AGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1967 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1967 TH5 MICHIGAN DAILY The Starting Salaries! For Mich. EngineersI A Placement Interview Can Work for You General Division Offers Wide Opportunities for Lit Students . IY PROGRAMS eronomy........... aerospace ............ ppliet Mechanics ... 3io-Engineering ..... :hemical ............ 7ivil ................ 'ommunication Science electrical ........... . ngineering Mechanics engineering Physics. ndustrial. nformation & Controls vlaterials ............ Math (Applied & BS) vechanical .......... 4etallurgical ......... veteorology & Oceanography...... Naval Arch. & Marine quclear .............. ?lanet. & Space Science Science............. BS No. Aver. MS No. Aver. 5 $887 Ph.D. No. Aver. 17 13 6 17 1 3 15 1 3 33 1 $718 743 730 728 700 703 725 750 678 721 725 2 10 6 1 18 2 5 2 17 2 888 832 818 835 840 888 868 897 864 848 2 $1133 1 1063 2 1275{ 1 1125 3 1 1292 1250 (Continued from Page 9) work was thorough and very ac- curate, and both asked me to re- turn to the job following sum- mer." Score one for frankness and three for responsibility, accuracy and giving satisfaction in prev- ious jobs. Be ready to give an answer to the question, "What do you plan to be doing ten years from now?" It's a favorite. A popular alterna- tive question is "How much mon- ey do you expect to be earning in ten years?" The purpose is to de- termine your ambition, ability to plan ahead, and the soundness of your thinking. Do you want, va- guely, "to get ahead?" Or are you going somewhere in particular? Never make a slighting refer- ence about a former employer or a professor. If something went wrong, suggest that at least some of the blame must have been your own. Conduct yourself as if you are determined to get the job you are discussing. You have other irons in the fire, of course, and the recruiter is aware of that. But he wants to think that you want a job with his company. If you play coy nobody may take you. He may steer the conversation into politics or economics. This can be a ticklish situation. Hard- any recruiter will ask which poli- tical party you prefer. Rather, he is likely to try to sound out your overall economic philosophy. Dif- ferences of opinion are a part of our heritage of freedom. But the job interview is no place for a political speech. Be honest, of course, in what you say, and don't be evasive. However, at least in this one instance, try not to say more than is necessary to ans- wer the recruiter's broad line of' questioning. If you can agree in general with him, fine. If you stray off into talking about your pet enthusiasms you may hang yourself in the particular. Try to avoid giving the im- pression, if you possibly can, that you have come in to look over the possibilities, and that you are not yet sure what you want. Don't say, "I'll do anything if I'm given the chance to learn," or "I don't know what I want to do-I hope you can suggest something." Wherever possible, apply for a specific job or field of work. If there is no opening in the line you suggest, the way you present what you have to offer may well lead the interviewer to suggest another job or department, per- haps even better than the one you were seeking. For this reason it is not advisable to get too far out on a limb by saying you will not consider anything but one certain job. If the courses you took have not led you into preparation for a specific field of work, don't on that account, pass up chances for interviews. But research on a company will better help you pre- sent your broad qualifications in the light of the company's-needs. If the company has a training program, you will naturally want to express interest in it. Show the interviewer that you are interested, that you appreci- ate the opportunity he is giving you to present your case, and that you realize the demands on his time. Ask some definite questions about the company. Don't ask so many that the recruiter thinks you are afraid of work or are hesitating at the thought of join- 9 750 1 680 1 875 4 1203 rotals ............... BY INDUSTRIES 120 $725 BS No. Aver. 71 $853 MS No. Aver. 14 $869 14 860 14 $1210 Ph.D. No. Aver. 3 $1270 kerospace & Components .........33 automotive & Mech. Equipment ..........20 Themical, Drugs & $723 732 ing his company. But do show your interest. Have in mind two or three questions you want to ask about the company before you report for the interview. Also keep in mind two or three good reasons why you are interested in this particular employer. The chances are excellent that you will be asked for your reasons. Stick to the subject at hand. Don't let yourself wander away on a tangent because you like the sound of your own voice. , If you are asked if you've ever been fired-and you have been- frankness again is the answer. Tell him you've learned from your mistakes. Also, there is the possibility you got into a wrong job through a misunderstanding. If you get the impression that the interview is not going well and that you have already been rejected, don't let your discour- agement show. You have nothing to lose by continuing the appear- ance of confidence, and you may gain much. The last few minutes often change things. Once in a great while an interviewer who is genuinely interested in your possibilities may seem to discour- age you in order to test your re- action. If you remain confident and determined you have prob- ably made a good impression. Don't take notes in an inter- view if you can help it. This is annoying and distracting to some recruiters. If you feel that you must write something down, make some remark such as: "That's very interesting. Do you mind if I make a note of it?" The best policy is to note on paper immediately after the interview everything you want to be sure to remember. If you are given application forms be certain that they are filled out completely and neatly. A messy application form can create as bad an impression as personal untidiness. What if you so impress the in- terviewer, or his company is in such need of recruits, that he offers you a job on the spot? If you are absolutely sure it is the one you want, accept with a defi- nite yet. If you have the slightest doubt-if you do not want to accept without further thought (or further interviews), play for time. You must not embarrass the person who has made you the offer. Be courteous and tact- ful in asking for time to think it over. Try to set a definite date when you can provide an answer. This will reassure him that you are giving his offer serious con- sideration. Above all, don't create the impression that you are play- ,rng one company off against the other to drive up the bidding. As further evidence of your interest, you may have the op- portunity to arrange a trip to the (Continued on page 11) Helping students and alumni Introduction Cards present job or promotion, rank find jobs, both during the summer Cards will be given to you to and salary, If you don't, how can and on a permanent basis after introduce you to people you wish we help you? graduation, is the chief function of to interview outside the Bureau Commupnications the Bureau of Appointments. offices. You may have as many as Reply promptly to all commun- Students seeking such employment you need. ications from the Bureau. are invited to register with the Company Literature Marriage Bureau and to maintain there an We have literature available to Women must notify the Bureau active file on their credentials. The you at any time for some 2000 of their change of name when Bureau in turn can recommend companies and government agen- they marry. When corresponding them to prospective employers and cies, and various directories of with us subsequently, use both make appointments for them to be employers. maiden and married name. Also, interviewed by representatives of Credentials when you make application to em- business, government, and educa- We will send your credentials ployers, use both maiden and mar- tional institutions who come to anywhere, any time, at your re- ried names, since your University campus for this purpose. quest or that of an employer, ex- records are probably under your The Bureau of Appointments cept to commercial employment maiden name. has offices on the third floor of agencies. Your credentials include Correspondence the Student Activities Building. It the Personal & Professional Data, Always answer letters from holds occasional meetings for stu- Courses Pursued, and Recommen- prospective employers promptly. dents interested in employement, dations. It does not include a You may think your name means regularly inserts notices of job transcript. If a transcript is re- nothing to an employer, but opportunities and interviews in quired, request it from the Office chances are your failure to res- the Daily Official Bulletin (in the of Registration and Records. Em- pond will be remembered if you Michigan Daily), and notifies can- ployers sometimes come to the later wish to renew the contact didates by mail or telephone of in- office to look at credentials before or application. dividual interviews. a job opening is announced, for further information Therefore, it is good to have your ureauiofAointments the Bureau offers you: credentials on file here -and up Bureau of Appointments Intevies wih Eploers o dte.3200 Student Activities Bldg. Interviews with Employers to date.rb ormation'Lists Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 Interviews with all types of or- Durin the school year we mail 764-7460 (A.C. 313) I th scoolyea, wemai OficeHours_ 8:30-12 & ganizations and government agen- During fic ous8:012& cies are scheduled throughout the a weekly list of interviews to stu- 1:30-4:30 school year. Watch the Daily Of- dents registered with us. After With fall barely underway it ficial Bulletin in the Michigan graduation, we mail regular lists seems early to be thinking about: Daily for announcements. You of positions available to all thosegraduation and what comes next. should appear for the interviewso uaiv But it isn't any to soon to register dressed as you would if you were Alumni with The Bureau of Appointments. interviewing in the employer's own Our service to you does not stop Interviews started the week of office - ties and coats for men, when you graduate. We get calls Spebr2.Anme fcm ocking and hlort flatsef, for people all during the year, September 25. A number of com- stocking and heels or flats for any of them for people with ex- panies and government agencies womenperience. Your record is a per visit the campus only in the fall. Contacts mnanent one, and cumulative, soAI employers expect to see a Names of people to contact that youmay add yourlate so-jplacement record for each student{ within organizations. and ad- perience. Alumni who did not reg- interviewed. Therefore the Bureau dresses for all types of positions ister when they weire in school urges you to get your registration and locations are available to you. may do so at any time. packet at their office, 3200 Stu-" If we don't have them, we canSmrPoateme dent Activities Bldg., complete the usually get them for you. I Summer Placement necessary forms and return them; Positions Available Wm also have a Summer Place- to the office at your earliest con- Em ent Service, which is open from venience, so that employers can Employersregularlnotifyur hrh Ma.forfall Uni-.---------------- -4 ,,----+ i i (Continued on page 11) IffEVEMAMD HAS AN ENGINEERING CHALLENGE WAITING FOR YOU Expansion and development programs of The Cleveland Twist Drill Co., offer immediate placement for Engineering graduates in ME, IE, and Metallurgy. The Cleveland Twist Drill Co. is a medium sized, multi- plant internationally known leader in the manufacture of metal cutting tools, having foreign as well as domestic manufacturing operations. Openings at the headquarters plant in Cleveland include the following positions: PRODUCT DESIGN ENGINEER Individual and group project responsibility in design, application and development of metal cutting and threading tools. Cus-. tomer engineering as required by development of new tooling programs by industry. Some travel. MANUFACTURING ENGINEER Determination of new or impoved manufactuing processes, eco- nomic justification of machinery, writing machine tool specifi- cations, debugging and cycling of equipment. MACHINE DESIGN ENGINEER Creative assignments in design of special metal cutting and forming machines, includes writing specifications, making pre- liminary layouts, supervising designers and draftsmen and follow-up debugging. METALLURGICAL ENGINEER Product and process development, product performance and evaluation, applied research in tool materials and other labora- tory and engineering projects concerned primarily with high speed steel, tungsten carbide and related alloys. These are challenging positions offering immediate respon- sibility and advancement opportunity to B.S. and M.S. graduates. Principal fringe benefits include profit sharing, relocation assistance, retirement program and full reimbursement of edu- cation tuitions. Make an appointment today to meet our representatives when they visit Michigan on October 5. rT.w C'ZLEELAND TWIST DRILL co. .PLO. Sox 666 - c3ewe axd, Ohio 4#101 A Plans for Progress Company units of the University's Bureau division, general division, career placement office. would like assistance in prepar- ing for the job interview, it is recommended that an appoint- ment be made to see the career counselor in the Bureau of Ap- pointment be made to see the career counselor in the Bureau of Appointments. A browsing library of occupa-! tional and educaional materials is available for those who are searching for specific information THIS IS THE Student Activities Building of Appoi counselin relative tions of register pointme counselo formatic The U vided cc service t ates. WI it? ALL TO REG The "J" is silent in SCHJELDAHL . . . but that's all. Schjeldahl is young, ambitious, aggressive, determined, new product minded, technically oriented, sound, professional and 100% on the go. With a growth record to prove it. This means DIVERSITY, RESPONSIBILITY and OPPORTUNITY for young college graduates. Interested: See the Company rep- resentative on January 22 at your placement office. sales, application, marketing research & development administration manufacturing 1 physics plastics chemistry aerospace electronics of positions open within their or- 4 lVC 11Vg1lly V I 11 ganizations. A list is made of all versity students. There are calls ganiatins. lit i mad ofallfrom cantpus, resorts, businesses positions and is kept on file at the fndcgpurentsgenes es Burau oryou us a an tie.and government agencies, both Bureau for your use at any time. technical and non-technical. Read Also watch the D.O.B. the D.O.B. for notices. Federal & State Civil Service Notices VOU must help yourself: We have notices of current Keep Appointments openings within the Civil Ser- After you are given contacts vices and other government agen- or appointments, it is up to you cies, information about many to write letters of application and government agencies, about many appear for interviews. In the case application forms, and schedules of interviews scheduled at the of examination dates. Watch the Bureau of Appointments, if you D.O.B. for these notices. decide not to interview, you must Interviews with Office Staff cancel your appointment by 4 p.m. Career counseling is available ; the day before. Failure to make to you at any time during your such cancellation may mean loss years on campus. This is to help of privilege to interview here. you learn of various career fields Recommendations and their requirements. After you Get your letters of recommen- have made some choices, we willI dations in to the B u r e a u give you contacts, and assistance promptly. They are important for in making applications. Office interviews. interviews help us to know you Current Information better and to assist you more Keep the Bureau up to date on personally. your current address, telephone, engineering nave the information they expect to have from you. For those who are having dif- ficulty in making career plans or SUBSCRIBE TO THE MI( Minnesota, Rhode island, New Jersey, United Kingdom Schjeldahl Company G.T.SCHJELOAHL COMPANY "NORTHFIELD, MINNESOTA 55057 "Putting tomorrow's materials to work today" You have given the University several years as a st not give us 30 minutes mnore? IN 30 MINUTES WE CAN: 1. Discuss career opportunities in non- academic positions at the University related to your area of interest. 2. Describe the unprecedented growth of the University and how it will benefit you as an employee. 3. Point out examples of other young grads who have joined our staff and have been rapidly promoted. 4. Thank you for coming in to talk with us , 'a E NGINEERS. A representative from the Jervis B. Webb Company will be on Campus- OCTOBER 5, 1967 Graduating Students-Opportunities are excellent for those who desire a career in the Material Handling Industry and are in- terested in diversification of training in all product areas-from designing to wherever your abilities carry you in this exciting industry. STOP AND TALK WITH HIM OCTOBER 5, 1967 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER OHIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS I NTER VIEWEIMG ENGINEERS November 8, 1967 REGISTER AT PLACEMENT OFFICE Career Opportunities in Planning, Design, Construction and Operations TRAINING PROGRAM LOCATIONS-] 2 Field Divisions and Columbus Office Headquarters and Assignment of Choice Major Program-Exceeded by only one other state We believe your 30 minutes will be a good investment in your future. Areas of employment include: W0 Accounting Finance Purchasing Personnel Programming Laboratory Technology Medical Technology Nursing Dietetics Engineering Editorial Assistants in Research Set up on interview date at your convenience by contacting: Mr. Jim Gimotty Recruitment Coordinator or Mr. Dick Daggett Employment Supervisor Central Personnel 1020 Administration Bldg. 764-7282 Mr. Bill Eaton College Recruiter Medical Center Personne A6001 University Hospit 764-2175 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER "Mimi