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Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 :::: '.:':: ,":::::::.:".:":::.'. :.:':. :.': :."::.^::.: ":. :::.'.: ::::.'::.t^.Y.':.^.'J:::.: . . ..{":'::":":?S:ti"::". : .....ti^:": {ti1 }:":":':'i"::':'."}:J " ::' "i"}:. J{, .L ":'i:':"i iV:':': «:.:,:':?:.:'::':.:^'"::':':":":: ": :' :: Lt ".'J ".Y.t^J:.'J.' ".^J "J': JJ J . A...JV: «':'«}:"« ' ti^:LL^:{ "1 .L.. ....... ........... ... .. .,...........:;::."."J::}.^:":^. «'!}:?::: "«:{MJ:.:':.'Jn".^. :J......}."::t.^t... . .,.i,."...A...}.1".... ....^}.1'.iV.M.:h Ot ?h ...... J.".TJ :.Ltiti"::,...«: Af...."L:tJ""J.Y:.ttlty{".'::...:.} .Y.",^::. .;:.'.Y"^.^::":: .^ ^:: Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID KNOKE I A Modest Proposal: Let Lyndon Lose in '68 THE MIND BOGGLED last week at the spectacle of pious George Romney bringing his "non-political" tent show to San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury, where the Michigan governor preached to the assembled multitudes on the glories of "Americanism" and the evils of intemper- ance. This surrealistic tableau depicted graph- ically the fundamental irrelevance of American two-party politics to a nation undergoing the spasms of acute foreign and domestic crisis. Yet despite its classic absurdity, mil- lions of dollars will be spent in the next 13 months by the two major parties and the three major networks to enable the American people. to participate in that querished quadrenniel rite of choosing the man most worthy of holding the high office of President of the United States. But the time for despair is not yet upon us. For in America there is an old 'political tradition that the good guy doesn't lose without a fight. Remember William Scranton? Last week two items moved across the news wire which indi- cated that the time for the futile good fight would soon be at hand: , A California poll of registered Dem- ocrats revealed that in a Democratic primary only 41 per cent would sup- port President Johnson, 38 per cent would support some sort of peace slate and 21 per cent were unde- cided. *. A group of Democrats, including some New York City Reform Demo- cratic leaders, intend to run an anti- war slate in district primaries for delegates to next year's Democratic National Convention. THESE EFFORTS of distraught doves to work within the Democratic Party to deny renomination to President Johnson are only of value if the participants real- ize fully the practical limitations and implications of their actions. They must not play political Pollyan- nas and believe that any outpouring of disturbed Democrats will deny Lyndon Johnson renomination. Even if the anti- war forces win primary victories in New York, California and a few other sym- pathetic areas, the 1968 Democratic. Con- vention will still be primarily the home of the pragmatist and not the ideologue. Practical politics dictate that it is sui- cidal for a party to disown its incumbent President, and few leaders will risk an updated Democratic version of the Gold- water debacle. The undoubted failure of these efforts to accomplish their goal does not indi- cate futility. For an anti-Johnson cam- paign will serve an important educational purpose in preparing many average vot- er for future organizing efforts by more radical anti-war forces. A platform fight over Vietnam at the Democratic Con- vention before a national television au- dpnce will reach millions of Americans BACK IN THE old days anyone could understand a student power-administration clash. For example, if the students didn't like the Ann Arbor police photo- graphing activities at rallies they would sit-in. The irate administration would ban sit-ins and the angry stu- dents would defy the ban by sitting in at the adminis- tration building. But this year the way to handle the problem appears to be writing friendly letters. When SGC decides to rewrite the old administration rules for student conduct, Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard Cutler wrote to praise the group's "worthwhile interest . . . (in) de- veloping a workable system of student self-government." If this approach continues, subsequent letters between SGC President Bruce Kahn and Vice-President Cutler will probably go something like this: DEAR BRUCE, Thanks for your letter of Sept. 26. I agree with you that I did obscure the question of whether "students alone are interested in and affected by standards cf individual conduct established and maintained in the University." I thought I did a pretty clever job and to be frank about it, that's why I'm a high paid executive and you're not. Frankly I hope you'll stir up as much trouble as possible with the new regulations. I enjoy getting my who have never heard of Vietnam Sum- mer or the teach-in. FROM THE RADICAL perspective an anti-Johnson crusade is merely an ex- hausting game of "lesser evilism." And in terms of eliminating the violence, the misery, the repression, the extravagance and the waste which run rampant through American society they are right. But the hostility of the radicals should not mask the short-term and limited ad- vantages of defeating Lyndon Johnson next year. If the anti-Johnson campaignawithin the Democratic Party is to have any po- litical meaning, the foes of the President must be prepared to desert the Demo- cratic Party when he is nominated. Fail- ure to bolt the ticket at this critical juncture will condemn the party's left wing to be continually ignored. ANY REPUBLICAN, including the prob- able nominees, Nixon or Reagan, is preferable to Johnson in the White House. A Republican President would free the left wing of the Dmocratic Party from their support of what now is a bipartisan policy of escalation in Vietnam. In addition, most observers would agree that anyone, even George Wallace, would be able to be more flexible than Presi- dent Johnson in negotiating in Vietnam A Republican President would be han- dicapped by the fact that he will have a Democratic Senate and very likely a Democratic House. Such a deadlock of democracy would have an important ef- fect on the power and recklessness of a Republican President. A return to the "do-nothing" impot- ence of the Eisenhower administration would be a welcome change from the reckless and unchecked malevolence of Lyndon Baines Johnson, for contempor- ary American foreign policy is designed to destroy rather than create. FEW VOICES, other than the New Re- public's TRB, still believe that the de- feat of Lyndon Johnson will destroy the splendid domestic achievements of the Great Society. For what this summer's outbreak of riots and rebellions indicat- ed was that even where adequately fund- ed, LBJ's great humanitarian measures have accomplished little Rather than supporting a Republican, these dissident Democrats should carry their protest and educational effort into the general election through some kind of third party effort. It is bitterly tragic that the only com- fort to be found in presidential politics will be a futile attempt by dedicated doves to salve their liberal consciences by deserting the Johnsonian coalition.I But in an America closer to Dante's In- ferno than Rebecca's Sunnybrook Farm, one must take solace even in such token victories as the defeat of Lyndon John- son. -WALTER SHAPIRO picture in The Daily and can always use some of that overtime pay. By the way, I agree with your argument about let- ting 21-year-olds drink in the dorms. I always used to keep a bottle in the room. I think kids should. It will break the tension during an all-nighter. When you get a chance stop by the office for a chat, And don't forget to remind Marty Lieberman he's free to use my Volkswagen whenever he needs it. Best Regards, Dick DEAR DICK: Thanks for your letter. As things stand now we're planning to stage our test case in South Quad on Oct. 13. About 185 freshman girls are going to come in after curfew. When the housemother attempts to issue late minutes, they'll start screaming, which will touch off a spontaneous demonstration. The next day we're going to bring 5,000 over to sit-in at the administration build- ing, plus another 50 in your office. (Please don't forget to leave your door unlocked this time). Try to figure out a way to have President Hatcher in town for this one. It'll probably be the last sit-in before he retires and we wouldn't want him to miss it for anything. Incidentally, I'm enclosing a little gift for you from and Bruce SGC. It's a VISA card which is ood for discount on all kinds of stuff-including pizzas, clothing, and gas Your friend, Bruce P.S. Marty said he'd be by for the VW about 3 p.n Wednesday. Please don't leave him an empty tank this time-or at least leave your Gulf credit card in the glove department. DEAR BRUCE, Just a note to tell you that the demonstration was the best I've ever seen here. Eric Chester and the fine Voice crew did a first rate organizational job. Harlan Hatcher still can't locate his teapot, Mike Raddock is lost without his mimeograph machine, and Bill Pierpont is still hunting for his checkbook. Robben Fleming was last seen driving with his family and towing a big trailer into Minneapolis, mumbling something about "taking that University of Minnesota job after all." I talked to Judge Breakey today and he says he'll consider your request for reducing bail for all 800 kids to $2,000 apiece. We should be able to have them all released in time for the Ohio State game. Yours Dick I A' Letters: The Unjust Side of MSU's Tuition Plan To the Editor: THERE ARE many different things of value one can buy ranging from a three piece suit to a college education. In our society two individuals, regardless of their means, pay the same price. Is this unfair? Dan Share seems to feel this is the case in an editorial of Sept. 24 expressing support for the new MSU graduated tuition plan. His supporting view ignores the nu- merous scholarship programs, in- terest-free or low cost student loans, employment opportunities, or any other means by which a student can obtain a degree if he is determined to do so. He also fails to note the exist- y h- s.f7V Y' } jV ~ *WEEt-H UETO }1ivR '\ ence of graduated federal and, in many instances, state income tax plans, social security, and many other income redistribution pro- grams, all of which tax the suc- cessful most heavily. IN A state-supported school such a plan is especially inde- fensible. Much of the money raised through the new Michigan income tax is spent for education and yet the prosperous, after be- ing taxed on a graduated basis, are then asked to pay more if their children wish to go to MSU. Surely the answer to what is admittedly a problem lies in broadening the type of support previously mentioned-not to in- troduce an essentially discrimina- tory levy. -Ron Lichty Bus. Ad. Grad Lucid To the Editor: WOULD LIKE to take this op- portunity to express our appre- ciation for the highly professional and clear representation of the facts during the recent very seri- ous labor dispute that existed at the University of Michigan. The editors and staff of The Daily are to be congratulated for their superb articles and lucid edi- torials. It is clear that the highly pro- fessional repertorial work done by The Daily staff was instrumental in bringing about a happy solution to a very serious problem. -Jerry Kendziorski International Representative Michigan State Employes Union Sound Idea To the Editor: SITTING in the 10th row somewhere in the endzone at Saturday's game, we could no more see whether or not Michigan had scored a touchdown at the other end of the field than we could see the pained look on Duffy's face in East Lansing. Therefore, we suggest in an old Ivy League tradition that the cheerleaders get a small cannon that shoots blanks or some other noisemaker that they could shoot whenever the "Blue" scores, --Hobey Birmingham 170L -Paul Remus '70L II ,tI44 I I "Watch out for booby traps . . . !" A Revolutionary in the Revolution I By DAVID KNOKE TODAY A YOUNG French man with blond viva zapata mus- taches languishes in a Bolivian jail, accused of illegal entry, con- spiring to overthrow the govern- ment and attacking the armed forces. Regis Debray, 26-years-old, en- fant terrible of the French intel- lectual left, stands accused of aiding guerillas, attempting to overthrow the military regime of Gen. Rene Barrientos. Philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre says the real reason for the arrest was "for having written a book." Debray was arrested with two other journalists in the mountain town of Muyumpampa on April 20. Debray claimed he had come from territory controlled by the tiny (60-200) insurgent bands, to find medical supplies, and that he was employed by a Mexican newspaper to interview the guerrillas. An Argentine photographer ar- rested with him, and later re- leased, claimed they had talked to the elusive Ernesto (Che) Gue- vara, an event Debray denies but cause enough for the Bolivian army to keep him under close guard. THE DEBRAY INCIDENT has caused international u p r o a r; French President de Gaulle, the Pope and many intellectuals have pleaded with Barrientos for leni- ency toward Debray. "Debay is an adventurer," snorted Barrientos, The Rent Strike Is Betrayed THE MOST RECENT example of stu- dents trying to defend their collective interest was the rent strike begun late this summer by married students in Uni- versity housing. But the strike's goals were betrayed Monday night by a group, elected from Northwood and University Terrace, which officially ended the rent boycott that had been the very cause of the organization's creation. The cessation of the boycott itself did not constitute betrayal. Rather, it was the elected members and their tone in dis- cussing the important housing issues which proved so contrary to the strike. One member pointed out the futility of the strike and warned the rest of the committee that any action the group would take in the future against alleged University injustices would result in a similar fashion. Few of the members had even the vaguest 'idea why they were elected or what function they were to perform. When the question of where to hold meetings was raised, the first response John Feldkamp, director of University housing, would be busy at Ann Arbor City Council meetings. This illustrates the extent to which the new group plans to cater to the whims of the administra- tion, rather than act independently. Only two of the members expressed support for the strike or even the aims of the strikers. In fact, one of the strike leaders and a wife of another of the strikers were both beaten in the elec- tion. Of those elected, none made sup- port of the strike a plank in his election campaigns. The election itself illustrates the de- gree to which the idea of a rent strike has degenerated since late August. A mere 25 per cent of the residents bother- ed to cast their ballots, and of these, the prevailing opinion seems indifferent to the strike. IT WAS DIFFICULT to reconcile the tone of the conversation with the fact that the committee itself was an out- growth of an action of civil disobedience. "and it is in Bolivia that his ad- ventures will stop." Barrientos and the shaky mili- tary junta, however, fear not so much the physical danger of the slender Frenchman as the power of the "book" he has written. "Revolution in the Revolution?" (Monthly Review Press, N.Y.) is an essay that modifies classical Marxist confrontation with capi- talist governments to the special situations in Latin America. Debray holds a professorship of philosophy at the University of Havana and is a close friend of Fidel Castro. His analysis of social revolution in emerging nations places major importance on "building up through guerilla war- fare . . . a mobile strategic force, a nucleus of a people, army and a future socialist state." Departing from the Russian and Chinese models in which establish- ed, hierarchical' party structures directed the insurgent forces, De- bray argues that "the guerilla force is the party in embryo . . . The people's army is its own polit- ical authority. The guerillas play both roles, indivisibly." A MEETING OF THE Latin American Organization of Soli- darity (OLAS) in Havana in July became the sounding board for this new theory when Castro urged the fomenting of revolution in the Westernhemisphere from Argen- tina 'to the black ghettoes of the United States. Barrientos has charged Cuban cadres with provoking the insur- rection that ties down his small army and drains his meager re- sources; but Debray has become a ban insurrection that will give the coup de grace to the regime. Observers of the OLAS meeting were aware of the Soviet Union's diminishing influence in per- suading the Latin revolutionaries to seek power by less violent means. In the eight years since the victory of the Cuban revolu- tion, Castro has radically departed from the European model of Com- munism to become a major third force in the increasingly-policen- tric Communist world. As Georgie Anne Geyer of the Chicago Daily News reports: "It is impossible to overestimate the importance of the Debray philosophy, because it is actually the Castro philosophy codified and creeditified. What this means is that Castro's revolutionaries will probably make an attempt to take over, and his revolutionaries are such groups as the Guatemalan guerillas (where the guerilla types recently took over the party, a la Debray, putting all power in the guerilla movement) and their Venezuelan, Colombian and Boli- vian counterparts." BARRIENTOS IS BESET by striking tin miners and demon- strating students in addition to the growing guerilla movement. The United States already supplies na- palm and advisors to the Bolivian government. The question is not if, but when, will Latin American become an- other Vietnam? I I tv Z:-: :-:+: ri ... ...........:..:.......... ...:.. .,...: i s:i 3 RENEW