,QI r trilgan Dally Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS AT-LARGE A Call to Arms With the Littlest Outlaw Ly NEIL SHISTER x -- I Z.IM Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIcH. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: NEAL BRUSS Congratulating the Umversity For Taking PA 124 to Court THE UNIVERSITY'S. decision to chal- lenge the constitutionality of Public Act 124 and other similar state legisla- tion which infringes on University au- tonomy is a long overdue step in the right direction. For the last two years Univer- sity administrators have engaged in a worthless and drawn out polemic with the state Legislature over the provisions of PA 124. In the meantime, with the exception of projects already in progress, such as the Dental School, and small out- lays of capital for an expansion of the heating plant and alterations in the hos- pital, no state money for new buildings has been appropriated. Why the University did not initiate the suit earlier and thus end the stalemate is not clear. If they hoped a change in leadership in the state House or Senate would effect a change in the law, they were wrong. Whether the Legislature is Democratic or Republican, both are in- sistent on greater control of University construction and planning. Even the gov- ernor's office has been generally favor- able to PA 124. PA 124 is a capital outlay bill for 1965 which gave the state controller's office new powers to supervise planning and selection of state financed buildings. The provisions of the act have been renewed for each of the successive years. Tradi- tionally, the school has done planning and selection entirely on its own. MANY ARE SKEPTICAL pf the Univer- sity's attitude toward PA 124 and see reasons other than concern over autono- my behind their belligerent stand. As one observer put it, "The University has its own contractors and architects who it likes to play ball with." Many question the University's competence to pick arch- itects, pointing to the old and new ad- ministration buildings as structural mon- strosities. However, the University's con- tention that PA 124 is only the begin- ning of further legislative intrusion into areas where it has no competence is legi- timate. The University will also challenge cer- tain sections of SPA 240 of 1967, the state higher education appropriation bill. The most controversial part of PA 240 says that schools which have more than 20 per cent out-of-state enrollment cannot increase that percentage. This would mean that a school such as the University which has 25 per cent out- of-state enrollment cannot go above that figure. The bill stipulates that the state will reduce its appropriation by $600 per non-resident student enrolled over the limit. It also prevents the establishment of further branch institutions, such as the University Flint College or Dearborn Center. Any erosion of the constitutionally guaranteed autonomy of the University is dangerous. Although the University has not protected its autonomy as religiously when it comes to the federal government, in areas such as last year's HUAC sub- poena or scientific research contracts, it rightfully will not compromise with the state Legislature. The record of the Leg- islature on matters of higher education has been, through the years, deplorable. Witch-hunting for Communists has been the recurring theme. And a reenactment of past activities is a not-to-be-excluded possibility for the future. Only two years ago, Senate Minority Leader Raymond Dzendzel (D-Detroit) attempted to pre- vent Communist historian Herbert Ap- theker from speaking at Rackham Audi- torium. THE HIGHLY POLITICAL and often cor- rupt nature of the Legislature is not a place where any decisions on higher edu- cation should be made. In the one area, where they do have authority, appropria- tions, their record has been disastrous. Hopefully, the court will quickly deliver its decision, so University construction can proceed. -MARK LEVIN BRUCE KAHN is an unlikely choice for a revolutionary. The junior-year Phi Beta Kappa, a member of one of the campus' most lavish fraternities, looks a little uncomfortable in his blue work-shirts, as if in his closet lurks the ghost of a forgotten cashmere sweater that haunts him nightly. And yet he is working harder than perhaps anyone else here to rekindlle the student power revolution that thrust the University into a short-lived fury last fall. THE PRESIDENT OF SGC has taken an office which has traditionally been a stepping-stone into the world of establishment tea-parties and is trying, quite dil- ligently, to make it, and its student constituents, some- thing worthwhile. Student government here, as at most other places, exists in an state of limbo. On one hand it hears the hollow middle-aged pep-talk that pats it on the back and gives it office space, yet on the other it is absolutely aware of its impotence to decide anything of genuine import. So long as this contradiction went unnoticed life pro- ceeded peacefully. Student governments were staffed by "hard-talking" liberals delighting more in the possession of office than the exercise of power; accepting rhetoric for substance and subservience as a natural state of affairs. But the traditional contradiction, so much a part of the American scene, has become more glaring and pain- ful to bear than it once was. To be sure,mostystudents around are so irretrievably plugged into the system-so obsessive about getting on the tread-mill as quickly as possible-that the campus is hardly on the threshold of anarchy. Yet there are those, increasingly more vocal, who are unwilling to accept subservience as the natural state of affairs. Last year's SGC President Ed Robinson was the first to break through the succession of rep-tied bureaucrats who had passed down the gavel from one to the other and could "talk-um like-urn" Indians in Michigamua meetings. Robinson, however, was more of an intellectual than an activist. THE MOMENT OF OPEN dissent, when Hill Audi- torium was bathed in the lights of NBC's television cameras, passed too quickly for Robinson to seize it and do anything long-lasting. An outgrowth of the "rebellion" is the curently meeting Commission on Decision Making Policy in the University, and although rumor is that their report may be upsetting to the present status quo, the tradition is that the student is tossed a symbolic bond by such committees. Kahn, however, seems more intent than was Robinson in perpetrating the crisis that will mobilize the student body and lead to what he hopes will be the wide-spread recognition that "nobody should have power over students here unless we give it to them and approve of its use." But it's a hard, up-hill fight and the question is how long Kahn will be able to maintain interest in waging it. For, as one girl elected last spring to Council says. "Everything seems to have stagnated." And unless Kahn personally wants something to happen and can infuse others with this interest, it simply won't. Kahn's principal tactic for fomenting revolt is the willful violation of University rules concerning student conduct. He has been busy talking to different dormitory groups, urging them to set their own standards and not comply with University rules unless they too approve. The recent South Quad Council decision to abolish dress regulations is the kind of thing he is hoping for, although its potential effect was minimized, in Kahn's eyes, by the fact that South Quad director Thomas Fox previously "approved" the move. What he is looking for is a kind of grand test case that will synthesize dissident students into a grand body, volatile to seize power that he maintains is theirs for the demanding. UNFORTUNATELY, THOUGH, the principal issues which he can contest with some degree of legitimacy ap- ply primarily to dormitory restrictions. While challenging the forbiddance of alcohol consumption for 21-year olds or pushing for a more lenient "open-open" policy in the dorm may be a good issue for freshmen they are not the kind of things that most of the student body living out- side of the dormitories are much concerned with. Still Kahn is hoping that in certain "ripe" dormitories -East Quad is one-there can be a mass refusal to com- ply with rules. In part this is aimed at not only chal- lenging the administration's right to rule but also the manner in which disciplinary action is undertaken. Last year SGC appointed members to Joint Judiciary Council, including chairman Peter Steinberger, who de- clared openly they would not penalize students for violating rules that were not passed by students. There is some feeling now that if there is a "mass dis- obedience," violators will be disciplined directly by dor- mitory officials and the Office of Student Affairs, by- passing the student judiciary councils. Director of Hous- ing John Feldkamp, however, says that there are no new plans for disciplinary action and thus any violations of dormitory regulations will be handled through the traditional judiciary structure. But the question of dormitory restrictions still isn't the right one to catalyze the student body since it affects so few students.. THUS WHAT KAHN must find is a problem that can arouse. Breaking the 12 month lease stenglehold the Ann Arbor landlords have is just such a rallying cry. Although not directly a University problem, it is one that hurts almost everybody here. It is an unfair practice since most occupancies are used only in the eight months of the fall and winter term but one which will never be curtailed unless there is a concerted student effort undertaken to do so. This should be SGC's major goal. Organizing just such a "student power" show. For this is a real area where almost all elements around agree in the legitimacy of the case. And, perhaps most importanly, it is the kind of prob- lem which could serve to mobilize students into a real body that could then deal with the less emotional but equally real problems of the University which directly impinge on them. Robinson was the first leader here to grasp the idea of student power and to make a clumsy effort at attain- ing it. He himself now admits that he "wished he had done things differently." Kahn is the next step up. He believes in student power and is consciously trying to attain it. His problem, though, is that his tactics are not of wide-enough appeal, and at best is looks like he might come up with a "Coxey's Army" of outraged freshmen. The impotence of the student at the University and the citizen in the society, and the corresponding sense of alienation and passivity both engender, are directly related. Student power is not an idle rallying cry of a few chronic malcontents, but is symptomatic of the wider sense of social malaise breeding in the "outside, real world." The question is how can students best make them- selves heard? As yet they aren't, or when they are it is only with great condescension and "polite appreciation." I a d I Letters:South Quad Council Wasn't the First To the Editor: ON SEPT. 11, 1967, Kevin Lynch, director of Oxford Housing, informed the girls of Emanuel House that they were free to make their own rules. That same evening, a motion abolishing all dress regulations was passed. Congratulations to South Quad and its removal of dress stand- ards: Those who preceded you sa- lute you. --Jo Hollingsworth, '69 Secretary-treasurer of Emanuel House-Oxford Reviewing To the Editor: YOUR REVIEW of t~he "Ann Arbor Review" was patroniz- ing in its attitude and less than adequate in its perception. It is pretentious for the reviewer to assume, on the basis of her own taste and institutional training, that little magazines run a sort of elimination contest along the lines of the publishing hierarchy she knows best. There are better lhiistoriical and sociological rea- sons for little magazines, though such explanations employ, more absolute standards than those of taste and tradition. In general, little magazines do not try to be literary (i.e., accept- able to literary people), critical in the manner of on-going hier- archies of criticism), or selective. Most often they are outcroppings of the energy of one or a few people; they are dominated by either a local need or a specific spirit of philosophy. The people Johnson Must Move Now, The Hawks Aren't Waiting [NFORTUNATELY for Mr. Johnson - unfortunately also for the people of the United States and the people of both Vietnams--public relations stunts do not solve the problems of peace and war. With the echoes of this particular Wash- ington cum Madison Avenue operation dying away, what is Mr. Johnson's next move? For move he must: the 1968 U.S. election campaign is less than a year away. The election on Vietnam could afford Mr. Johnson temporary shelter, as he views this black squall rapidly approach- The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school year ($9 by mail). Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Editorial Staff ROGER RAPOPORT, Editor MEREDITH EIKER, Managing Editor MICHAEL HEFTER ROBERT KLIVANS City Editor Editorial Director SUSAN ELAN........... Associate Managing Editor STEPHEN FIRSHEIN ...... Associate Managing Editor LAURENCE MEDOW ...... Associate Managing Editor JOHN LOTTIER ........ Associate Editorial Director RONALD KLEMPNER .... Associate Editorial Director SUSAN SCHNEPP.............. Personnel Director NEIL SHISTER ..................Magazine Editor CAROLE KAPLAN ........ Associate Magazine Editor LISSA MATTROSS....................Arts Editor ANDY SACKS ........................ Photo Editor ROBERT SHEFFIELD .................... Lab Chief NIGHT EDITORS: W. Rexford Benoit, Neal Bruss, Wallace Immen, David Knoke, Mark Levin, Patricia O'Donohue, Daniel Okrent, Steve Wldstrom. Sports Staff CLARK NORTON...................Sports Editor BOB McFARLAND.........Executive Sports Editor GRAYLE HOWLETT.........Associate Sports Editor ing. Having won the Vietnamese election, he could without loss of face order a halt in the bombing of North Vietnam..Not just a pause with a time limit, for that would be an ultimatum and the North Vietnamese have already shown how they deal with such stop-and-go maneuv- ers. If the North Vietnamese did not re- spond to a halt without conditions, Mr. Johnson's second option would be to take the case to the United Nations. It is in fact already there and requires no new initiative. The Nation pointed this out editorially and sentiment is now building up in the Senate for reviving the dormant 1966 U.S. resolution in the Security Council, calling for a confer- ence to draw upon the Geneva Accords of 1954 and 1962 for establishing peace in Southeast Asia. If the appeal is re- newed, France or the Soviet Union may exercise the veto, but what of it? The is- sue will then go to the General Assem- bly, where there would be an opportunity for diplomatic give and take. It is hard to see how matters could be any worse than they are now. SENATOR MORSE is probably right when he suggests that bilateral nego- tiations can lead to a true but not to a settlement. For a settlement, a larger frame is 'needed. Dumping issues of the UN is standard operating procedure which has worked on occasion in the past. It could work in this case at least to the extent of getting the situation off dead center. Such a maneuver now holds out some promise at this juncture because all par- ties are in trouble. Hanoi is hurting, as the Pentagon gleefully points out, and if it decides to wait out the '68 election it is assuming some real risks. On the American, or Johnson side, the margins of escalation are getting very thin. The Stennis Committee hearings are only one of a group of storm warnings. "This Is Better Tban A Real Cure B ecause It Doesn't Cost Any Money" {k whose work appears are not try- ing to attain acceptability in other circles or practicing imper- fections. They are simply writing to the perfection of other stand- ards. , If little magazines were merely the receptacle of incomplete and imperfect work, they would be useless and inert. They are, how- ever, the beginning vibrations of a new tradition and a new stand- ard. The "Ann Arbor Review" is acceptable to the reviewer because it seems to employ some of her standards. But no one, even the editors, would be so uninformed as to call it one of the best little magazines in the country. There are hundreds of these tendrils that have carried the weight of different branches of new American writing, beginning with William (W.C.) and emerg- ing now in a proliferation and dilution of mystical occult and upper class art. My own essay in the "Ann Arbor Review" was about this proliferation of sym- bolism, and opposed the present movement of mass salvation in the disguise of obscure symbols. THE FACT that I was moved to write this letter is a function of the reviewer's superficial read- ing of my own piece. With no more than a shadowy notion of o t h e r traditions, she simply grouped opposites and credited me with an exaltation of this prolifer- ation. With no other standards than those of identifying and naming styles, she virtually in- sisted on a superficial judgment. In truth, her opening remarks of high praise and commendation are nothing more than condescen- sion and stylistic flourish. -Richard Grossinger Social Awareness To the Editor: MR. KING'S recent letter to The Daily is a gem of applied sophistry. Not only does he obscure the basic issue of collective bar- gaining as a legitimate ;device of organized labor, but he confuses the University's educational pro- gram with its business practices. The University may not be an in- dustry, but it is a fairly large cor- poration employing many people who have little control over the conditions and terms of their em- ployment. Since both the right to join unions and to bargain collectively have been sanctioned since 1935 by Section 7 of the National La- bor Relations Act, not to men- tion P.A. 379, the union's posi- tion on this matter is quite un- derstandable. Collective bargain- ing is an elementary but highly important element of labor orga- nization. Secondly, the social advances made by labor, that he mentions in passing, were achieved in the face of opposition very similar to that offered by Mr. King. It doesn't require "deplorable labor conditions" to justify a strike; a refusal on the part of the corpora- tion to bargain collectively is enough. MR. KING'S contention that the strikers were trying to hinder the educational process is irrespon- sible, to say the least. What does he conceive education to be - an ingrown accumulation of academ- ic goods at the expense of, and ignoring, those who are not di- rectly its beneficiaries? It seems to me that education is far better served by the exercise of that social awareness result- ing from contact with current is- sues, rather than by the smug and short-sighted exclusion of matters outside one's immediate academic and personal concerns. -Linda Phillips, Grad Letters To the Editor: I QUOTE from Senator J. William Fulbright's book, "The Ar- rogance of Power." "With due respect for the hon- esty and patriotism of the student demonstrations, I would offer a word of caution to the young peo- ple who have organized and par- ticipated in them. As most politi- cians discover sooner or later, the most dramatic expression of griev- ances is not necessarily the most effective. That would seem to be especially true in the United States, a country easily and ex- cessively alarmed by expressions of dissent. "We are, for better or worse, an essentially conservative society; in such a society soft words are likely to carry more weight than harsh words and the most effective, dis- sent is dissent expressed in an or- derly, which is to say conservative manner. For these reasons such direct action as the burning of draft cards probably does more to re- tard than to advance the views of those who take such action. The burning of a draft card is a symbolic act, really a form of ex- pression rather than of action, and it is stupid and vindictive to pun- ish it as a crime. ,.But it is also an unwise act, un- wise because it is shocking rather than persuasive to most Amer- icans and because it exposes the individual to personal risk without political reward. "THE STUDENT, like the politi- cian, must consider not only how to say what he means but also how to say it persuasively. The answer, I think, is that to speak persua- sively one must speak in the idiom of the society in which one lives: The form of protest that might be rewarding in Paris or Rome, to say nothing of Saigon or Santo Domingo, would be absolutely dis- astrous in Washington. Frustrating though it may be to some Amer- icans, it is, nonetheless, a fact that in America the messages that get through are those that are sent through channels, through the slow, cumbersome institutional cannels devised by the founding fathers in 1787" This last paragraph suggests to me the following: Student govern- ments throughout the nation should organize a campaign of letter-writing to Senators. If each of 500,000 students were to send one letter to one of his Senators in protest of the war, each Senator would receive an average of 5000 letters of protest from residents of his state. -Jeffrey B. Sidney, Grad. A ..~514M. . iY. r " M1tYA':SY:,r4YY:::.^::.".', . .'::.":.""": :4".":.:v.'.""::::::...".. 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While traditional political establishments seek to educate, integrate, venti- late and homogenate the disad- vantaged minority groups, the hippies have evidenced their con- cern by attempting to "drop out" of a social system which has cal- Inil lAC QIA nhlmnnfXYh..9 i- slobs into the hippie movement, and to the fact that many native slobs, not wanting to become identified with the hippie move- ment, have simply gone straight. In an attempt to understand the plight of the indigenous American slob, I talked recently with Steve X, a graduate at the University and a slob for 24 of his 25 years. My friend was most eager to discourse at length about the na- ture of hissocial plight, and in- vited me up to his apartment for an af,,nnn A T, ipesfn af intn time that we used to be regarded as a national disgrace. Not any longer though. We just have no identity. "People think we're hippies or beatniks or something and look at us pensively, trying to under- stand us. Why I even had this one sociologist tell me that he thought that my kind of people are good for this country because we help make for heterogeneity and plu- ralism. Heck, in the old days, we never would have been tolerated like that. Do you know that it's ing us," Steve shot back. "You know that initiation that they have with the 'wet' blue jeans? Heck, that's kid stuff. "I first started that sort of thing in the fourth grade. By the time a guy gets out of high school he should learn that being a slob is neither a positive or a negative protest. It's not a kick or a prank. It's just a life-style. Sloppiness as a life-style is disappearing from the American scene. It's been made a part of this movement or and he feels the same way that I do. A few of us are applying for a grant from the Ford Foun- dation to study the ethnic tradi- tion of the true American slob. People have practically forgotten that the indigenous American slob has had a great hand in building this country. You never read about that sort of thing in the history books. What we've got to do from here on in is to study and to continue developing our own culture and heritage. We have too proud a tradition to allow a