SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1967 C HE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1,1967 THE MICHIfAN DAILY PAGE THREE Voices of Civilization 'Program o Sta The University's Sesquicenten- highest honors given: to anthro- William Bidelman of the astron- While at the University, the 70- nial program "Voices of Civiliza- pologists in the United States omy department, Chandrasekhar's year-old Urey will stay at Inglis tion" begins officially today with and to those in England, respec- faculty sponsor. House. He will speak on Monday a concert by the Chicago Sym- tively, by members of their field; Chandrasekhar will also partic- at 8 p.m. on "Cosmology," Tuesday phony Orchestra, which will pre- and he has acquired an inter- ipate in a dialogue with Nobel at 2 p.m. on "The Origin of Life" miere a work by Roger Sessions. national reputation for his work Prize winning chemist Harold and partake in a panel discussion, After the concert a reception will in studying the economics and Urey in Rackham Lecture Hall which will include Jean Piaget, t be held for the conference guests anthropology of the primitive Monday evening at 8 p.m. Bidel- French psychologist, on Thursday tticket and invitation only), cultures of Polynesia, New Gui- man said the discussion would be at 2 p.m. The main conference events be- nea, and the Malay Archipelago. one of general interest concern- All public lectures will meet at gin tomorrow. At 2 p.m., Vladimir Beardsley describes Firth as ing theoretical implications rath- Rackham. The previously announ- Fock will speak in Rackham Am- "one of those rare persons who er than strictly scientific matters. ced lecture at 11 a.m. on Monday phitheatre. At 4 p.m., M. G. has shown that he can rough it Chandrasekhar was born in has been canceled. Throughout Candau will discuss "A World Per- I spective on Health" in Rackham (stand up under rugged condi- India and educated at Cambridge, Urey's stay, he will meet in private Lecture Hl tions), and mine out some intel- England. He is a noted authoriLy seminars with University profes- Lecture Hall. lectual gold to present to people in his field of theoretical astro- sors and graduate students. Also at 4 p.m., Sir Geoffrey in elegant and attractive writ- physics, and has written four ' * Taylor will discuss "Simple Ideas inSine nRc~a mh-ing." !books on stellar dynamics, radio- Ct; theatre and Jerzy Kurylowicz will Firth will participate on Wed- active transfer, and hydro-dynam- sheakonrState and t K Ry ise oI nesday, at 10 a.m. in Rackham ics. He is also editor of the Astro- Severei Ochoa, a Nobel Prize speak on "State and the Rise of Lecture Hall, in a. public sym- physical Journalwinner medicine, is professor Contemporary Linguistics" in Aud. p Jr and chairman of the department A. posium with Gunnar Myrdal, * adcirnofteeptm t i m wof biochemistry at New York Uni- At 8 p.m., Pietro Belluschi will Swedish economist, and Theo- speak in the Architecture Aud., dosius Dobzhansky, A m e r i c a n versityn Schoh l UfvMrdiy'n", ans one of the University's "Voices Dean Acheson will speak at Hill geneticist, on the topic Social of Civilization" guests. Aud. and Harold Urey and Sub- Enfranchisement of Minorities; a rahmanyan Chandrasekhar will Cross-Cultural View." This dis- I anion Ae rizs speak in Rackham Lecture Hall. cussion will center on problems thi istrnA mrican (Short sketches of some of these faced by minority groups through- ri interin roin ion- guests and their . activities this out the world in achieving full for h pinetin ork in bak- week follow.) freedom to participate in all areas .ing the genetic code. He was the of society. first person to synthesize RNA: 'irtl Also Wednesday, at 3 p.m outside of the living cell. Firt Alo wenesayat 3p~m inHis discoveries were a major Prof. Raymond W. Firth, Brit- Aud A, Firth will lecture to an factorim ding werea mj-r ish social anthropologist whose Anthropology 222 (Introduction factor in tying together chemis- specialty is the study of Polynes- to Primitive Cultures) class. try and genetics. He will be giv- ian primitive cultures, is one of Thursday, he will deliver a. major a ic te, BGntic the participants in the Univer- public lecture, "Freedom and I Expression in the RNA Bacterial sity's Sesquicentennial program Authority: Personal Problems in Virus," Wednesday at the Rack- "Voices of Civilization." a World of Changing Belief" at ham Amphitheatre. A seminar, Firth, who will appear in a 4 p.m. in Aud A. Ctd Itiesion thd Tei symposium Wednesday morning In addition to his field research tion ad Termited and deliver a major public lec- concerning primitive societies, tion," will be held for interested ture Thursday afternoon, has as Firth has studied the frequency students on Thursday at 4 p.m. his faculty sponsor Prof. Richard with which English families as- Beardsley of the anthropology sociate with their kin, and also has also set aside Friday from 10- feuardseyn t h tg meaning an unctions of art 11 a.m. when he will be free for department. pthena meaning wih sadnds Born in New Zealand, Firth re- in primitive cultures. personal interviews with students ceived his M.A. degree at the A social scientist who has lived at 6423 Medical Science. University of New Zealand and with and has had sympathy for E his Ph.D. in Anthropology at the primitive people and, who in ad- .llisoni London School of Economics and dition, has -been a top-level gov- Ralph Ellson, noted American Political Science. He did early ernment advisor on Africa, Firth novelist, essayist and lecturer, s field research in Tikopia, a Brit- is "a very flexible person," ac- on campus this week for the ish Solomon Islands Protectorate, cording to Beardsley, "able to "Voices of Civilization" program. in 1928. This is an area in which deal with ministers of state and Urey Ellison is best known for a he has retained a life-long in- Polynesian fishermen equally collection of essays entitled terest and about which he has well." Nobel Prize winner Harold Urey, "Shadow and Act" and his con- written six of his 13 major pub- a leading American chemist and aow nd A T n isibl- writen ix f hi 13majr pu- hlde of iften onorry egrestemporary novel "The -Invisible lications. Chnrska holderkof fifteen honorary degrees, Man. This novel was lauded by His first important book was .4andrasekhar will speak on cosmology, the origin a panel of 200 authors, critics, "We, the Tikopia: A Sociological Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, of life and the future of science as and editors as the most distin- Study of Kinship in Primitive noted astrophysicist from the part of the University's Sesquicen- guished novel of the 1945-1965 Polynesia" (1936), which record- University of Chicago, is on cam- tennial program. Urey will meet period. It also received the Na- ed findings made in Tikopia in pus this week to present three lec- with faculty and graduate student tional Book Award and the Na- 1928. Other publications include: tures in the "Voices of C-viliza- groups and present public lectures tional Publishers' Award for 1953. "Human Types" (1938), "Ele- tion" program. at Rackham. While on campus, Ellison is the ments of Social Organization" The series is entitled "Aspects Although Urey's current inte- guest of Prof. Marvin Felheim (1951), and "Tikopia Ritual and of General Relativity Bearing on rests center on cosmology, he first of the English department. "'The Belief" (1967). Astronomy." It will be presented studied zoology and taught chem- Invisible Man'," said Felheim, "is, Firth joined the faculty of the Tuesday at 4:15, Wednesday at istry. As a chemist, he did research without a doubt, the most signifi- London School of Economics in 10:15, and Thursday at 4:15, in on heavy water and hydrogen sub- cant work since Faulkner," he 1932 and has been a professor room 182 of the Physics Astron- sequently winning a Nobel Prize said there since 1944. He has earned omy Building. for his work. Educated at small Ellison will meet with Swedish two major awards - the Viking The lectures will be "technical schools in Indiana and Montana, economist and sociologist Karl Fund Medal (1959) and the Hux- talks" of special interest to grad- Urey now teaches at the University Gunnar Myrdal in a joint discus- ley Memorial Medal (1959)-the uate students according to Prof. of California in San Diego. sion entitled "The American Ra- cial Problem," Oct. 4 at 8 p.m. NEED EW Hill Aud. NEED NEW COURSE: During his three-day stay, Elli- son will be available for private ture Hall at 2:30 betioi his de- parture. A native of Oklanoma City, Ellison has studied at the Tuske- gee Institute in Alabama. He has taught creative writing and lec- tured on American Negro culture and folklore at such American. institutions as Princeton, Ben- nington, Rutgers, Fisk, Ai tioct, owtcz ha and hast and mos Harvard. Studen tunities t on topics portance Civilizati will speak s retui1 ed sevral tumes taught at Stanford. MIT t recently t1964-66) at ts will have two oppor- o hear Kurylowicz lecture of great linquistic un- during the "Voices of on" program. Kurylowicz k on the "State and Rise emporary Linguisics" on Oct. 2 at 4 p.m. in Aud. n "Functional and Struc- erentiation in Language" day at 4 p.m. in Aud. B. wicz will also be avail- meet students informally his week in the Gunn 506 East Liberty. New York University, and Co- 01f .~Ui lumbia. Monday, A and or g - .gtural Dif Reischauer onThurs Ambassador, historian, writer, Kurylo translator, professor. Any one of able to z these titles would be indicative of during t great accomplishment. But the Building, fact is, they all apply to Edwin 0. Reischauer, one of America's most famous diplomats. Reischauer, one of many great 3 men to be on campus for the Voices of Civilization program, has an impressive record of sere - ice to America and is known as one of America's finest educator;: Reischauer served as ambassa dor to Japan from 1961 to 1966, when he resigned to accept a university professorship at Har- vard, thus terminating one of the most notable tenures of ser- ice in the history of Americ a diplomacy. He is easily the most familiar American in Japan, andr is held in high esteem there. Perhaps the most appropriate analysis of Reischauer's achieve- ment is that by Robert Ward, the director of the Center for Jap- anese Studies, professor of politi- cal science, and an old friend of! Reischauer's: "One of the reasons for his success is the versatility with which he has been able to func- Joinin tion in the many fields he's in." centenni Reischauer's first post with A. Sam the State Department was as a economis senior research analyst in 1941. ed guest He became chairman of the Ja- j"Voices pan-Korea Secretariat and was ! Samue a special assistant to the director old grad of the Office of Far Eastern Af-'his, Pros fairs of the State Department Institute from 1945 to 1946. In 1943, he Born went to Japan as a member of the ceived hi Cultural Science Mission. 1936. Sit - omist ha - - to the s Kurylowi cz t h economic Jerzy Kurylowicz, renowned As pro authority on Slavic languages and Massach considered by his faculty spon- nology, sor, Prof. Herbert Paper of the ' h y linguistics department to be "the achieven outstanding scholar in his field," ofxpuboi; last visited the University in the textbook summer of 1957 when he taught ployed b at the Linguistics Institute. all over Kurylowicz, a professor of ln- Morga guistics at the Polish University most rec j ofKrakow and chairman of the the field linguistics committee of the Polish the absE Academy of Sciences, has traveled produce extensively in the United States. necessity Since his first trip here in 1931 projects, to teach at Yale University, Kuryl- I grounds. nt ieciyi the a eek, od Morgaan eXlite(I tih t a appendectomy w\ill delay S u son's arival tii Tuesay That 'temit, howver, ia u publi lecture, bnii held i ark ham Lecture Hall. on "sein Cor rent Economic Problems" .0 E 11,11 will begin a strenuous seri > ol public and private alppemae s Highlightin Samelson's visi will be an opett discusion v h gtaduate situdet it econnies on Wednesday a t 10:30 am:. ini i te Coffee Room of he conme Bldg.; a seminar for gradute t dents and faculty at .:00 p m. in the Economics Bldg., and ndii- dual appoitnents. Swedish biochentist Ane W. Tiseliuswon the 1943 Nobel Pr'ze for Chemistry tor his io e of a method for the separaion and purification of substances wit I large molecules. According to Proi J . ne'ey of the biophysics depatment Di ITiselius' work opened the xx for the modern methods of x ok ing with large'proteis," Tiselius has long bet act :nme both Swedish and international organizations. He took a impor - ant part in the reor.ami".ion o f scientificr esearch in Sxverden n the years following World War II in his positin as chairma of the Swedish Natural Science Re- search Council (1946-501, and of the Research Committee of the Swedish Cancer Society, 1951- 55), He was President of the inter- national Union of Pure and Ap- plied Chemistry 4.195- 1955 be- came Vice-President of the Nobtl Foundation (1947) anc was its President (1960-1964). At preset Tiselius is Chairman of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry, having served as a menber sine 1946. Tiselius will speak on "Scine Aspects of the Work of the NobeI! Foundation" Wednesday, Oct. 4 in the Rackham Amphitheater. Monday, Tiselius will addwres advanced biochemistry students in a lecture open to the public on '"Molecular Sieving" in room M7- 330 of the Medical Science Build-, ing. Tuesday at the same time and mtinex il be a session for >t m an nly dunn xxInch Tise- it> il .~pak; on "Seine Exper- S i nifi Eduaion." 'flnt ~ayat 2 p m. 'ilius will take 'ir lit tie anl discussion ~ ~, En Sciec Future" in tic tn Lecture hil. M 1i' rl al hias invited Tise- dint i'e eithe Mo~nda' nin Tuesday aftt' to . \O1100rO1- "' ' 4 i' dn 1wRoal Sir !oIbxa or, teain"I - l i rith iphyes- "iot , :ill o 4n ex k'LA . ow of(th fea unegetns O Mn i ayi at 4 N sthe I ak ham .rc ' aio he v a ialon ''SttiNe Ideasn Sci- ot4 pn, he xxi spea~k em a'Eer- I' a nid on 'hnt'sdy a 2mpa- lie xvii hol ant in ui metin leu ( oiiei' unces hovin of the ,x brn a s beondk wistfo his excai xrtal mxork ihn aero unaoln irsan mcteoi'ogy Ilismar- scareh on Ilnids in motion to a 51tiy f xvniun seria tooon ad :n exainnanon of shock '1 a uei noted for his inventive ui preplire mitd, Following World War I, he became a Yarrow Reearh Professo for the Royal It has servd the British gov- ernmetnt as a imemnbet' of the Civil Defense R esearch Cotnmittee since 1939. He was knighted for his con- tributions to British science in Taylor, hoxxever, pi'efers to de- scribe himself as an "amateur" or "freclatce" scientist. He is also an accomplised pilot, sailor, and ex- plorer. le has sailed to within 100 muies of thte Artic Circle, and has w \alked xvith his wife across the anexplore d w\est end of Borneo. Samiuelson ; the University's Sesqui-' al Celebration, Prof. Paul, auelson, world-renowned t, is one of 21 distinguish- ts participating in thej of Civilization" program. lson's official escort is an. uate school classmate of I James Morgan of the of Social Research. in 1915, Samuelson re- is Ph.D. from Harvard in rce that time, the econ- s devoted imtensive efforts tudy and explanation of c theory in practice. fessor of economics at the usetts Institute of Tech- Samuelson's spectrum of nent ranges from hundreds shed articles to numerous s on economic theory, em- y colleges and universities the country. n noted that Samuelson 's ent research has been in of "public goods," where once of market tends to problems in assessing the and value of community like parks and play- , s i , . SUNDAY, October 1 at the PRESBYTERIAN CAMPUS CENTER, 1 432 Washtenaw 6 P.M. "THE MISSION ON THE CHURCH IN A SECULAR AGE" PAUL DOTSON, Director of the Presbyterian Campus Ministry and the Ecumenical Campus Center a Supper-Discussion (50c) Reservations appreciated: 662-3580 or 665-6575 I t I :'rr_? : ' "Pi:' 'F t .., _ .. < k ',.," _:_t s'._ :.':y", ..3C ...v." , ',rc.. .LT.r = R omney Finishes Slu Hears U.S. 'Voice of. PITTSBURGH (/P-Gov. George Romney ended a 19-day tour of the nation's slums yesterday and said he was more convinced than ever that "unless we reverse course and build a new America the old America will be destroyed." The statement urged that Rom- new withdraw from any considera- tion for the GOP presidential nom- ination "and let your party select some candidate who can under- stand the difference between good information and bad in something Tncctha, trn 7P~_.z" From his experience in the De- ltntwo years. troit rioting and from listening With the slum trip under his to the "voice of revolt in U.S. belt, Romney plans to visit Europe ghettos," Romney said, he con- in November and Southeast Asia cluded that this summer's rioters late in December, apparently to had "the tacit support of the bulk spend Christmas with the GIs in of the Negro community." Vietnam. Destruction of "old America," Although Romney is reported he said in an interview, might ready to announce his candidacy he aidin n iteriew miht next month-possibly in a tele- "come through open rebellion with n m -" bullets, cannon, and all the violent vision "report to the people" on means imaginable." his trip-the governor will only O', he added, it might come say he will announce his inten- mad or tions before the end of the year. from the "dry rot" of the major- So far, Romney said, his sup- ity's indifference of the aspirations porters have been unable to buy of the minorities, nalf an hour of prime television Greeted by Pickets time in order to make his planned1 The Michigan governor-an un- '"report to the people." declared candidate for the Repub- i Romney's urban tour took him to! lican presidential nomination- 13 urban states and covered more concluded a 10,000-mile coast-to- than 10,000 miles. It included visits' coast inspection of the nation's to Washington, Rochester, N.Y., urban problems yesterday in Pitts- New York City, Indianapolis, St. burgh. Louis, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, San As the governor arrived at the !Francisco, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Alcoa building for a briefing on Florence, S.C., Philadelphia, Bos- housing, he found 10 pickets who ton and Pittsburgh. identified themselves as being 1 The Michigan governor insists Young Americans for Freedom. 1the trip was "as nonpolitical as In a statement the pickets jump- you can make it." But although ed on Romney's statement that the tour took him to the big-city his original support for the Amer- trouble spots, it also put him in ican involvement in Vietnam was the limelight in the states that will due to a "brain washing" he re- Isend big delegations to the Repub- ceived by U.S. generals and diplo- lican nominating convention in mats during a visit to the war Miami next August. zone in 1965. Asked if he thought that this discussion with students in the t 1 f ou r . English department between 10 a.m. and noon on Thursday. He will also be present at the Hop- wood tea that afternoon from RlEllison will conclude his visit identification with Negro and slum to the University on Friday. He problems would hurt him with par- will appear at a luncheon hosted, ty conservatives, Romney had said by President and Mrs. Harlan he is "absolutely indifferent" to Hatcher at the Michigan League political consequences. at 12:30 p.m. and at the Convoc- Romney said he couldn't con- tion ceremony at RackharnLec- ceive of "any more unbearable situation" than trying to cope with the problems of the cities 'unless you've made clear the problems exist." Generally his aides and others felt the trip has helped rather than hurt Romney politically. Hefi shook scores of hands, cut ribbons at Negro stores, gave San Francis- co hippies a lecture on temperance -TON IG HT- and ate watermelon with former Black Panther militants. Concern for Cities Increases MARIUS TRILOGY All in all, Romney says his tripA has heightened his concern with PART I: MARIUS the problems of the cities. . He said one of his aims on his long inspection tour was to see if there were any glimmers of hope Dir. Marcel Pegnol,1931 "and indeed there are." French, subtitles But, Romney added, "it will re-f quire massive applications of suc- featuring Raimu- cessful concepts all across the great French comedian country to cope with the needs." The things that Romney said A vivid picture of stand out most in his mind are French provincial life the need for capital for Negro and Marseilles businesses and the need for hous- in the 30's. ing. Romney praised the leadership he has seen and said "the latent 7:00 &r9:05 talent for leadership in the ghet- to, which is equaltothat of the ARCHITECTURE suburb, must be tapped." ADTRU And Romney cautioned that "time is running out for those who have responsibilities for the STILL ONLY 50c - tranquilty of the nation." I PL iYBILL I!Ha d' 5 --e 3 b - Department of Speech present... featuring - Plus. 5 More John Arden's SER J EANT MUSGRAVEm o DANCE Moire's -THE- WOULD-BE GENT LEMAN Augut Str ind beugurg's -T HE G HOST SON ATA -JUarDEecrA Presmere Production WEDNESDAY-SATURDAY OCTOBER 4-7 TRUEBLOOD THEATRE 8 P.M. i I I I GUILD HOUSE 802 Monroe Monday, October 2-Noon Luncheon g ]IItBBUNtY i2OUSEB 330 MAYNARD ., . Box office open daily Sophocles' El~~~ A , ~