Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN . UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Truth Will Prevail Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THE VIEW FROM HERE I Had Too Much to Dream Last Night BY ROBERT KLIVANS {.; f' ........YJ:J:::.Y::":.".: .^.: ..:.'.'."::::.Y ....... . r.,.... n«...,r ,Y ... .. y,....... y.,y. ,r. r.......l:J 1Y. y . f., y r L .i " .L1Y::t^::.'.Y..J ":,L.Yn""n.... . .n 'J "." JR".". L.,. r..' V 1Y:J .., y..J,.:; ........r....... .,.L"::::: :":::.':::: ': "."::::::.:LY:}::'i:. i .1 .n.r'::.'YJ:r5h:1::. .t . ,}"..,....«. :... r..YJ::":": .......... ..:. "".::.^.:":::....{ ".,.,.1... hL d..,. 1 , .... L. ... .:J::. v.y. J.r .... 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V. 9 JESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID KNOKE Nguyen Van Thieu's Coup Turns Out to Be a Blooper SOUTH VIETNAMESE President-elect Nguyen Van Thieu's political naivete may turn out to be a boon for those hop- ng for an "early" end to the adminis- tration's undeclared war in Vietnam. Thieu told NBC's Meet the Press Sun- lay that "it is better to give the Ameri- an troops more of the mission of heavy ighting and more to the Vietnamese roops the mission of pacification." From the point of view of rational mili- ary theory, Thieu's suggestion is far from unsound. The better-trained, better- Rquipped and better-disciplined American roops are apt to be more successful in armed conflict. And the native Army of he Republic of Vietnam (ARVN), who Dave more intimate connections with the anguage and culture, would no doubt do it least as good a job of "pacification" as he Americans. Efficient specialization vould, indeed, seem to dictate the allo- ation of men chief of state Thieu sug- jests. BUT FOR THIEU to make the state- ment he made under those conditions was a serious 'political blunder on his >art. The American public is becoming tontinually less inclined to listen to con- siderations of rational military theory. As the death toll mounts, Americans re coming to see with a sad clarity just iow costly a "small scale," undeclared ;uppression of violence can be. Already .3,000 Americans have died in Vietnam ind the count is rising steadily as the var drags on. New bumper-stickers are -eading "Support Our Boysin Vietnam- 3ring Them Home" and there is every in- ilcation that more and more Americans re reading them. The questionable constitutionality of American intervention is beginning to im- press many Americans, especially "strict- constructionist" conservatives, who did not find it an issue of pressing concern heretofore. In August, 1964, Senators Wayne Morse (D-Oregon) and Ernest Gruening (D-Alaska) were the only mem- bers of the upper house to vote against the Gulf of Tonkin resolution. Now their campaign to repeal the President's flimsy but dangerous "mandate" is gaining sup- port from hawks and doves alike. AMERICAN SENTIMENT against the war is now at its highest level. Fur- thermore, the replacement of the native South Vietnamese army on the front line by American troops has ever been a source of bitterness in the United States. This is South Vietnam's war, goes the rationale of many Americans. Why shouldn't the South Vietnamese pitch in and fight it? What these people have failed to un- derstand is that this may ,not be South Vietnam's war at all. There is little evi- dence that large numbers of that na- tion's inhabitants share the virulent, all- consuming anti-Communism which has formed the unnatural bond between the South Vietnamese military and the John- son administration. Ironically, it may be General Thieu who will unintentionally convince these Americans of that fact. No statement could have been better calculated to out- rage the American public than the one made Sunday. With Americans in a mood to question the war, Thieu inadvertantly reopened the very question they are like- ly to ask first. General Thieu is treading on treacher- ous mountain snow. A few more statie- ments like his debacle on Sunday and there may yet be an avalanche. -U4BAN LEHNER THE PRESIDENTIAL Commission on Decision Making, created in the heat of last fall's student demonstra-. tions, will release its prestigious report within the next few months. The commission's tone was set by an in- terim report published this summer: "There is a broad feeling within the commission that students would have a more important role in the gov- ernance of the University than the formal structure would appear to suggest or require. . . . To accord students an appropriately influential role in University affairs is not only to respect a right legitimately asserted by students but also to meet a need of the University." ONLY RECENTLY, highly reliable sources have re- leased to The Daily preliminary drafts of the commis- sion's proposals for reorienting the power structure of the University. The plans, as the crooks who leaked us this information explained, are based on the "appro- priately influential role" clause and the fact that there are 38,000 students on this campus and only about 3,000 faculty and even fewer administrators. Taking all this into consideration, the commission will recommend the following alterations of the power apparatus at the University: * The Board of Regents will be dissolved and rele- gated to a consulting capacity, hereafter to be called Alumni Advisors, or, more affectionately, "AA." 0 The Administration Building will be converted into Letters: Wha To the Editor: that conditions are vTIHY IS THE University being they are deprived o struck? Because it will not complaint and bein bargain with the unions over something to bargai whether or not it should bargain The unions dem with the unions. The University, University drop its believing it shouldn't, took the if it should barg question to court. Deciding wheth- unions. Why can't t er or not the University's stand patient and let the is illegal must be a difficult mat- the issue instead of i ter for the learned judges since dorms injunctions, pon the case has been in their hands dorms, picketing Cont for some months. The union lead- and indulging in otad ers have equipped their members oabaii with placards proclaiming "Uni- on) behavior, that versity of Michigan Violates State those making the ju Labor Act." Obviously, they have canonry serve to ant some source of inspiration that dispute? renders them more enlightened than the courts of this fine state, -James But what is it the unions really want? Higher wages? Shorter hours? A voice in SGC? No hours To the Editor: for freshmen women? It doesn't A UNION is a grou seem to be any of these worthy have banded tog objectives. When the University an employer to giv raises wages or improves condi- thing he would n tions, the union accuses it of voluntarily because "trying to buy off" its member- be economically in h ship to discourage them from or- do so. First, unio ganizing, Labor is complaining young people to drop f , k11 6 I I Ct 1 ~, ,?;' RAINW~tAHH) a dormitory for the 1,000 students isolated in Bursley Hall; administrators will be moved into the Bursley complex, since they have such little contact with stu- dents, it doesn't matter whether they're near Central Campus or not. In this manner, the administration will be subjected to the intolerable bus schedules it has established and the impossible parking shortage it has nurtured. Administrators will be crowded into Bursley offices by doubling and tripling up office space, so that students will have the necessary room to study. 0 A new administrative post, the Student for Vice- President Affairs, will be established. The Student for Vice-President Affairs will communicate with irrational student leaders and transmit their views to rational administrators. * Student Government Council will be dissolved and replaced by the Student Government Employes Union. SG Employes will immediately strike the University, erecting picket lines'around the Angell Hall complex and grinding classes to a halt. The strike will not be halted until the University agrees to bargain collectively with students on equal terms. " Administrators will be required to register in Wat- erman Gym for their positions. The registration will be carried out during the peak hours of registration week so that administrators can fully appreciate the efficiency of the system they have created. * To offset the frugality of legislative appropria- tions, which left the University $4.6 million short this year, administrators' salaries will be cut to the same de- gree that students' tuition was raised. By thus invoking the incentive principle, administrators will try harder next time in convincing legislators of the University's financial need. N A new Course Evaluation Booklet will be produced by the student body. The booklet will rank the professors as to performance, and the lower 70 per cent will become subject to draft into the National Guard. 9 The University's Student Government will with- draw from the controversial National Student Association (NSA) and join the opposition American Student Society (ASS), which is secretly supported by funds from the KGB. WITH ALL THESE moves, the commission's papers conclude, the rightful power priorities will have been established. Moreover, the necessary separation of an- tagonists will be almost complete. Students will be firmly entrenched on Central Campus in control of the Uni- versity, while administrators will be finally isolated in their new North Campus 'offices. And then only one added step will be needed to secure student democracy on campus. An anti-infiltration wall equipped with electronic eyes and ears will be built across the Huron River basin, ending once and for all administrative interference in student control of University affairs. . Dothe Unions Really Want? so good that f grounds for g deprived is n about. and that, the inquiry to see ain with the the unions be courts decide illegally defy- keting student struction sites her such irra- dd, typical un- cannot affect Ldgments and tagonize those cted with the Winters, '70 Idealism? p of men who ether to force e them some- ot give them it would not, his interest to ns encourage out of school Double Feature at P.S. 67 because they suppose they can get $5 an hour (which amounts to nearly $10,00Q a year) as a un- ion member, with the possibility of extorting more, or at least getting on welfare. Either way, they will be able to live in the life-long state of a vegetable, which prevalent philosophy deems more conducive to happiness than a job as a physicisV or an engi- neer. Second, an individual who walk- ed away from the job he, had been hired to do at a salary he had agreed to, who physically as- saulted other workers going to their jobs, who installed a cot in his boss's office lobby, would immediately be out on his ear. However, what is wrong for one is considered right for many ac- cording to those who pose as to-, day's thinkers. Some, distorting the concept of rights, claim it is right for the one, since man lives for ithers. This is the collectivist premise. I am not familiar with any laws that prevent an employer from firing those he does not choose to have work for him, but if there are such laws they are mor- ay wrong since a man should be free to live for himself-without infringing on the rights of others -despite gobbledygook about the 1930's and the "movement of his- tory." It is significant that those who advocate strikes, riots and pressure groups (in defense, by the way, of things which are not rights) talk about "guilt'' and "conscience." Could it be that they sometimes realize subcon- sciously that they areedefending "You've got it; I want it" and nothing more ideal than that? -Philip A. Coates, Grad Pro Union To the Editor: THE UNIVERSITY'S current position regarding the demand of its employes to institute col- lective bargaining reveals a fund- amental contradiction in its inter- pretation of its legal status. Ac- cording to the state constitution, the University is to be an auto- nomous entity vis-a-vis state pol- itics. However, it derives special advantages from the state: it re- ceives (notoriously insufficient) financial support, immunity from taxes, and the like. Yet when the state deems it proper to recognize the rights of its employees, the University parts company with the state. In other words, the Univer- sity is using its constitutional privileges only in order to secure maximum fiscal benefit. In the last resort this Machi- avellianism of the University can be traced back to the failure of the state of Michigan to fulfill its financial responsibility to the Uni- versity. -Mark Elgot, Grad. Viet HMor To the Editor: A TASS NEWS Agency broadcast proclaimed that the recent elections in South Vietnam af- forded a deceptive camouflage un- der which the United States could continue its war of aggression in Vietnam. Never has the voice of the "enemy" Aso precisely express- ed the opinion of so many Amer- icans. That organ of lies through omission, the press, has conven- iently forgotten that no "neutral- ist"" or "pro-Communist" candi- dates were granted permission to run in the elections, while it has simultaneously applauded the vic- tory of the military regime snd the 83 per cent voter turnout. But statistics are hardly relevant in an election the outcome of which is prearranged in its ideological convictions. Was there indeed an election? Were not the war in Vietnam so tragic in scope, the press term "voter turnouts' might be faintly humorous. But the tragedy might only be beginning. What the press forgets, the United States government somehow rationalizes as just. With the aid of a new, "democratic" re- gime with the third-largest in- come in the world, the United States has found new hope in greater victories to come. Per- haps South Vietnam should offer the North a cut of her purse-the "fact!"that there are two coun- tries over, there is a myth, any- way. We all know that those orientals wouldn't give us so much trouble if they weren't starving all the time. -Alan D. Perlis Teaching Fellow Dept. of English "George,How, Did You Get Into That?" 4 THAT APOSTATE Republican John Vliet Lindsay emerged yesterday as the first political leader who understands what big city education is all about. When the national epidemic of teachers' strikes,-hit New York, "Fun City's" irrepressible may- or assembled a vast armada of adminis- trators and volunteers who kept the schools open by entertaining over 600,000 students with a double feature of movies and recorded music. Lindsay knew what Jerome Cavanagh didn't-public school children don't learn much more during normal operations, so why close the -schools? The battle between the United Federa- tion of Teachers and New York City - like most epic combats-is primarily over money. The problem is that neither New York nor the teachers have any. New York's financial problems are no longer novel-just unsolved. When the middle class headed for the suburbs to bring the PTA to the heathen, they took their tax dollars with them. And when the disadvantaged minorities came to, play Indian on the reservations of the Big City, they brought their problems with them. To compound these woes, the "city slick- ers" are constantly bilked by their "coun- try cousins" upstate. For New York City sends more tax dollars to Albany each year than It rec'eives in return. Lindsay's special mediation panel rec- ommended an average pay increase of $1,- 700 which would put New York teachers, in a "preeminent position in their field." And somehow, somewhere, Lindsay would The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for entire year ($9 by mail), Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summrer session. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan. 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor. Michigan, 48104. Editorial Staff ROGER RAPOPORT, Editor MEREDITH EIKER, Editor MICHAEL EFFER ROBERT KLIVANS City Editor Editorial Director SUSAN ELAN ........Associate Managing Editor STEPHEN FIRSHEIN ...... Associate Managing Editor LAURENCE MEDOW ......Associate Managing Editor RONALD KLEMPNER .... Associate Editorial Director JOHN LOTTIER ..... Associate Editorial Director UAN SCHNEPP .............. Personnel Director NEIL SINISTER ...........Magazine Editor manage to scrape up the $125 million that this increase would cost. BUT THE TEACHERS are not to be con- demned for rejecting what, for the city, was a generous offer. For in whatj kind of a profession does a "preeminent position" mean a starting salary of $6,- 600 expanding to a maximum of $11,000 after 14 years? Such compensation is an insult to those who have invested the long hours and acquired the necessary skills to become conscientious teachers.! Is it any small wonder that teachers are using industrial tactics to protest be-x low-industrial wages? The legacy of over a generation of in- adequate pay has been to drive many competent and dedicated teachers from the field and leave the profession in the viselike grip of the mediocre. Real teach- ers, as well as Sandy Dennis, continually wage a futile and rearguard battle against the bureaucratic inanities of im- potent and petty tyrants. The high salaries alone will not be- gin to reclaim teaching for the conscien-I tious and dedicated. Teaching, now the bastion of the closed-minded and self- conscious conformist, must become the province of the sensitive and the crea- tive. For unless a higher purpose is found for public education,, efficiency would demand that it take less than 12 years of a child's time to teach him to read, write and do simple sums, and to inject him with a massixe dose of middle- class and middle-brow values. YET THE ENVIRONMENT of the urban school is more to blame than the# teacher himself. In many schools in New York, Detroit and elsewhere, the teacher is expected to baby-sit for an overcrowd- ed room of youthful malcontents enraged and frustrated at a society not of their own making. The teacher, like the police- man has the sorry role of being the most exposed part of the white power# structure in the middle of the ghetto. Un- less the basic tensions rending urban America are resolved, in too many areas teaching will continue to be an occasion- ally well-intentioned exercise in futility. Regardless of the outcome of the strikes in New York and Detroit, the teachers have performed a great service by foc- using the nation's attention on the urban T..-.t g. . " ~ r ,! ;F ^' . ;: - , b ''s, ; E #- . ._ s ., (VI~fAIA AIN4A~N tG LI~ 4. : V. _ , .- - 'cpn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " r . a tr w ..; N v.: :: r:":.v ...aa :;vam s " :..:.;" .... .. ..... ... . .... ..,. ........... . ......... .... ..... ., .... ...".:.....,.,...... . . M... ..r . . 4 . ..: .." .5 ..4 ! r .. : t .Y # Iw'IQ .f., ':".. The Changing Face of Medical Poltics 4 By RONALD BAN Daily Guest Writer AS AMERICAN society becomes Amore highly specialized and developed the role of the individ- ual has been ever more increas- ingly submerged. One remarkable feature of the mass computerized society is the "organization man" and the concurrent urge to form and join innumerable organiza- tions and associations. Even alie- nated college radicals committed to the repersonalization of politics and society can be faulted. The Iproliferation of peace, student power and civil rightsgroups has been bewildering. Yet for many years the two most sacred of associations, con- trolling the professions of law and medicine have generally resisted this growing phenomenon. The American Bar Association (ABA) and its brother organization, the American M e d i c a 1 Association stand against Medicare, bucking the vast majority opinion in this country, the society is still very much a power and the conserva- tive thinking that people associate with the AMA is still very much alive. In his celebrated inaugural ad- dress, AMA President-elect Mil- ford O. Rouse reenforced this c')n- servatism by affirming first that health care ought to be a privilege and not a right and, second, he not only defended capitalism but argued that its defense should be his organization's principal cxn- cern. EVEN IF DR. ROUSE'S think- ing does not reflect the majority opinion of health professionals, his views do represent strong elements of the organization. Yet, his pro- nouncements to the contrary, the seeds of change are beginning to grow in the medical community; counter organizations and young come far more independent its its views and is trying to attract all physicians, white and Negro, dis- enchanted with the AMA. This group and two other smaller ones, the Medical Committee -for Hu- man Rights and the Physicians Forum are national groups ideo- logically opposed to the AMA. But their numbers are small and they do not yet pose much of a sub- stantial threat to the megalithic AMA. The most vocal clammer for change has come from the student bodies of the more progressive medical schools. Many committed radicals have recently entered medical college and were faced with either joining the traditional student medical organization, the Students of the American Medical Association (SAMA), or Alterna- tively founding what Miss Langer terms "a new grouping; _t iccse federation of campus units known collectively as the Student Health health practitioners and hea'th facilitiest in poverty areas. The patient is observed by the student merely as a disease or clinical entity as a fragment )f his socal being distinct from his environ- ment. The health student, by spending his long years' of train- ing isolated from the community which he will serve, 1 ses his so- cial idealism and remains olird to many of the basic causes. of ill health: environmental depriva- tion, loss of income and jobs, and poor housing. . . . First hand ,ex- perience with the urban commun- ity and the urban health problem is the best way to gain this under- standing." ALARMED AT THE increasing dehumanization andspecialization in medicine, the SHO chapters at the University of Chicago, Albert Einstein, and California have or- ganized action projects in the ur- ban slums to educate and ergan- of Capt. Howard° Levy, and the problem of medical ethics and the war. But SHO is only strong on the campuses of the traditionally ac- tivist schools. Its strength is no- ticeably weaker in the large state run medical colleges. In the long run perhaps SHO's most signifi- cant contribution will be in shak- ing SAMA and the .liberal wing of the AMA into action. David Kindig, SAMA president and Uni- versity of Chicago medical student believes this a strong possibility. He noted that the vice-president elect of the AMA, who will suc- ceed Dr. Rouse next year, is a moderate and the noticeable trend in the organization especial- ly among younger members is more liberal. Many of SAMA's national lead- ers, such as Kindig, agree - very strongly with SHO's beliefs and goals but have chosen to force c h a n g e through the system. 4