VAN THIEU'S COUP: TURNS OUT A BLOOPER See editorial page ,i I gaYi I43ait A LITTLE WARMER High--7 Low-40 Mostly sunny : still quite cool Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVIII, No. 11 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1967 SEVEN CENTS ru i 7 iy "rr ri c~r .r 37 EIGHT PAGE Romney Rejects Again Plea for Salary Raise IH Urges U, Students DETROIT --Gov. George Rom- ney rejected again yesterday'pleas that he ask the Legislature for money to meet demands of strik- ing Detroit teachers, whose leader vowed they would stay out "un- til the snow flies" if necessary. A fifth straight day of class- work went down the drain for 300,000 Detroit youngsters and 125,000 others in 22 more Michi- gan districts where contracts are in dispute. A special legislative session is The high court got the case on set to begin Oct. 10, but Romney an appeal by teachers at Holland, repeatedly has rejected sugges- on the west side of the state op- tions t h a t additional school posite. Detroit, after the Michigan monjey be appropriated by the Court of Appeals ruled teachers session to solve the school crisis cannot strike "under any guise in Detroit. whatsoever." Two more districts won court There was no indication when injunctions ordering teachers into the Supreme Court would make a the classrooms, and the Michigan ruling. Supreme Court was considering ; Lt. Gov. William Milliken, des- the record in what apparently will ignated by Romney to keep tabs be the pivotal case. on the school situation, said he Gov. Wallace Pushes' Tus egee Fund Cut By JIM HECK The tuition grant law provides Gov. Lurleen Wallace of Ala- funds for any person wishing to bama yesterday threatened to attend a private school in the override the state legislature and state. A similiar law was declared halt the entire $470,000 state ap- ;unconstitutional in the 5th cir- propriation for Tuskegee Insti- cuit Court of Appeals in Louis- tute if a tuition grant law is de- ana several weeks agoonthe dared unconstitutional in the Al- grounds that it is inconsistent abama federal courts. with present civil rights legisla- The figure is 11 per cent of the t mtion. predominantly N e g r o school's The motivation behind the de- plannd buget.cision lies in the fact that all planned budget. Louisiana private schools are Tuskegee maintains a student segregated, and thus the scholar and faculty exchange program chie nmtQ tprP~~ in A si- envisioned no end to the disputes before next week. "Even if the Supreme Court up- holds the injunction ordering the teachers to work, I imagine many teachers will stand by their pledge of no-contract, no-work," Milliken -said. State law forbids strike by pub- i lic employes, but it provides no punishment for violations. Stands on Refusal Romney told a news confer-nce he was standing by his earlier refusal to seek special money to solve the Detroit crisis. His deci- sion came after a 30-minute meet- ing with the president of the De- troit Council of Parent-Teacher IAssociations. aMrs. Jane Tate, head of the P- TA group, told the same news con- ference she was "discouraged, but not defeated." Two miles across town, Mrs. Mary Ellen Riordan, president of To Repc or-m Circuit Court Fal s To Act On Picketing Ruling on In junction Held Until Thursday For Study of Issie By HENRY GRIP Washtenv County Circuit Cou t Judge James Breakey, Jr., yester- day postponed until Thursday his '>> :>>:: decision on a requested injunction that would prohibit skilled trades-. men from picketing University construction sites.'- The skilled tradesmen have 'ef- fectively tied up $75 million worth " of campus construction projects since they walked out last Thurs-:> >" day. Construction workers haveE refused to cross the skilled trades e picket lines. _ _ Walkout with the University. Students Rap Bursley Hall Bus Service Two Students Collect Petition Signatures For Better Bussing By ALISON SYMROSKI North Campus Bureau Two Bursley Hall residents have' collected 500 names on a petition expressing -extreme dissatisfaction with the bus service provided be-1 tween North and Central Cam-i puses.I The residents, Edward Gillis, '71, and Robert Loventhal, '71, com- plained about the bus service on weekday evenings and weekends.; The present system provides for only one bus every 15 minutes on, weekday evenings and Saturdayl mornings, and bus service only every half hour from SaturdayR afternpon through Sunday.- Women's Curfew1 In addition, on Friday and Sat- urday nights the last bus from North University leaves exactly at N women's curfew. In their petition, Gillis and, Loventhal say that they were "led tobelieve that adequate bus serv- ice would, be provided." They, claim that the present schedule does not meet the needs of the ap- proximately 2000 students in Bursley and Vera Baits housing.} They requested that buses be provided every eight minutes dur- ing evenings and weekends. They also asked that buis service be ex- tended to one hour after women's: curfew. Gerald Burkhouse, director of Bursley Hall, said last night that he has not been contacted by the petitioners. The students said they will try to give him the petition today. However, he said that last week he met with John Feldkamp, di- rector of University housing, and Harlan Mulder, assistant to the vice president for business affairs, to discuss the possibility of adding a Saturday night bus and extend- ing the bus service 15 minutes af- ter curfew. He contended that they do not have the money needed to add more bus runs. Therefore, he said, the only way to change the sched- ule is to cut service at another time, such as the 5-minute bus service in the mornings. Study Schedule Burkhouse said that bus drivers are now marking down the num- ber of passengers on each trip in order to develop' a more viable bus schedule, but he could not say when a new schedule will be forth-coming. "I know they want an answer, and I want one for them." h Mnt sndnts urvevdn vester- siips promo ie segr ega Lon. 11smr- iliar situation now exists in Ala- bama. Defy Prohibition the Detroit Federation of Teach- If Mrs. Wallace carries out her ers, led a rally in a massive union threat, she will defy an legislative hall jammed with several thou- prohibition implicit in action on sand of the 11,000 striking Detroit a school appropriations bill on teachers. Aug. 31. At that time the legis- Quality Education lature withdrew an executive The teachers cheered and jig- amendment granting the governor gled picket signs as Mrs. Riordan the power to hold up school funds. and other federation leaders call- But Mrs. Wallace now threatens ed for them to perservere "for the to hold back Tuskegee's funds sake of quality education in De- should the courts find her tuition troit." Some picket signs said: grant bill in violation of civil "Don't economize with our chil- rights legislation. dren." "She cannot do this," State Edward Simpkin, a federation Senator Tom Radney of Tuskegee vice-president, told the rally, "Thej explained. "It's unconstitutional situation is the same today as it for her to do this." was a week ago. Nothing has {Suit Filed changed. The school, board re- Action is now being taken by mains obdurate.sTheteachers re- the Birmingham NAACP to have main firm." the law declared unconstitutional. UAW Support Suit has been filed in the Birm- The United Auto Workers Un-t ingham circuit courts, ion,through an aide to UAW The Governor's budget origin-I President Walter P. Reuther,s ally left out all appropriations for ! pledged "whole-hearted support Tuskegee. A joint house-senate |to this attempt to win economic committee accepted the proposal justice." After hearing arguments in court yesterday from James Crip- pens, attorney for the Washtenaw County General Contractors As- sociation which is seeking the in- junction, and Donald Prebenda, lawyer for the skilled tradesmen, Breakey said he "would like more time to study the very serious is- sues involved." L ast Friday Breakey also post- poned a decision on the injunction., It was up to Prebenda to "show cause" why the skilled tradesmenI could legally picket construction1 sites. Prebenda said that "if al- legations are true" that Univet- sity workers were picketing "third- party" employers it would be a violation of the National Labor 225 Refuse To ShowU For Work Pickets Fail To Halt I Dorm..Deliveries; Supervisors Fill In By WALLACE IMMEN and ELEANOR BRAUN Inter-House Assembly last night passed a' resolution urging stu- dents not to aid in breaking the sympathy walkout against the University residence halls organ- ized by' the Building Service Em- p o y e s International U n i o n (BSEIU). The IHA resolution asks that residents not accept jobs offered them or, if already employed, not take on extra, hours to replace striking labor. Don Racheter, '69, IHA executive vice president spon- sored, the resolution explaining that regular kitchen maintenance jobs are not affected. Earlier in the day, at least 226 maids, janitors and kitchen work- ers-about one fourth of the reg- ular residence hall labor force- did not report for work, according to Russell Reister, University per- sonnel officer. The nine Univer- sity-operated dormitory complexes were all picketed yesterday morn- ing. Every scheduled delivery to the dorms was eventually made, even though there were several minor incidents. The pickets had been instructed not to interfere with deliveries, and although Teamsters Union members honored the pick- et lines, they came back in the afternoon after the pickets had Sleft. MomentuniIncreasing More than 250 dormitory em- ployes are expected to stay off today as the worker's "sympathy walkout" continues. At a meeting last night, BSEIU president L C. Wells said "I dondt think we'll starve if this thing goes 30 days." -Daily-Noel Buckner TWO EAST QUAD RESIDENTS clean up the trash that has accumulated in the halls, since the custodial staff staged a walkout in the dorms. Relations Act. However, he argued that since bD s ute Unsettled- the contractors association' was L a orD sp, engaged in interstate commerce, the decision to enforce the in- junction belongs to the National Labor Relations Board and is out -1IiJ side the jurisdiction of the ciit.uitea la sse C court. and the budget went through the The teachers seek pay raises of house without alteration. $1,200 a year and a 38-week work In the senate, violent arguments year instead of 40 weeks. errupted until a bill giving Tuske- Some 160,000 UAW members are gee $670,000 was finally returned striking Ford Motor Co., which to the house. Tuskegee has in past has plants in 25 states. years received that amount from "..._ the state. The house then trimmed the bil by $200,000 and granted Mrs. !e u s Wallace's request in the form of an executive amendment to it " shich gave her the authority to ' 1 Iret IB e . Radney then made an "impas- sioned plea" to kill the amend- By URBAN LEHNER ment on August 31 and he report- edlyconince fomer ovenor Five of the University's 18 reg- edly convinced former Governoi r bsdresystdyjond George Wallace with his oratory.; ular bus drivers yesterday joined Before theaction was taken on the still unresolved walkout of the amendment an administrative University employes. Bus service, liaison announced to the senate however, is expected to continue that the governor's office had as usual. asked that the amendment be! The five drivers are members of withdrawntd the American Federation of State, tdr - . .- .County and Municipal Employes t' Breakley questioned Prebenda's citations of analogous cases. The judge felt these cases involved dis- putes between an employer an em- ployes and not between an outside employer and the employes of a state institution. He said it ap- ,peared Prebenda had "no case." By RONALD LANDSMAN Daily News Analysis The University can do nothing at present to settle the current la- bor dispute, according to top ad- ministrators, but union leaders claim that the next iove in the conflict is up to the University. University officials say that they are waiting for a decision from the State Labor Mediation Board on "appropriate" bargaining units for the University staff. Four unions have been petitioning the SLMB since June, 1966, for rights to represent certain groups of em- ployes in collective bargaining. Union Conflict rivnrc uit p L I V 1 1 I L 1 t a v V llii L' One union seeks to represent all University employes. This puts it R i l ts into conflict with three other un- 1j .~ ll~lions which each seek to represent r Bargag Rights a small unit of The SLMB, however, according to chief mediation officer Hy (AFSCME). None of the 25 part- overtime. I'm going to keep work- Parker, will not act because they time student drivers participated 'ing and try to avoid them unless are not sure "whether or not in the walkout. they give me a hard time.", they have jurisdiction. It de- The five drivers demanded col- Another student expressed fear pends," Parker said, "on the de- lective bargaining rights and ex- that the drivers might try to get cision on the constitutionality of pressed support for other Univer- rid of student drivers if they were - PA 379." sity employes who are protesting allowed to bargain collectively. The Regents have been con- the University's refusal to bargain. While none of the picketing drivers'tending in Washtenaw County Cir-, Hiding Buses would comment on this contention cuit Court since December, 1965. "The University has been hiding jone observed, "None of the otherI that PA 379, an amendment to the the buses all over campus at schools in the state have student Hutchinson Act. infringes on Uni- nights so we wouldn't have to drivers." versity autonomy. The amendment cross picket lines to drive them in gives public employes the right the morning," said Clyde Buckley, The situation is complicated by to bargain collectively with their a striking driver. "Well I'm not an administration vacancy. Rich- employers on matters of wages, going to do it." - ard P. Koester, former manager of hours and other issues. Buses have reportedly been jthe Transportation Services Of- The Temporary Trades Council parked behind the Veterans Ad- fice, resigned Aug. 31 and has not (TTC), which organized the orig- ministration Hospital, the Baits been replaced. inal walkout by over 200 skilled, and Bursley housing complexes,;- and other points at North Cam- ;r" " pus. lt ng ee Societ O The picketers have blocked off the Plant Department lot.on on Hoover Street where the buses are T ls o GField's Future normally stored and serviced. Continue to Work Many of the drivers who con- Fluid mechanics of the present I Walter Hibbard, director of the' tinue to work don't think a picket and ballparks of the future will|United States Bureau of Mines, line will bring-results, while others be among the topics of the third ' will follow with a forecast on mm- are opposed to collective bargain- autumn meeting of the National eral resources; civil engineer ing. But there is also underlying Academy of Engineering when it Thomas Kavanagh will try to pro- tension between the "regulars" convenes at the University Sept. gnosticate on buildings, bridges and the student drivers involving 20 for a four-day program. and ballparks of 2000 A.D. the issue job security. The meeting is part of the Uni- J. Herbert Hollomon, president "None of the drivers would cross I versity's Sesquicentennial cele- d est o te nivesiynof an effective picket line," explains bration and will include a stu- 'dkgateof therUniversityof Buckley. "But as long as the Uni- dent-run Technirama exhibit and Oklahoma, will present the ouL- versity can replace us with stu- open house and a series of tech- look for engineering systems and dents, they don't see anything in nical discussions presented by ' designs. University Prof. Fred it for them." faculty. Haddock will discuss radio astron- ___ fonhm.auvy , tradesmen from the plant depart-' Since the union has no. strike merit last Thursday, demanded at fund, those dorm workers who are ' the time that the Uniersity walking out will have to provide withdraw its suit against PA 379. for themselves from other jobs. The University rejected the sug- The union could offer those who gestion. picket only a daily round of coffee Donald Prebenda, attorney for and rolls. the TTC, said, "We made a per- The walkout began on Saturday, fectly acceptable offer to the Uni-' when a handful of the dormitory versity which they refused. There workers picketed in support of a is nothing we can do now but wait. walkout by skilled tradesmen at for them to act." the plant department, who are Last Friday Prebenda offered asking for University acceptance to University attorney William of Public' Act 379. The law, which Lemmer to end the walkout if the allows for collective bargaining University would bargain collec- on wages and working conditions ' tively with the tradesmen, with for public employes, has been con- the proviso that if PA 379 is tested for several years by the found unconstitutional then all University and litigation is still in contracts would be considered progress. void. The tradesmen continued to University administrators call- picket yesterday and new con- ed the offer a "publicity stunt" struction throughout the campus that was "impossible to accept." remained at a standstill. Two Courses Paper Plates No matter what the 'University At the dormitories supervisory does now, it will be some time be- staff members took over some fore the campus labor problem is kitchen jobs and student help cleared up. The University has two was asked to work longer hours courses open to it at this time. to fill the gap. East Quadrangle It can continue to oppose the was forced to use paper plates labor unions and maintain their when none of the dishwashers fight against PA 379, which may reported for work. West Quadran- take five years. If PA 379 is up- gle's director, William McKay, was held, the SLMB will determine ap- manning a dishwashing machine propriate bargaining units and !in the morning, but he said!the hold elections to choose represen- dining room will have to switch tatives for the employes. to paper plates today. If, on the other hand, the Uni- "It's a struggle, but we're go- versity wins its fight against PA ing to be able to operate," said 379, it may still face a struggle Gerald Burkhouse, director of with entrenched unions who will Bursley Hall on North Campus. attempt to force the University to Several pickets appeared at Burs- bargain with them. ley, evem' though only three em- Union leaders seek solutions ployes were reported absent, similar to those found at other At the IHA meeting, members state universities, argued that dorm residents have Central Michigan University, a responsibility to themselves if which joined the University in food and other services are cut the suit against PA 379, has ac- off in residence halls and "if nec- cepted the SLMB action in deter- essary we'll cook our own meals." mining bargaining units and It was also argued that although holding elections. IHA may be sympathetic to the Employes at CMU are now '["primary strike" of the plant de- represented by the American partment, it does not necessarily Federation of State, County and have to support the "secondary Municipal Employes. purposes" of the dorm employes MSU Example striking with BSEIU. I aI .: