CONGRATULATE 'U' TAKING PA 124 TO COU'RT See editorial page gilt ~EIait~ SUNNY AND COOL Low-43 Little chance of showers Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVIII, No. 29 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1967 SEVEN VEN TSTNPAE Fore Students Find By JILL CRABTREE I had heard the University was such a big place," says Vene- zuelan student Jose Barrios. "But then I came here and found only these few rooms for us at the 2 International Center." ~> Barrios who is taking a oie- ~ *~~%* .. ~semester course at the English Langage Institute here prior to enrolling as a freshman echoes a frequent complaint of the school's & 2000 foreign students about the cramped and outmoded Interna- tional Center. i a Located in a wing adjacent to 3 9 se e eWest Quadrangle, the Internation- : a:al Center has been forced to put - secretaries' desks in hallways, convert three-by-four closets into N "mini-libraries" for book storage, make a storage area out of a i a bathr'oom and an equipment closet Sout of a telephone booth. -Daily-Richard S. Lee More than 30 student organi- zations that use the center do not Space problems cramp International (ientei dhscu'sions. have offices, only cubbyholes in )vercrowding in a wooden mailbox. "Transient rooms" in the Union have been leased by the Center to provide offices for its four academic and personal counselors. When the Center was built in 1938 it adequately served all of the 296 foreign students here then But now the few small offices. library, recreation room and kitch- en don't come close to serving all 2000 foreign students. The lounge only seats 35 and the recreation room holds 90. The Center has a four-room annex in tpme Madeline Pound House on Hill Street. , "Students from more affluent countries sometimes find us cozy," says one Center secretary, "but students from struggling countries are amazed that we are strug- gling, too." To solve the space problem the Center has proposed a new $6.5 million building. The project was on the school's $55 million fund drive list but the only contribu- tion was "$165 from one widow," says Center director Robelt Kling- er. There were no large contribu- tions for the project, Klinger says, because donors prefer to give mon- ey for medical, scientific research and other programs. "Getting space for students and faculty is very difficult." Klinger estimates that a new International Center adequate for present needs would have to con- tain 66,000 square feet of usable space. The present Center and fa- cilities in Pound House offer 7,500 square feet. "Tis inclues part of the basement in Pound House behimd the furnace." Klinger said. The new Center Klinger pro- poses would include a reception room, a game and recreation room and a general lounge for the use of both foreign and American students. A large multi-purpose with a stage and adjacent I would be used for nati dinners, lectures, informal tainment p r 0 g r a m s., dances, variety shows and exhibits. "There is currently no ri this kind readily available dent groups in Ann Arbor," er says, "except at some ch It is difficult for groups serve church facilities whic] have restrictions on theii Many of the general fa available for student grou prohibitively expensive for student groups and the American student groups wv ternational concerns." Additional facilities wou dlude exhibit areas and a ical reading room "where cans could learn about othe tries and foreign students keep abreast of developm Center room home, thus helping to counteract kitchen their feelings of alienation from onality the home culture and Isolation in enter- this one." mnovies, Meeting rooms and offices for Ilarge student organizations would oc- cupy the rest of the building. oom of What are the Center's prospects to stu- for getting money to finance new Kling- faciilties? "I think it Is maybe, urches. too soon for us," says Armin to re- Jafroudi. a student from Iran. h often "The money will always be used ruses, for things people think are more tcilities important." LPs are Klinger says, "If the present is foreign bad, the future is likely to be- smaller come even more difficult. With a 'ith in- projected 1975 enrollment of 50,- 000 the need for additional fa- ild in- cilities to meet added responsi- period- bilities is becoming more and Amern- ,more pressing." r. coun- Suggests Venezuelan student could Ernesto Spinettis, "Maybe we ents at could have a Bingo game." R AISE ISSUES IN '68: New Politicians To Run Garskoff for Congress By MARCY ABRAMSON CNP developed as an outgrowth Ann Arbor Citizens for New of Mrs. Elise Boulding's congres- Poaitc flastsnight nominated Bert sional campaig lastu November. projctedNewPoliicsPart fo ed Citizens for New Politics for U..rojnredss fromithe Secyod no special reason and is not af- Di tic (wics fincludhes allofd filiated with the national organ- Washena Conty)in 68.CNPization. wi begin a pe ttio driv Oct 1 Radical Campaign bor, is an assistant professor of psychology at Michigan State Uni- ,hetynomination followed over a week of debate and discussion of CNP interaction with the Negro community. An early attempt at nomination was interrupted by Negro members who argued that ClNP had not- r'cruiited Negro par- to collect the 14,000 signatures "We want to run a vigorous and ticipation and could not expect required by state law to place a radical campaign," Garskoff said any cooperation. new party on the ballot, in accepting the nomination. "So-~ I A hastily-formed committee was, According to Garskoff, a former cial change occurs through con- however, unable to attract any CNP chairmen, both the campaign frontation. We believe in with- significant Negro interest. Gars- and petition drive represent an at- drawing forces from Vietnam im-i koff explained the group's subse- tempt to use the electoral process mediately and also removing all quent conclusion and decision to to build a new forum for radical white police from the ghettoes, proceed with nomination. expression, rather than to win the and we will say so. "We are attempting to be a ?lection. Garskoff, a resident of Ann Ar- iradical political force within the F -_____ -white community, tying together rri RKthe war, racism and other prob- e ee~TJjf T o bs lems because we believe basic iiestrtctsAmerican vaues are at fult,"the K the development of our influence II~f 40 leg s to Jinances would interest the black commu- nity and show them that CNP By W. REXFORD BENOIT investigation involving financial makes sense. Then we can have Michigan Atty. Gen. Frank Kel- needs must be broadly construed. genuine and welcome cooperation." ley ruled yesterday that legisla- Cuohan sid rthe newv sliding-t Collhect Signaturesest.- 10vstate-suppotedn ollegesigan'sd Michigan State University this fall |000 signatures in Washtenaw univestesutpertaitoltgeni has a direct relation to the size County and 15,000 in the rest of univrsiiesmus peram o teirof legislative appropriations to 'the state to assure fulfillment of financial needs. MSU., and thus is subject to legis- the legal requirement during the mBut oKelley adde sthat probes lative probing. 'six-month period allowed for the proriaion Ifgenralprolem of Although Kelley recently ruled ,petition drive. Garskoff said that stpatomnities gae involveds, the novel plan constitution, eight |Ann Arbor is probably the cen- sThe Legslatur should be .im- legislators held hearings on the 'ter of state CNP activity., ited because it lacks the constitu- plan Tuesday. Parents who attend.. "We can collect 2000 signatures tioal uthrit toenat ay lg-ed that hearing spoke unanimously in Lansing, but other than that iation thrt ta fnacial ny- against graduated tuition. our main support consists only of isltio, ohertha fiancalun- Cohan could see no immediate scattered individuals. A statewide les of tate cosmgunies, nrot relevance of Kelley's ruling to such CNP presidential ticket may at- plems whic peainecusivielyn long - standing controversies as tract support in Detroit, but not univlesitiesh Keleyaid.uiv limiting the number of out-of- otherwise," Garskoff explained. to unvriis elysi'state students at the University, CNP will hold a statewide meet- Legitimate Purposes and anticipated "few confronta- ing in Lansing tomorrow. Deputy Atty. Gen. Leon S. Coh- tions" between Michigan officials Council Candidate an said the Legislature has no and the University over legislative Ann Arbor CNP is also consid- right to probe such matters as investigation. ering running a candidate for City tyn-adiistcronreclatonships Legislator's Question Council in the Second Ward as unes infrmi sation isl sogho Kelley's opinion followed a ques- |well as for sheriff and for the leititpupsso deemnn tion from State Majority Leader school board. legtiatepupoes f etemmngEmil Lockwood (R-St. Louis). The names of 4000 potential stu- a university's financial require- Lockwood sought Kelley's opin- dent voters in the Second Ward ments.ion on the constitutionality of a were collected by the Student He cautioned that "the inves- 1965 Senate resolution creating a Housing Association during reg- tigatory process may not be used special committee to investigate istration. According to Garskdff, for such purposes as the airing faculty-administration relation- if all students registered they of personal disputes or individual ships at Central Michigan Uni- would constitute an absolute ma- grievances." versity. jority. The Legislature should therefore The question itself is moot, Kel- CNP has also been meeting with proceed carefully in selecting areas ley said, since the committee al- 'CORE members to discuss other of investigation where state insti- ready has conducted and conclud- projects including a grocery co-op, tutions of higher education are ed the hearings on the CMU situ- a police surveillance committee, concerned, he added. ation without any timely objec- |and an educational surveillance However, Kelley said areas of tions. committee. College H eads Plan To Fight StateLa Fight Inierferenece hi Bugilding Projes ''. Michigan State University Pres. John Hannah confirmed yester- day that the Michigan Council of State College Presidents has 4 called for a legal test of a legisI-~ . . lative act which allows the state to select architects for campus projects. However, the council cannot act I until its proposed suit goes back . to the governing boards .of the ten state-supported colleges and universities. Hannah said. The University, MSU, and Cen- tral Michigan University have al- ready given their approval. Spoesen ortheconci sid STUDENT GOV ERNMENT COU the Legislature alsopae rule ident Bruce Kahn, '68, planned that it must approve all self- fairs Richard L. Cutler question liquidating projects on college on student conduct. At last nighi campuses. Atty. Gen. Frank Kel- Council table. ley has called this rule illegal, but '- g - it has been passed by the Legis- 'UNEMPLOYME1JFIN lature again. Other legislative r estrictions the colleges want to test are: -A provision that no state R e a i agency can accept money from outside agencies, such as those of ~the federal government. -A limitation of out-of-state Io m students at the universities to 20 per cent of their total enrollment, with a provision for a penalty by By JILL CRABTREE withholding appropriations. Ann Arbor's Human Relations -Provisions for reductions in Commission (HRC) is currently state appropriations if money coy- considering a proposal to provide Daily-Thomas R. popi JNCIL Administra tive Vice-President Michael Davis, Grad, and Pres- last night to an swer a letter from Vice-President for Academic Af- ing Council's choice of methods in abolishing University regulations .'s meeting, SGC voted to create a rotating "Citizen's Seat" at the T' NOT PROBLEM: SGC Will Respond To Lauds SGC Goals, By URBAN LEHNER Student Government Council last night officially received and decided to answer a letter from Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler which question- ed SGC's choice of methods in abolishing the University Regu- lations governing student conduct, Council voted last week to re- place the University's regulations with a set 'of rules written by SGC. Prior to Cutler's letter, Uni- versity officials had declined com- ment on SGC's decision. Cutler's letter said, "The action (abolishing the University's regu- latin)n expresses a most worth a workable system of student self- government," but q ue s V10n s whether "students alone (are) in- terested in and affected by stand- wether "anyr groupwithi the Univ rt (cn ) rassume respon the absence of Regental dele- gation of that responsibility. SGC will answer the letter in an informal meeting this after- noon. "Cutler's letter raises some very good questions,'' SGC President Bruce Kahn said. "We will deal with them at length in our reply. Kahn told Council during mem- ber's time that SGC's answer to Cutler's letter would revolve around tree poins: --Rules for individual student conduct affect students only and should be written solely by sty.- dents;. -Students cannot accept a legal situation which does not allow them to make rules for themselves. -Students agreed to partici- pate on the President's Commis- sion on Decision-Making on the assumption that rules governing individual conduct would not come under the Commission's consider- ation. Comments made during miem- ber's time are unofficial and are not recorded in the minutes of the meeting. In other Council action. SGC members by a 5-4 vote rejected a motion presented by Marty Lie- berman, '69, to purchase a "stu- dentmobile." SOC passed a resolution re- questing the Regents to "provide for a 'public comments' period" at its monthly meeting. tories of existing personnel and studies of possible promotion of present Negro employes. The plan tells employers to train Prnn'yme'nt nffice personnel to AL RAC W L Pct. GB Minnesota 88 66 .571 - Boston 88 66 .571 - increased job opportunities fr - Negroes.apply equal opportunity standards Negroes.fairly and effectively. They are The proposal was drawn up by also urged to make sure that un- HRC Assistant Director Robert H. interntional biases in tests and Hunter and submitted to the HRC their application are overcome. at its monthly meeting Tuesday IAlmpyeshud"octei night. It will be discussed at HRC's Al c e0m ployie ts soldicinthin public meeting in October. thoumgh appr sop sriat manls"in Councilman Brian Connelly (R- ordro "cleari te arnofsmis- Fifth Ward) announced at the understandings." Also encouraged are specific programs such as in-plant high school courses, work-trainig pro- grams held with labor union sponsorship, and assignments of minority group employes to -spe- cialized work crews for training in particular skills. HRC duties should include bi- weekly visits to employers to check on hiring and promotion practices, aid in job-placement and inform- ing employers of federal funds available for training programs. Chicago 87 67 .565 1 same meeting his resignation from Detroit 86 67 .562 1'A citizen member last May, then appointed to the City Council without being designated as the lected by the colleges and univer- Council's HRC representative. sities from other sources reaches Councilman John C. Feldkamp (R- a certain amount. Third Ward), who is the Unive - An MSU source also said the sity housing director, was nom- council will seek clarification of mnated at Tuesdy's council meeting By SUSAN STEVENS sibility applied to both succe sses the laws relating to the rights Initouighi.lnt h Today's engineering students I of the governing boards of the commssondunte hsaidt tht are no better prepared for their I various colleges and universities. "color-blindness". in employment poesnthnhircuepas practices, alone will not eradicate~ Y~. ~~'S ~.~U the xisenceof disdva te agement professor said yesterday. STAT TE UN ONS ITUTci Ltizenr,"" d'""''''' In an address before the Na- "Empoyes hve o aoptthetional Academy of Engineering, "Empoyes hve o aoptthewhich is meeting at the Univer- g philosophy that disadlvantged peo- sity, Prof. Jay W. Forrester of R Re"Good job opporWR utunte mnus tbe Tehnoog saidtchangsin the offered to them no matter what concept of engineering as a pro- tecost is to the community." fession have failed to keep pace WVT Hunter said in the proposal that with changes in the content of Coiiv ctio on C cle elii t La Implitlen skilglo i jb gree Engineering cos ese employngit skf Neros in jore-er ngineering coses.eer rbemin Ann Arbor than Negro said, are not adequately concern- By MARK GOLDSTEIN lating this ordinance in Wayne. approved by the State Police." In the appeal, Duncan's at- unemployment. ed with science. "Our educational A state law requiring motor- County "will be issued a war- ,Duncan claimed his ticketing in- torney, Arthur Vican of South- "We as a community can no system," he said, "is designed to cyclists and their passengers to rant." volved "funpy circumstances." field, cited English philosopher longer assume that plentiful low Isuppress nearly every professional wear protective helmets has been The Ann Arbor Police Depart- While testing out a new motor- John Stuart Mill, who said, "The level jobs can eliminate alienation Icharacteristic we need in the pro- ruled unconstitutional by Wayne ment has also indicated that they cycle, he said, he was stopped only purpose for which powver can of the Negro community," the pro- Ifessional engineer." County Circuit Judge Charles are still enforcing the law. An because he didn't have on a "big, be legal is to prevent harm to posal says. "It is not enough to Forrester said the basic role of Kaufman. Ann Arbor patrolman said yes- white helmet" but wvas issued a other's." provide jobs that start at nothing the engineer is to act as a bridge However, Norton N. Wisek, chief terday, "We haven't heard any- speedin ticket. Although Duncan Vican also quoted former Su- and end at nothing, and expent between the scientist and society. - .. .. . ". m-' .., a ~ I ig -- . .. I - +s -n ,,il t +hm "hnnit rm" To fill this role, he added, he must and failures, such as the Apollo spacecraft fire in which three astronauts died last winter. As a solution to these problems, Forrester proposed the creation of the "enterprise engineer," a leader and organizer who could "think rigorously in words, not only in mathematics." TeXt of Cutler's Letter to SGC This letter concerns your re- cent action pertaining to the regulation of individual student conduct. The action expresses a most worthwhile interest, that of developing a workable system of student self-government. It also raises at least two questions which are deserving of the most thorough consideration: Are students alone interested in and affected by standards of nature of the educational pro- cess and to the manner of ope- ration of the institution. 'They are thus central to the delibera- tions of the President's Com- mission on Decision Making. Because of the conc'ern and responsibility of the Commis- sion, the deans and faculties, th e several autonomous bards that of the Regents themselves, an lerations in existing reg-