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September 30, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-09-30

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See editorial page




Rai ending
this morning.

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

Short Lease

Has Little





The advent of an eight-month
lease in University Towers this
-summer was viewed with great
expectancy by student leaders in
the Student Housing Association,
Student Government Council and
elsewhere. The Ann Arbor realtors
themselves were apprehensive
about its effects.
At present, however, although
disagreement exists on the long-
range effects of the new lease,

agency was not even considering
a changeover to the new lease in
the near future.
He explained that Apartments
'Limited managed the apartments
of many owers and that his clients
had not expressed any interest in
switching to the eight-month
William Steude, director of off-
campus housing, explained that
while there is currently an over-
supply of apartments, "extensive
data" would be necessary to con-
vince landlords that a switch to
the shorter lease was necessary.
He said, however, that the Uni-
versity Towers lease has had

selves." He estimated the over-1
supply was between five and ten
per cent. Ron Hall, assistant
manager of University Towers
and past president of the Rental]
Proprietors Association agreed
with Van Lente's estimate.
Barnhill said that Apartments
Limited did have vacancies but
would not give percentages or
figures. He indicated that the five
per cent estimate was "too high."
SHA has decided that with the
current oversupply of apartments,
landlords can more easily be per-
suaded to adopt the eight-month
lease. SHA, under newly-appoint-.
ed chairman Michael Koeneke,
'69, has used the 95 per cent oc-
cupancy of University Towers in
spite of the oversupply as a bar-
gaining point in their dealings l
with landlords.1
University Towers was acquiredj

this summer by Student Inns Inc.'
which operates similar high-rise
facilities on nine other campuses,
all offering shortened leases. Ro-
bert J. Ward, manager of Uni-
versity Towers, attributed the
success of his operation to many
factors, but said that the eight-
month lease is probably the most
Ward cited the building's loca-
tion close to campus, its extensive
renovation, its student-oriented
appeal and the new lease as es-
sential to the filling of University
"One without the others is use-
less," he added.
Van Lente points out that fill-
ing University Towers is especially
significant since it did not even
begin its leasing until a month
before the fall term began. He
said he believes this is an excel-,

lent indication of the popularity
of the eight-month and four-
month lease.
Work is still in progress in the
complete remodeling of Univer-
sity Towers, Ward said. Rooms
and hallways are being painted,
new recreation rooms are being
completed, soundproofing h a s
been installed between floors and
between the individual rooms, all
the furniture has been replaced,
carpeting has been laid and the
eight-month lease has been add-I
Ward is enthusiastic about thek

that an accumulation of "student paid in eight-months on an ad-
resentment toward paying for justed scale. The advantage of
space when he is not occupying this, Barnhill noted, was to re-
it" will eventually force other lease the tenant from both sub-
Ann Arbor realtors to adopt the letting and having to pay rent
short lease. during the time he is not in
Barnhill of Apartments Limited school. The tenant however h.s
strongly disagreed with Ward's to pay more on the adjusted
analysis, monthly rate.

realtors, student leaders
versity officials agree
immediate effects on
Arbor apartment scene
virtually negligible.

and Uni-
that its,
the Ann
has been

future of the eight-month
He predicts that the other
lords "eventually have to
around to it."


"The economics of operating an
apartment building does not lend
itself to an eight-month lease,"
he commented. He said, however,
that Apartments Limited will of-
fer a guaranteed summer sublet
so that prime tenants will not
have to find a subleasee.
The prime tenant, however, will
have to ,make up the difference
between the rent paid by the{
summer sublessee and the stand-
ard rent.
He also said that his firm of-
fers a ten-month lease which isE

Van Lente said these new poli-
cies on the part of Apartments
Limited were an attempt tocom-
pensate for not having the
straight eight-month ease. This
indicates, Van Lente said, the ex-
tent to which the landlord is
feeling the pressure of having
vacant apartments.
Mrs. Norma Kraker of the Of-
fice of Off-Campus Housing said
"two or three" small landlords
had changed to the eight-month
lease. She indicated, however,
that her office, which handles re-

ferrals and other matters con-
cerning student-landlord relat-
tions, had not observed any great
interest in the new lease.
"We might get an indication by
January as to its overall effect
but possibly not even then," she
said. She added apartment owners
probably would not alter their
lease arrangements "until they're
sure that they have to."
Though not as many landlords
have switched to the eight-month
lease as SHA would have liked,
the group is confident that with
a little persuasion more land-
lords will make the switch,
SHA is currently discussing the
new leasing arrangement with
the manager and owner of Huron
Towers. SHA has indicated that
Huron Towers will probably try
a few units on an eight-month
payment schedule. this year to
test its feasibility.

Karl Malcolm, chief executive "some effect."
of Apartments Limited, said that Tom Van Lente, Grad, former
there is now "no possibility of head of the Student Housing As-
an eight-month lease overall." sociation said that no data con-
Richard Barnhill, also of Apart- cerning the oversupply exists,
ments Limited, indicated that his "even among the landlords them-

"We're doing this because it
is financially sound," he said.
Ward, himself, called the lease
a "complete success" and feels

NAACP Initiates Drive
For Open Housing Law

By ANN MUNSTER Oct. 10. Only the governor has
The Ann Arbor chapter of the the power to add to the agenda.
National Association for the Ad- Dr. Edward C. Pierce and Mrs.
vancement of Colored People is Russel West, co-chairmen of the
circulating petitions locally urg- NAACP ad hoc committed nam-
ing Gov. George Romney to I ed earlier this week, indicated that
place open occupancy legislation the need for action was apparent
on the agenda for the coming spe- at this time for several reasons.
cial session of the Legislature. A fact sheet distributed with
Consideration of such legisla- the petitions states:
tion is not presently on the agen- "These petitions will be present-
da of the session which convenes ed to the governor in an effort
- ----- -- - - ----
Legslators Express
Rent Hike Concern
By W. REXFORD BENOIT said "let them come - the whole
At least five state legislators , thing's a circus anyway."
have indicated a desire to know Ashmall believes the legislators
more about the recent rent strike f e 1 University administrators
at two University married stu- don't give honest answers to legis-
dent apartment complexes. lative queries into University
Responses to a letter from IHe also said Graduate Assembly
Graduate Assembly president Roy ' intended to investigate occupancy
Ashmall ranged from Senate Min- of University married student
ority Leader Raymond Dzend- housing by non-students.
zel's (D-Det.) "your request (for About 12 per cent of the ten-
an investigation) will receive the ants in this type of housing are
sincere consideration of my o t olled in the University, he
fice," to Sen. Harry DeMaso' 'r claimed.
(R-Battle Creek) expression of The assembly intends to deter-
intent to travel to Ann Arbor to mine whether a condition of
investigate. University financing of the mar-
Ashmall's letter, sent to all ried students apartments was that
Michigan legisl'ators two weeks only students live there, Ashmall
ago, said University apartment said.
rents are now approaching rents
charged for private housing.
Ashmall said yesterday the L RACE
University should build apart-
ments for both married and single W L Pct. GB
students, charging low rents, to Minnesota 91 69 .5687 -
force "a competitive housing Detroit 89 69 .5632 1
markt i AnnArbr."Boston 90 70 .5625 1
marketx-Chicago 89 71 .5563 2
When Director of University x-Chicago's loss last night
Housing John Feldkamp was told eliminated the team from
of Ashmall's intent to invite leg- contention for the Amer-
islators here to look into the rent can League pennant.
hike, Ashmall reported Feldkamp j
----- ------------ - - -

to convince him of the urgent,
need for open housing legislation,
a key factor in dealing with dis-
criminatory practices in housing.
"Gov. Romney's recent remarks
on this subject make it apparent
that he is not opposed to open
occupancy, but he is placing the
responsibility for making non-dis-
crimination a reality on the Civil
Rights Commission, and needs to
be convinced of the need for suchj
legislation. The Civil Rights Com-
mission itself has felt that it needs'
mu, and better 'tools' to work
with and has requested legislation
in this area. The governor can useE
the influence of his office to see
that such legislation is proposed
and passed."
Margaret Abelman, a member ofj
the committee, said that the cur-
rent drive is one of several inas-
ures instigated by the riots which

jo nson Delivers
Terms for Talks
Will End Bombing if North Vietnam
Permits 'Productive Discussions'
SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (P)-President Johnson said last night
he would stop bombing North Vietnam and meet with Presi-
dent Ho Chi Minhimmediately if this would lead to "produc-
tive discussion."
But Johnson said Hanoi has not accepted any of this'
country's proposals, and it is by North Vietnam's choice alone
that the war continues. In sum, Johnson noted, what he was
saying to the Hanoi government had previously been said
"time and time again" to no avail.
- At the same time Johnson said that dissent at home will
not turn him from his course.
In a major summary and defense of his position in Viet-
nam, Johnson claimed military progress for the Allies cause,
cited leaders of Asian nations

rocked Detroit and other Michi-
gan cities this past summer. 3
Miss Abelman said, "The Civ-
il Rights Commission wants a law
to be able to enforce because it
would be much better from the
point of view of their mechanics
than the current absence of spe-
cific legislation.
"Recognition of the need to call
Gov. Romney's attention to the
urgency of this matter has been
broad and bipartisan, she contin-
ued, "among the many groups
which have already recognized the
need has been the Ann Arbor City
Council, which gave unanimous,
support to a resolution urging Gov.
Romney to take the necessary ac-
"Student Government Council
expects to give consideration to
a similar resolution. Petition
booths' on campus will be man-f
ned by the Young Democrats.j

Daily -Jim Forsythe
Folk-singing recording artist Tim Buckley played his guitar and sang for big audiences at Canterbury
House last night. The shaggy-haired singer performs through the weekend at the campus coffee
house (see review, page 2).
CORE Art Exhibi)1t To Accent
NrC tuo ooty
-efo-onrbto to e c

as backing the U.S. stand in
the conflict, and appealed
anew for peace talks. But his
conclusion bore down hard on
what he termed Hanoi's mis-
takes about the nature of do-
mestic debate over the war.
The President's speech was pre-
pared for the National Legisla-
tive Conference here.
North Vietnam Responds
In response to Johnson's speech,
North Vietnam Vice Premier Le
Thanh Nghi said in Peking today
the United States has no right to
demand any "reciprocity" for
halting the bombing of his coun-
"Since U.S. imperialism has pro-
voked the war of aggression
against Vietnam, the United States
must stop its aggression, and
therein lies the road to peace in
Vietnam," he told Chinese Com-
munist leaders at a banquet given
by Premier Chou En-lai.
"The U.S. government must un-
conditionally halt its bombing and
other war acts against the Dem
ocratic Republic of Vietnam once
rand for all; the. U.S. troops and
other vassal troops must withdraw
from Southern Vietnam; the South
Vietnam National Front for Lib-
eration must be recognized as the
sole genuine representative of the
people of South Vietnam; and the

Eng in School
Issues New
Civil engineering will be the sub-
ject of the fourth issue of "In-
genor," a new magazine published'
twice a year by the engineering
Originally conceived as an alum-
ni relations magazine, it now com-
bines this function with techni-
cal articles and broad consio~era-
tion of the social' implications of
engineering advances, said Dean
Gordon Van Wylen of the engi-.
neering college.
Because of rapid technical ad-
vances and the increasing diver-
sity of different engineering fields,
the college several years ago saw
a need to keep its alumni inform-
ed of new developments in all
areas of the profession, Van Wylen
According to Van Wylen, engi-
neers must also begin to under-
stand and consider the social im-
plications of their work. For ex-
ample, an automotive engineer
must not only build an efficient,
powerful engine, but one which
does not pollute the air. Conse-
quently "Ingenor" is envisaged as
giving the widest possible coverage
to the profession's increasing so-
cial involvement. Van Wylen and
editor James Packard both ex-
pressed hope that the magazine
will become a forum for engineers
to express themselves concerning
the basic issues confronting the

A day-long Black Arts Festi-
val, illustrating the heritage of

'Many civic organizations and the Negro and his contributions
churches in Ann Arbor have voic- to society, will open at noon to-
ed concern about the need for morrow in the Ann Arbor Com-
statewide legislation insuring open munity Center.
housing and they are expected to Planned as a fund-raising event
participate in the drive to gather .for and sponsored by the Ann Ar-
signatures," she added, bor chapter of the Congress of

Racial Equality, the festival will high school, will present a slide
feature jazz musicians, African .show on the history of the under-
dances and a fashion show of ground railroad. Slides of Nigeria
Afro-American clothing designs and an Office of Economic Op-
styled and resigned by the Me- portunity film will also be shown.
aShopaand people fr De- "It is important for the black
troit. Local teenage precision
community to recognize that they
marching groups and an open-air have a heritage of which they
art show will highlight the pro- can be proud," said Blackwell.
gram. African paintings, masks "It is hoped that the festival will
and sculpture will be exhibited impress upon the community, both
from the collection of Frank black and white, that the black
Stockweather, former Peace Corps1man has a responsibility to make


V iJ .3.. A XL 10 kJX' 1 4.
'UH To Play Host to.
The University's Sesquicenten- and political scientist Hannah
nial celebration program, "Voices Arendt, have had to cancel their:
of Civilization," featuring 21 out- appearances. A third, American
standing intellectuals, begins to- chemist Harold C. Urey, will ar-
morrow. The participants gather rive a day late. $
for a week of formal lectures and Karl Gunnar Myrdal, noted?
informal discussions on subjects Swedish economist and sociolo-
ranging from American race re- gist, and Vladimir Fock, Russian
lations to ceramics. physicist, will give the first
T of he schg scheduled lectures Monday after-
areFrench playwright Eugene noon at 2 p.m. Speaking on "The
Ionesco and American author Economics and Politics of For-
eign Aid," Myrdal will appear in
Rackham Lecture Hall while Fock

tl T 1. L/iAu--A 11 .volunteer in Nigeria. a contribution for the sake of en- Vietnamese people must be le
Also participating in the festi- riching black people's lives, to settle their own internal a
val will be the traveling museumf ,, "We are emphasizing soulful en- f he said.
L ea d in g It ellectu a l of the International Afro-Ameri hmenandm asensofulf," rshsaid.a
L can Institute. The mobile unit, richment and a sense of self," Johnson's determination w
which carries the display "Afri- said Blackwell. summed up in four words: ". .
Other participants on campus him. Planners also scheduled can Art and History," is part of Blackwell referred to a state- shall press forward."
this week will be Shoji Hamada, specific times for the guests to |a "grass roots" project designed to ment of purpose in an Afro-Amer- Johnson did not seem to bre
Japanese ceramist; Jerzy Kury- meet with students in depart- teach the history and culture of ican museum pamphlet as an in- any new policy ground in his a
owicz, Polish linguist; Seyero ments closely related to the the Negro, according to Elrie dication of the intentions of the I dress, broadcast nationally by t
coaiz, United Stagtes: bioe- guest's wosrky a d te tme 'Chrite, director of the institute. festival as well as of the museum. evision and radio networks.
Ochoa, United States bioche guests work, and left free time his museum on wheels a
ist; Jean Piaget, Swiss pyscholo- tor other interested students and peared this summer at the Mic-
gist; Edwin O. Reischauer, former faculty to meet the person. igan State Fair and has been in-
U.S. ambassador to Japan; Arne Many of the celebrities will vited to Columbus, Ohio, for next
Paul Samuelson, American econo- formal receptions. The Daily will said that theexhibit will begin Usd s
mist; Sir Geoffrey Taylor,En publish times for each of these touring numerous Detroit area
guish fluid physicist; Theodosius activities as they are scheduled. high schools next week and in re-
Dobzhansky, U.S. geneticst; Paul cent months was displayed in De-Be
Hoffman, U.S. International aid roit's riot-torn 12th Street area. ILL DeJNG will never come when a stude


Call Residents,
With Students
ant "enormously complicated and can-
1'-'-4- V- m~~ ~ittrir i rntac t

will address his audience in the administrator and Ralph Ellison,
Rackham Amphitheatre. American author.
Urey's first talk, originally Each of the visitors has been
scheduled for Monday morning, assigned a faculty host who will
will be given instead Tuesday at help in arranging luncheons, in-
2 p.m. His topic will be "The terviews, small group discussions,
Origin of Life,"
Planning for the conclave be- Biographies of Conference
gan nearly two years ago when Participants
p r e 1 i m i n ary Sesquicentennial See Page 2
committees were established and
students and faculty were asked and generally guide the Sesqui-
to suggest possible participants.'centennial guests during their
The final list includes internat- _L_ . -4 +,

"Everyone dug it," said Chrite,
"even the winos and little kids
and we're trying to get everyone
interested in the international or-
ganization. Right now we're work-
ing on putting together an ex-
hibit on slavery in the United
Literary attractions will include
an exhibit of adult books by Ne-
gro authors. The Ann Arbor Li-
brary will display children's books
and will issue library cards for
the youngsters.

While residents of Mary Mark-
ley Hall and other students are
working on fall term academics,
University President - designate
Robben W. Fleming is studying
the University.
Fleming Thursday night took
his education to Markley, where
he discussed student power, de-
fense research, pass-fail grading
and University autonomy with 200
pilot project students.
"I like talking to students be-
cause I can always learn some-
thina." Fleming told the students.


cannot speak to me." not be given a simple yes or no
Students should negotiate fully answer," Fleming said. "The De-'
before disobeying laws in protest, partment of Defense is not only
Fleming said. "I don't think any- concerned with making war and
thing has ever been accomplished it doesn't follow that war is the
by disobeying the laws," he com- end product of its research."
mented, although he added direct Fleming was similarly neither
confrontation can remedy "clog- for nor against the grading sys-
ged channels" of communication. tern, although he supported pass-
"There are many good' things fail programs. "Pressure is not
in the student power movement," good for students," he said, "and
he said, "and I believe students many times courses are not se-
often have a better understanding lected as much for their educa-
of the problems of their peer tion value as for their reputation
vrnnn " 'lpminap nointed out that as easy courses." Pass-fail pro-

x xo

. .

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