I-M PROGRAM: 'PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISK' See editorial page Lit itAan I2 ait WARMER High-69 Law-3'7 Mostly sunny, little chance of rain Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVHI, No. 21 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1967 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES MASSIVE ACTION AT HOME: King Asks Viet Withdrawal, Revision of Domestic Policy Special To The Daily By DAVID KNOKE TOLEDO-A predominantly Ne- gro audience of 3000 last night gave Martin Luther King, Jr., a standing ovation when he said "we must get out of Vietnam and p come home to build a new Amer- ica." "President Kennedy had the in- tegrity to say 'I made a mistake' after the Bay of Pigs," King said. "It's time again for the present administration to stand up and say 'We made a mistake in Vietnam'." King spoke at a local high school here during a brief stop- over on his way from San Fran- cisco to Cleveland where we will work with local groups to elect Carl Stokes as Cleveland's first Negro mayor. The Nobel Prize winner said that "propably next month or in November" he will go back to Bir- mingham, Ala., to serve a jail sentence for breaking a demon- stration injunction two years ago. The U.S. Supreme Court has al- ready upheld the conviction and King has filed for a re-hearing with the high court, but expects it will be overruled. "I really need the jail sentence, I'm in dire need of rest," he quip- ped. King rebuked critics who say he should not mix civil rights with Vietnam. "Sometimes one must ta1pe a stand which is neither safe, politic, nor popular," King said, "but a stand his conscience tells him is right. I am a Baptist preacher and I'm not going to segregate ray moral concerns." King's visit was sponsored by local chapters of the National As- sociation for the Advancement of Colored People and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. A previous speaking engagement in July was postponed during the riot that took place in Toledo at the time of the Detroit disorders. Spiritual Lynchings The Negro today is facing a major economic depression, worse than the depression of the thir- ties, King said. He cited a figure of 58 per cent of young Negroes in Cleveland who earn less than the official poverty level. This figure could be matched in almost every city, he said. "We are being lynched psychologically and spir-' itually in housing, education and jobs," King said. "Our white brothers tell us they don't want us to live anywhere our money can take us," he added. This remark was aimed at a re- cent defeat by a 2%-1 margin of a fair housing ordinance in To-j ledo. Local civil rights leaders pledged to continue pushing for equal housing opportunities,.start- ing with.a rally tomorrow in a city park. "No community in the country," Kingdeclared, "can boast of clean hands in the area of brotherhood." Whites Afraid He called for solutions to racial injustice through massive "action' programs" on a nationwide scale. "Laws cannot necessarily change the hearts of men, but they can change habits and pretty soon at- titudes will follow," he said. "All too many of our white brothers are sick' on the housing issue. The only way whites can overcome fear is to give them the opportunity to confront the ob- ject of their fear." SHA Approves Four Landlords Recommendations Based on Rent, Leases, Owner-Student Relations By MARCY ABRAMSON Student Housing Association has recommended four Ann Arbor landlords after their survey of rent levels, maintenance, damage de- posit policies, student relations and general overall quality of housing. Mike Koeneke, a spokesman for SHA, said the four recommended are Summit Associates, University Towers, Huron Towers and Dennis Dahlmann. The recommendations will be posted around campus and a hous- ing newletter will be sent to all students. Reasons for the recommendations were: -Summit Associates was chosen for excellent student relations, moderate rent, excellent maintenance and a flexible lease. -University Towers won recommendation for providing both four and eight month leases, excellent - - -- -Daily-James Forsyth Gry Allen Conservative Speakerj Assails 'Leftist Youth' -Daily-James Forsyth A BOGGLE OF BARITONES The Michigan Marching Band ended its final day of practice before the first home game of the season. The Band, under the direction of Dr. William Revelli, will be featured in the pre-game performance and will lead the high school bands for the annual Band Day presentation. Bands from all over the state are invited to perform in a massive spectacle of sound and color. The event gives prospective Marching bandsmen their first look at the Michigan Marching Band. BALLOTING PROCEDURES: nofficial . VObserver Charges Fraud in S Vietnamn Election By RICHARD SHULIK Members of the new left on col- lege campuses are largely alienated youngsters who come from homes in which little conmmunication be- tween parents and children exist, Gary Allen said yesterday. Allen, who has written frequent- ly for American Opinion maga- zine, spoke at the first program of the American Opinion, Forum of Ann Arbor. In the past, Allen has grown a beard and donned sloppy clothing In order to mingle with demon- strators. Recently, as "an infil- trator into the new left," he at- tended the new politics conference in Chicago, and a widely-public- ized peace march in San Fran- cisco. At these events Allen mingled and talked with the participants to gain a clearer understanding of their background and their psychology. Allen sought to illustrate that the buttons now popular among iyoung people subtly emphasize several Communist propaganda themes. "These buttons tell us much about how the minds of the young leftists work," he said. Buttons which berate or ridicule the police (e.g., "Warning: Your Local Police are Armed and Dangerous") reinforce the Com- munist tactic of undermining pub- lic confidence in local law en- forcement, he said. Allen pointed out that destroy- ing confidence in law enforcement agencies is one of the fundamental tactics used by communists when they initially infiltrate a country. "Buttons which support the legalization and usage of drugs reveal the youngsters' heavy de- pendence upon drugs. Allen claimed the mass media give highly misleading and incor- rect coverage of the new left. He cited a recent issue of Look Magazine carrying an article on the "hippies" of Hollywood's sun- set strip. "Reading this article, one would expect these kids to be a group of young Aristotles and P l a t o s. Having talked to about 200 of them, I think that they are un- fortunate, mixed-up kids who rely upon drugs and who have no in- tention of ever supporting them- selves whatsoever." Allen condemned several left- wing organizations as politically irresponsible and immature. He particularly criticized the demon- strations which demand an end to American involvement in Viet- nam. "What would public opinion have been if the American Nazis had demonstrated here publicly Allen cited lack of communica- tion between generations as a source of the new left problem. Through his own contact with politically active young people, he claimed that many of them have in common a hatred of their parents. "Parents will not spend time with their children because they are too caught up in their exten- sive social lives." Consequently, youngsters seek an "ego-commit- ment" in affiliating themselves with leftist organizations, he said. Allen believes that parents ought to instill in their children an ap- preciation of the American society and its economic system. maintenance and low rents. Koen- eke said the building has been pro- vided with better soundproofing and new furnishings this year un- der new management and owner- ship. -Huron Towers was chosen as among the lowest priced and most attractive, according to Koeneke. Bus service to campus is offered by the management, and the buildings are only one block fromI the North Campus bus stop. -Dennis Dahlman was rated as' well-maintained and moderately priced for level of quality and! equitable on damage deposits. SHA also urged students not to sign leases for next year in No- vember or December. "There is currently a great vacancy rate, and students should be able to get a better deal in February. Prices ought to go down," Koeneke explained. The recommendations were made by the SHA executive board and the Student Rental Union after study of complaints register- ed with SRU and interviews with a cross section of apartment resi- dents. The rating is only for the cur- rent term and will be revised ac- cording to changes in landlords' policy and complaints registered with SRU. Tenants in University mar- ried housing have elected the ,following seven to represent their grievances to the Univer- sity: From Northwood Terrace Assn.: Votes Linda Burroughs 158 Larry Kallen 158 Jay A. Herbst 111 Harou Hosaya 99 Robert Bayma 96 From University Terrace: Alan K. Cline 43 Dave Helland 26 ng Imminent; 1Any Decision Pick Hitch' U-C Head LOS ANGELES UP)- The Board of Regents unanimously named financial expert Charles J. Hitch president of the University of California yesterday, succeeding ousted Clark Kerr effective as of next Jan. 1. The 57-year-old economist has been a vice president of the uni- versity since 1965, when Kerr brought him to California from the Defense Department. School was out as the announce- ment came after a 40-minute spe- cial' executive session. Classes don't resume until next week. Selection of Hitch ended an eight-month search for a successor to Kerr by a four-man Regents committee headed by Philip L. Boyd. Hitch comes to the Job with im- pressive credentials: Rhodes schol- ar, economist, expert in finance and system analysis. V Financial Aid Plan Devised To Meet Tuition Increases By DANIEL ZWERDLING All undergraduate students currently receiving full tuition scholarships will automatically be awarded additional grants to com- pensate for the increase in student fees this year, according to Ivan W. Parker, Associate Director of Financial Aids. The University is now in the process of increasing resident stu- dent scholarships by $72 per year, and out-of-state grants by $300. Recipients include any undergraduates who have won tuition scholar- ships from the University, the Michigan Higher Education Assistance Authority, or from other state agencies, Parker said. University officials are currently negotiating with private donors, David Wurfel, professor of pol- itical science at the University of Missouri who spent four weeksI looking into pre-election and election procedures in South Viet- nam, charged Thursday that "ex- tensive fraud" was committed dur- ing the Sept. 3 balloting there. Wurfel, who spent last year in residence at the University in the political science department, felt that while the election was an "improvement" over similar bal- loting in the days of President Ngo Dinh Diem, it fell far short of the standard of honesty needed to win the support of the Viet- namese people. He said nothing short of the defeat of the military candidates - Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu and Gen. Nguyen Cao Ky - would convince most Vietnamese that the election was honest. Wurfel, who has made five previous trips to Vietnam, told a press conference that the U.S. team of election observers had not reported fraud because "they were shielded from the kind of contact that would raise doubt in their mind." By contrast, Wurfel, whose trip voting cards said to have beenI was sponsored by private peace issued in the same province. He groups, "spent as much time as said the multiple cards were is- possible talking to the Vietnam- sued on the same day at the ese. The official observers had same office to two women who little time for this." came together to the registration Wurfel estimated that "perhaps place. He said this was "hardly, 300,000 to 500,000 votes" were accidental." affected by the fraud. The vic- Wurfel asserted all the docu- torious President-elect Thieu re- ments came from reliable sources, ceived 1.65 million votes and out- although he had not personally polled his nearest competitor, interviewed either the official Thruong Dinh Dzu, a peace candi- whose name is on the affidavit date, by 850,000 votes. or the two women whose names Wurfel claimed "the major are on the voting cards. techniques of fraud were issuance - and use of multiple voting cards, i ballot box stuffing and alteration P ~'A 3 9 R of returns."IA 3 Rui He showed reporters a photo- stat of an affidavit in Vietnamese 'IT' W illA(.e said to be signed by Truong Van U W i A p1 Can, chief of the voting booth at Tanbinh infirmary near Saigon. According to a translation ac- companying the affidavit, the number of voters was 1,007 - but 1,027 for president were found in the ballot box. He produced other documents including photostats of multiple A ruling on the applicability of Public Act 379 to the University is expected shortly, University of- ficials said yesterday. A suit filed by the University in Washtenaw County Circuit Court claims that the act, which grants public employes the right to form such as industrial firms, for higher awards to balance the in- crease in tuition. However, stu- dents who originally received only partial scholarships "have not been compensated except in in- dividual cases," Parker said. Extra Appropriation To provide for the new scholar- ship boosts, the Regents appro- priated an additional $450,000 in August. The University Student Aid Fund now exceeds $5 million. Of this sum, $1.4 million are awarded in scholarships, while the rest function as rotating loans. Grants to in-state students ac- count for ofer 95 per cent of the total allocation. Since the start of the fall term, the Office of Student Aids has been "simply overwhelmed by stu- dent requests" for financial as- sistance, Director William Rea said. But according to Parker, "we have students applying for schol- arships every day of the year whether we have a tuition in- crease or not. I imagine the de- mand is somewhat more than us- ual, but not to a great extent." No Hardship "Although we're not getting ex- tra funds for these people as far as I know," Parker added, "no stu- BLUE DEVILS INVADE: M ichigan Faces Duke in Opener labor unions and bargain collec- tively, violates the University's constitutional autonomy. Attorneys for the state and the University met Thursday and agreed to expedite the case. All briefs will be filed with Circuit Judge William F. Agar by Oct. 5 and oral arguments are sched- uled for Oct. 9. Agar said he would deliver a decision as soon as possible. The University said the decision, regardless of outcome, probably will ultimately be appealed to the State Supreme Court. Central Michigan University has joined the University as co-plain- tiff in the case. A parallel suit filed by Eastern Michigan Uni- versity is also before Agar. The University's suit was filed in December, 1964. Last week, the University agreed toact in ac- cordance with PA 379 pending the outcome of the suit. The agreement came after a week-long labor dispute which stopped work on $65 million worth of University construction and curtailed services at residence halls. Streamlined Pentagon He helped Defense Secretary McNamara streamline the Penta- gon during the Kennedy Admin- istration, and before that was a financial analyst for a leading research firm. Since joining the university he has become its bud- get expert. He said in a prepared state- ment: "... The University of Califor- nia is a pioneer: effective conduct of a muti-campus university is a relatively new problem in the world. I shall do my best to help solve it. Kerr was fired from his $45,000 a year job last January in a con- troversial Action by the regents, in which the then newly elected Gov. Ronald Reagan figured prominently. The regents have been hunting a successor to run the nine-campus institution since. 'Whiz Kid' Hitch was chief of Rand Corp.'s research council when, during the Kennedy Administration, he went to Washington as one of Defense Secretary Robert McNamara's "whiz kids." At the university he applied his talents as a budget expert to a huge and complex system. The re- sults won him immediate com- mendation, and captured the at- tention of the regents. His authority and responsibili- ties were expanded step by step-- vice president - business and fi- nance, then vice president for ad- ministration. He coordinated the functions of other vice presidents. Hitch, who has been the univer- sity's top man in budget and other financial matters, came to the school with an impressive record. A graduate of the University of Arizona, he was a Rhodes scholar and did graduate work at Harvard. For 13 years Hitch worked for the Rand Corp. in nearby Santa Monica, a "think factory" which has analyzed many top post-war problems. By HOWARD KOHN In Robin Bodkin's philosophy, there aren't any established ways of doing things. Bodkin is a 235-pound defensive tackle for Duke, which meets Michiganrat 1:30 p.m. todayin the season opener for the Wol- verines. Last spring, while walking home fi'om the girls' campus at Duke, Bodkin was attacked by five -pipe- wielding bad guys. "All of a sudden, there he was, flailing away in the middle of them, actually fighting for his life," retells Duke Coach Tom Harp. Bodkin disarmed two of them, taking away their weapons, and fought off the rest. One raced back to the group's car and pulled out a rifle. But the gun misfired. The police eventually confiscat- ed the rifle, the pipes and the mollified hustlers. Asked later if he'd been fright- defense to win, and we've gotI more of both." On offense, fullback Jay Cale- brese is only 533 yards and one touchdown short of setting all- time Duke records, held currently by Ray Carlton of the Buffalo Bills. On defense, left linebacker Dick Biddle-playing in his first col- lege game last Saturday - inter- cepted a pass on Wake Forest's first play from scrimmage. On Wake Forest's second play from scrimmage, Biddle recovered a fumble. And in the interim between of- fensive and defense, soccer-style kicker Bob Reisenfeld slapped a 47-yard field goal into the record books in his first try ever last week. But coach Harp, a friendly ex- trovert with a bemused, almost- detached attitude toward glory, discourages the facts. "I'm still surprised we won as handily as we did. In a way it's unfortunate because we don't know if we have a team or not yet. We don't know if we had any kind of test in Wake Forest." Michigan, which won the only two previous meetings between the teams in the early 60's, should be more than a countrified Bowery Boys. Dick Vidmer, mentioned by Sport magazine as a possible All- America, is among the nation's most experienced quarterbacks. Unlike last year, when he had to concentrate on Jack Clancy, Vidmerswill have a plethora of reeivers. Split end Jim Berline ("faster than a speeding bullet"), tight end Jim Mandich ("more powerful than a locomotive"), halfback Ron Johnson ("can leap tall buildings in a single bound") and halfback Ernie Sharpe ("disguised as a mild-mannered reporter") head the list. Duke's secondary, however, has three of its 1966 starters, back.' Last week, it allowed only five completions in 18 attempts, inter- cepting three. Basic defense for both Michigan Draft Protesters Escape Jail Threat. During Appeals Twenty-seven students arrested in the Oct. 9, 1965 Ann Arbor draft board sit-in will not be jailed while their appeal is pend- ing in the U.S. Supreme Court. eting is a constitutional act un- der the First Amendment. Goodman and the students were denied a hearing by the Michigan Supreme Court during the sum- I . ;: ;: t :