'RECALLED TO LIFE': RENT STRIKE TALE See editorial page. Yl e lflfr igau :3aity CLOUDY, DRIZZLY High--Upper 40's Low-Lower 40's Windy, with occasional rain and drizzle Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVIII, No. 26 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1967 SEVEN CENTS TEN PAGES Reduced State Funds Undercut 'U' Wage Policies By MARK LEVIN Improvements in faculty and salary wage programs have been seriously undermined because' of legislative budget" trimming, Uni- versity administrators concede. "We can't stand another year like this," explains Vice-President for Academic Affairs Allan F. Smith. "However, I don't think our losses this year are above normal and good morale has been maintained throughout the 17 schools and colleges."a The effect of the $14 million slash in the University appropria- tion request has not yet been fully felt. American Association of University Professors' ranking of faculty salary levels has not as yet been released. However, Smith long battle over the enactment of would aggravate the situation fur- predicts that the University is al- a state income tax, allocated the ther. most certain to decline below its University slightly over $59 mil- In spite of the appropriations 1966 level, which was seventeenth lion. This insufficient appropria- cuts, the University did manage in the nation. tion forced the University to raise to provide a faculty salary aver- Furthermore, the rating for full tuition sharply in order to attain age increment of approximately professorial salaries'is expected to the minimum budgetary figure. 3.9 per cent. However, it had re- fall below the "A" ranging for the Supplemental appropriations for quested funds which would have first time. All University salary I higher education appear a highly permitted hikes of as much as ratings have in the recent past unlikely prospect when the spe- 10.22 per cent. An additional $4 been either "A" or "AA" in all cial session of the Legislature con- million was originally earmarked categories. venes in October, and chances for for the salary a'nd wage programs. The University originally re- a substantial increase in next Administrators here foresee a quested over $73 million from the year's allocation are uncertain. 5-6 per cent growth in faculty sal- state for its general fund budget. Studies conducted by the gov- aries around the nation. And Gov. Romney, however, recom- ernor's office indicate that esti- Smith adds, "Our peers are like- mended only $62.4 million, the mated revenues from the new in- ly to be on the top of that con- minimum operating budget need- come tax have not been as high ' tinum." University salary increas- ed to maintain existing University as originally expected. A reces- es will be in the cellar of the Big programs. The Legislature, after a sion or prolonged .auto strike i Ten. The lowest percentage increase total University staff has been has been granted to full professors, forced because of the inadequatej "Our high-priced people will get state appropriation. "We have not, a high monetary boost, but in been able to allocate the neces-I terms of percentages this increase sary funds for teaching positions will just not stack up with other to the extent that they have been comparable institutions," explains requested by the various depart- Smith. "In years of short dollars, ments. However, we did meet all top salaries cannot be pushed as the commitments that had been hard. Direct monetary benefits are made before what was happening only one of numerous considera- in Lansing became apparent." tions for a full professor who may The full time equivalent teach- have been with the University for ing staff-student ratio is expect- many years." ed t deterioratihtlyebecs Smith said that administrative ed to deteriorate slightly because personnel have shared the samer of the personnel reductions. It reductions in salary increases as presently is 12.8-1. Projected fig- the faculty. ures are not yet available. He also explained that a cut- The University also did not in- back in the projected size of the crease the level of supporting staff in any of the academic units. The work between the University, number of secretarial positions, Wayne State and Michigan State maintenance people, laboratory as- University. However, the funds sistants were held constant. are contingent on obtaining a The cutbacks in academic and similar amount from either federal non-academic positions accounted or private sources. for nearly $2.5 million. Smith said that the Center for Expenditures for office supplies, new equipment, and rehabilitation of existing facilities were also not increased. The savings in this! area amounted to over $3.4 mil- lion. A $150,000 reduction ii funds for library, acquisitions was also instituted. The Legislature did appropriate $200,000 for a joint computer net- Research on Learning and Teach- ing, the initiator of the joint pro- gram, is developing a proposal to be presented to the National Sci- ence Foundation in conjunction with the other participating uni- versities. "We're fairly optimistic about the prospects of receiving funds from NSF, but the legisla- tive appropriation is still very short of what we'd like to do with that experiment." PREDICTS SURPLUS: Senator Contests Romney' s Budget U' Economist Calculates Excess Of $50 Million in State Revenues I By DAN SHARE Sen. Sander Levin (D-Berkeley) said yesterday Michigan's revenue surplus will be closer to $50 million than the $5 million predicted by Gov. George Romney. Levin urged that Romney request appropriations for schools and slum rehabilitation programs in next month's special session of the Legislature. Levin bases his expectation on a study done by Prof. Harvey Brazer of the economics department. Brazer said the discrepancy between his figures and Romney's comes from the fact that the Governor's predictions are based on' 1965 revenue yields,- Assuming a constant growth rate of 6.8 per cent per year, which Le al Battle OnMarijuana H4its Boston First Court Challenge May Bring Decision In Three Weeks By JIM HECK The second week of a legal de- fense trying to prove marijuana is not legally a narcotic ends to- day in Suffolk County Circuit ICourt in Boston. A possible verdict Acquitting two men on trial for possessing and attempting to sell marijuana would set up machinery for le- galizing the use of marijuana in the United States, according to Harvey Silvergate, an assistant to the defense attorney, Joseph I B. Oteri. Oteri yesterday challenged the testimony of a key prosecution witness, Dr. Ishmer Chombre, an I n d i a n pharmacologist who claimed marijuana causes and promotes crime. Chombre, who based his testi- mony on a study he made in 1939, said the use of marijuana causes, "insanity, psychosis and excessive! sexual activity." Oteri, however. Woodrow Wilson Fund To Cut Back Program Brazer claimed is a reasonable SGCe Ses Open Panel On Media assumption in view of recent economic --trends, revenue yield should be $406 million for this fiscal year, compared to a revenue yield of $320 million using the 1965 figures. The $406 million revenue sur- plus figure is a conservative esti- mate, he said. The predictions are based on only a 53 per cent re- alization of tax revenues due to, the new tax plan's institution in October (shortening its applica- bility to two-thirds of the fiscal I ear). and expected administrative . -Daily-Robert Sheffield 'PASTORAL' BURSLEY HALL Bursley Res idents Happy in 'Solitude' By ALISON SYMROSKI able to "get away from it; North Campus Bureau William Jestat, '71, ex -Daiiy-Michael Feiberg THE TROUBLEMAKERS Police Seize Youth In 'U' Ticket Forgery pointed out that Chombre's study all." was done by someone else while xplained Chombre was out of India and! at a time when there were no1 By URBAN LEHNER Sye ,vne Counci == a' Bursley Hall is a study of subur- tnere are less distractions If p a or phar By JOEL B Student Government Council difficulties in collecting revenues, ban luxury and paper plates. The you want to study, you can since professional psychiatrists or phar- By JOEL BLOCK voted last night not to send a he added. scenic, green-wood beauty of there isn't something going on The Ann Arbor police yesterday I representative to the Senate Ad- If these difficulties do not mate- lawns and peaceful quiet all the time. The trail will end Monday with took into custody an Ann Arbor visory Committee on University rialize, and the possibility clearly is marred on ao ueack , sa y d the tiyn defense and prosecution summa- Afai' Commtte isComu marred onyby th lack of Many cited the seryas one High School youth who is believed AfaisCmiteo omn-!exists that Michigan will be able ony teofsee' tions. cations Media unless it agrees to t l than 80 pe ce grass on some of the "lawns" and of Bursley's greatest assets - as T a number of al to have forged over 125 University hold open meetings. o the te thn th ur the clank of construction inter- Coleen O'Connor, '71, explained ternativess including invalidating of Michigan football tickets. hd pnmeng.of the taxes owned, then the sur- rupting the country quiet. it, "I just like trees." naismudginadtng Police Chief Walter Krasny has SGC also passed unanimously a= plus may rise as high as $65 or rtighecuryqeti,"Ijslkere." certain sections of Massachusetts'PlcCheWatrKsnhs The two women's houses and Another advantage of Bursley laic stte that p sons requested that the suspect be resolution to support the North- $70 million, Brazer said. four men's houses so far com- mentioned by many of the stu- room with marijuana are subject brought before a juvenile court for wood Terrace Association's ef- Levin hopes that immediate pub- pleted display all the bright, dents is its general atmosphere to imprisonment even if that per- a hearing where he will be charged. forts to obtain "an equitable leas- lic reactions, particularly by the never-been-touched newness that of newness: bright, clean, rooms, son has no knowledge of the drug. I The youth is a part-time work- ing arrangement." New Detroit Committee, chaired manages to compensate for con- and the freedom from entangling The controversial "knowledge of er for a local printing company The effect of the action is to by Joseph L. Hudson, Jr., will force taining just one completed laun- restrictions and regulations hang- possession" clause could also be which prints all of Michigan's rescind a motion passed by SGC (Romney to request additional ap- dry room for the entire unit. ing on from previous years. Bar- made void, which would not make football tickets. last week appointing Council propriations in such critical areas Only the promise of a 1000- bara Besuner, '70, liked the it a crime for a person not to re- "While working at the job, he member Judy Greenberg, '68, as as aid to urban school districts; book, 500-record library, a rec- "freer, less formal atmosphere of Iveal the whereabouts of marijuana must have stolen some of the SGC's representative on the com- aid to local police and fire depart- reatton room of ping-pong and Bursley." if he were not directly involved extra tickets they run off there," mittee. ments; water pollution legislation pool tables, and a snackbar in See PAPER, Page 2 in its sale or use. Chief Krasny said. The SACUA committee is ex- and enforcement. the Bursley Commons makes up : - The printers make several over- pected to close its meetings be- for the frustration of cutting ' run tickets for each section in the cause of its feeling that many of meat on a paper dish due to the . e stadium in case, any of the orig- the administrators and media su- fact that the dish-washing con- Lid T inals don't print out correctly. pervisors the committee will in- veyors have not yet arrived. These extras have section numbers terview would not divulge the How do the approximately 570 to i printed on them but no specific kind of information the commit- freshmen, 120 transfer students, Io V st C Lutler, F'IU KI1i1 seat designation. tee needs at open meetings. and 120 returning upperclassmen "He also allegedly stole a cir- Graduate Assembly's Adminis like living in their suburban James H. Robertson, director of - the committee "took no formal ac- 1 cular dye marker which he used trative Vice-President Al Klov- community? the Residential College, said yes- Lion, but the committee was in to fill in the missing seat and row dahl, Grad, would then remain Given their choice, the ma- terday that the literary college sympathy with the request." Cut- numbers.' as the only student on the com- jority of students surveyed by executive committee. has discussed ter had no comment on the action. The case was brought to the mittee which includes four fac- The Daily said they would rather the Residential College's bid to The five-page written explana- attention of the police by Don ulty members. - live at Bursley than on central abolish women's hours. The Res- Lion of why the Residential College Weir, Michigan ticket manager, . campus. idential College will now take the should eliminate women's hours "We received several calls on The panel was established by LaVerne Scurlock, '71, expres- request to Vice-President for Stu- has been presented to the various tho csiert "wether eistingri * sed a wide-spread view when she dent Affairs Richard L. Cutler, groups. Robertson and the coin- to consider whether existing said' that she preferred Bursley and John C. Feldkamp, director of iittee on curfews will now take U .T A ir F o relationships between commuc - because "it is a way of getting University housing, "with the full the matter to Cutler for his con- . . " tions media and the Utversity away from the swapped feeling of encouragement" of the executive sideration. are acceptable and whether ex- the multiversity." Students liked committee. Students at the college voted tiig governing organizations are being able to leave the hurry and Associate Dean of the literary early this month to abolisheiWcraIiesea appropriate or can be improved. PROF. HARVEY BRAZER crowds of central campus; to be z ollege, William Hayes, said that Iwomen's hours. A committee then - -- -- - - - - - - - - drew up the rationale which was presented to the pro-temp govern- By MIKE ANDERSON C ment of the college, a temporary colegiate Press Service government selected by lot pend- MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.-The Air ing the establishment of a per- Force has cancelled a research manent government. , project at the University of Min- Women at the college complain nesota which was so secret that of the restrictions on movement the university's newly selected within East Quad dorm, a pre- president didn't even know what By KATHY MORGAN board," explained IHA Executive social programs or dorm house Braun, a member of the con- dominantly all-men dormitory af- id o.w The Board of Governors of Uni- Vice-President Don Racheter, '69. election procedures." imittee that wrote the report said, ter hours. The college has stated versity residence halls postponed "The Regents have given power Racheter also suggested chan- "In the Reed Report that we fin- that women's hours are in "con- When the president, Malcolm a decision to give'Inter-House As- over dormitory regulations to the ging IHA's relationship to the ished in 1962, we suggested a troi- tradiction to the academic en- pro- sembly the right to make ndi- :board. Going to the board is a board. Under its old constitution, ka of administration, faculty, and 'ironment" of the college. ject, he objected strongly, and said vidual conduct regulations for valid channel for achieving our IHA exists only by virtue of the students to make rules. The board he didn't want the university in- dorm residents last night. ends." board's recognition of IHA, but then became advisory. We only volved in secret government re- The meeting marked the first Regental Authority the proposed section of the re- reverted to policy making last search. time the board permitted dorm Authorization for the board to vised constitution advocates that year." A C But the Air Force said it can- representatives other than the two give IHA control over regulations the IHA president and executive "The board became policy- p celled renewal of the two-year 9 IHA voting members on the board comes from the Regents Bylaws. vice-president only have ex-of- making because so many people roposed Vised $200,000 contract because of "lack to attend its sessions. The Bylaws state that the board ficio seats on the boardd If the board decides to give can delegate its responsibility for wr eadn hti aede-o ud, o os betos th'd d g e rdelgatin oits oestyor Regents' Recognition sions on open-open policies," Hannah Arendt, German-born The lack of funds was supposedly IHA complete control aver dorm the regulation of dormitories to Racheter said the constitution Racheter explained. author and political scientist, will caused by the Vietnam 'war. The resienn ' co duc.n i wiltreuir theresdens th mseves the residents themsei.. .,,...+:+.+ ,......,... . .,,,...., __-L..-._,-.11 ------ alaiy h c rarn i taa The Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Foundation will drastically reduce its financial aid to graduate stu- dents interested in college teach- ing because of a $4.3 million-a- year slash in donations from the Ford Foundation, Wilson Founda- tion president Hugh Paylor an- nounced Wednesday. The Ford Foundation under- writes the Wilson Foundation pro- gram of $3,000 fellowships for graduate students in the human- ities and social sciences. A new $41.5 million Ford Foun- dation program for "reform" of doctoral education .in 10 graduate schools including the University's was . announced last April when the Ford Foundation told of its proposed cutbacks in Wilson Foun- dation aid. The Ford Foundation, which has given $27.5 million to the Wilson Foundation in the last five years, has said it will give only $2.4 mil- lion during the next. two years. In the past, the Ford Foundation has given $5.5 million a year. The cutback leaves the. Wilson program "semi-decimated," ac- cording to Paylor, who says the organization will award only 150 fellowships this year compared to. 945 last year. The Wilson Foundation will con- tinue to give 200 "dissertation" grants to students seeking to com- plete graduate school in four years. Students of the schools in the new Ford Foundation program will be ineligible for dissertation fellow- ships. The new Ford Foundation pro- gram will support students through four years of doctoral study and "apprentice teaching." A study made by the Ford Foundation showed doctoral candidates in the social sciences and humanities take too long to get their degrees, Other schools besides the Uni- versity involved in the Ford Foun- dation program are: the University of California at Berkeley, Chicago, Cornell, Harvard, Pennsylvania, Stanford, Princeton, Wisconsin and Yale. AL RACE W L Pet. GB Minnesota 91 69 .5687 - Detroit 89 69 .5632 1 Boston 90 70 .5625 1 Chicago 89 70 .5599 12 t Monday and Tuesday from some people who bought duplicate tickets and others who bought tickets for non-existent seats," said Weir. "The duplicates were made out for the regular $6 reserved seats in the two best sections, numbers 1 and 23," Weir added. Detective Sgt. Wilfred Lyons was placed on the case and he traced the bogus tickets back to the printing firm. "The youth produced 96 ticekts for future home games when he was brought in for questioning Krasny stated. The police also recovered 26 fake tickets from last week's Duke game. The suspect allegedly sold the Duke game tickets to fellow Ann Arbor High School students who in turn sold them. to unsuspecting customers outside 'the stadium just before the game. "Right now, we're still working on six or seven other non-college students who may have been in- volved," stated Chief Kransny. "It looks like the forger took about 30 tickets for each game but we still haven't recovered any for the Navy or MSU games." )rce Cancels Secret rebh at Minnesota U.S. Government Defense Contract Administrative Service have con- firmed the existance of the pro- ject but have no comment on spe- cifics: At a meeting on September 15, the university's board of regents voted unanimously over Moos' ob- jections to renew the classified psychological testing program for two years. The regents originally approved the secret contract at their Janu- ary 14, 1966, meeting without any publicity. The contract began in March of 1966. University Business Vice President Laurence Lunden is the highest university official who knows details of the secret con- tract, since Moos has not yet been cleared to handle secret informa- tion. He became university presi- His recommendation was ac- cepted without opposition,. except from Moos, a former speechwriter for President Eisenhower. Moos said he was "disturbed" -about secret work at universities and wanted "the minutes of this meet- ing to reflect my concern." Moos said, "basically, I am op- posed to such research because it tends to guide the direction of free inquiry" within the Academic com- munity and concerns an area in which "you know so little and have so little control." ' Moos agreed that the govern- ment has to conduct military re- search, but said it should be done in "thin tanks" or by private in- dustry. Moos said that he is "on the side of the angels" on the is- sue and that his position as pres- I