N Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ti ;:rr.;..-;".;:.,ym .:r:wh lt,?tMSY fS,.'. ..' :: f.:;ir;{!l:{'t:{''v::".' 1 :: N'"": Ri."°.f" :' ' + ....r. s : r:4: '" ^v "XvnXvflwi+":i4'r'x:^.,., v T ".t n..;,. ''w.vr?.rri4{ Jn."id 1vv.n. -.. v..v.,.:. ... .. ... ... .1. ....... .. 4 p TIE VIEW FROM HERE r 'he LongCourse to Evaluatton BY ROBERT KLIVANS " '"' tv% '"ii}X + vYi"X"iii:4}Ynv1". ^.^rx: "sraver ":: """: sw:. 4::.}<}iv::" ' .7"....,. .4 ..t.r."n: .nn 1 ... 4 Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: STEPHEN WILDSTROM Doing Something More To Make the Split Felt PRESIDENT JOHNSON'S tacit consen- sus on the Vietnam war from the con- gressional Republicans has begun to crack. This week' joining the anti-war wing of the Democratic party in verbal attacks on the administration's conduct of the war were two key GOP senators, Clifford Case of New Jersey and Thruston Morton of Kentucky. The former assailed the President's "highly irresponsible" use of the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin resolution to widen the scope of the conflict. The latter took up Michigan Gov. George Romney's "brain- washed" theme and applied it to the "military-industrial complex's" influence on the President to seek a military vic- tory in Vietnam. Despite the vitriolic and jingoistic ver- bal counterattack by GOP stalwart Ever- ett Dirksen (Ill) on Case's Tuesday speech, the conservative wing of the op- position is finding it increasingly diffi- cult to prevent its members from making a political bid to capitalize on rising an- ti-war sentiment of the populace. As 1968 elections draw nearer, the defection rate from Johnson's pro-war camp is likely to rise geometrically. THUS FAR THERE has been little evi- dence that verbalizing disgust with the war, even in the highest legislative chambers in the nation, has had little effect on altering the main trends of the war. Sen. Eugene McCarthy (D-Minn) recently confided that fully half of the Senate opposes the war and wants to get out of Vietnam with all due speed. Yet that prospect has not appeared on the horizon.. The defection of United States econom- ic and political allies also increases stead- ily over the continued bombing of North Vietnam. Canada presented a four point cease-fire plan that emphasized the "first priority" of a halt to the bombing. Hanoi has come in for its share of cri- ticism after rejecting United Nations Ambassador Arthur Goldberg's peace pro- posal that called for a North Vietnamese guarantee for negotiations before a halt to the bombing. The impasse on this essential point of pre-conditions to what may or may not be meaningful peace talks has effectively tied up the diplomatic front for the fore- seeable future. THE ALTERNATIVE prospects for end- ing the war seem to point in one direc- tion: a direct confrontation between in- digenous anti-war elements and the war makers. Paralleling this confrontation, the Buddhists of Saigon have made their first public bid for power in 18 months. They face a more firmly entrenched re- gime backed by U.S. military might. But the Buddhists have strong allies in the pro-peace sentiment of two-thirds of the Vietnamese voters who cast ballots for pro-peace presidential candidates. It is now up to the anti-war sentiment in the United States to manifest itself in demonstrable opposition to the Johnson war policies. Active peace organizations have called for continual confrontations with selective service and war machine, culminating with a mass march on Wash- ington on Saturday, October 21. SOME GROUPS will take radical action like returning draft cards and trying to tie up the Pentagon with a sit-in'. Others may confine their action to pick- eting or listening to anti-war rallies. In any event, committed people will choose their own paths to express their opposi- tion. For all persons who have moved beyond the stages of doubt or wavering about the evil of the war, the active expres- sion of dissent is necessary and welcom- ed. If enough people will engage in open, non-violent and unyielding civil disobed- ience perhaps the crack in the Johnson consensus can be widened sufficiently to cause a discernible change in our pres- ent war policy. -DAVID KNOKE AT THE RIPE OLD AGE of 150, this University still tolerates a student counseling service that is mired in the ignorance and misinformation of a system which has no idea where it is going. The nightmare of pre-registration is upon us again- a time when students must play pin-the-tail on the course-selection booklet to determine which classes should be taken next semester. There is simply no satisfactory way-outside the hearsay of another student-to deter- mine the value of a course. Counselors in their Angell Hall cubby holes must rely on word-of-mouth or their personal acquaintance with the instructor-which is hardly indicative of that individual's teaching skill. The whole situation is so tragic-and stupid-that it should long ago have become the cynosure of interested administrators, faculty, and students. But the academic arena has been neglected so long that all parties now accept pot-luck as the best path to choosing a course that will fulfill one's expectations. The problem, of course, is more complicated than the condemnations of an outraged student. Essentially, the question of counseling involves two areas: course descrip- tion and course evaluation. The technicalities of require- ments, electives, and majors are adequately described in booklets and by counselors. Yet, on any individual course itself, information is either scarce or unavailable. FOR COURSE DESCRIPTION, a loose-left notebook of classes provides some information, though nebuolus and incomplete. Moreover, the few volumes are only found in the counseling office (inevitably hidden beneath a pile of magazines) so that students rarely take ad- vantage of them. It is no wonder that students are so confounded during the first week of classes when courses materialize as far different from what their names imply. But if even a beginning has been made in the realm of course description, the all-important field of course evaluation has been a dismal failure. Attempts at pro- ducing a course evaluation booklet have resulted in pitiful products of past years that have been more condemned than commended. Last fall, a course evaluation supple- ment appeared that was the inspired project of a small core of inadequately financed students. The scope of courses analyzed was small, the analyses themselves shod- dy. It became the gravestone for a long line of such independent efforts, and until last spring, no one breathed a word about it's resuscitation. THE WHOLE SITUATION has been resurrected anew by two committees established last spring. One is a stu- dent committee, which has been recruiting workers this week toward publication of a booklet hopefully by next semester's pre-registration period. The other is a faculty- student committee which is discussing the methods and directions of the course evalution booklet. Members of these committees seem optimistic about the publication of a booklet that can be technically sophisticated and complete. For these committees to succeed, they will need the cooperation of all parts of the University-factions which in the past have proved sorely lacking in leadership. * The faculty has hardly been a strong critic of the weak course evaluation system. Though many professors have expressed concern about the problem, faculty bodies have rarely taken the lead in reform. In fact, their past action seems practically indifferent to the self-evaluation that should be so necessary to excellence in teaching. How many professors really know how their students judge their course? What improvements could be insti- tuted in course structure by a thorough evaluation? O The students have generated sporadic interest in a course evaluation booklet. But like the proverbial farm- boy who never realizes what he is missing, students ad- just themselves to a counseling system that has no logical election process or judgment scale. Only a glance beyond Ann Arbor will reveal the success of course evaluation material at Berkeley or Harvard (or the University of Oregon, whose students last week released their second annual Course Survey Bulletin, a 94-page soft-bound bookelt containing 250 reviews of faculty members). * And the administration, a traditional wasteland for any progressive leadership at the University, has provided little initiative toward recognizing the gaping hole left by no course evaluation system. ONCE THE PROBLEM has been finally realized-and the appearance of two committees on the subject pro- duces some hope-the solutions become easier. A thorough course evaluation booklet should be institutionalized into the class structure, discarding the previous "pick-up-at- your-convenience" questionnaires littered around the diag and dormitories. For practicality, the information should be programmed into computers for statistical analysis, and a staff of upperclassmen and graduate stu- dents should supply verbal descriptions. The booklet should be readily available to all students before the pre- registration period. The immediate obstacles to this plan are staff and publication costs-both of which can be eased, simply enough, through money. Though the booklet could even- tually be sold (the Oregon U. booklet costs $1), the first year's product should perhaps be distributed freely so that confidence will be established. The financing should come from the Office of Academic Affairs or Office of Student Affairs. In fact, perhaps the Regents could al- locate some funds for the course evaluation book, for which estimates range as high as $10,000. ALL SEGMENTS of the University community realize the squeeze on funds created by low legislative appro- priations. Nonetheless, course evaluation is an area which has been neglected so long that whatever it now receives could hardly repair the injustices done. If the course selection process is to remain a moronic exercise in guesswork, then the University's ranking as one of the top educational institutions of the world is foolish. What is the purpose of academic excellence if those most affected can neither judge their treatment nor make intelligent selections? A I Letters,* Supporting a Prisoner's Dilemma The Indispensable Professional To the Editor: WARDEN PAUL SARTWELL'S (Daily, Sept. 28), raises sev- eral questions: 1) Warden Sartwell refers gen- erally to "many outright errors" in the Sept. 20 story but fails to point them out. What lies were told, what truths omitted? 2) It is not clear to me (and perhaps others) why reporting of conversations with this type of inmate should be limited in the first place in the way described. What is the "harm done" by ex- ploringthe point of view of a political prisoner? 3) Or does "harm done" refer to the personal details given? I fail to see how they can serve as a significant description of any- one. Has the man in question ac- tually protested use of this in- formation? PERHAPS SOME ONE qualified among the brethren can step for- ward to help us get the "true pic- ture" that Warden Sartwell cor- rectly assumes we want but does little to provide. By the way-I suggest we do not wait for Mr. Rapoport-he so seldom deigns to bring anything to the meeting but the bomb. -Louise Palazzola Disgraceful Professor To the Editor: AS LAW STUDENTS at Wayne State University we are in the process of being taught the virtues of clear reasoning, crisp logic, and measured response. As professionals we must one day be able to function comfortably and successfully with their use. Wednesday night in Hill Audi- torium Professor Roger C. Cramp- ton made clear his utter lack of respect for these virtues. Throwing them to the wind and sinking to the lowest level of personal vin- dictiveness he cast shame upon the University of Michigan Law School and his profession. Whatever may be one's opinion of Mark Lane and his crusade, there was no justifi- cation for the rudeness and emo- tionalism displayed in response to Lane's skeptical questioning of the Warren Commission Report. Certainly Mr. Cramption by vir- tue of his professorial position and legal acumen should have been able to present his case, as a rea- sonable man, with effectiveness and tact. This he failed to do and for this we apologize to those stu- dents who undoubtedly received an inaccurate impression of the stuff of which a legal mind is made, -Nels Hultberg -Robert Booten Lane To the Editor: I'VE NEVER SEEN nor heard Mark Lane speak before. Ihavd not read his book. Wednesday night I came to Hill Auditorium mostly out of curiosity. I left with a sense 'of gain over the whole evening. There are other words one can use to sum up such an experience: "re- warding," "enlightening," "profit- able," all of which can't help but fall short of how I really felt. For the truth is I felt somehow differently-even changed. BEFORE WEDNESDAY night it had been a long time since the mention of the assassination grasped my attention.nThe inci- dent seemed long, long ago - away somewhere in a time where one found oneself grabbing up magazine articles; watching and listening for every shred of news. It was a time of shock for most Americans, who could manage lit- _ _ _ . . ._. "" - tle more than a sheepish mutter of "Why?" The nation stood stun- ned; wide-eyed in a search-for some reason-an explanation. Less than a year later the War- ren Report supplied one, and with it came a national sigh of relief. There were echoes of, "Oh thank God, it wasn't a conspiracy." And most Americans, myself included, grateful for the commission's findings, began to forget. MARK LANE refused to forget -he couldn't. As he showed Wed- nesday night, he had many rea- sons for suspecting the Warren Reportwas false. He had evidence, and he presented it-convincing evidence; sometimes alarming evi- dence. And as he did, one could gradually see unfold the makeup of the man: a man willing to re- arrange his life and take up a search for the truth regardless of the consequences. The Mark Lane I saw Wednes- day night was no opportunist. He was sincere, and a man to be deep- ly respected, regardless of wheth- er he reaches his goal or not. That is why it seemed particularly dis- turbing to hear Professor Cramp- ton begin by condemning him as having a lot of "gall" to come to the University of Michigan, and then 'dive into a biting oration that seemed to be aimed at either just sparking a hot debate or con- vincing all present that he was there not to argue for the report but, rather, to dismiss Lane as a kook. In any event, whatever was rambling through his mind as he sat waiting for Lane to finish, it was a tactless presentation. And if it did anything, it demonstrated first hand, or at least represented what Lane referred to as his greatest fear of all-the willing- ness of Americans to accept what could be a lie as the flat truth- no argument; the case closed. -Joe Lamancusa, '69 Panhel To the Editor:,- MISSnKENNEDY has perhaps been overzealous in condem- nation of Panhel in her editorial .(Daily, Sept. 29). She states, "Last spring Panhel and IFC decided to demand a referendum on the issue of non-students in student orga- nizations, after the majority of SGC members voted differently from the Greek representatives on this Issue." Having been present at that SGC meeting, I must take acception. First of all, there was not i def- inite schizm between IFC and Panhel representatives and the other council members as she intimates. Indeed, I believe the final motion carried by a majority of only one. Furthermore, IFC and Panhel did not "demand" a referendum. The referendum was proposed In orderly fashion, voted on by Council, and passed by majority consent. -Howard Miller, '70M Well Done To the Editor: IWOULD LIKE to compliment Mr. Rapoport on his close-to- realistic article (Daily, Sept. 23) about the excellent speech of Mr. Gary Allen. The credit is due to the John Birch Society - advocating the conservative ideas-who invited Mr. Allen to speak here. I wonder why the University passes on this opportunity when the interest on the part of stu- dents is so great? We sure need to hear more sen- sible speeches like Mr. Allen's. The Daily does its job--report- ing what the speech contained, and giving credit where credit is due. Please fulfill both! --Mrs. Julia Veetion OPINION The Daily has begun accept- ing articles from faculty, ad- ministration, and students on subjects of their choice. They are to be 600-900 words in length and should be submitted to the Editorial Director. 4 WITH ACCEPTANCE by the United Federation of Teachers of New York City's offer of a "fantastically good" $135-million wage package, that city's three-week-old teachers' strike is now over. In its wake, it is interesting to note just what happened to that energetic corps of parents, supervisory personnel, and other volunteers who flocked so eag- erly to play school marm when the pro- fessionals walked off the job. The opening days of the strike saw valiant attempts by amateur volunteers to "keep the kids busy" by showing them filmstrips, conducting "show and tell" sessions and leading them in singing. One or two of the volunteers even at- tempted to teach a class in several aca- demic subjects. But the strike dragged on, and the fu- tility of volunteer efforts began to make itself felt. Parents realized that ,their children weren't learning much, and so the kids started staying away. And the few supervisory personnel who had felt more dedication to the school system than sympathy for the teachers began to get disillusioned with the lack of at- tendance. VARIOUS STOPGAP measures, such as closing the schools for two days, were tried, but the situation deteriorated. The Council of Supervisory Associations, rep- resenting most district superintendents, principals and other school administra- tors, expressed concern over "hazardous conditions" existing in the schools and stated that they would "no longer use unlicensed or unpaid personnel in the operation of the schools." The 400,000- member United Parents Associations also got into the act, sending a telegram to Governor Rockefeller and the state edu- cation commissioner urging them to de- clare a "state of emergency." Things got so confused that even the staid New York Times gave Mayor Lind- say's intervention the blaring -head- line, "Lindsay Steps in as Schools Face Total Collapse." Luckily, the offer that came out of that intervention was one that makes it fairly certain that the striking is over with-at least for this year. BUT WHAT THOSE volunteers who self- righteously declared that teachers, as professionals, should not strike, have perhaps learned by the experience is that teachers, as professionals, are indispens- able, and should in the future be treated with respect, if not because of their lit- eracy and dedication, then at least be- cause they cannot be replaced. -JENNY STILLER The McNamara Wall 4 .. . .. . .. ..M .. . . . . . . . . . .... .. ... . . . . . . . . . .... ... . .. . ..h.. . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . ,. . . . . . .. . .. . .. " . . . / h0 ., . .. : t . t Shades of Ann Arbor,* A Tree Once, Grew A Voice in the Darkness HE UNIVERSITY'S fourth major event in the Sesquicentennial celebration will begin tomorrow with the arrival of over 20 international dignitaries. Scien- tists, statesmen, authors and artists will join the University community for a week of formal presentations and informal discussions. Topics ranging in diversity from electro-thermodynamics to the birth of the opera will be scrutinized by experts and laymen together. University officials will make no ef- fort to shelter the visitors from stu- dents. Unstructured sessions have been the opportunity to mingle with students and faculty members on a person-to-per- son basis. Many have set up office hours while others will lecture in classroom sit- uations. THE "VOICES OF CIVILIZATION" are coming not only to speak but also to be spoken to. They will be prepared to debate not only with one another, but with students and faculty as well. The importance of the exchanges which will take place on campus next week should not be underestimated. By WILL GEER Daily Guest Writer M'r. Geer is a leading actor in the APA company that is now presenting PantagIeixe at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Besides being an expert Shake- spearean actor, Mr. Geer also hold a degree in horticulture. HERE WAS an apricot tree in T the Walled League Garden. It was there before the League. It grew from an apricot tossed along the fence of the boarding house that stood there at the turn of the century. It was cared for, and has grown annual crops of fruit. Thousands of students have sat under its shade. Gardeners have made cut- tings and grafts, and planted seeds of the fruit in their gardens. It was a most unusual tree for this climate. As sturdy as a large prized tree should make way for improvements. They had an ex- pert say that the tree was very old and was likely to die in a few years anyway. WELL, THIS old forester that has sat in the apricot shade off and on since 1921 was there to see it cut down and carted off on a drizzly yesterday. Its heartwood was certainly sounder than the fiber of the in- stigator of the crime. That apricot would have made a better race to turn the century than any of us; than any of the Martha and George Washingtons who will say; not I .. . it's just a tree.. ." ".. chains-we'll put in shock- ing pink mangnolias." 1 ;i: INN