......... ... ........ Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ROGER RAPOPORT: Rushing Roulette -mmmmmMMkPL :.. Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 .::.. . .. ....**.. ** ..* ..:. t4":i t :t :..t N t::;. .. .1... .. . .. .. :.. ::. Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: PAT O'DONOHUE MSU's Tuition Plan: Graduating Into Justice THE PHILOSOPHY behind Michigan State University's new graduated tui- tion plan shows a good deal of foresight and sensitivity to the needs of a college oriented society. The plan both recog- nizes the need for and provides a means of financial assistance to families put- ting students through college. If properly handled, a graduated tuition plan could provide much needed financial aid to families with more than one child in college, divorcees putting their children through school without support from their ex-husbands and students working their own way through school. It is important to recognize that a col- lege education must be made available to as many people as possible in a so- ciety where technological knowledge is becoming increasingly more important. This recognition must take the form of both increased space and increased fi- nancial aid to those who need it. The Michigan State Trustees have shown that they recognize, and are will- ing to do something about this crying need. THE PLAN places tuition at $167, raised from last year's rate of $118. The plan has a provision that any student whose parents make less than $16,700 a year shall pay one per cent of the parents in- come provided that sum not be less than $118. The university assumes that the maximum rate is applicable unless the students apply for a discount to the new Fee Determination Office which comes under the direction of the Michigan State provost. It is most unfortunate that this par- ticular plan-the first in the nation-is a hastily conceived, inequitable one. The idea was first proposed at a trustee meeting July 21, 1967 and was given fin- al approval July 31. Needless to say, the plan contains a number of gross inequities. The basic difficulty arises from the fact that the rate of tuition is based on the father's income, regardless of extenuating cir- cumstances. The resulting injustices can be demonstrated in three main ways: O Families with equal incomes, but different numbers of children in college, pay the same tuition. That is, though real incomes may be substantially reduced by expenditures necessary to support several children, the trustees do not consider this important enough to act on. A A divorced woman putting her son through college without any support from her ex-husband still has his income used in fee determination. * A student who is putting himself through school has his tuition rate com- puted on the basis of his father's in- come, despite the fact that his parents are contributing nothing at all to finance his schooling. THOUGH THE TRUSTEES are working to correct these inequities, sources in MSU's new Fee Determination Office' in- dicate that no decisions made in the near future can be implemented this term, and perhaps not even next term. With the necessary administrative lag, and assuming that they could not have perfected such a controversial plan in 10 days, the trustees should not have imple- mented the plan as rapidly as they did. Nevertheless, the trustees are to be congratulated on instituting a worth- while idea. This type of plan soon may be in effect at universities all over the nation. It reaches to the heart of the financial difficulties now plaguing many students attending college. The intent of the plan is clearly demonstrated by a pro- vision earmarking any excesses in tui- tion receipts for the recruitment and counseling of disadvantaged students, a service sorely needed in campuses all over the country. The University community should keep a close eye on this plan. Its present short- comings are greatly overshadowed by the good it can bring the University, partic- ularly those students who are having a hard time remaining in school for finan- cial reasons. Justice in this area is al- ready long overdue. -DAN SHARE SIX FRATERNITY BROTHERS crowd around the table of a campus restaurant. A nervous rushee who has his heart set on getting into that house walks in and joins the somber looking group that includes a number of personal friends and one boy he doesn't know too well. "Bill," the fraternity rush chairman says, "We asked you to meet us here this afternoon because we felt you deserved more than a phone call. As you know, we have a one blackball system at our house. It has its weaknesses because it means one hardheaded guy can block all the rest of us from taking you into the house." Then one of Bill's closest personal friends who he's known since grade school interrupts tearfully, "Bill, I just don't understand how it could have happened. We've always been so close. I did everything I could." Then the unfamiliar face pipes up, "Bill I want you to know that I'm the guy. And I'm not sorry I did it. I felt I had to do it for my own conscience and the good of the fraternity." Then the rush chairman speaks again: "Bill, I just want you to know that when I called for support of your name in hash, I saw a sea of eager hands. It seemed as if everyone in the room was for you. The air was heated with emotion. After calling for blackballs I looked around the room and was amazed, for throughout the entire fraternity there wasn't a single hand." "Congratulations, we'd like to extend you a bid." Then the grim faces around the table turn to broad smiles as a horde of backslapping fraternity men rush out from an adjacent room in the restaurant to shower Bill with congratulations. THIS IS ONE common way that hundreds of men across campus have been invited to join the Greek way as over 1,300 underclassmen rushed fraternities during the past week. But few people outside the fraternity members themselves know what went into giving Bill his bid. The heart of the selection system is called "hash." And while the system varies from house to house, it's useful to understand how one leading fraternity does it. Basically hash is a system that lets 90 fraternity members pick 25 new brothers out of 200 rushees in a week. The members meet rushees during; 16 hours of open houses, smokers, dinners and other functions over a five day period. Fraternity members grade rushees after meet- ing them Sunday and Monday. The grades are then curved and the top 80 are kept, returning on specified nights until they are bid or dropped. The remainder are dropped and notified by telephone to "concentrate your rush efforts elsewhere." Fraternity members are allowed to appeal any of the dropped names for about a 24 hour period. If they can win enough support, the boy is brought back for reconsideration. THE HEART OF HASH begins on Tuesday night after "open rush" officially ends and the members crowd in to a recreation room where the names and faces of the remaining 80 are broughtrup fornconsideration. On that night only three rushees were selected for bids. But on Wednesday night 16 were designated for bids and about eight more were selected on Thursday and Friday nights. On an individual rushee, the chairman will ask how many members have met the rushee, how many support him, and how many oppose him. If the opposition clearly outnumbers the support, the rushee will be dropped. But if, for example, 16hmembers support a rushee and 7 oppose him, then the prospect will be actively hashed. First the opposition will explain why they feel obligated to blackball the candidate. Reasons vary wide- ly: the rushee is unable to get along with the members; he's too shy; he has nothing to contribute to the house; he won't contribute to fraternity affairs; he wants the fraternity for selfish reasons. To cut the tension-the hash is a dead serious af- fair-the blackballers will jokingly express their oppo- sition. For example, one member might cast a "spaceman ball" (of a kid who has his head in the clouds), a "Maury Wills ball" (for a rushee that is a slippery char- acter), a "vaseline ball" (for a rushee that appears greasy), an "ivory soap ball" (used by a baller who is 99 and 44/100ths per cent sure he doesn't want the rushee in the house). If the supporters are determined to get the rushee into the house, they wil get up one by one and make vigorous speeches for the rushee. A new vote is called after every other speech (sometimes after every speech) and frequently several of the blackballers will drop their opposition. This puts the pressure on the remaining two or three blackballers who must continue conspicuously raising their hands in opposition. "After a while you begin to wonder how you can block everyone else in the house from taking a guy in," explains one member who was under such pressure. Thus it is normally rare that one or two blackballers will be able to effectively prohibit a rushee with sub- stantial backing from getting into the house, as they will usually end up surrendering to house pressure. WHILE THE MEMBER MIGHT hash a controversial figure for two hours, they don't waste time with some rushees. Brothers of active members generally get in automatically while rushees with little support are drop- ped quickly. To expedite matters, members will sometimes "vote on guys they have never met." For example, on a given rushee there might be 21 guys who have met him, while 26 support him and one is against him. "A lot of times you'll back a guy you don't know because all the guys you respect are behind him," explains one member. Fraternity members agree there is a good deal of internal politicking during rush. For example, during an open house a member who is especially anxious for a favored rushee to get in might try to "keep him away from meeting guys in the house who might notlike him." But some members say they like rushees who take them on. "I met one guy who really pinned me back in a discussion, he knew a couple of facts I didn't" says one fraternity member. "He really impressed me, so I voted for him." And generally the members claim they are cautious about "picking guys who fit the stereotyped image of the fraternity. We're a little self-conscious about doing that." The members say they are generally trying to pick a cross-section of new members who all have something unique to offer the house. "But we take guys for all sorts of reason, and sometimes a guy might get dropped for the same reason another guy gets taken in. We don't want to bring in too many guys of the same mold." And other times members are selected for no par- ticular reason at all. "We just see a big lumbering guy who we figure we'd like to have around the house, so we take him." IT'S NO SECRET that some disenchanted fraternity members question the rush system. Some of them don't even bother to go to hash. Says one: "The whole idea of trying to pick a guy afer a few minues of small talk is ridiculous. The rush system is worthless. I. think they should abolish it and fraternities along with it." But the active members disagree. "Given the limit- ations we have to work with," says one leader, "I think the system is about as fair as can be." I I 4 I I A Path to Peace in a Far-Away Land The Che Hey' Kid Returns LET THE WORD go forth: Che Guevara is alive in Bolivia. At least that's what the captured docu- ments and pictures which Bolivia pre- sented to Friday's meeting of the Or- ganization of American States (OAS) purport to show. The revelation that the almost mythi- cal patron saint of the Cuban Revolu- tion has been "the head, heart and soul of the Bolivian guerrilla operation" will undoubtedly be the high point of the OAS Foreign Ministers Conference called to combat Cuban subversion in the Western Hemisphere. Cold warriors the hemisphere over will see in Guevara's alleged presence in the jungles of Bolivia proof positive that Ha- vana is the "head, heart and soul" of revolutionary activity all across Latin America. IN ADDITION to searching for relics of Che Guevara, the Bolivian military government is holding incommunicado Regis Debray, the young revolutionary theorist whose writings stress that only indigenous and self-sufficient guerrilla revolution is possible. Despite Jean Paul Sartre's contention that "Debray was arrested . . . for hav- ing written a book," the Bolivian authori-' ties and their Green Beret 'advisers" seem determined not to read it. Small wonder. For "outside agitator" theories are always so much more com- forting to dictators and their benefactors from the north than the harsh and brutal truth that the people will no longer tol- erate oppression and exploitation. Yet the failure to comprehend Debray coupled with the fierce belief in the de- moniacal prowess of Che Guevara, are crucial to understanding the rationale behind America's destructive, but im- potent, attempts at counter-revolution. OUR EVER-ESCALATING efforts to help despotic regimes suppress popular up- risings throughout the hemisphere should not be forgotten by those who regard the war in Vietnam as an aberration of an otherwise exemplary foreign policy. For unless the belief is destroyed that America must wage a holy war against all guerrilla revolutions, Vietnam will be only the first of a series of underde- veloped countries obliterated, but not conquered, by American bombs and na- palm. -WALTER SHAPIRO Au Truong Thanh, former finance and economic minister of South Vietnam, was kept from running for president in the South Viet- namese elections because he plan- ned to campaign on a peace plat- form. He has received several invi- tations to speak in the United States, but at present the Saigon government has refused to let him go. This article, written shortly be- fore the Vietnamese election, ex- plains how he believes peace can be brought to Vietnam. It was given exclusively to Collegiate Press Service by Tran Van Dinh, Viet- namese journalist and CPS colum- nist. By AU TRUONG THANH Collegiate Press Service V IETNAM is the typical example of a revolutionary war. The long duration of this war has en- abled us to see' the successive' steps of an evolution through the different phases of a development which had been conditioned by internal and external circum- stances. Up until now, all efforts made to end or escalate the war have proven ineffective. Violence, which is normal in a conventional war, has been used in vain. Pathetic appeals to stir up humanitarian feelings have been launched also in vain. Offers of assistance with the lure of material advantages also were not responded to as expected. All these attempts not only fail but also spread a climate of mis- trust, of discouragement, and of impotence in the face of the daily intensification of the war. Why so? Because of the lack of time for an analysis of the facts with due consideration to the genuine opinions of thehnationals of the country in which the war is being waged. It is now the right time to fill this gap and to find in a rational way an approach to the notion of peace within the context of a revolutionary war. FIRST OF ALL, let us analyze the factors which were at the start of a revolutionary war. The individual human being is at the hub of the revolutionary war and he has to be a native of the coun- try where -the revolutionary war is waged. At the beginning one must find all possible resources in order to influence him psychologically so that he will grab leaflets or weapons necessary to initiate the political and armed struggle. Propaganda tools used by human beings are but of minor impor- tance, for a man driven by a pow- erful motivation can achieve a lot with very crude equipment indeed. The elements of motivation which a man possesses to fight for a liberation war are numerous but they can be enumerated in the following order: the loss of national independence, dissatis- faction due to social injustice, bad living conditions. If these com- ponents do not really exist, they muet be fabricated as needed. GENERALLY speaking, it takes some time to start a revolutionary war because the simple and prim- itive peasantry can be politically transformed only under particu- lar circumstances and with time. In practice, the circumstances the most conducive to a rapid and violent explosion of a revolution- ary war can be found in the nega- tive attitude of the colonial pow- er which refuses to grant genuine independence to the colonized people, a fact that crystallizes all the will for liberation of the peo- ple. In the case of Vietnam, the me- chanism had been launched by the armed struggle to regain na- tional independence. Once the mechanism has been launched, the process of development of the liberation war went on a self-feed- ing system, because a war waged on a larger scale strengthens the factors found at the start of a revolutionary war. IN EFFECT, an ideological war with foreign intervention that follows the war for independence does worsen the thirst for national sovereignty. Also the war, in alienating the city folks from the farmers causes more social injustice, creating at the same time among city folks a widening gap between war prof- iteers and war sufferers and thus aggravates a dangerous social im- balance. Finally the war and the destruc- tion it entails, the exodus and the displacement of people it creates, cause a steady deteriora- tion of material living conditions and therefrom rise the resent- ment of people and their desire for a change of regime. THUS, IF THE'movement of the revolutionary war encounters an opposition by its action, this oppo- sition will be enhanced by a reac- tion as powerful as the force exerted by the movement itself; it in turn initiates a more violent opposition and starts to snowball. In this way, in the action and reaction interplay with the recip- rocal feeding effect, a development process takes place inexorably with the cumulative result and with no end in sight. Two hypotheses are to be con- sidered: (1.) Either the machinery op- posing the revolutionary war is not strong enough and in the above-mentioned motion of cre- scendo, the time will surely come when that machinery will be over- run by what is called "the general counteroffensive." (2.) Or the machine opposing the revolutionary war is assisted from without. In such a case, the interplay of actions and reactions will go on for a long time unless in the prolonged course of events the fighting machine wears out. If it does, the end will be that- of the first hypothesis, or unless under horrible circumstances, it decides to completely destroy the country where the war is being waged. Even in such a case, the revo- lutionary forces will not be wiped out as much, because as long as human beings are still moved by strong political motivations the revolutionary war will go on. It will be a war of attrition, the end of which can only be seen in a world war. IF THE ABOVE analysis is correct, then we will have to deny the possibility of peace in the course of a revolutionary war and let ourselves sink into pessimism. But we feel that one possibility of peace and only one does exist. The approach being as follows: We have said that the main fac- tor in a revolutionary war is the human being. That human being can perform prodigies when mo- tivated by strong psychological in- centives which lead him to politi- cal or armed struggle. If one can ever find a stronger psychological motivation which, under certain given conditions can neutralize the others, then one can stop the war and move to peace. WHAT MUST these conditions be? First of all, the war has to last long enough so that aspira- tions toward complete national independence, social justice, and better living conditions will lose the attractive power they had at the outset of the struggle. It is also necessary that the in- terplay of actions and reactions reach a significant equilibrium where the revolutionary forces and their opponents can no long- er negate, easily and quickly the final decision. Within this precise context, the powerful psychological motiva- tions which can effectively act on the human being is the desire for peace. This desire for peace has to come from the populace and can be, as the need arises, excited and blown up to embrace as many people as possible. The birth of this desire amid an atmosphere of prolonged war, coupled with the fear of death, will cut down or neutralize the effects of psychological motiva- tions. WITH POPULAR support - without which revolutionary war is not possible-now directed to- ward peace, the war -itself will stop spreading and then move downward. The machine opposing the revolutionary war will also have to follow suit. Then favor- able conditions for negotiations for a ceasefire and for peace will prevail. After long and painful years of war Vietnam now finds itself fac- ing the above-mentioned condi- tions. The Vietnamese people as a whole must be assisted to ex- press themselves in favor of peace and to transform the forth- coming presidential elections into a large referendum on the funda- mental issues of war and peace. It is a unique opportunity. It would be criminal to let it slip by without giving it a try. 41 I 4 FEIFFER Thursday Night Circus W&E OPEN SON) 'TNI5 BIGOTD WAHIT& IWIfN A DANDRUFF WIhA IHCOcroA WHO H-IM ADOU " 5W3~ 5OWV6S TPAAJP OFF POEM. C 'ATEFVL,11 A CCEPT' 1r6 NBE'2O XTrO UPS CIRCLE OF FIMP9LS IF STUDENT GOVERNMENT Council were running the country, the tragic war in Vietnam would never have occur- red. Council would still be wrestling with nine previous points of order, courtesy, personal preference and information. The question itself would be ready for de- bate by mid-1969. Thursday night's SGC meeting was a disgrace. Council members appeared to- tally unprepared, debate was slipshod and business was conducted under a pall of In the past, members of Council made frank decisions to let their grade points slip. MAYBE THIS TERM'S Council mem- bers don't care as much. It is a mat- ter of record that many of them have earned high academic standings. "As long as SGC is headed for the scrap heap anyway, why should we care?" seems to be the attitude. The result is meetings as poor as any- thing a high school student council ever THWkK 1T5 somgo1 A~WT MAUT IMNOT FAR AFRAID ~ ~ OVH you 60FORWARD Ttl() -- T)T9 AT b G WHO HAS