tw { r . .... ... .. .... ..... . L ? .; Na Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ROGER RAPOPORT: The Silencers Kill Their Image R r Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST.,ANN ARBOR, MICH7. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 ............ .........t . . 1 .... F .4 .? :...t:":;:;". ..r ...... .4 r "4": "v:. .e4....^;*.,....,S .. V. . .... ................. .............4, .........4 .444 ..: :t . .. .4. ". . .} ... v ... . . ....4...:tJ.4 . w ..? .. ..: 4 ~r" .. f'A+.'S.' 4: '4 v ..~. 44t .{.4 ''r 4i ' ., ... . .. . ... , : 4. i\ ": ,: Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: LUCY KENNEDY tate Board of Education Prepares for the Farce STUDENTS HAVE FINALLY been prom- ised a chance to influence the state's higher education planning policies, but their work may not be worth the effort. Six University students are to be in- cluded in a 50 member advisory commit- tee to recommend necessary changes in a draft of b the State Plan for Higher Education. The plan's directors are anx- ious to hear what students have to say and claim, the draft will be totally re- written if the committee asks major re- visions. The plan would give the State Board of Education the authority to adminis- ter the addition of new devisions or de- gree programs at any of the state's 11 public colleges and universities. Its thrust is currently to avoid time-consuming controversies such as those the Univer- sity encountered when it added its Flint campus. The state board is to refer to the plan's uniform policy in deciding the advisability of college's curriculum changes. The student advisors could conceivably enter a stipulation that administrations must consult with student representatives before important program changes are instituted. But unless those selected have intimate acquaintance with the adminis- trative problems, and have a great deal of time to spend on the program, their work would likely be to rubber stamp the work of advisory committees already in operation. THE PLAN has a history of inaction, and although it had once been sched- uled for completion in early 1966, it now will not be in a form ready for legisla- tive approval before February 15, 1968. Some of the delay has stemmed from the exacting caution which the program's planners have taken in every step, but most of it can be attributed to ineffi- ciency and inadequate foresight. The student committee is a good ex- ample. One of the planners spent a great deal of time last spring personally con- tacting student leaders, and asking them to prepare a list of criterion for selection of student advisors. Unfortunately when he called for the lists, he found that most of them have graduated or are no longer in their organizations. The committee members are to be se- lected by student organizations; plans call for their organization by the middle of October. Since arrangements have not yet been madoe, however, the process could be delayed indefinitely. BUT THE EXISTING planning groups have been the source of the long- est delays. The advisory committees, com- posed on a voluntary basis for faculty members, administrators, legislators and economic specialists, recently collected the needs of their interests in a state plan and submitted them to a study steering committee. The process took six to eight months for each committee, although their selection processes go back as much as a year and a half. The four basically incompatible views are being collated in- to a single set of policies. The theory is that everyone will be satisfied with the finished product, but this theory may have merely watered down the plan. Most of the planners are scattered all over the state and most had never worked together before. Several months were consumed before most had a good orientation on their function. AN INTERESTING speculation is that the universities have been attempting to hold back such a plan. The adminis- trative committee appeared anxious to have something to fall back on when they are deciding their needs for new programs, but universities are decidedly defensive about threats to their planning autonomy. Of course, if the universities refuse to abide by the plan, there is currently no force behind the state board's authority. The plan could then be nothing more than a two and a half year exercise in rhetoric. It is important, then, that when stu- dents eventually are allowed to review the plan, that they do not blindly ac- cept it either as a panacea for con- flicts or a vehicle for gaining student power. If the plan is to have any signifi- cance, at all, it must receive a sober re- view from students who can put aside biases and can afford to spend a great deal of time in the process. -WALLACE IMMEN WONDER WHAT REALLY went on at the Regents meeting two weeks ago? You're not the only one. But it's best that you remain patient because you're probably not going to find out until after Christmas. The reason is that official minutes of the Regents meet- ing are not released until about five months afterwards. It's all part of one of the University's most serious problems - the school is far too secretive for its own good. From top to bottom the school maintains a tight- lipped policy that is the heart of a serious campus com- munications problem. TAKE THE REGENTS meetings for example. All. business is actually conducted during closed sessions on Thurdsay and Friday morning. An hour-long public meeting at 2 p.m. is a predictably boring show that either omits or slides over controversial areas. To make matters worse there's an interminable wait for the minutes. The Regents themselves see the minutes in "Press Proof" form - a month later. They make ap- propriate corrections, but the final corrected form us- ually takes another four months to produce. What's the University's explanation? "The printing office is very slow," says an official." The situation with the faculty is similar. University Senate, Faculty Assembly and Senate Advisory Com- mittee on University Affairs meetings are also closed to the press. EQUALLY SIGNIFICANT is the way the University handles reporters who have scoops. Last year, for ex- ample, The Daily came across a defense department re- port declaring that the school is basically "for rich white students!" The administration had been keeping the report secret. When The Daily went to University officials, there was "no comment." When the story was published Execu- tive Vice-President Marvin Niehuss said it should "not have been made public." But, since the report was going to be printed anyway, wouldn't the school have come out looking better if the administration owned up to the facts and commented frankly on what it planned to do about the discrimination problem? VICE-PRESIDENT for University Relations Michael Radock, formerly with the Ford Motor Co. public rela- tions staff might do well to take a cue from his old employer. There public relations officials feel it best to own up to the facts when the reporter knows what's happening. For example if a reporter calls Ford and asks for confirmation on the purchaseof a new South American subsidary, Ford's response is to go ahead and break the story to all media. Since one paper is going to print the story anyway its to Ford's advantage to see that its own release and comments are available. That way it can get its story out straight for everyone. Of course no one is suggesting that the University should be run like Ford. But the businessmen do have the right idea There. Cover-ups, denials, and angry blasts at "irresponsible" papers that break news Is old-fash- ioned public relations. In the long run it's best to be straight forward. OCCASIONALLY THE UNIVERSITY does have a legitimate reason to ask a paper to withhold news. For example, last fall Vice-President for Academic Af- fairs Allen F. Smith asked The Daily not to break a story it had picked up on the new computer network between the University, Michigan State and Wayne. His reasoning was that the MSU and Wayne boards hadn't approved the proposal and that premature publicity might scrap the whole project. In return he agreed to give The Daily first release on the final story ahead of other papers. Reluctantly The Daily agreed to cooperate, the pro- gram was announced, and The Daily got no scoop at all, but a news release along with every other paper. Smith scored a shrewd coup but certainly didn't win any new friends. To be sure the University has made some effort to improve communications. And sometimes it seems as if the University takes an overly paternalistic view of its faculty when it comes to news. For example in the University Record, a fort- nightly hand-out, Vice-president Raddock warns that ". .in talking to student reporters faculty members may wish to keep in mind that they may at the same time be talking with a representative of a national wire service, newspaper, magazine, or television or radio station . . . Remarks made in the context of the Uni- versity community may be misunderstood or misinter- preted outside that context . . . the potential audience (should) be recognized." It appears that a change in attitude is called for. Basically its time the University lifts the veil of secrecy. Communication would be increased, newspaper reporting would be more thorough and the admin- istration would find its own image improving. THERE ARE SEVERAL practical suggestions. One is that the Regents might consider releasing their agenda to the student press. At Michigan State Univer- sity a copy of the Regent's agenda goes to the student paper. Only sensitive financial information is omitted. Secondly the Regent's should open their meetings as is done in Wisconsin. At the University of Wisconsin there only discussions of "a personnel item" or property can be closed. In effect then the day long meeting is open. If Regents meetings were opened here students might become far more sympathetic to the board. After all its hard to put full trust in a public governing body that won't let you see what's going on, or even find out about it until five months later. Thirdly the University relations staff should review its policies on releases. Keeping quiet does not keep things out of the paper. But full cooperation might en- sure that the administration point of view is more fully reflected in the press. After all its hard to get across the viewpoint of someone who won't talk to you. Finally the faculty groups should consider opening their meetings. There is a bright spot here, the student relations committee has open meetings, and a faculty group has indicated willingness to have a frank dis- cussion of the matter. It's an important start. a q FEIFFER TH 15 THEi ,$6CR67TAR t OF S'TATE. HAD PRIVATE CW~K106 CUT Mql ThU EPHO JF. Q0 51R, You C AUTO EXPECT 1;LIE~Ve THAT ATTcPMEY(6WJ UP/3L KAIJEpy PHOIJ MOT S6IAJC' TAPP&Q. AND THE7Y ThU- IME IT IiTJ~ TAPPD ~ / l\)& SIR, AM VMJABW TfO ACCEPFT ASWRA2AJCCS THNAT IT (y TAPP9 BECAL$S5 TV6 Nlay YOUR ( PH0&UE I rAPF'eV- I UMP 1PIS-RCTL!T' JOKW TO THAT M~y, WPMF~IS' OV69 T'RWF YtA AGO I M~RSONiAW~ us5eW ?IM O00 Tf 167 I~,t)1 CHlCFS REQMI~TIOI1VW ATAOMY r 10 TERMS OF %U~IO12(TOO TA O(ENrrTTo' PUT MC WOAY UP THERE, -. t NAP I qv L 4 AM~P IF Yf9V FEL LOW EEs RMW7EGe 'HAP TO SAY- &OH uNOW TAP "THAT iNE-5 A80VT -TO ( BJVOTRAK THE~1 ~9~'o~NAT I TAPPED M ncE ME m r ~R~to F-EOF AO AM A TO R~AVE MtA MY PM5IJU 5CNJ1III k TA P PCe ? - Voices in the Wilderness I NEXT WEEK the Voices of Civilization will meet the Voices in the Wilderness. The juxtaposition of the climax of ses- quicentennial brouhaha with the Uni- versity's first multi-issue teach-in will display two exceedingly disparate phil- osophies of event planning. . Despite last minute cancellations by Eugene Ionesco and Hannah Arendt, the University has managed to lure to Ann Arbor a somewhat glittering array of in- tellects and famous names to primarily deliver commencement-like addresses. So far this year the dominant theme of the much-ballyhooed and little-re- membered sesquicentennial conferences has been antiseptic politeness. For the University, as befitting an institution of its stature, has gone to extreme lengths to shelter visiting dignitaries from any traumatic encounters with students. HE BEST EXAMPLE of this stultify- ing attitude was provided during last March's alumni festivities, cleverly scheduled to coincide with spring vaca- tion. However, despite the absence of the bulk of the student body, the Univer- sity felt insecure enough to attempt to eliminate controversy by demanding that The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and collegiate Press Service. Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school year ($9 by mail). Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 420 Maynard St, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Editorial Staff ROGER RAPOPORT. Editor all questions for Senator Philip Hart and House Minority Leader Gerald Ford be submitted in advance, thus precipitat- ing an epic hassle with some members of Voice. It is unlikely that a University which is willing to censor questions for Michi- gan politicians will fail to grant the same courtesy to such eminent cold warriors as Dean Acheson and Edwin Reischauer., A repetition of such a policy of question screening will merely indicate that the University is far more concerned with the maintenance of its public imagethan it is with the education of its students. ON THE OTHER HAND the whole pur- pose of the teach-in is to generate controversy. The plan is to bring together experts on Vietnam, the Third World and the urban crisis, put them in a room together, and let the sparks fly where they may. Co-sponsorship of the teach-in by such groups as the Young Republicans and the Student Government Council will un- doubtedly broaden its base and ensure the representation of mainstream as well as left bank viewpoints. The spontaniety and controversy of next Wednesday night's teach-in will more than amply compensate for the lack of these vital ingredients in the University's otherwise lavishly mounted sesquicentennial celebration. -WALTER SHAPIRO No10Comment 'THE PEOPLE of America who sent us here are patient-but they are not docile. . . . Our national spirit and unity are not expendable. The public confi- dence cannot be taken for granted etern- ally. I tell you-and I say this carefully A GM Executi~ve Tries to Communicate 4 By LAURENCE MEDOW Associate Managing Editor IT'S PREVIEW TIME in the city of Detroit-a very special time of the year. Like Fall, like the changing of the seasons, you can feel it in the air. It's part of what one writer describing the affectionbetween the American public and the automobile, has called the great American love af- far. ". . . It is also a time of great expectancy for us, we still have to find out how acceptable our cars are to the people who will become customers." So read the letter of welcome presented to twenty-five student editors from across the country by E. M. Estes, vice-president of General Motors and general man- ager of the Chevrolet division. The students were in Detroit last week for an experimental "Stu- dent Editors Preview" of the new Chevrolets. NO ONE WAS sure of why they were there or what was going to happen. Curiosity filled the air. Dozens of people from Chevrolet, General Motors and Chevrolet's advertising agency, Campbell- Ewald Company, wondered what they were in for-what questions would be asked, and what reac- tions would they get from twenty- five articulate members of a gen- eration which believes you can't trust anyone over thirty. Twenty- five college editors wondered what they would see and why Chevro- lot was nutting onn the exnensive who attended, though some added, "the opportunity to meet with the other editors, and the chance to see Detroit." In a car that greeted several edi- tors at Metropolitan Airport, the riders were entertained by a ster- eo tape deck blaring ... "This land s your land, this land is my land ." Then, "See the USA in your Chevrolet . .." AS THE PROGRAM began Dav- id Davis, Jr., a senior editor of Car and Driver magazine and a con- sultant to Campbell-Ewald, re- minded us that the automobile was invented to get the farmer from the barn to the silo," and has be- come a central pillar of the Amer- ican economy. He advises that we view with caution the "annual fer- tility rites" of the automobile in- dustry. Later, some of us returned to the conversation that had preceded it -discussions of why we had come, what we expected and what we thought Chevrolet expected of us. Others preferred to bridge the ten- block gap between the plush hotel and Twelfth Street. OUR HOSTS were quick to em- phasize that no obligations were tied to our attendance. They were interested in interacting with the collegiate press, showing us their products and facilities, and seeing how we reacted. What questions would we ask and what, if any- thing, would we run in our news- papers-that's all they wanted. Still we wondered what they mraraitvinr fom 1Cnw rm prp, w We eventually found ourselves in the midst of Chevrolet's six lines of new cars. Scattered around them were public relations and "product information" men to an- swer our questions. Now, the cars filled our minds. It was like a car- nival; the world had become one big automobile showroom. We then boarded a bus, and passed a building complex which cost over $100 million dollars to build, less than .001 per cent of General Motors' profits over the fifteen year period in which it was built, a PR man told us. He des- cribed the 800 acres of buildings, grass and man-made lakes as we passed one of the many putting greens. WE ENTERED the styling build- ing and went upstairs to the office of William Mitchell, vice-president in charge of the styling staff. As he briefly described what was go- ing on in the rest of the building, fifty eyes in the room were observ- ing the expense and luxury of a GM executive suite. Mitchell seemed very interested in talking to us and answering our questions. "I've been trained to think that to be unprogressive is to be immoral," he was saying. "People who drive Volkswagens just don't like cars." During the tour of the stulying building which followed, thoughts of social issues returned. "Right now, these people are deciding what the car I drive in 1971 will look like. Is what they're produc- ing going to be what I want or will their e,+duiciv ntnvtino ma that in the bounds of economics," Es- tes said in answer to a question about the introduction of safety features. "We have to sell car, too, you know." AND THIS was the point of our being there. Chevrolet sells cars, lots of cars, every year. But they've been sell- ing them to our parents' genera- tion. That's why' we were there. The market is changing. Estes explained that 30 million Americans are now between the ages of 16 and 25 with over half the United States population is under 27. According to Estes, our age group buys 41 per cent of the Cameros sold, 29 per cent of the Mustangs and 30 per cent of the Chevelles. Chevrolet is the sales leader of the auto industry, but they're worried about us. They're like the politicians who are focus- ing their appeals on youth: they've won with our parents but there is a new, more powerful electorate coming of age. They want to be sure they can get our votes, too. BUT THE STUDENTS and the Chevrolet people had different sets of priorities. Estes was ready to answer any question that came up about the new cars but he just wasn't prepared to answer many of the questions college editors were asking. Does the automobile manufac- turer have a moral responsibility to make his product as safe as possible, given crowded highways and human drivers who can make mirta.PC "Our people are very active in civic affairs. We've got people on the Chamber of Commerce, and on numerous committees." "BUT, DO THEY contribute to education? Do they make scholar- ships available?" "Any colored boy or white man -we don't discriimnate against the white man, either-who wants to upgrade himself is given the opportunity to do so . . . through scholarships, fully paid tuition, leaves of absence, night school." "Colored boy and white man?" a student editor asked. "Yes, colored boy and white man," Estes repeated, not because he is a bigot, but because he didn't understand what he was saying. The vice president in charge of the styling staff says "it's a great way to make a living" and its easy to see why. Second class class looks comfortable and buzzing around in shiney new cars, espe- cially new Corvettes. Campbell-Ewald's director of p u b 1i c relations, considerably younger, puts it a little differently. "I have to make a living," he says, as he sits in a St. Regis Hotel suite and loosens his silk tie. "But, you have to try to change. things from the inside . .. with programs like this . . .. If you can't make it with one company you move on to another." ASIDE FROM THE publicity value 'of putting new cars on twenty-five campuses across the country, the "Student Editors Pre- view" won't have much material 'I 4 I