FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1967 THE MICHIGAN UAiiY ' r -- M'IYyM-- anas S' uas a ,. i !a1l 111y PAGE THREES C Massive U' lion Vote Teacher Ends Strike SPEECH TO UN: French Foreign Minister Asks U.S. Bombing Halt New Pact Raises Wages, Cuts Class Sizes Threats From Slums May Stop Teachers From Returning There NEW YORK (R)-Striking New York City teachers voted an end yesterday to a massive walkout that deprived 1.1. million children of normal public schooling for 14 class days. The nation's graveset classroom crisis was dissolved by a vote of better than 5-1. "Tomorrow will be the opening of the school year, and I am very happy," said President Albert Shanker in announcing the vote of his 49,000-member AFL-CIO United Federation of Teachers. But clouds remained on the city's educational horizon, as some teachers balked at return- ing to slum schools in Harlem and the Brownsville section of Brook- lyn. Some Negro militants op- posed the strike, capitalizing on it in an effort to seize control of schools in their areas. Negro Pickets Even as the teachers voted ap- proval of a new $135-million con- tract, a Negro picket paraded with a sign that read: "Teachers who struck hate our children." At a special meeting with teachers union leaders from the affected slum schools, Shanker was told of threats against teach- ers who might attempt to return to their classrooms. One woman teacher told the strike leader: "I don't want to be a dead hero. I'm afraid to return to school tomorrow. We have a National Guard-let's use it.", - This evoked applause from the gathering. However, Shanker re- plied: "Let's not assume that all these threats and intimidations are going to materialize . . . We must emulate the kids in Little Rock who kept going to school despite harassment. I think all of the bitterness in time will dis- appear." 'Racial Cleavage' Later, Shanker told newsmen: "A return to normalcy wil be a hard procedure in these commu- nities. The walkout definitely did cause the ill feelings being felt at present-this has been a grow- ing racial cleavage." Also facing Shanker and his union was a contempt of court charge, pending since the teach- ers walked out Sept. 11 in defi- ance of a State Supreme Court no-strike order. The contempt case is especially significant as the first test of the state's new Taylor Law, which took effect only Sept. 1. It bans strikes by public employes. But where a similar law in the past directed penalties against the strikers, the new law makes their, union liable to a maximum $10,000 a day fine, and its of- ficials to fines of up to $250 each and jail terms of up to 30 days. No decision on the contempt case was expected before next week. The new pact provides a wage scale of $6,750 to $13,750 a year for teachers over a 26 month per- iod, in contrast to the old range of $5,400 to $11,950 a year. York P%-. -. w. 4 _L .L 1 ./ UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP)- policy of strict neutrality. French Foreign Minister Maurice The provisions, he added, should Couve de Murville renewed yester- be embodied in a treaty to which day his government's call for a the great powers and all other "decisive initiative" from the Unit- countries directly involved would D elay V o tinf9 ed States to end the "cruel and be bound. destructive" war in Vietnam. With these conditions fulfilled. He suggested in a policy address he said, the Vietnamese should be to the UN General Assembly that left to settle their own affairs "in such an initiative might be an full freedom, regardless of thej unconditional cessation of the regime that they might think fit In Con ress U"ited States bombing that is to adopt." 'ravaging North Vietnam." Couve de Murville said it wouldl No one would approve of such a WASHINGTON (P)-More than decision more than the French," a score of federal agencies will he said, "and first because it would bec ome technically penniless put an end to the suffering of N ationa N ei starting Sunday because of a many Vietnamese." House hassle over whether Con- First Step be "quite illusory" to ask the Unit- ed Nations to try to end the war, noting that the effective func- tioning of the world organization depended on "the concerted action of the main powers." Each nation of the middy east, he said, "has the right to live and to see its security guaranteed." But he added that "the evacuArtion of the conquered territories was the obvious preliminary peaceful settlement." toward a gress or President Johnson should But he added that "this indeed WASHINGTON (U) - The na- cut the budget. would probably be a first step" to tional capital's first mayor in 93 Their present emergency fi- peace negotiations. years was sworn into office yes- nancing expires at midnight Sat- He said Hanoi had declared sev- terday as the House Judiciary. urday. eral times since last January that Committee voted to give the Dis- Their coffers may be replen- "discussions could be envisaged" trict of Columbia voting represen- ished Tuesday by a temporary if the bombing were halted. tation in both House and Senate. appropriation bill to tide them France was the second United Walter Washington, 51, a Negro over until Oct. 10. States ally in as many days to housing expert, took the oath as They have been living on call for an end to the bombing of commissioner of the district in .month-to-month money rations North Vietnam. But the govern- the White House East Room. Su- because the annual appropriation ment of President Charles de ~ bills financing them for the year Gaulle has long been critical of that started July 1 have not been American policy in Southeast Asia -at,,. and the Couve de Murville state- VS Roundup preme Court Justice Abe Fortas administered the oath to him and to Washington's deputy, Thomas Fletcheh, 43, who is white. President Johnson, who was among the 300 civic leaders and high government officials present, announced his nominations for a new nine-member city council for the district, -Associated Press REAGAN MEETS ADMIRERS- Gov. Ronald Reagan of California shakes hands with fans on his arrival in Peoria, Ill. yesterday. Reagan dedicated a new library at Eureka College in Peoria from which he graduated 35 years ago. ------ --- ----- PEACEFUL DEMONSTRATION: Militant Buddhists Ask Thieu To Withdraw Church Charter Chairman Gxeor ge H. Mahon (D-Tex.) of the Appropriations Committee scheduled the Tuesday action after Republicans object- ed to considering the emergency measure. yesterday unless they had a chance to amend it. Republicans want to add a pro-I vision directing the President to; cut $5 billion from this year's! spending budget. The committee simply approv- ed the 10-day emergency meas- ure that would run until Oct. 10. During the 10 days there could; be new efforts to settle a contro- versy over whether President Johnson or Congress should un- dertake to reduce spending. The House Wednesday by roll- call vote of 202 to 182 returned a temporary money bill to the committee with the understand- ing it would give sympathetic consideration to a GOP move to tie to it a provision directing the President to cut spending by $b billion. ment was no surprise. Canadian Foreign Secretary Paul Martin told the 122-nation as- sembly Wednesday that any efforts:j to openwnegotiations between the two sides were "doomed to fail- ure unless the bombing is stop- ped." Geneva Agreement Couve de Murville contended that the only imaginable settlement" in ietamwould be a return to the Geneva Agreements of 1954. This would involve, he said, evacuation of all foreign forces and a pledge against their return and a ban on any outside interference in Vietnamese affairs in return for a Vietnamese commitment to a m HOWE ' N OW." Support. Writer-in-Residence SAIGON (I)-Thich Tri Quang, a militant Buddhist monk who is leading demonstrations against the government,, prayed through the night under a tree across the street from Independence Palace, where Chief of State Nguyen Van Thieu has his office. Quang and four of his lieuten- ants retired to the tree after lead- ing 1,000 monks and nuns of their aggressive minority movement on an orderly march to the palace yesterday night. They demanded that Thieu re- scind a charter, decreed in July, which designated a moderate faction as the mother church of Buddhism in South Vietnam. Debate with Thieu They had a face-to-face loud- speaker debate in front of the palace gates with Thieu, who was accompanied by Premier Nguyen Cao Ky, and then met for about three -hours with representatives of the chief of state inside the palace. Quang would not say whether he considered the talks had been satisfactory. But he said: "Fur- ther meetings with the govern- ment would be a good thing." The monk said later he plan- ned to send emissaries to his headquarters at the An Quang pagoda to explain what had tak- en place at the palace session and that it would be up to the An Quang directors to decide whether the militants would take to the streets again. New Charter The new charter recognized a moderate sect led by Thich Ven- erable Tam Chau as the official Buddhist church and leaves Quang's followers out in the cold. The militants are demanding that Thieu rescind the charter and restore the old one, in which the militants had a strong voice in church matters. They and Chaus group are bitter rivals, no right to arrange the settling The government representatives of Buddhist affairs. sought to get Quang to agree to In the northern city of Hue meet with the moderates to try about 200 monks and nuns to draft a new charter. They marched one block before police promised Thieu would sign any stopped them. They presented a charter worked up by the two letter to the province chief to be groups. forwarded to Thieu, asking that Quang said later it would be' the new charter be rescinded. 'difficult for his followers to meet There was no violence. with Chau because the moderates The demonstrations in Saigon were "minority religious traitors." and Hue were directed entirely He also said the government had against the charter. 330 MAYNARD UNION-LEAGUE LITTYLE CLUB FREE Dancing and Jazz at the Mug Friday, Sept. 29, 1967 9-12 P.M With the "Mett-tet" This Weekend Sept. 29, 30, Oct. I TICKET SALES (We'll try anything) at 7:30 P.M.-$1.75 Free Eats as Usual STAY AS LONG AS YOU LIKE! TIM BUCKLE SONG WRITER and SINGER will be autographing his Latest Album at DISCOUNT RECORDS-Sat., Sept. 30-State St., 1 P.M.-S. Univ., 2 P.M. I LAST 4 TIMES! OPENS TIUESDAY! TONIGHT AT: THE ARK - 1421 Hill Street 8:30 P.M. MARTY ECCLESTONE singing blues, ballads and folk music SATURDAY--8:30 P.M.-The P.F.'s Avant-garde Jazz Quartet $1.00 cover includes entertainment and refreshments 3' ________ ____________________ I I U HILLEL DELI HOUSE PRESENTS ,.. . :;,: