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September 16, 1967 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-09-16

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Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

Conclusions on the Strike: How it Ended
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Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.




Another Greek Coup:
IFC Must Come Clean

ternity Council's executive commit-
tee, Executive Vice-President William
Sage expressed concern over IFC's image,
and its public relations program. Doubt
was voiced about the effectiveness of
IFC's mass publicity program, especially
that 'publicity immediately preceding
During the summer and in the few
weeks of this semester, according to
Sage, and other IFC members, situations
have arisen that could have proven em-
barrassing to IFC's rush publicity cam-
paign. Three houses had been placed on
social probation for committing infrac-
tions of IFC regulations, and one house,
Acacia, was closed because of an inci-
dent that occurred this summer involv-
ing "conduct unbecoming to a frater-
nity," when police had to be called in
to quell a disturbance there.
Such occurences, IFC feels, tend to
taint the image .of the clean, upstand-
ing Greek organization, and certainly do
no good for its all important rush cam-
paign which holds singular importance
this semester in view of last year's poor
rush. Quite understandably, in the inter-
est of self preservation, IFC is going all
out this semester to promote a large turn-
out of rushees, and according to Sage,
is doing quite well. He believes it will be
"the best rush IFC has seen." Apparent-

MY ICONOCLASTIC uncle is always voting for losing
candidates. I once asked if he ever became discour-
aged about perpetually being on the losing side. "The first
time I voted for a winning candidate," he told me "I
had to seriously examine my conscience."
That's the nagging feeling the University left behind
Thursday night when it suddenly decided to break prece-
dent here and begin collective bargaining with unions.
The decision was a sensible one. But the fact is that
the University did what The Daily senior editors pro-
posed on Wednesday:
" .The school should agree to bargain collectively
with its employes pending the outcome of its court test
of PA 379. If the University and the unions agree.
the State Labor Mediation Board will be able to conduct
representation elections almost immediately."
Who could have imagined the administration follow-
ing the advice of the student paper? It was like waking
up to discover that Lyndon Baines Johnson is pulling
the U.S. out of Vietnam, Israel has merged with Egypt,
and George Wallace and Stokely Carmichael are joining
to form a presidential ticket.
REALISTICALLY, of course, The Daily's editorial
writing had little to do with the University's sound deci-
sion to begin collective bargaining with the unions. In
fact the move was a realistic business-level decision. It

ly, though, IFC wants more assurance
than this singular optimistic forecast,
and has decided to further its image by
obscuring as much as possible the em-
barrassment of the past few months.
FOR EXAMPLE, despite the fact that
IFC's judicial committee found three
houses guilty of social infractions, and
sentenced them to social probation, IFC,
in an effort to clean itself up before rush,
repealed the penalties, because, accord-
ing to Sage, it was "a bad thing for rush."
This sweep-it-under-the-rug attitude does
not speak very highly of IFC's self esti-
All unaffiliated men on campus, and
even some within the organization know
that IFC, much as it would like to be, is
not perfect; nor does it claim to be. In
light of this, wouldn't it be more adult to
own up to the faults in the Michigan
fraternity system, and work to correct
rather than deny them?
Instead of giving license to irrespon-
sible behavior, tacit approval to "conduct
unbecoming to a fraternity" during the
weeks before each semester's rush, IFC
should mete out and stand by the disci-
pline necessary to maintain a strong,
functional Greek system, rather than
playing ostrich before every rush: IFC
should come clean.

The decision to begin bargaining with the unions
was reached Thursday by Vice-President and Chief
Financial Officer Wilbur Pierpont, Personnel Officer
Russell Reister, and Plant Extension Director James
Although Pierpont was in consulation with the Regents
on the matter it was primarily a line decision made by
the three men. After a bargaining session with union
representatives on Tuesday the University officials began
consideration of the worker's settlement proposal.
By 7:30 p.m. Thursday evening the three University
men had worked out their bargaining stand which essen-
tially accepted the union proposal to expedite determina-
tion of bargaining units and begin collective bargaining
pending the outcome of the University's challenge of
Public Act 379 which requires the school to bargain col-
The officials then called the unions and negotiated
by phone. By 11 p.m. the University reached agreement
with the Washtenaw County Building Trades Council.,
(The WCBTC was bargaining for the striking trades-
men. Subsequently the school contacted and reached
agreement with the Building Service Employees Union
and the American Federation of State County and Muni-
cipal Employees. (BSEU and AFSCME members had
walked out in sympathy.)
The settlement was just in time. Thursday the strike
situation became ominous as picketers at Food Service

dodged supervisor driven supply trucks trying to crash
the picket line. Deliveries at the dorms and other Uni-
versity facilities were cut back. Students rallied for the
strike on the Diag.
EVEN MORE IMPORTANT in the eyes of the admin-
istration was the public Regents meeting Friday after-
noon. There is little doubt that if' the walkout hadn't
been settled the meeting would have been picketed and
packed by rambunctious strikers and their student sup-
porters. The sedate meeting could have become an uproar.
As it turned out only a handful of students turned
out for the boring meeting. Still, an edgyr President
Harlan Hatcher was taking no chances. Shortly after
3 p.m. Hatcher launched into a plug for the star-studded
cast of intellectuals lined up- for the final major sesqui-
centennial conference in October.
When he completed his remarks on the conference
Hatcher said, "Well, that completes our agenda for today,
gentlemen," and got up from his chair.-This effectively
ended the meeting even though sessions are normally
closed by a motion for adjournment and vote (one Regent
never got a chance to ask a brief question at the end).
Hatcher turned to President-designate Robben Flem-
ing, who had been sitting at his right for the meeting.
He pointed at the student visitors and reportedly re-
marked "Just look at those students back there waiting
to start trouble."


effectively thwarted the potential
warfare here.

for entrenched labor

Letters: Vietnam Summer Turns to Vietnam Fall

To the Editor:
HERE ARE undoubtedly many
students who, while objecting
to the Vietnamese war, feel that
speeches, teach-ins, and mass
marches, while certainly useful,
leave something to be desired in
the way of long-term effects and
appealing to the average citizen.
Vietnam Summer provides one
program which may go far to fill
this lack: its canvassing cam-
Volunteers quietly go from door
to door in a selected neighborhood
asking people to talk about the
war. For many, this is a chance
and a challenge not usually given
them to express their feelings and
ideas. The volunteer in turn may
adopt whatever style, arguments,
and specific peace position he de-
Hopefully, this dialogue will
raise questions the average voter
has not considered or which have
been distorted in the media. It will
reinforce those with peace sym-
pathies who may lack concrete
facts. It may modify the hawks
encountered. It will at least hu-
manize the distorted "peacenik"
Anyone interested is invited to

join us this Sunday, 5:30 p.m. at
516 Oswego St.
-Richard Miller
Friends of Ann Arbor
Vietnam Summer-Fall
To the Editor:
UNDER THE guise of a news
story about the appointment
of a new chairman of the Depart-
ment of English, The Daily has
printed an editorial characteris-
tically malicious and offensive to
decent people. Two men are
smeared: one, a newcomer who will
surely be surprised by this mark
of The Daily's gratuitious ill-will;
the other, a teacher whose con-
siderable talents have benefited
several generations of students,
one of the first recipients of the
University's Distinguished Service
Award, and a man nationally rec-
ognized for his contributions to
Considering the record of recent
years, there is no reason to sup-
pose that those who control The
Daily will feel any pangs of con-
science about such an unfair per-
sonal attack. Given the moral at-
mosphere in which The Daily
operates such an expectation would

be absurd. It does seem important,
however, to express one's personal
disagreement with the judgments
implied in the article as well as
the hope that the official con-
nection between The Daily and the
University, which now serves lar-
gely to bring the University into
discredit, will soon be broken.
--William R. Steinhoff
Professor of English
EDITOR'S NOTE: Like any news-
paper The Daily tries to report stor-
ies as fast as is accurately possible.
In this case the paper was merely
confirming an open secret known
across campus. .In the absence of
specific citations from Mr. Stein-
hoff it is difficult to determine
exactly what he feels was "mali-
cious and offensive" about the story.
However, The Daily regrets it
was unable to appropriately cover
the details of Mr. Rice's retirement.
Our reporter planned to interview
Mr. Rice so that he could write
extensively about his retirement.
Unfortunately when the reporter
called for an interview Mr. Rice de-
clined comment and then hung up.
Hopefully our reporter will be able
to get an interview with Mr. Rice
at a later date and complete his
To the Editor:
THE EDITORIAL in Thursday's
Daily ("Sell-Out") reflects

some misunderstanding of the free
Freedom has many manifesta-
tions. Academic freedom is one.
Those who enjoy it pursue their
own interests, listening to their
favoriteprofessors, reading what-
ever they find time to read, and
exchanging ideas with others. As a
result knowledge grows, often
phenomenally, and we all benefit.
Freedom of exchange (i.e. the
free market) is another such mani-
festation. Man's wants are never-
ending, but free men have been'
able to fill the bill on a scale un-
precedented in history. As schol-
ars hasten the growth of knowl-
edge where they are free to pursue
their interests and free to ex-
change their findings with others
and free 'to learn, so do men in-
crease the store of material abun-
dance where they are free to pro-
duce and free to offer their serv-
ices and goods in willing exchange
with others for their respective
services and goods.
In living well the life sof a free
man one earns dignity and respect.
the form of strict regulation of

studies and censoring of books,)or
be it in the form of a monopoly
cornering a market, or in the form
of a union-backed strike, coercion
can only wreak' havoc. A monopoly
restricts the consumer's choice of
goods, a strike restricts the pro-
ducer's choice of workers. Both
monopolists and strikers have lost
faith in freedom. They have de-
cided that force should determine
what is bought and sold and at
what price.
In light of this it is absurd to
picture the students who took over
the jobs abandoned by the strikers
as irresponsible swine, "filling
theirrcollective stomach three
times a day." These students are
offering their services in answer
to a demand, a willing exchange
has taken place, all part of our
free-markget economy. If they suc-
ceed, especially under fire from
collectivists and other advocates
of coercion, more power to them.
Outcries from those bewailing the
"lack of social conscience" betoken
not a tender heart, but merely a
soft mind.
-John Roe, '72

'Who's On First' With SGC

THE UNIVERSITY should withdraw
from the National Student Associa-
Confidence in NSA as a viable orga-
nipation was badly 'shaken last spring
when,it was disclosed that that organi-
zation had accepted $3 million from the
Central Intelligence Agency over a 15-
year period.
What little hope there was left that
NSA was capable of salvaging itself was
quashed by the last month's National
Student Congress at the University of
Maryland. Events at the congress made
it abundantly clear that NSA has no in-
tention of undertaking any large scale
reorganization of itself and that its ef-
fectiveness as the purported representa-
tive body of American students has come
to an end.
In a masterpiece of the art of, equiv-
ocation, Student Government Council
Thursday voted 6-5 to remain affiliated
with NSA. The decision came after a se-
ries of vote changes which, if the issue
had not been so serious, would have riv-
aled "Who's on First" as a comedy rou-
The, ease with which certain council
members changed their positions on the
motion led one to believe that they were
basing their votes on what their col-
leagues thought of them rather than on
their individual convictions about NSA.
THE MOTION calling for withdrawal
was introduced by SGC member Leslie
Mahler, '69, and was unequivocally sup-
ported at the table by Judy Greenberg,
'69; E. 0. Knowles, '70; Anne Patton, '68,
and Janice Sorkin, '68.
Equally determined in their opposi-
tion to withdrawal were Executive Vice-
President Ruth Baumann, 168; Univer-
sity Activities Center President Dan

Tucker, '68; Panhellenic Association Pres-
iderit Ginny' Mochel, '68, and Mike Koe-
neke, '69.
The key to the decision to remain in
NSA was three wishy-washy members
who couldn't make up their mind how
to vote until all the returns were in.
On the first roll call, the motion to
withdraw passed 6-5.- Marty Lieberman,
'69, who had abstained, then decided that
it wouldn't be right to withdraw "at this
time' and changed his vote to "no."h
When chairman Bruce Kahn, '68, SGC
president, indicated his intention to break
the tie in favor of withdrawal, Kay
Stansbury, '70, who also abstained on the
original roll call, changed her vote to
"no," insuring defeat of the motion to
withdraw. After several vacillations, In-
ter House Assembly President Steve
Brown, '69, decided to abstain.
Two major issues are at stake here.
One, of course, is the substantive issue of
withdrawal from NSA. Supporters of NSA
say we should wait, anywhere from sev-
eral weeks to several months, before tak-
ing any action to see what NSA does to
reform itself. However, five months and
one national congress have passed since
the disclosures of NSA's flaws. The time
for waiting has passed.
Perhaps even more important, Thurs-
day's meeting cast serious doubts on the
abilities of some SGC members to think
and act independently.
SGC IS ON THE VERGE of major break-
throughs in student government. For
council to act effectively as the repre-
sentative government of the student body,
it must have the confidence of its con-
After Thursday's meeting, it is ques-
tionable whether that confidence is de-

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(4topia Speaks with aBits Accen't

have been made in recent
months to link the American es-
capade in Vietnam with the eco-
nomic and moral quagmire of the
American ghetto. While the nexus
between the plight of the Negro
and this nation's grand and glar-
ious military history is a sound
one, the efforts of Senator J. Wil-
liam Fulbright and Reverend
Martin Luther King err in their
choice of wars. For it is not the
war in Vietnam nor even the
Civil War but the American Revo-
lution, revered by D.A.R. matron
and black militant alike, which is
most directly relevant to this na-
tion's urban cancer.
Speculative history is bunk.
Rife with pedantry, sterile with
academic questions and moot
points, its exercise should be
strictly limited to questions of the
utmost gravity. To attempt such
an analysis without tongue at
least partially in cheek would be
intellectually fraudulent: history,
as its students are fond of noting,
is indeed a dynamic process. Hypo-
thetically cutting a page like the
American Revolution out of the
history book invariably means
taking the scissors to a dozen
other seemingly unrelated pages.
Despite all this, such specula-
tion is sometin'ies warranted. Be-

cause a nation's vision is limited
by the presumed necessity of its
birth, the causal connections that
might have been escape it entire-
ly. The American Revolution is no
exception. It is the immutable, the
given, the sagrosanct, the un-
touchable. Yet much of the social
and economic dislocation of the
American Negro can be traced to
the nation's nativity.
of 1960-66 is all over except for
the weeping and the self-recrimi-
nations. Although the freedom
rides, the court battles, and Bull
Connor's dogs helped to raze many
of the legal barriers to equality,
what the movement's demise left
in its wake is the formidable task
of vaulting the economic and so-
cial hurdles which render legal
equity meaningless.
Despite the hubbub, huzzanas,
and Nobel Prizes, the Civil Rights
struggle of the 1960's was in fact
a second-run performance. A
hundred years earlier its billing
had been "The Civil Rights move-
ment of the 1860's" but its goals
of political and legal equality
were much the same.
In those hectic days, following
the death of the "Great Emanci-
pator," men like Thaddeus Ste-
vens and Charles Summner, at-
tempted to enact fundamental
guarantees of equal rights.

But, shortsighted or callous
these reformers failed to graft
their scanty legal victories to the
sturdy stock of economic recon-
struction. While Stevens' unful-
filled demand for "40 acres and
a mule" may have been the har-
binger of the "Head Start" pro-
gram, it would have been too little
and too late, even in 1868.
Even the legal victories were
short-lived. The South dodged
and squirmed, the Supreme Court
rendered impotent what little
legislation was passed. And in
1877, as part of the compromise
which brought Rutherford B.
Hayes the disputed presidency, the
federal government eagerly ab-
dicated all responsibility for the
Negro's welfare to pursue the
more pressing problenf of Civil
Service reform.
rican psyche is the fatalistic con-
viction that while war is to be
regretted, America's wars have
been baptized in the waters of
justice and righteousness. Perhaps
no war has seemed to Americans
more tragically inevitable, perhaps
no war's pageantry has been more
ceremoniously reenacted than the
Civil War. The bravery of South-
ern heroes is immortalized in the
image of Scarlett O'Hara's quiet
stoicism with Atlanta burning in
the background. And for their role
in the holy work of emancipation,
the Union dead have been re-
payed by the reverence of genera-
tions of Northerners.
But if the outcome of that epic
conflagration was to leave the
black man's fate in the hands of
a brutall,0racist society, then
those 600,000 did, indeed, die in
Slavery, as many historians in-
sist and John Quincy Adams pro-
phesied, only could have been
stamped out through the exercise
of the President's war powers.
Without a constitutional amend-
ment, which could not have been
passed over Southern intransi-
gence, Congress was powerless.
In an era in which the Ameri-
can people , meekly accept high
taxation and little representation
..t .- a 4.-. 4 - 4- A 1,



Civilizing the Police

day. to 1200 police officers in Kansas
City misses the mark on hitting out at
the major sources and solutions to a
growing crime problem.
Aside from an atrocious alliterative dig
("poisonous propagandists posed as
spokesmen for the underprivileged") at
riot provocators, the President's remarks
were pertinent but misplaced. He accur-
ately diagnosed a major component of
social unrest as stemming from the
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
Collegiate Press Service

breakdown in effective communication
and inclusion of the understrata of so-
ciety with the mainstream. But his ex-
hortion of the police to "redeem their
faith in the law" is an invitation for the
arsonist to take lodgings at the fire-
The police, for reasons ranging from
recruitment patterns to their symbiotic
relationship with criminals, contribute to
difficulties in altering the criminal's in-
transigence before the law.
DIRECT CONTACT with the law comes
most often in the person of police
officers whose methods can be abrupt
and ends-oriented as the lives of those
on ha hnrdr of nnverty and crime with

have lived. For had the revolution
not occurred, slavery would have
been abolished by Parliament in
1833 at the behest of Wilberforce
and Clarkson and internecine
strife would have been averted.
With the slaves emancipated in,
1833, the country might have been
spared the brunt of Southern ya-
hooism which came to the fore
predominantly a f t e r the Nat
Turner rebellion of 1832. For it
was in that crucial generation be-
fore the Civil War that Southern
attitudes hardened, manifested in
the emergence of the "positive
good" justification of slavery.
With the slavery question set-
tled by peaceful means, some of
the deep-seated racial and sec-
tional animosities might'well have
been avoided.
Had Parliament legislated an
anti-riot act to curb the radical
outbursts of Samuel Adams and
Patrick Henry, England would
have eventually worked out on
arrangement granting America a
couple of "rotten boroughs" in
the House of Commons and mak-
ing George Washington a peer.
have prevented the War of 1812
which would have been a tragedy
for the Dolly Madison fan club
si r.A ln - r of lae o in -nfn

over all of the New World. This
coalition would never have allow-
ed Mexico to become a power
capable of waging the Mexican
War. By obviating the Monroe
Doctrine and the Platt Amend-
ment our senseless history of Ca-
ribbean strife would have been
avoided, while still maintaining
intact Latin America for the
United Fruit Company.
Truth compels us to note that
America' would have been obli-
gated to take its place in the
ranks at Sebastopol. Thus it would
have been Florence Nightingale,
and not Clara Barton, whose pin-
up would have graced thousands
of barracks' walls as patron saint
of American soldiers.
While not promising all things
to all people, it might be men-
tioned in passing that a strong
Anglo-American front would have
appeared to Germany in World
War I as a far more imposing
deterrent than a naked Albion.
Could the bloodshed of these wars
been avoided a veritable Pax
Brittania would have prevailed.
British subtlety and political
sagacity would never have allowed
militant and irrational anti-
Communism to precipitate the
monumental inanities of the Cold
War. British "old China hands"
, 1- vhe:sen fro mPekinz .a



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