AUTONOMY NEVER USED WHEN REALLY NEEDED See editorial page C, r Sir D43aitt MILD High-80 Low-S Fair with a chance of showers Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVIII, No. 14 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1967 SEVEN CENTS TEN PAGES Walkout Settled as ' Accepts PA 379 Pending Outcome REMAINS IN NSA: SGC Replaces 'U' Code Of Student Regulations ' of Suit 11 Circuit Court L By URBAN LEHNER Student Government Council abolished the "University Regula- tions" code for students and re- placed it with a code written by SGC at its meeting last night. While including sections of the University's rules in its own, Coun- cil unanimously enacted major changes in the regulations dealing with men and women living in University housing, speakers at public lectures, demonstrations, and intoxicants. The "University Regulations" code was written by the admin- istration. Although students were consulted on some of the rules "The University did not consider itself deterred from making a rule' whatever students thought of it," claimed SGC President Bruce Kahn. The regulations are enforced by Joint Judiciary Council. JJC members are appointed by Coun- cil. The decision to rewrite the rules was made last spring when a majority of the newly appoint- ed JJC members pledged to en- force "only those rules made or approved by students." The regulations provide for a poll on late hours' policy to be taken of all women who do not have late hour permission in whch they will decide by what method they wish to make this decision regarding hours." Under the new regulations the question of women's hours is to be decided by either an all cam- pus referendum, an all 'women referendum, an all freshmen women referendum, individual SGC Seeks SACUA. Aid for Course Book By WALTER SHAPIRO Student Government Council last night urged the Senate Ad- visory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) to endorse the publication of a student course evaluation booklet. In a formal statement, SGC rec- ommended that SACUA's commit- tee on student evaluation of teach- ing endorse the publication "as an Sintegral part of the committee's research goals" at its meeting to- day. However, SACUA committee chairman, Prof. Donald R. Brown of the psychology department, said yesterday, "If my committee endorsed a student course evalua- tion booklet, it would imply the tacit approval of the Faculty Sen-' ate." 'Official Help' He continued, "If the committee offered official help to the course evaluation booklet, it would be- come a semi-official publication which would require a higher level of competence than a student booklet." Last night's SGC resolution sup- porting a student course evaluation booklet during this academic year was prepared by Stephen Spitz, '68, chairman of the SGC Commit- tee on Course and Teacher Evalu- ation which was established last week. Spitz, a student member of the SACUA committee, said that he intended to present the SGC re- solution at the SACUA committee meeting this afternoon. The SACUA committee was es- tablished last Jan. 30 to develop "procedures for student evalua- tion procedures during the 1967- in a report about the role of 'course evaluation' in the Univer- sity." He added, "We were asked to bring in recommendations to SACUA on more than student course evaluation booklets, though that might be one part of our report." rAccording to Spitz, "From the student point of view it is funda- mental that the SACUA committee endorse the principle of a publish- ed student course evaluation book- let, before it can proceed to other matters.' SGC Resolution The SGC resolution stated "that a student course and teacher eval- uation by definition must be a student enterprise. However, SGC' stresses the essential role of fac- ulty members and administrators in lending professional aid and guidance to the project." Brown, while doubting official approval of the project, did say, "If SGC wanted to do a course evaluation booklet and asked for assistance, many faculty members with technical competence would, as individuals, offer co-opera- tion." Charles Goldberg '69, vice- chairman of the SGC committee, estimates that it would cost about $8400 to produce a course evalu-I ation booklet this academic year. Of this money, $5000 would be for printing the booklet and most of the remainder would cover the costs of using a computer to tab- ulate the data. SGC has included in its ten- tative budget a $2,000 appropria- tion to support the booklet. Spitz said the financing would be "broad-based" including the sale housing units, SGC or Inter-House Assembly. SGC also early today defeated a motion to withdraw from the National Student Association. The motion, proposed by SGC member Leslie Mahler, '68, lost on a 6-5 votc. The defeat means that the University will remain a member of NSA. NSA, the largest organization of students in the United States, was shaken last spring when it was disclosed that the body took funds from the Central Intelligence Agency over a 10-year period. Opponents of the motion to withdraw express concern that pulling out of NSA at this time would be precipitous and that it would be better to wait several months before acting. SGC's rules on housing 'strip the Office of University Housing of its authority to make rules for students," Kahn said in debate. New General Rule The new general rule concern- ing men in University housing states that "Men living in Uni- versity housing shall be responsi- ble for making their own internal regulations through their own house councils or whatever units they deem appropriate." A similar rule was enacted for women in University housing with the exception of the regulations governing late hours. In addition, the SOC regula- tions revoked the former Univer- sity regulations regarding the use of explosives and intoxicants by students living in University housing. Incorporate State Law R SOC incorporated the lawsof the State of Michigan and the City of Ann Arbor with regard to, the use of intoxicants by all stu- dents. The effect of this revision would be to allow students over 21 living in University housing the possession and use of intoxicants in his room. The University regu- lation had provided that "the use or presence of intoxicants is not permitted in University Housing where minors are living or pi'es- ent." Kahn told the Council "Accord- ing to the laws and the attorney I consulted, neither state or local law or the terms under which University housing was bonded require this regulation." "The University regulations," Kahn added, "were considerably more stringent than state or local law. Council also replaced the former University regulations on demon- strations. SGC's rule prohibits "individual or mass acts that des- troy University property or are against city, state or federal law." The University regulation had made students and student organ- izations liable to disciplinary ac- tion if they were involved in "in- citing, leading, participating in student disorders including dem- onstrations riots or raids." -Daily--Thomas R. Copi A UNIVERSITY supervisor directs a large Food van into place after picketers agreed to let it enter the building provided it was not taken out again. Moments before the van had rushed at the picketers and veered aside, missing them by only a few feet. 'PRELUDE TO ACTION':, Residential o e Students Vote To End Women 's Hours ing would continue. Elections, Bargaining Await SLMB Ruling By RON LANDSMAN The week-old walkout of 200 skilled tradesmen ended late last night when the University conditionally agreed to collec- tive bargaining with employes. The University will "follow the procedures under (Public) Act 379, including representa- tion elections and collective bargaining, until the court has acted." The landmark settlement means that the school will hold representation elections for University employes and then bargain collectively with the designated unit (or units) pend- ing the outcome of a current circuit court challenge of P.A. 379. The University has been in court for two years charging that P.A. 379, which gives bargaining rights to public em- ployes, is inapplicable to the school. The administration Fin contends that the act is an in- fringement on the University's traditional constitutional au- tonomy. If the school should win the iviarredb suit the bargaining could halt. Butnc e if the school loses then bargain- -ng .ou a By JIM HECK and HENRY GRIX Residential College students voted 145 to 10 yesterday favor- ing the abolition of freshmen women's hours within the college. SThe balloting was a "prelude to action" which must be reviewed by the college's community government and faculty before a final stand is made. If the community, as a whole (students, faculty and adminis- trators of the Residential col- lege), decides to abolish freshmen women's hours a position state- ment will be presented to the University administration f o r final approval. " We don't have a clear option to do what we want right now," iDean James H. Robertson, direc- tor of the college explained. Ro- bertson feels, however, that the community has a "good case that makes educational sense." He added, "Our basic phil- osophy is to expect the student to take great responsiblity for his academic life. It would be in- consistent if we did not expect the same thing in his personal life." Earlier, Robertson approached Vice-president for Student Affairsj Richard L. Cutler and John E. Feldkamp, director of University housing. Both agreed to "consider any proposal" of the Residential College community. The results of the informal referendum held last night will be presented along with formal opin- ions from ad hoc committees at an open meeting Monday eve- ning. At that time the community will discuss the issue and draw p a rationale explaining their stand. The position will then be Imade Tuesday night at pro temp government meeting before being discussed by the faculty; Wednesday night. "The concept of women's hours is completely contrary to our philosophy," Rick Presly, chair- man of a pro tem subcommittee told The Daily. Students at the college expres- sed the opinion that they are both participants in an experi- ment in "academic education" as well as "social education." Originally, ad hoc committees' of women decided to bring the issue to the attention of the whole college. "We don't want this to be just an action by the women of the college. It must express the feeling of all of us," a student explained. Various committees have been. discussed which would deal with the problems arising by abolish- ing women's hours. Students have begun tentative plans to insure the security of the dorm, area and for the organization of a review board which would study the situation during its initial phases. Under terms of the settlement the University has agreed to hold representation elections and en-' gage in collective bargaining as" soon as the State Labor Media- tion Board issues its decision on the appropriate number of bar- gaining units for the school. One union has asked for exclusive bar- gaining rights for all employes but three others want separate, rights for individual units. The University has said it would pre- fer to deal with one unit. The SLMB began consideration of the representation question in June 1966. But since the Univer- sity and the workers were unable to agree on collective bargaining, the SLMB was unsure of its juris- diction. It chose, to wait for a court decision on P.A. 379 before mak- ing its decision on representation. But now that the University and union have agreed to bargain the SLMB has agreed to make a de- cision on the representation ques- tion next week. One issue appeared unsettled late last night. The employes had demanded that no reprisals be taken against anyone engaged in the walkout. But . a University spokesman said the school plans to issue warning letters to the walkout leaders stating that they will be dismissed for any actions similar to the walkout. Robert Radtke, head of the Temporary Trades Council which organized the original walkout said that his group had not yet agreed to let the University send the letters. The TTC will issue a statement on the matter early today. In a statement the school said; "The University is not in op- position to the principle of repre- sentation elections and collective bargaining. The University's Re- gents do want a judicial clarifi- cation of their constitutional res- ponsibilities and those of similar state agencies in view of Act 379, The University will continue to do everything it can to expedite the court case. 1968 academic year." of advertising in the booklet and Brown said that his committee attempts to gain University sup- "was charged by SACUA to bring port. SDS Steege Leads Bus-in; encounters Hostile Drivers By DANIEL OKRENT even he (the driver) will get high- The 1:41 bus to North Campus er wages.' pulled to a halt at the N. Uni- At 2:08, the bus reached Vera versity bus stop yesterday and the Baits Housing on North Campus. regular commuters skipped off. A new driver got on, and the scene About 20 riders headed for North started all over again. Cabous20lidesb aed forNor This time, however, the new stu- Campus climbed on. dent driver didn't answer a single Then, Ted Steege of Voice Po- one of Steege's questions. When litical Party, the campus chapter the bus returnedto the Central of Students for a Democratic Soc- Campus, the driver finally turned iety, got on the bus, along with to his antagonist: a few of his compatriots. "I have thought this over, and Steege was taking part in a I have decided to take a certain, Voice effort to get student workers personal, moral decision. And the to walk offtheirJobs in sympathy beauty of that decision is that I with the current plant depart- don't have to bother to justify it ment and dormitory worker strike. to anyone. Including you." "We're here to ask you not to drive the bus, Steege told the part-time student bus driver handling the 1:41. "1 don't have to listen to your garbage," replied the driver. "Get off my bus."' Steege refused, so the driverz< got off instead and consulted his j supervisor who was watching from curbside. Then the supervisor boarded the bus in place of the student. In turn, Steege and friends got off. As soon as the doors closed be- hind them, the supervisor re- opened them to let the student get back on to drive his bus. Then the supervisor got off. Steege attempted to get back on, but the student driver closed the door on his hand. "Let 'em on," the supervisor shouted to the driver. The student let Steege's group Several tense picket line con- frontations developed on campus as truck deliveries were slowed and halted during the final day of the strike here. Picketers at the Food Service building on N. Uni- versity had to dodge a delivery van and two of them claimed they were brushed aside by private cars. The trouble caine when super- visors tried to drivehUniversity trucks across picket lines. The supervisors were replacing many regular truck drivers who had re- fused to cross the picket lines that were thrown up at the res- idence halls, Michigan Union, the Michigan League and Food Serv- ice. The strike broadened on two other fronts. About 45 of the 120 laundry workers and about half the Michigan, Union Grill staff walked out. However, $68 million worth of campus construction started moving again when strikers dropped picket lines in the face of an injunction threat. About 75 dorm workers did not report for work yesterday. Two hundred workers were out earlier this week. Major Confrontation The major confrontation took place at. Food Service which sup- plies University dormitories and other facilities. About 3:30 p.m. a University van, driven by super- visory personnel, rushed at a doz- en picketers in an attempt to en- ter the building. It came within a few feet of the picketers and then veered off. Union leaders then allowed the truck in with the understanding that it would not be allowed to leave. A second truck which had been trying to leave, gave up the attempt and the building was closed about 4 p.m. on orders from Food Service manager Lawrence Hayes. The Food Service and all other operations are expected to resume normal operations today because of the strike settlement late last night. Deliveries Made Hayes, who at one point ordered delivery trucks to "advance to- ward picket lines in creeping gear to give the picketers t line to move," said that all hospital and Health Service deliveries were al- lowed through. Karen Daenzer, '69 chairmen of Voice political party claimed that she and a University employe were hit by private cars while picketing the Food Service. Hayes said that dieticians at some University halls sent private cars to Food Service to make pick-ups in place of the trucks. University housing director John Feldkamp said that the dormitories were not significantly affected by the delay in deliveries. However, he added that deliveries became more - difficult late in the day. Teamsters Feldkamp charged that the OPPOSE IHA RESOLUTION: Campus Republicans Support Bargaining By AVIVA KEMPNER The University's College Repub- lican Club last night urged the University to comply with "the provisions of Public Act 379 which permits public employes to usef collective bargaining." In a wave of last-minute reac- tion to the strike, the group also endorsed the resolutions passed by Markley and West Quad which opposed the Inter House Assembly, resolution asking students to .sup- port the walk-out of residence dents should not be denied the County Municipal Employes, also services of their home away from asked for student support. He home. If the University isn't able pointed out that Central Michigan to feed the people in the dorms, University and Eastern Michigan then those people should be al- University were examples of state lowed to feed themselves." schools who were contesting Public Voice political party sponsored Act 379 but still accepted collective a rally on the diag yesterday and bargaining. planned to picket the Regents' The proposed picketing of the closed meeting last night. Regents' meeting last night did Student Government Council not take place because Voice mem- President Bruce Kahn, '68, Karen bers could not find the location Daenzer, '69, Voice chairman and of the meeting. While members Barry Bluestone, grad., were the were waiting for the Regents to main sneakers at the -rally. They attend the meeting, which they, .k