most actively involved in protests. One of the lists, dated April 20, listed one group of students un- der the heading "Black Power" faction and another under Stu- dent Rights Organization. It also contained the suggestion that SNCC and the Communist Party were behind the "demon- strations and other disruptive activities." On appeal, the court ruled that the students be reinstated pend- ing a hearing (two of the four have returned to Howard). It rec- ommended hearings for the fac- ulty members, but did not order them. The faculty case is still in litigation. Two of the faculty members are teaching at other colleges this fall. Two are awaiting the results of the litigation. Nathan Hare, a boxer who had 22 amateur and two professional victories before he gave up the sport in 1963, is in training for another fight. HARE, WHO took his Ph.D. in sociology at the University of Chicago. is a short, compact man, with a voice that is unexpectedly high-pitched and nasal. When he speaks of his long-standing feud with the Howard administration, his gaze is intense and his tone bitter. "I want to return to Howard," he says. "The students need a boost. They have been intimi- dated." Hare's ACLU lawyer asked him to forego applying any extra-legal pressure to the university while the faculty case is in court, but Hare demurred. "I could tear the place down," he says. "I have contacts there, and I have support from the com- munity." IF THE HOWARD administra- tion does not meet student de- niands respecting student govern- ment in the near future, the mod- erate student leaders may wind up in open alliance with Hare. A long, hot fall at Howard would then be assured. "Students here are oppressed," says student leader Myles, "and oppression breeds violence. When the normal processes of adjust- ing grievances break down, it opens the door for violence." That is the familiar lesson from the ghetto. It may be a les- son that Howard officialdom is about to learn the hard way. 4l 4! FEIFFER I I 6OT IQTo M A60)MO) WTR A COWeT NHO COW PUAIKJWAFOOT AMY A66P6S5IV6'- sort PIP HIM. . l l W)IFE ADV ' HC TOOK 'ni&' LIM / KIU2GD ., V.. 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