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September 21, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-09-21

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Beulah Hits
Texas Coast;
Death Toll 29
Tornadoes Kill Four
As Damage}Mounts
ricane Beulah, one of the great
storms of history, crashed into the
Texas Coast yesterday. It killed,
destroyed homes, isolated towns
and cities, and snarled power and
telephone lines.
Beulah hit with a smashing im-
pact while its wind whirled at an
estimated 160 miles per hour
around its center and churned
along the Texas coastal plain,
whipping both the land and the
The death toll has reached 29
since Beulah was spawned in the
Atlantic 12 days ago.
Texas Agriculture Commissioner
John White estimated crop losses
at$50 milion. A spokesman for
citrus growers predicted a loss of
$15 million for oranges and grape-
The storm stripped the nearly
mature oranges and grapefruit
from trees and may have damaged
the trees themselves.'
Beulah sank expensive, ocean-
~going shrimp boats. She tossed
utility poles across streets and
highways like barricades. Broken
power and phone lines whipped in
the battering wind like string.
The xeal killers in Texas were
tornadoes spun off by the hurri-
cane. A late count sho'wed nearly
50 twisters which struck 'inland as
fai' as Austin, 350 miles from
The tornadoes were known to
have killed four persons and in-
jured at least 16. Waves and water,
spawned by the hurricane killed
two others. ,
The Weather Bureau said the
.hurricane weakened near nightfall.
The Corpus Christi office of the
agency predicted winds would fall
to no more than 20 to 30 m.p.h.
As Beulah progressed f up the
coast, hurricane winds extended
outward 80 miles from the center
with gale winds-39 to 75 m.p..-
with gale winds-39 to 75 m.p.h.
-reaching 250 miles to the east
and 100 miles to the west before
its power diminished.
Feared high tides of 10 to 15
feet at Corpus Christi failed to de-
velop.:Fifteen feet would have put
the sea a foot over the protecting
An estimated 30,000 persons fled
ahead of the storm..

-Associated Press
The Women's Strike for Peace protested the draft and the war in Vietnam yesterday on the side-
walk in front of the White House. The Washing ton, D.C., police force stood by to prevent the
demonstration from breaking out into a riot. Later, an ex-Green Beret draft protester addressed
the matrons and told them they were "groovy."
N xon Seen as Frontrunner
In ew Ha mpshire Primary

UN Divided
On Private
gates to the UN General Assem-
bly were divided in their views
on a suggestion of Secretary-Gen-
eral U Thant that, the Security
Council hold periodic closed-door
meetings to deal with major world
The proposal by the secretary-
general was being discussed in
the corridors yesterday as the as-
sembly. which opened for a three-.
month session Tuesday, began or-
ganizing its work.
Thant suggested in the intro-
duction to his annual report that
the council make use, for the first
time, of a provision in the UN
Charter that the council "shall
hold periodic meetings" to discuss,
as Thant put it, "matters relat-
ing to international peace and se-
It was understood that when
Thant first raised the idea for
periodic council meetings at a
luncheon of Security Council
members last month, he suggest-
ed that it might be a route to a
settlement of the war in Vietnam.
Many delegates asked about the
plan, however, continued to be-
lieve that the United Nations could
take no fruitful action to settle
that conflict so long as the Unit-
ed States continued to bomb North
Vietnam and Hanoi continued to
reject any UN involvement in a
But at the same time, they saw
such council meetings as a .possi_-
ble means of approaching an
agreement on Middle East prob-
The Soviet Union and France, it
was understood, were cool to
Thant's idea while the United
States and Britain were guarded
but willing to go along with it.
A U.S. spokesman said his dele-
gation thought the "basic idea is
a good one," and he added that
the United States 'would not op-
pose such a meeting during the
current assembly session.
U.S. Ambassador Arthur J. Gold-
berg will give the U.S. position
on Vietnam and other major world
issues in a speech to the assem-
bly today, and the Soviet Union
also is expected to give careful at-
tention to Vietnam, when. Foreign
Minister Andrei Gromyko speaks
to the assembly tomorrow.

LAGOS, Nigeria (AP)-Rebellious
Midwesterners struck another blow
at Nigeria's fragile federation yes-
terdaoy, declaring themselves an
independent republic and pledging
cooperation with Eastern regional
Biafra in the civil war against
the Lagos government.
It was learned late last night
that federal troops entered Benin
City 12 hours after it was declar-
ed a rebel capital in another blow
at Nigeria's splintering federa-
Maj. Albert O. Ikonkwo, a U.S.-
trained medical doctor, proclaimed
the Midwest the Republic of Ben-.
in and said it would apply for
membership in the United Nations.
Okonkwo was installed as military
Midwestern administrator when
Biafrans andemutinous federal
troops, took over the region early
in August.
The proclamation left Nigeria,
Africa's most populous country and
once a prosperous model of polit-
ical stability for the continent's
emerging nations, with two of its
four federal regions in rebellion.
The East declared itself the Re-
public of Biafra May 30.
Nigeria's split developed from
friction amonig its tribal popula-
tions. Thousands of Ibo tribesmen
living in the Hausa-controlled
were slain in months of upheavals
last year and Ibo leaders in the
East, where their tribe predom-
inates, contended that the Lagos
government was treating their re-
gion unfairly.
Neither federal forces nor Bi-
afran troops have shown decisive
superiority in the fighting that
broke out 10 weeks ago.
The effect on Nigeria's economy
has been staggering. Oil produc-
tion was 52,000 barrels a day last
month, compared with 580,000
barrels before the war. Foreign
exchange reserves fell $5.6 million
in August, approximately the es-
timated cost of MIB jet fighters
Nigeria bought from the Soviet
Union. Some banking officials say
the country may come near a bal-
ance of payments crisis for 1967.
In a broadcast from the Mid-
western capital of Benin. City yes-
terday, Dkonkwo accused Northern

Nigeria and the military govern-
ment of Majo. Gen. Iakubu Gowon
in Lagos of trying to "impose an
unacceptable type of government
on our people." Gowon has sought
to consolidate his power while Lt.
Col. C. Odumegwu Ojukwu, the
Eastern leader, had argued before
his region seceded for a loosening
of federal rule.
Okonkwo said Benin would col-
laborate with Biafra in all military
matters. He is among the 500,000
Midwesterners who are members
of the Ibo tribe.

At the same time, Lagos ra
broadcast the message, "The fri
are swimming," believed by so
observess to be a coded signal
fresh federal military efforts
retake the Midwest. There w
reports that Nigerian units.h
landed on the Midwestern co
last week and were driving towi
Warri, an oil center.
One report had federal forces
the outskirts of Benin City. A
other Benin broadcast announ
a -reorganization of Biafra's g

Chicago Welfare Workers
Bar Romney from Outpos

Nigeria's Midwestern Region
Declares Itself Independent

CHICAGO (A--Republican Gov.
George Romney was barred yes-
terday from entering a private
welfare organization in a Puerto
Rican neighborhood by the orga-
nization's young director who ac-
cused the governor of answering
the poor with "tanks and machine
guns." .
When Romney arrived at Casa
Central Outpost, there was a sign
hanging over the door saying,
"We don't like politicians that call
out National -Guard on poor peo-
Romney angrily accused the or-
ganization's director, Luis Cuza,
of a "despicable political attack"
on him.
At one point when Cuza tried to
turn away from Romney's wrathy,
the governor grabbed him by the'
arm and told Cuza, "You stand
here and take it." Romney told

him, "You can't walk away af
making charges that are false."
After the angry. sidewalk co
frontation which brought at le
two extra patrol cars, Romi
walked across the street to m
Juan Diaz, described as a lead
of the Puerto Rican commurd
and director of the Spanish A
tion Committee of Chicago.
apologized' to Romney and ss
that Cuza's group is "nota
thorized by the Puerto Ric
community to make any de
Earlier, Romney inspected
police department and took an e
vated train ride to look into "
back door of Chicago."
The governor, an undecla
candidate for the Republican pr
idential nomination, visited C
cago as part of his tour of urt

CONCORD, N.H. (P)-With less
than six months to go before New
Hampshire's presidential prefer-
erence prinary-the nation's first
-it's Richard M. Nixon leading
the field of Republican hopefuls.
Gov. George Romney of Michi-
gan will start his move with
speeches at Darmouth and the.
University of New .Hampshire on
Oct. 30.
Gov. Ronald Reagan of Cali-
fornia has organized backing but
has passed the word that he. does
not want his name.on the ballot
in the March. 12 primary. So his
supporters are . concentrating on
a write-in campaign along the
lines which . gave Henry Cabot
Lodge a surprise victory in 1964.
Other Write-ins
Others sure to muster write-in
support if they decline to be on
the ballot include Gov. Nelson A.
Rockefeller of New York and Sen.
Charles H. Percy of Illilnois. Some
diehards say they will write in the
name of Barry Goldwater, the par-
ty's 1964 nominee, despite his
crushing defeat by Lyndon B.

New Hampshire is a state where
the tradition of the town meeting
is cherished as an example of true.
democracy and where every man's
views are heard fully at the grass
roots level.
A candiate's exposure to the
electorate counts heavily and Nix-
on is generally figured to be ahead
because of frequent visits to New
Hampshire and what one politican
terms "identification with the
Rdmney Trailing
Romney supporters concede their
man is trailing but they believe
that heavy campaigning in the
state will close the gap before the
The Michigan governor already
has paid one visit, to Mirror Lake
in early July, where he met party
leaders and representatives of the
Reagan has yet, to appear but
supporters hope he will set up a
speaking engagement before the
end of the year.
John McDonald, a Nixon sup-
porter in 1960, heads a New.
Hampshire draft-Reagan commit-
tee. Former State Sen. Russell
Carter, organizer of another pro-
Reagan group, says more than a
third of the offers to work for the
California governor have come
from Democrats.
In response to a mailed ques-
tionaire, voters in the 2nd Con-
gressional District said they liked
Nixon as the "best candidate" for
the presidential nomination. Rep.
James C. Cleveland (R-NH), who
did the polling, said Nixon was the
first choice of 1,242, Rockefeller
was the first choice of 703 and
Romney was first with 667. Cleve-
land personally prefers Romney.
The Manchester Union Leader,
which supports Nixon editorially,
said a sample of its readers showed
207 for Nixon, 144 for Reagan, 25
for Rockefeller and 7 for Romney.
To get on the presidential pref-
erence ballot requires the signa-
tures of 50 voters from each of the
state's two congressional districts.

Consent of the candidate is not
needed, but he has 10 days to
withdraw his name after being
notified by the secretary of state
that nominating papers have been
received in his behalf.
The ballot for the Primary, held
on town meeting day every four
years, lists slates of delegates to
the national conventions, plus the
names of nominees. It is strictly
a party primary, with no crossing
MacDonald said the Reagan ef-
fort would remain a wKite-in cam-
paign "unless instructed different-
ly from Sacramento. He does not
want his name on the presidential
prefrence side of the ballot and-
we're certainly not going to go
against those wishes."


G I USEP PE 01S E FA1011
with DAGMAR KOLLER + Valorie Goodall Karl Weber " Theo Bayle

Before the Theater

World News Roundup



DENVER-Some state officials
say Colorado's new liberal abor-
tion law may have to be amended
to fend off patients from other
parts of the country.
, State Sen. Sam T. Taylor of
Walsenburg, a leading opponent ofI
the bill which became law this
year, asserted that the legislation,
as it stands "will make Colorado.
the abortion Mecca of the nation."i
* * *,
WASHINGTON-Several thou-4
sand workers striking against Pant
American World Airways yester-°
day ended their brief walkout
that .apparently did little to slow{
the airline's global operations.
C. L. Dennis, president of theI
AFL-CIO Brotherhood of Railway:
and Airline Clerks, said the strike

was being called off at the request
of the National Mediation Board.
, * * *
WASHINGTON-North Vietna-
mese are traveling across Red Chi-
na to receive Russian war sup-
plies at the Soviet-Chinese bor-
der, congressional testimony re-
vealed yesterday.
The disclosure was made by
military men testifying before, the
Senate preparedness investigating
subcommittee Aug. 10 during a
closed hearing on the Vietnam
'air war..
The comments of Adm. U. S.
Grant Sharp, Pacific commander
in chief, and Air Force Maj. Gen.
Chesley G. Peterson, assistant
chief of staff of Pacific intelli-
gence, were released yesterday.


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Concert of M. Kabal
Walerian Borowczyk, Poland
All Boys Are Named Patrick
Jean-Luc Godard, France
Ai! Yogi Kurt, Japan
Act Without Words Guido Bettiol, France
ActuaTilt Jean Herman, France
Do-It-Yourself Cartoon Kit Bob Godfrey, England
The Games of Angels Walerian Bprowczyk, Poland
The Apple George Dunning, England
The Most Richard Ballentine and Gordon Sheppard, Canada

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