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August 29, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-08-29

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:Y L

Sir iAan



Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom





A Legacy of Laissez- a ire'

Harlan H. Hatcher ill end h many ways, some obvious, some
15-year term as University Presi- subtle.
dent. in December. This article is
an analysis of his presidency writ- President Hatcher's administra-
ten by Leonard Pratt, Daily Asso- tion has a mixed record to show
ciate Managing Editor, 1966-67. for these struggles, which is cer-
tainly more than many presidents
A mn e r i c a n universities have across the nation can claim. Yet
changed more during the last 15 in many areas in which the ad-
years-during the term of office ministration has succeeded it has
of President Harlan Hatcher- done so almost in spite of itself?
than during any other period in and seldom through its own
their history. efforts.
A mushrooming research estab- President Hatcher has run a
lishment, soaring enrollments 'and caretaker government when the
campuses increasingly divided in- times demanded innovation.
to segments unaware of one an- While the University has tre-
other's existence have set the beled in size - and certainly at
stage for the certain and dra- least trebeled in complexity-its
matic educational changes to fol- administration has r e m a i n e d
low in the next two decades. stagnant, that of the immediate
U n i v e r s i t y administrations post-war university in which
throughout the nation were pulled Harlan Hatcher gained his ad-
in many directions by these ministrative experience.
changes for which few of them This was an experience of -ad-
were ready. Many could not stand ministrative "laissez - faire" in
the pressure and their colleges are which college deans and depart-
now showing signs of wear in ment chairmen - later, research

officials-were left to run their nances should best be placed to
respective shows with only mini- shore up sagging programs or be-k
mal budgetary coordination from gin promising new ventures.
central university officers. The President's own reluctance
It is this attitude more than to ask the vital questions which
anything else which has left the growth problems imply, and the
University its legacy from the recurrent attempts by his vice-
Hatcher years. In many ways it presidents to enhance their own
is a good legacy. administrative empires, have only
Colleges and departments whose made things that much worse.

executives and professors were
ready for the challenges of the
knowledge explosion - law and1
medicine, for example - have
come through the past decade-
and-a-half well. Others - many.
languages and humanities - have]
had heavy going.
Even the segments of the Uni-
versity which have done well in
this period, however, have grown
haphazardly and in absolutely no
relation to one another. There1
has been no rational central:
guidance to decide, for example,
where additional University fi-]

Periodic faculty revolts have
arisen over this issue, and severalI
brilliant administrators have left
the University because of it.
President Hatcher's impact on
the campus' academic atmospherej
has been similarly motivated ahd
similarly mixed.
On the one hand, except for
a b s u r d dormitory regulations
which passed on in the early
1960's, this administration has

academic areas and, compared to
many other universities, is often
listened to whenever it rouses it-
self out of its general lethargy
toward the University as an in-
But on the other, the adminis-
tration has never considered itself
as a defender of students' and
professors' rights when those,
rights are challenged, be it by
the House Un-American Activitiesf
Committee or the Ann Arbor po-
lice. President Hatcher, for ex-k
ample, fired two professors who
refused to testify before HUAC
in 1954.
The only area in which
President Hatcher's record is en-
tirely negative is that of state
relations. The President is any-
thing but a politician and hasI

hardly top priority in the Legis-
lature around budget time and the
yearly increases which have been
forthcoming have often been
taken up by more rapidly-expand-
ing state colleges with cheaper
programs than the University's.
The President's natural reserve
has hardly helped this steadily-
deteriorating situation nor has it
made the University any friends
in Lansing during a period in
which they could have been very
helpful indeed.
President Hatcher's administra -
tion has thus been a loose one,
but the freedom it has given the
campus has. been costly.I
The University is an adminis-
trative hodgepodge. Some pro-
grams have more money thanj
they need while others go beg-
ging. Graduate and undergradu-
ate programs coexist uneasily on
inadequate budgets. Library main-
tainence suffers and faculty sal-

aries fall. The only attempt in the
last 10 years to solve the prob-
leis of University growth is a
residential college that is dying
on the vine for lack of financial
Essentially the University has
become a corporate institution
without a corporate philosophy of
administration. It is immense, dli-
verse and powerful but has had
no one to guide it. And in a sense,
perhaps that- is as it should be,
for a guided university may well
be a contradiction in terms.
In any case it seems likely that
the University will not long exist
in this state. Its President-elect,
Wisconsin's Robben Fleming is
one of the new breed of col-
lege administrators, organization-
minded and determined. It is cer-
tain that he will spend much of
his future time fighting the
legacy of the Hatcher years, and
to what effect no one knows.

been generally careful about in- been described by close 'associates
fringing upon student and faculty as a man who would rather paper
rights. The University's faculty over a conflict than resolve it. C
has an extensive say about their Education budget increases are


Regents I
Pos one






8 ' '






State Appropriation Falls
Short of Needed Revenue

Associate Managing Editor
An appropriation of $59,160,-
998 for the University for fiscal
16,74_63 was approved - by both
houses of the state Legislature
July 12. The figure represents the
lowest percentage increase over
last year's appropriations given to
any other state-supported school.
It is only $1 million more than
last year's $58.1 million and falls
$3.1 million short of the amount

recommended by Gov. George The state appropriation was de-
Romney. termined by first deciding on the
The appropriation also leaves minimum budget on which the
a $4.7 million deficit when added University could operate. Antici-
to all other revenues from the pated income from sources other
$83.2 million necessary to con- than state funds, mostly student
tinue existing University programs fees, was then subtracted from
at their present levels, according that amount to arrive at the
to statistics filed with the orig- state appropriation figure.
inal budget request last Spring. The Legislature used current
The bill indicates the deficit in-state fees to determine the
should be made up with an in- revenue from in-state tuition, but
crease in out-of-state tuition rates used $1650 for out-of-state tuition
of about $650. instead of the current $1000 per
- year.

Seek More Data,
Additional Study
Regeni s Remain at Presidethial Call;
Date of Future Meeting U t rai
The University Board of Regents, in a special meeting
July 15, delayed action on the University budget and the level
of expected tuition hikes pending further investigation of
revenue sources for the coming year.
The Regents indicated an "adjustment of the student fee
schedules" was likely and authorized continuation of opera-
tions and payrolls at existing levels for the rest of July.
The Board added that the tuition increases must be
carefully considered so to "make sure that no University stu-
dent will be prevented from
continuing his education be- a
cause of insufficient financial e
The Regents' actions were ex- Go U
pected, since earlier in the week
Executive Vice-President Marvin f
L. Niehuss had confirmed thatll e
there woud be a tuitionincrease a je
for the fall semester. He did not
speculate on the size of the hike. By DANIEL OKRENT
However, Vice-President for An increase in r id nt h ll


Current Draft Law
Retained Until 1971

The appropriation is $16.3 mil-
ion short of the University's orig- >^x
inal request, which was intended -
to cover commitments for faculty-
and non-academic staff salary
increases, new laboratory equip- PRESIDENT-DESIGNATE ROBBEN FLEMING, o n the left, discusses the University's pressing fi-
men brar. anancial problems with Regents Gertrude Heubne r and William Cudlip at their July 15 meeting.
The proportion of the burden
for providing the additional NUMEROUS VARIABLES:
revenue needed by the Univer-

Under the provision of the new
draft law, all male, undergradu-
ate students satisfactorily pursu-
ing full-time studies cannot now
be inducted until they reach the
age' of 24, unless the President
finds that the needs of the armed
forces require the termination or
substantial restriction of such de-
ferments. rthe act extends the
Selective Service system until
The new law was passed in the
Senate by a vote of 72 to 23,
and in the House by 377 to 29.
It specifically prohibits the John-

privileged - has no protection
from exposure to the draft."
President Johnson, however, has
authority to defer vocational
school students and apprentices.
Kennedy also objected that
there is no ban on racial dis-
crimination in appointments to
local draft boards.E
Managers of the bill said the
ban on drafting men by lottery
was included in the measure be-
cause the administration had not
yet agreed onddetails. They said
Congress would promptly consider
authorizing a lottery when the
administration submitted a spec-

sity that falls on in-state and out-
of -state students is up to the Re-
gents. Executive Vice President
Marvin Niehuss explained that
although the Legislature recom-
mends a large non-resident fee
increase, "they can't tell us how
to charge to raise the money we
The higher education appro-
priations bill approved by the
House and Senate was worked
out in a special conference com-
mittee. The figures are very close
+n r io A itlIOO1.r'.r..r2 hK


Funds, Projectei

ci ?1TArh~~d1b



son - proposed lottery system, lfIpln the Senate before the passage of
FAIR, (fair and impartial ran--b
dom system. Present policy is to take the an income tax package which will
President Johnson had also oldest first, starting with 25 year raise about $180 million in new
suggested that the federal govern- olds and working downward. Un- revenues this year. The appro-
ment recommend mandatory der the new law 19 year olds will priation bill dulled a trend of
standards for the local draft be drafted first along with others yearly increases and allocated the
boards, effectively cancelling any as their deferments expire. How- smallest percentage increase for
local discretionary power. This everthe President has.rfull the University since 1958, the
was lsoprohbitd bythenewauthority to reverse the age prior- year of a deficit budget in the
law. It specifically bars the a- i ties. state.
doption of any national test to
determine exemptions in a wide ' " "
range of professions.
deemn xmtosi ieContreioie-ups Dely
Under the law that expired
June 30, individual draft boards o
colh thedir own ge disetion otupletion of BurSley Hall
whether to defer college students;
under the new law it is manda-
tory. However, discretionary au- By JOHN GRAY and dining and recreational fa-
thority to draft graduate students cilities for 2000. These facilities
is continued. According to the 900 students will be housed will be available for the use of
New York Times, President John- beginning this August in Bursley residents of the Vera Baits Hous-
son plans to limit graduate de- Hall, the University's new North ' ing complex, located adjacent to
ferments in the future to those . Campus addition to the dormitory Bursley.
studying medicine or dentistry system. Although the complex will Residents of Vera Baits, which
The new law further requires house 1180 students when it is has no dining facilities of its own,
that a claim for deferment o completed, delays in construction will be offereti selective meal con-
grounds of being a conscientious will force nearly 300 male stu- tracts at Bursley. They will be
objector be based on religious dents originally assigned to Burs- able to buy contracts for dinner,
grounds. ,This is in contradiction t be ae lunchbreakfast and dinner:
to a recent Sup:reme Court de- comnverted double rooms in one of 'lunch and dinner; or all three.

By WALLACE IMMEN with all other requirements set
Ay e t e by the state, working closely with
Any attempt to list the the controller's office in deter-
building plans of the University mining estimated costs, it must
in detail would be obsolete beforecontinueetimadcotsaitnmyst
it was printed. Not because the ntin anit s a y
administration doesn't know whatw Another financial threat has ai-
lis needed, but because the Univer- ways been low funds in the state
1 sity has not committed itself to a treasury and University requests
any rigid schedule for adding new have always received drastic
} facilities, explains John McKevitt, slashes. This year's cut of a $24.1
assistant to the vice president and jmillion request to $9.3 million al-
chief financial officer. location is actually considered a
Planners Yhave to be concerned
with long-range needs because so
many variables are subject co~
change before ground is broken
for any building, he adds. But firm
commitments must eventually beV
made and the University has ar- I
ranged its plans into priority lists.r
The most important factor gov-
erning speed of expansion, of .
course, is money, most of which
must be received from state capital
outlay appropriations. The Ui-
versity submits its priority list to
the state legislature every year, .
but funds have recently been hed
up by legislative actions.
One of the stumbling blocks has:
been Public Act 124, a law which
requires that the State Controller's
Office act as the contracting agent
for all state-supported ir ojects.
Because this provision reioves he
decision-making authority from

-- / Academic Affairs Allan F. Smith fees for University housing, pre-
told WXYZ-TV in Detroit that the cipitated by a general cost in-
University might raise tuition as crease has been recommended to
mnuch as $300 In some schools the University Board of Regents
iiin io nat the end of August. Smith said John Feldkarnp.
for th aemic AgyearbeinnngbyDirector of University Housing
that the budge cut by the Legs
tattebeft cualtbyathvebuLegis- The current "average" fee paid
success when compared to some lature left 'no alternative but by dormitory residents, about $950
succss hencompredto omeraise tuition sharply."
past allocations.s t per year, will be increased by ap-
Fund Shortages University President H a r 1 a n proximately $50, pending the Re-
This year, the fund shortage be- Hatcher requested the moves after gents' approval, Feldkamp ex-
came so acute that Gov. George a brief review of the University's plained.
Romney had even asked that allfinancial situation with regard to The Regents' decision is expect-
new construction be halted as an the $59.1 million state appropria- ed at the same time as their dis-
austerity measure. Fortunately, tion approved i Lansing. The ap- closure of tuition increases for the
this problem was solved with the propriation leaves a deficit of $4.7 coming academic year.
approval of a state income tax. million from a minimum Univer- All housing units except Vera
Supplements to state monies are lity operating budget of $3.2 mil Baits Housing on North Campus
See ONGRANG Pae 8 lion which includes student fees are expected to be included in
See LONG-RANGE, Page 8 and a small amount of other reve- ae epte tbku.
noes.the rate hike.
IThe Legislature believed the' Discontinue Maid Service
University could make up the dif- Also included in dormitory
ference by increasing out-of-state economy measures will be the
tuiti. discontinuation of maid service
ion.to student rooms. Feldkamp said
Vice-President and Chief Finan- that this will represent a $10-$12
cial Officer Wilbur K. Pierpont la-
ter clarified the Regents' action yearly sam g ped ege labor
Feikap itd :: h lbo
by. saying that "payrolls for Julycotashehifrsnfrte
will be at the higher rates estab-cotashehifrsnfote
lished for the fiscal year 1967-68 fee increacs, In order for the
for all members of the faculty and University to remain on a com-
staf mbfhepetitive basis with local business-
es, an across-the-board increase
"Because of the problems creat- for clerical, labor and service em-
ed by this gap, a bit more work ployes is being implemented. eld-
will have to be done," Hatcher I ikamp said that this would mean
told the Regents. The Board is anhrai sould5en
presently on call by the President. student help in the residence
They will meet when "enough halts, elpninthewgesiee
data" is available in order to de- $1 ls bringing the wage level to
termine the exact amount of ad- . perr.
justment in student fees and final Married-Stud ent tt ousoinrg
passage of the University's oper- in addition to fee increases for
.1tng budget for the coming fiscaldomtreaen iceses
vea~rexpected in University married-



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