ROMNEY'S SLUMMING STARTS THINGS TO HUM See editorial page C, L 5k4iiigx 11a111 FAIR AND WARM High-84 Low--52 Little chance of rain; gusty winds until noon Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVIII, No. 28 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3,1967 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Acheson on Policies, Politics and History Myrdal Calls for Plan By SUSAN SCHNEPP hear "Europe's Civil War" from; Sounding more like a popular 14- .Iits aiterma±1 U1s guest lecturer than a former sec- cussed by one of Washington's retary of state, Dean Acheson last foremost policymakers of that era. night gave a short course on Acheson, sharing amusement American foreign policy in Eu- with his audience, called the rope and Asia, concentrating on Japanese attack on Pearl Har- the period after World War II, bor "colossal nonsense," saying but prodded by his audience into that "it never occurred to anyone also discussing Vietnam, the Mid- in Washington that anyone could dle East and the United Nations, be so nutty as to attack Pearl About 1500 people settled com- Harbor, yet those fools did it." fortably into Hill Auditorium to Out of Chaos The end of the war found the United States in the midst of the economic, social and political damage of Europe and Asia. Ache- son, President Truman's secretary of state from 1949-53, character- ized the task of the United States w as "creating half a world out of chaos." "The job was somewhat more difficult," he said "than :~:y ~that the Almighty faced inth first chapter of Genesis." the The re-creation, or reconstruc- tion, of Europe was a "brilliant success," Acheson declared, cit- Perhaps we should stay out and let people suffer once in a while." But Europe was only half the problem after the war, continued Acheson, for the United States had another defeated power and an- other part of the world to re- construct too. General Douglas MasArthur "did a good job" in Japan, he said. On another part of the Asian world, Vietnam, Acheson had this to say: "It's a very serious prob- lem, but I think it will work itself out, though some may call this a pollyanna view. The North Viet- namese won't do anything to settle until after the presidential election of 1968." What the American people don't seem to realize, he continued, is that "you don't bring about nego- tiations with the communists. It's not their way of behaving. They just stop fighting and walk off, as they did in Korea and Berlin." Delusion on War Of Aid to By STEVE WILDSTROM violence. Calling America "a house heav- ry, they t ily mortgaged" to the poor, noted :quotinga Swedish economist and expert in The A race relations Gunnar Myrdal yes- tinned, li terday said a massive and r'adical izing the plan to improve the status of the great. het "underclass" is needed to save class. My democracy. poor "th Myrdal, speaking to about 1,000 proletaria persons at Rackham Lecture Hall Despite as part of the "Voices of Civil- involved, ization" Sesquicentennial confer- must ac ence. also said the Vietnam war living of has impeded the progress of U.S. "Ameri Negroes and has caused Europeans tinued. " 'to lose sympathy towards Amer- on sendin ica's efforts to solve her racial to menti problems. which yo A professor at the Swedish In- "This, stitute for Advanced Economic priorities Studies. Myrdal is the author of Myrda] "An American Dilemma: The nam war Negro Problem and Modern Dem- change o ocracy," the classic 1943 study from the ,,enerally considered an authori- Press tative probe of U.S. race relations He also Myrdal cautioned that the cost which he of the program needed to improve wards A the life of the poor "would run racial pr into the trillions" and that even early '60' with such aid, it would take a ly in rec generation to effect major social ly unfrier change. riots. Myrdal also warned of the The I dangers of a "Marshall Plan" for mined tf large-scale economic aid to poor United S Negroes, such as that proposed in Thewa the wake of this summer's riots, rights to Negroes. he said, comprise only andhtadde one-fourth of America's total poor. pursuance A plan designed specifically to aid an incem Negroes, he added, would only an mcre 'Underclass' "When horses are hung- was asked if he thought there bite each other," he said, was much hope for the govern- a Swedish proverb. ment taking the large-scale action merican poor, 'he con- he said was needed. ave had difficulty organ- "I feel hopeful," he replied. emselves because of the "whenever I hear Robert Kennedy erogenleity of the under- say something against the war or rdal called the American in favor of social reform because e world's least organized he is certainly an accomplished at." and opportunistic politician." e the cost and problems Myrdal insisted America t quickly "to raise the all poor people." ca cannot," Myrdal con- afford to spend billions ng a man to the moon, not on the other things on u spend billions. I believe, is a false set of I said, "The tragic Viet- is a driving force in the f popular sentiment away Negro cause." Beconing Unfriendly * o said the European press, ad been sympathetic to- merican efforts to solve oblems in the 1950's and s, has become less friend- ent years and was open- ndly during last summer's Vietnam war has under- he moral position of the >tates," he added. ar, Myrdal continued, has egislative efforts in civil "come to a grinding halt" d "The U.S..government's e of the war has caused asing moral and politi- ifn rn r h Tnin -Daily-Chuck Soberman DR. M. G. CANDAU, director of the World Health Organization, yesterday called for the establishment of more medical schools to solve a world shortage of medical personnel. Candau Feas DoctorShortage r 1 ing the occupations of Germany The mustachioed statesman and Japan and the Marshall Plan, maintained his rapport with his though modestly passing over his audience by obliging questions roles in the policy making. from the audience. On the Middlei America-was less successful, East, Acheson said that Russia' however, in her attempt to cor- had been carrying on "mischievous struct a "kingdom of God on activities" in the Middle East, but earth" in the form of the United "had deluded themselves into Nations. The United States, said thinking there would be no war."t the 73-year-old diplomat, was not They thought the situationf able to induce Russia to accept would come close to war, he said,t the principle of the UN.1,+--...------- By RICHARD SHULIK Overpopulation and insufficient medical manpower are the gravest threats to world health. Dr. M. G. Candau said yesterday. In response to a question about the UN today, Acheson said that "weak peacekeeping organizations are not very useful and a little like the Salvation Army - making peace when there isn't any peace. Dean Acheson Chemist Urey Says Ch Likely Key to Moon's By DAVID STEIN American chemist Harold Urey last night proposed that certain areas of the moon might provide a key to the nature of matter when our solar system was formed. Prof. Urey, a Nobel Prize win- ner in chemistry, speaking at the Rackham Lecture Hall, said that certain areas of the moon appear to indicate that water was present at some time in the past. These SACUA, 'U' A 'to Discuss Au The Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) will ask the temporary vice-presi- dential committee on constitution- al autonomy of the University to meet with SACUA for discussion of that question. At its meeting yesterday, SACUA mandated its chairman, Prof. Frank Kennedy of the Law School to ask the vice-presidential com- mittee for a meeting of the two groups. The vice-presidential com- mittee, consisting of Vtice-Presi- dent for Academic Affairs Allan Smith, Vice-President for Business Affairs and Chief Financial Of- ficer Wilbur Pierpont and Vice- President for Research Geoffrey Norman, was established to dis- cuss issues concerning the Uni- versity's current court battle against the state on four legisla- tive acts believed to possibly in- fringe on the University's au- tonomy. LIBEL LAWS: areas also seem to be free of the volcanic action which has wiped- out any evidence of the condition of the earth and other areas of the moon when they were formed. Urey said that certain channels on the moon are smooth, such as would be formed by flowing water. He said that if these channels had been formed by volcanic action or contraction they would be more jagged and irregular. Because the diMinistrators tonoryI SSue Primary among the four acts! in question are Public Act 124 (on state control of University con- struction) and Public Act 240 (on! but the UN would take over before Candau, who has served as Di- it broke out. The United States rector General of the World would be friendly to the Israelis, Health Organization (WHO) of the Arabs would dislike the United the United Nations since 1953, States and the Russians would said no individual epidemic or thus gain in stature as the friends kind of disease poses as serious and allies of the Arabs. and immediate a problem as lack of medical personnel. He said or- ganizations must promote the es- tablishment of more medical schools and training centers where they are needed throughout the Historyworld. Historyandau spoke in an od as pa question and answer period as part of the University's "Voices of earth has undergone volcanic ac- Civilization" piogram. He discuss- tion, any evidence of such condi- ed his personal experiences as a tions present at the time of its WHO observer and said that he formation have been destroyed. WHoserArandesathathe Urey explained that this sug- considers Africa the pa' of the gest anatmophee on thefree world most in need' of help. gests an atmosphere on the moon's surface in the past which In all of Africa there are only could have been provided by its six medical schools, which grad- collision with a comet. The gases uate only 120 doctors a year, to of the comet would have provided serve Africa's 200 million people. a heavy enough atmosphere to Nurses, dentists and technicians hold water. are also in short supply, he noted. Possible evidence may also be Ultimately, all problems may be gained from metorites, as those traced to the drastic spiral of evolving from volcanic actionE world population, he explained. have a primary composition of ba-' "Regrettably we have been unable salt. Many investigated after fall- 'to make progress toward familyI ing on earth show no prominent planning programs where they are basalt and Urey proposed that most needed." these non-basalt metorites might " havecom frm mon aeasnot "The controversy over birth con- have come from moon areas not trol', was in recent years a religious to.affected by volcanic action.wainrctyesarlgouI Asto how the metorites ould issue." he said. "However, it is to-! As to how the meteorites could day a political issue." have left the moon, Urey said, izations which work with it have been able to do little to dispel the apathy of the world's governments He expressed deep regret that na- tions which are not U.N. members cannot participate in WHO pro- grams. Candau believes that there is no real reason why. these nations should be -excluded from educa- tional and developmental programs of organizations like the WHO. He cites the example of Cuba which has continued to participate in a multitude of Latin American polit- ical organizations in spite of her political revolution. 7 i AFSCIE PETITIONS SLMB: Two Unions' Face Employe Vote create hostility among the non- States." Negro poor and might actually in- The wais viewed abroa he crease racial tensions. said, "as a war of a rich, white According to Myrdal, tensions country against a poor, colored between different groups of the country." "underclass," as he calls the poor, In a question-and-answer per- are partly responsible for racial iod following the lecture, Myrdal Gunnar Myrdal By W. REXFORD.BENOIT units for the 12,500 workers notj Abofit 300 University employescovered in the SLMB ruling were will vote on whether they want not formed because there was an to be represented by labor unions insuficient show of terest' at in bargaining with the University.nmediations board hearigs five months ago, an SLMB spokesman A State Labor Mediations Board said. ruling on petitions over the week- The Univeisity said yesterday end gave the right to vote for it will not appeal the SDMB's bargaining units to one group setting of two bargaining units. of about 270 building tradesmen Lists of tradesmen and heat- and a second group of 32 heat- ing workers eligible, to vote will ing facilities workers. be prepared by the University, tional Union of Operating Eng- ineers Local 547. The mediations' board requires that at least ten per cent of the employes in the proposed bar- gaining unit sign petitions asking for a union before granting or- ganizing powers to the workers. Collective Bargaining Rights ThetUniversity agreed to accept collective bar gaining in mid-Sep- tember pending the outcome of its challenge of Public Act 379 in Washtenaw County Circuit Court, but said it would prefer to bargain with a single unit. An amendment to the Hutchin- son Act, PA 379 allows public em- ployes to bargain collectively on Building tradesmen will vote to join 'either the Washtenaw Coun- ty Building and Construction Trades Council, or no union, anf the heating workers will decide on representation by the Inter- national Union ofO peratinga with the time of the elections set by the SLMB. The two bargaining units, tradesmen and heating workers, found acceptable by the media- tions board, are similar to those d min~iby h 7Tctsns a legislative limitation on the per- "this same comet striking the Minority groups tnrougnout -"t t1UjJUa1U Uy the vv.Mzenawjwages, ours an oter issues. centage of out-of-state students moon could have had the 'force ' the world have confidence that' Engineers Local 547 or no union. County B'uilding and Construction Universty sources said a decision enrolled in the University). to propel meteorites from the they will gain political power by A majority of those voting in Trades Council and the Interna- on the two-year-old challenge to 'In other action yesterday, SAC- moon's surface. increasing their numbers," he each unit must vote in favor of UA empowered Kennedy to draft Urey sees unmanned moon noted. "For example, Negroes in the specified union in order for a statement on the functions of probes as a way of determining South Africa interpret family it to be certified as the exclusive rc hii ec t iiellu sc h i student advisory ,committees to if these volcanic-free areas, so planning schemes originated by bargaining agent.wat the vice-presidents. SACUA feels far not investigated by United thesanTaim txe t "Insufficient Show of Interest" that the advisory committees, es- States probes, exist on the moon. them. In Thailand, government However a third union .seek- tablished last year, should per-I Urey expressed the hope that iofficials are worred that the Chi- Hwee',athrduio sek H uai e a n C for initiatoy asrwels advis thediscexrable history of the nese popuation there is increasing ing to represent Universt non- MERIeT R ory functions intheir relations moon will go'backfurtherthan faster than the Siamese popula- academic employes, the American wit futhvice-pesints. erns mof the eah twhen then tion. And the Israelis worry that Federation of State, County and with the vice-presidents. that of the earth to when the population of Israel as a whole Municipal Employes has since By MEREDITH EIKER Belluschi, who has worked on SACUA also acted on a request !solar system was formed. He said is increasing faster than the Jew- sent further petitions to the Managing Editor the design for the new Julliard of the faculty committee on stu- Ithat the $25 per person spent ish population there," he claimed. SLMB. American architect Pietro Bel- School at Lincoln Center in New dent evaluation of teaching, en- on the space program 'isn't worth-dYork City, emphasized that urban dorsing that committee's proposal } it if nothing new can be learned." Candau urged men all over the Te AFSCME's petto pr- "si sia st ng atethe ' renewal has brought "vast prob- that the Office of Academic Af- "I have hopes that we will find world to view the population prob-posed a bargaining unit to in- "Victorian concept of architecture reme" ha roht "as prnbg dlude all University service and! as a personal art is no longer rele- fes" to architectural planning. fairs should provide for a re- 'more interesting history there than em as a technical rather than a mai staff except the twoant." He said that the question "A city," he said, "cannot be search assistant and secretarial on earth," he said. "Sometimes it political problem. Unfortunately, mintenanceaff epte two I a" He si hat the esion" it d. said "anotnse 'units already approved by the I of how to humanize the environ- manipulated. Contrived patterns help for the evaluation committee. is necessary to put your neck out."'WHO and affiliated U.N. organ- rSLMB, and asked to be on the ment has become paramount in e easily confused with order and election ballot with the Building modern architecture and that the will not work in a city." T r a d e s Council. Bargaining I architect-planner must be more Chicago and other large cities . than merely a designer, have "their own reflection-beau- the Act is expected this month. Michigan State University, how- ever, has decided to question the SLMB's decision to allow more than one bargaining unit for MSU non-academic workers. While setting the two bargain- ing units for the University, the mediations board refused bargain- ing privileges for two service units in University Hospital and an- other unit in the University laun- dry proposed by the AFSCME be- cause they would "represent a fragmented section of particular wage classifications." Eligible to vote among heating facilities employes are operating engineers, turbine operators, head boiler operators, and boiler opera- tors at any facility location of the University. mphasizes ty and vitality," according to Bel- luschi, and urban rehewal should not try to impose on this reflec- tion. "Urban aesthetics," he said, "is more than visual order." He said that'the work of re- newal is "a necessity," but indi- cated that short-sighted urban planning philosophies are already 'creating future slums." "Finan- cial mistakes," he said, "can nev- er be re-made." Throwing Out the Book After 800 Years By DANIEL OKRENT "You can give me almost any daily newspaper - including your own - and I could probably find 30 or 40 libelous statements per issue." The claim is not bitter, nor is it immodest. It is an outgrowth of A. Daniel Feldman's experience!' as "America's best libel lawyer." And either is this latter state- ineent of praise without founda- tion. It cone from Joseph Feld- man (no relation) of the Uni- versity's Institute for Continuing Legal Education, who brought the I Yet, he d e 1 i v e r s an ad- chief of Birmingham, Ala., re- construed as libelous if the state- dress not at all in the style of an ceived an original judgment of ment is true. expert, but rather as a conver- $500,000 against the Times, who Thus, the heart of what has sationalist, very matter-of-factly had published a civil rights been libel law - and, in many in telling you that if someone organization - sponsored adver- states, what has not been in- writes a letter to your newspaper tisement that, said Sullivan's cluded in First Amendment pro- that calls Barry Goldwater a counsel, "defamed the Birming- tections of free press and free "pinko", then your paper is just ham Police Department." In a speech - has been thrown out as "liable for libel" as the letter- landmark decision, the Supreme of the law books, presenting a writer. Court overturned the lower court's considerable problem. According To say simply that Feldman, who ruling on the grounds that, as a to Feldman, "We've had our libel gave his speech Sunday night in public figure, Sullivan was not laws for 800 years, since British the Multipurpose Room, spoke protected as a private person, monarchs instituted them for. of libel law, is to make a slight! Feldman, who does his libelI their own protection. What is left mistake. Actually, the lecture work on the defense side, repre- now," he asks, "after so much concerned itself more with what senting newspapers in the Chi- of it has been thrown out?" Snn innaer lihl 1lw - con.- cago area, takes no stand as to Associate Justice Potter Ste-I Belluschi pointed out that "sci- ence and technology, are not pro- ducing the 'great society'." He said further that the populationis putting extensive demands on fa- cilities and that a "state of confu in' exists in much urban plIn- The role of the modern artist in such a society is to serve as a ," "catalyst" to make the irrational, as well as the rational, of 'use to . ' For schedule of ::::::::::::. :.:::.Sesquicentennial events,