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Sunny but cooler
today and tomorrow
Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
Re resent
Emp loyes
While 200 skilled tradesmen'
from the plant department walked
out in an attempt to force the
University into bargaining col-
lectively with them, one union is
trying to achieve that end by
signing up 51 per cent of Univer-
sity employes.
The union, Local 1583 of the
American Federation of State,
County, and Municipal Employes,
has undertaken a recruiting drive
with help from , their interna-
tional, to raise their membership
from 9 per cent to 51 per cent of!
the University staff. At the same
time, the AFSCME plans to
change their stand before the
State Labor Mediation, Board to
request that the University be
organized into one bargaining
unit. They had previously asked
to represent only a few distinctj
units of employes. ,
Jerry Kendziorski, 'a represen-
tative of the international union
of the AFSCME, said that they
"want jurisdiction for the whole
Three unions, the AFSCME, the
Washtenaw County Building
Trades Council (WCBTC), and
the International Union of Oper-
ating Engineers (IUOE), as well
as the University, have been pet-
itioning the board since June,
1966 to determine appropriate
bargaining units for the Univer-
sity, and hold elections to choose
representatives if that is neces-
The University has also asked
that the staff be organized into
one unit, while the WCBTC and
the IUOE have both petitioned to
represent only their own skilled'
Donald Prebenda, attorney - for
the WCBTC, said that they "didn't!
care what AFSCME did." "Elec-
tricians are going to bargain for I
electricians and carpenters for
carpenters," he said. He added
that if it weren't for the Tem-
porary Trades Council which or-!
ganized the walkout and received
support from the WCBTC. the
"AFSCME wouldn't have what
they have now.". The AFSCME.
has picked up almost 400 new
members since the walkout start-
ed, raising their membership to
1200. This represents a little less
than 10 per cent of the Univer-
sity's 13,000 non-academic em-
Michigan State University is,
embroiled in a case now before
the State Supreme Court ques- cal. said then that "the relation- Reister, University personnel offi- union against another" and that demand that the University, re-
tioning whether the AFSCME has ship between the unions on a 10- cer, and offered to meet with the University could not get in- gardless of any court decision,
the right to represent all employes cal basis is very good." He was him on the walkout. Reister turn- volved in such a situation. "The recognize the union and bargain
on that campus. MSU's admin- enthusiastic about the AFSCME ed him down and Kendziorski fol- strike was organized by TTC and collectively with us," he added, in
.stration recognized the AFSCME organizational meeting of the lowed with a telegram to Presi- it would be unreasonable for us reference to their current mem-
as sole bargaining agent and has I night before and added, "we are dent Harlan Hatcher on Satur- to meet with the AFSCME." The bership drive.
been challenged by the IUOE, in this thing together. We have day afternoon. University, however, refuses to Ti
who wants to represent skilled the same goal." It said, in part. "I was shock- meet seriously with any employe theetpisentation whicbefore
employes at their heating facil- The AFSCME has not taken a ed at Mr. Reister's apparent lack representative, . demanding that gan in June, 1986, will probably
ties. clear cut role in the walkout up of concern .. . If Mr. Reister's at- the TTC "send them (the skillednot be settled before the PA 379
The IUOE is also petitioning for to now. The local has not endorsed titude is prevalent throughout the tradesmen) back to work." case. Hy Parker, chief mediation
bargaining rights at the Univer- the walkout, although "we have University management it is quite Kendziorski charged in return officer for the board, said that
sity. The decision should affect done nothing to discourage our understandable why the University that the University was "strictly the problem arose in the question
the situation here. members from walking out," ac- is confronted with a serious la- anti-union, and that is the only of jurisdiction.
Local 378 of the Building Serv- cording to Al Taylor, the local bor dispute." basis for any of their actions." "We won't be sure until that is
ice Employes International Union president. Kendziorski went on to'Heha d that the Un te nth
(BSEIU) which has organized point out that many of the work- The telegram went on to offer e charge niversity is settled whether or not we have a
somewhat less than a quarter of ers who have walked out, both to meet with Hatcher or a repre- using "every available vehicle, right to hear the petitions."
University dorm employes, joined the skilled tradesmen and the sentative of his. Hatcher hadn't such as the PA 379 case, in or- Because of the possibility of
the skilled tradesmen yesterday dorm workers, are members of answered as of 9 p.m. last night der to avoid collective bargain- appeal, however, union leaders
morning and threw up picket lines AFSCME. and was unavailable for comment, ing.' fear that the case may be in the
around five dormitories. On Friday morning an AFSCME Reister countered that the tele- "Once we get a majority of courts for as long as fou' or five
L. C. Wells, president of the lo- representative phoned Russell gram was just a "ploy to play one campus workers we're going to more years.
Residence Hall Workers Membership COurt Reects A
-U sw -
Stage Sympathy Walkout
Predicts Government
Employment Rise f Holland
To 15 Million by 1975
By HENRY GRIX lengthy dinner lines. =At West
A handful of dormitory em- Quadrangle, South Quadrangle,}
ployes picketed five University Markley Hall and Bursley Hall,
residence halls yesterday in sym- services proceeded as usual and
pathy with the walkout by skilled absence from the normally light
tradesmen... weekend crews was not especially
Officials at the residence halls high, according to directors and
y111Vi W1V W V V.., } 4u1KV13VV X1W.AQ i
reported that the pickets, members
of the Building Service Employes
International Union, were not able
to spur enough of a walkout to
disturb the operation of any dor-
mitory except East Quadrangle.
L. C. Welles was not disappoint-
ed in the turnout of pickets, who
were contacted abruptly for the
half day walkout. He said he had
expected enough workers would
report to maintain residence halls
since the purpose was to slow down
rather than to halt dormitory
He said, "Today is just a show-
ing. Monday we will be out in
If a major walkout is staged to-.
morrow, the University will resort
to "contingency plans used for all
emergencies," John-Feldkamp, di-
rector of residence halls, said Fri-
day. Plans would include allowing
overtime and using housekeepers,
resident personnel and possibly
students as parttime help.
Students Inaffective
A spokesman of BSEIU Local
378, Stephen Barnett, felt the use
of students as personnel in the
cafeteria would be ineffective as
a replacement for regular em-
ployes. - He said, "It has proved
delivered, one dietitian said she
could last 'indefinitely" without
regular help.
Nevertheless, at Bursley, direc-
tor Gerald F. Burkhouse intends
to encourage the regular employes-
and non-union workers to enter
and work by placing a supervisor
by the lines.
Although he insisted on the "neu-
trality" of the dormitories in the
labor dispute, South Quad dir-
ector, Thomas G. Fox warned
employes in a memo that absence
from work to participate in the
strike would result in loss of pay
for the days missed.
One union memer said, how-
ever, that non-union employes
would not dare cross picket lines.
"They'd get hit if they did."
The picketing, originally sched-C
uled for last Friday, was post-
poned pending court action on an
injunction ordering skilled trades-
;men to cease picketing University;
force." !highly unsuccessful in the past,"
At East Quad, ten employes out because students and others lack
fnecessary experience. Further,
ui aIW~L~~L~V~L V ~± ~1LU L
o a norma o f i parie Barnett feels many students are construction sites. When ;it was
report forwork; forcing part time r"on our side" and would not help learned that court action was de-
student help to cook and causing ' layed until Monday afternoon, the
to break a strike.
But a few student part time BSEIU determined to go ahead
orkers feared loss of their jobs if with picketing on Saturday.
IFC Expects they refused to work during the Residence hall directors expect
walkout. the reaction to union activity to
Welles and Barnett said they vary from dormitory to dormitory
r entended also to allow deliveries with the fluctuating precentage
of perishable foods through the of union membership.
picket lines. But rumor among The unorganized University bus
TV l" Wpickets was that at least milk drivers, some of who mhave been
trucks, driven by teamsters, would hoping to join the skilled trades-
not cross the lines, men since they first walked out, '
By DAVID JUANN Ace-in-the-Hole are uncertain as to wha they
Interfraternity Council expects In the event that pickets decide will do on Monday.
"the best rush ever," IFC Vice- to prevent unloading of supplies, A spokesman for five bus drivers'
President William Sage told The the residence halls received emer- who belong to the American Fed-
* Daily yesterday. gency supplies Friday night. The eration of State, County and
Sage attributed his optimistic canned food reservoir could last Municipal Employes, reported
outlook to several factors, one of the week. that many of the other full time
the most important being the If supplies do continue to be 'drivers are "anti-union."
draft. According to Sage, under --
the new system of student defer-
ments, much of the pressure to Art Museum Remodels
make grades has been removed. An
This results in less reluctance to
accept the demands of pledging by
the first semester freshman. Ac ursN w E hbt
Another factor leading to a
Public employe unionism and
collective bargaining are increas-
ing, Prof. Russell A. Smith of
the Law School said recently.
Smith, who chaired Gov. George
Romney's Advisory Committee on
Public Employe Unionism, point-
ed out that by 1975 government
employment at federal, state and.
local levels is expected to increase
to about 15 million-one out of
every five civilian 'employes in
the country.
The problem is becoming in-
creasingly a matter of public con-
cern because "a rising amount of
militancy on the part of public
employes, with a backlash of pub-
lie concern has developed," Smith
told members of tho Missouri.
State Bar.
He said unions in the private
sector have contrastingly had dif-
ficulty even in maintaining their
total membership at the levels of
10 years ago.
Public sector unionization could,
conflict with union attempts to
accelerate the organization of
white collar workers in the pri-
vate sector, he said.
Smith pointed to "some trau-
ma and almost internal convul-
sion among professional associa-
tions now representing teachers.
"Their internal question has
been whether they are now, or
should be, 'unions' and act as
'such," he said.
He added that unionization pro-
duces new problems between per-
sonnel and management, and in-
evitably some degree of resorting
to concerted pressure by employe
organizations, whether legally per-
missible or not.
"The goal of such pressure is a
system which will be viable andl
compatible with general public in-
terest and more consistent with!
our democratic principles." Smith
Government policy toward pub-
lic employe unionization so far
leaves many questions unanswered,
Smith said. For example, should'
the legally permissible subject
areas of collective bargaining be!
narrower than in the private sec-
in Detroit. The teachers are seeking better facilities and higher salaries
Presently some 300,000 of the city's students are basking in the sunshine wh
Revision of State Pena
Could Refresh Musty.
5Ruling Bans
SClass Cuts
t }LB. Faculty
Appellate Supports
Circuit Judgment
Granting Injunction
gan teachers are public employes,
and have no right to strike, the
Michigan Court of Appeals ruled
s h yesterday.
In a decision expected to affect
the 28 school districts where
.* . .*.. "'" ' teachers have refused to work
without contracts, a three-judge
panel upheld a lower court ruling
forbidding teachers "from striking
under any guise whatsoever."
-Associated Press "We find that the teachers are
picket Cass High School now public employes as used in
from the school board. the Public Employes Relations Act,
ile negotiations continue. although they have not com-
fenced working this fall," the
court said.
"We reject the argument of the
defendants that the teachers are
tnot public employes because they
do not have i ndividual written
SC od e contracts as required by the school
code of 1955," the court said.
The court's decision upheld a
tatu ts ruling by Ottawa County Circuit
Judge Raymond Smith, who last
week granted the Board of Edu-
[ge, under the revised code, cation Holland an injunction or-
o1mit a defendant to as dering the city's 230 teachers back
s 60 days of diagnosis for to work.
illness. Appeal Likely
ugh the code would in- The Holland Education Associ-
the penalties for the type ation, bargaining agent for the
ses which inflame ghetto teachers and an affiliate of the
ts, it is not merely a riot National Education Association,
isher. The code substan- said it would appeal the ruling to
orbids general harassment the Michigan Supreme Court.
in vicious phone calls. It Michigan law allows public em-
legislation but does not ployes to organize and bargain
sweeping legal grounds for collectively, but prohibits them
ns. Its sections on court from striking. However, the law
ons may streamline the contains no specific penalties.
and lessen hardship but Some 500,000 Michigan students,
ease the burdens of court- including 300,000 in Detroit, -have
guilt, not returned to school this fall as
code, instead, offers to up- the result of contract disputes,
e criminal law process and most of them on involving higher
readable. If it is adopted, pay, between teachers groups and
de may indeed lessen in- school boards.
which ledd to riots-but The court ruled that in the Hol-
making the Michigan legal land case the teachers were on
healthier and stronger.- strike because they were withhold-
ing the performance of what usu-
ally would be their duties and be-
cause the school board set a date
for the opening of school which
has passed.
" Strikers Protest
Sin K orea Reaction by teachers's groups to
the ruling was swift.
.g ovation and tfns show "It's unrealistic," said Thomas
." Other service club dir- Hill,, director of organization for
also acclaimed the show. the Michigan Federation of Teach-
WS studiedthswho p .r ers. "Our locals will maintain
WSU students who per- their position of no-contract, no-
for one night with MUS- wr.
re concluding a nine-week work."
a Korea. They have been o Mary Ellen Riordan, president
Kingtea.usiyal"AFunyof the American Federation of
Hapngdo the a Fny teachers, Local 231 which rep-
Happened on the Way to Tresents Detroit's 11,000 techers,
MUSKET tour, called "En- said the "ruling by the appeals
nMe USTA, willdat-for court doesn't ,change anything in
ment USA," will last rDetroit at all."
~nths. Soonsored comoletelv -
larger rush is "a change in the
general attitude of fraternities to-
ward academics," Sage said.
More than ever before, schol-
astic achievement is being stressed
in the fraternity system. Exempli-
fying this change in attitude is the
fact that last semester the average
grade point for all affiliated un-
dergraduate men was the highest
By NADINE COHODAS were acquired in conjunction with
The University of Michigan Mu- the 27th Congress of Orientalists
seum of Art, after nearly a year held here last summer.
of alterations, re-opened last April Following these two 'displays,
with a newer, more modern look an Alumni Arts Show will be held
and much more space. from Oct. 1 to Oct. 29.
The remodeling job, estimated
at $750,000. was made possible by
a contribution from museum pa-
tron Walter R. Parker,<><>::
s Originally the art center, which
comparable to the overall under- is located across from the Union,
graduate men's average of 2.71t slctd co.fomteUin
Emdlifyimn ts age in a.7i. did not have enough space to dis-
Emplifying this change in atti- play its complete collections. Most
tude is the fact that last semester pa t bumlin coci d bys
the average grade point for all the Michian Alumni Association.
affiliated undergraduate men was These gic s. Alumni wsrto
the highest ever recorded by IFC. moved to the Union last year, and
At 2.67, it was comparable to the the museum has since taken over
overall undergraduate men's aver- the whole building. t
age of 2.71. With the added space, the art
Sage also pointed to a changing center has installed four new gal-
trend in the pledging policies of leries. There is a new Print Study
many fraternities. The traditional Room on the first floor which con-
torture chamber practices are tains the museum's collection of
being abandoned in favor of moreit
constructive methods, he said. pNer-Eastern Art makes up the
This- trend may be seen during new second floor gallery.
Help Week, which has changed In addition to the new galleries
from sleeplessness and alienation the museum has built more offices
to constructive work around the for its staff in the basement A
house. laboratory and collections from
A further innovation this se- were also added. The laboratory is
mester is "the addition of an IBM doing research on better methods
system to facilitate registration of ' for preserving art works.
rushees and speed the processing A complete air-conditioning sys-
A revised criminal code for
Michigan emerged this week as
the state's - and the nation's -
longest and hottest summer fin-
ally appeared to wane. Work on
the code has taken three years,
almost as long as American cities
have been embroiled in violence.
The code, which was drafted by
University Law School Professors
B. James George Jr. and Jerold H.
Israel, offers laws which would
counter ghetto injustice, give
defendants better legal options
and toughen the penalties against
Thecode is expected to be em-
bodied soon in a bill to the Legis-
lature. While the code offers
standards of conduct for poten-
tially-explosive situations like ar-
rests and harassment, it also
eliminates archaic and virtually
unenforcable legislation.
Reduces Statutes
The code, which was written
for two committees of the State
Bar of Michigan - the Special
Committee for the Revision of the
Criminal Code and the Criminal'
Jurisprudence Committee - re-
duces the number of criminal
statute section from about 3,500
to 350.
House-to-House repair service
swindles become major crimes un-
der the revisions, but current san-
ctions against inciting Indians to
violate a treaty with the United
States are omitted.
Penalties are stiffened for ille-
gally using credit cards, passing
bad checks and shoplifting, but
statutes against duelling are drop-
mothers, if conception occured
through rape or incest, or if in{
a physician's opinion the. baby
would be born with grave mental
or physical defect.
Laws prohibiting adultery, se-
duction and notorious cohabita-
tion are omitted from the code.'
"Any realistic observer of the
contemporry scene knows that if
all the adulterers were jailed; and
if all those living with persons to
whom they are not and cannot be
legally married were imprisoned,
a massive campaign of jail con-
struction would have to be under-,
taken," says George.
Prostitution Provision
Stronger penalties for prostitu-
tion-which include mnaking a date th
prostitute's customer liable for make it
criminal punishment--are in the the cot
code. justices
Similarly, the code toughens only by
controls on narcotics. system
GIs Award MUSI
Standing Ovatioil
Special To The Daily standin
SEOUL, Korea - The Univer- got twi
sity's 1967 MUSKET cast, in the- ectof's
midst of its Far Eastern tour, per- The
formed here alongside students formed
from Wayne State University last KET a
week. tour im
The MUSKET group arrived in perforn
Korea on Aug. 26. At their first Thing
performance, at Camp Stanley, a the For
power blackout during the show TheI
resulted in a camp-wide alarm tertain
a rinvestigatinn of nossihle sa- two mo
A jud
could c
much a
of abuE
tially ft
will not
" :z>i S:ii iii> :> <> : ? :':> :>'s ::::;> >'% "s ," ..... . ...... ..... ..
of nlaeiaa nnrric Tha rnmrnttar owe-