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September 09, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-09-09

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See editorial page

Sir 19&fl


Cloudy with slight
chance of rain

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom


SGC To Initiate Graduate
Draft Counseling Service






A student will be graduating
and wants to go to law school, but
he's heard the new draft law is
only giving graduate deferments
to students preparing for occupa-
tions deemed in "the national in-
terest." What can he do?
What he may want to do before
he decides to give it up and enlist
in the Navy is -to check out the
new draft counseling service
which the Student Government
Council will initiate the week of
Sept. 25.
Although 1180 new places were
created by the construction
of Bursicy Hall on North Campus,
dormitories are filled to about 98
per gent of their total capacity,
'University Housing Director John
Prices charged for basic text-
books in Ann Arbor are similar to
ou cil c m it hsco ncl ded
SGC member Michael Davis,
Grad., chairman of the SGC Stu-
dent Consumer Union Bookstore
subcommittee said yesterday that
there is "almost no difference"
between Ann Arbor prices and
prices in comparable cities.
The findinigs were based on a
survey taken during July and Au-
gust. The subcommittee checked
the prices of books used in all 100-.
and 200-level courses during the
summer term and found that
there were "no irregularities in
"It appears," Davis said, "that
new and used textbook prices are
about the same here as they are
in commercial and college book-
stores in Detroit and Cleveland.
'This came as something of a
surprise," he added.
Robert Graham, manager of
Follett's Bookstore said that used
book prices are determined by the
demand in the nationatl market
for the exchange of texts between
schools and that this tends to pro-
duce nearly uniform prices na-
tionally. Folletts operates stores in
several midwestern cities in addi-'
tion to Ann Arbor.
Graham said bookstores gener-
ally pay up to 50 percent of the
list price for used books and sell
them at about 75 percent of the
4new price.
"When we have an opportunity
to pass gigeater benefits on to Uni-
versity students, we sure do," Gra-
ham said.
Davis said the study considered
only the prices of text books and
did not include the large number
of non-text paper backs used by
University students. He also said
the survey did not account for at-
the-cash-register discounts off er-
ed at some stores.

SGC President Bruce-Kahh, '68,
considers the service a first step
toward "making it clear that stu-
dent government sexists not just
to represent, but also to serve its
The heart of the program will
be the seven counselors who will
advise studernts on the range of
draft problems, from the grad
student who wants to complete
his program to the person who
wants to become a conscientious
"These people are not just con-
FC. Feldkamp said yesterday.
"We have actually done much
better than we expected in filling
up the dormitories," he added.
The 98 per cent figure includes
some 300 students slated to oc-
cupy Bursley Hall on North Cam-
pus. A part of the complex is still
under construction, and students
who will be living in these spaces
have been temporarily housed in
cnverted double and triple rooms
in Central Campus residence halls.
Feldkamp said he could not
predict the date of completion of
the complex, due to the walk-out
of Univ~rsity skilled tradesman
that has halted construction.
However, he said that even if the
workers were to return to work
immediately, Bursley would prob-
ably not be completed by the
Sept. 25 deadline originally plan-
Bursley Construction
Feldkamp said that when Bur-
sley construction is completed,
students who have been relocated
in the dorms will not be able to
remain in the rooms they have
now, but will have the option of
transfering~ to other rooms in the
dorms if they wish to do so.
The residence halls which have
the highest percentage of vacan-
cies are the Bursley and Baits
complexes On North Campus, and
Oxford houses on central campus.
The Baits complex, which has
a capacity of 1200, has so far re-
ceived only 932 students. Feld-
kamp attributed the large num-
ber of vacancies to what he term-
ed "no-shows"--students who pay
their dormitory fee deposits and
then do not show up to enroll.
High No Shows
He said that the number of "no-
shows" is normally high amon~g
graduate students. Two of the si~x
Baits houses are reserved for grad-;
uate students only.
Oxford houeshav reevd 370
students, 35 less tan their capi-
city. Feldkamp also attributed
these vacancies to "no-shows."
Bursley, with a total planned
capacity of 1180, has received
oply 1120 students, including those
who have been temporarily re-
located. 1feldkamp said the high
number of vacancies was mainly
in the sections designated for men.
He said this was caused when
the housing office in mid-sum-
mer decided to change a 330- ,
space house designed for occu- l
pancy by women to a men's house.|
The change was implemented af-
ter an unexpectedly early filling
of all vacancies originally desig-
nated for men:

scientious objector counselors," ex-
plains SGC Executive Vice Pres-
ident Ruth Baumann. "They will
be able to advise students on all
kinds of draft problems, right
down to the kind of mail a stu-
dent should use in correspondence
with his draft board."
mThe counselorsoattendedbsum-
American Friends Service Com-
mittee to learn the ins and outs
ofthe existing draft laws. In ad-
dition, SGC's executive board is
considering the feasibility of em-
ploying a lawyer to work: ex-
elusively on draft law problems.
FThe results, if the experience of
similar services in other cities is
Traditional Approach
The traditional opposition to
the draft is embodied in the ex-
perience and advice of Victor
Schumacker, a conscientious ob-
jector during World War II: "I
went to prison; I think people
should resist the draft."
But for the graduate student,
upon whose shoulder mostgof t he
must be carried, there are other
While maintainig 2-S student
deferments, the new Selective Ser-
vice Act passed by Congress this
summer restricts the deferments
to undergraduate students. Only
dental and medical students, and
grads in certain fields deemed vi-
tal for the national security will
be deerred.
Chances Slim
granted the staus oconsen-
tious objector are still slim, some
centers are finding that through
a variety of stalling tactics, stu-
dents now stand a good chance of
making it through some graduate
programs draft-free.
For example, some state and
local boards will allow a graduate
grace time to complete a one-year
program. In that case, accepting
that period is the first delay.
Another delay is the appeals
stage. Under favorable circum-
stances this can last as long as
two years. The total may be
enough to complete a law school
or master's degree program. If at
any time the student successfully
enrolls for the next year, begins
classes, and then is reclassified
when his- final appeal loses,r h
to complete that year of school.

Base For Settement
Tradesmen Propose To Bargaim
e Pending Court Decision on PA 379
The University yesterday rej ected a compromise plan to
end a two-day walkout by skilled tradesmen on construction
projects in exchange for recognition of their union.
The plan, proposed by 'th tradesmen, would have been
*contingent on a ruling on the constitutionality of Public
Act 379.
According to Russell Reister, University personnel direc-
tor, the tradesmen's offer stipulated that the University a.l-
low the tradesnen to bargain collectively, with the provision
that if PA 379 is declared unconstitutional by Washtenaw
~:ICounty Circuit Court all negotiated contracts will then be
considered void.
ein An amendment to the Hutchinson Act, PA 379 allows
public employes to bargain collectively on wages, hours and
other issues. The Regents haye
4 been contesting the legality of
ye the act since December, 1965, i k t i e

-Daly-Marvin Bookst
Members of United Auto Workers Union Local 6 00 march on the picket line in front of Gate
to the giant Ford Motor Co. River Rouge comple x, in Dearborn, the world's largest automoti
manufacturing facility. The national strike again st Ford entered its their day today. (See story pg.
Noember losedownl Planne


The Sesquicentennial Office has
been so successful with the Uni-
versity's 150th birthday party that
it is about to go out of existence.
The office and staff which, for
four years, have coordinated the
activities necessary to bring off
the nation's largest celebration,
will wind up operations in Novem-
ber. Before then, however, there
will be two major ceremonies sim-
ilar to major programs in March,
April and July.
"We've been terribly successful
in getting exactly the people de-
sired for the major programs,"
said Richard Kennedy, the execu-
tive director of the sesquicenten-
nial office. "The credit is due to
early planning by the Sesquicen-
tennial Central Committee. For-
mats and topics were developed

to operate with a maximum staff
of six persons at the peak of its
work load, he said.
In addition to the major cere-
mnonies and celebration-related
commencement and exhibition ac-
tivities, the office encouraged oth-
er schools and colleges in the
University to put on their own
programs for which the schools
assumed d i r e c t responsibility.
Kennedy estimates that more
than thirty such symposia w/ere
Other Units
Other units of the University
contributed Sesquicentennial-ori-
ented activities in their regular
programs. The Musical Society
commissioned two new composi-
tions, the Fairlane Festival was
inaugurated, and a series bf plays
by Arthur Miller, '41, were pre-

Similar Tactics and invitations sent out over a sented.
These and similar tactics are year in advance, resulting in The central committee encour-
legally complex and require deli- high rates of acceptance among -_____ _ ___
cate timing. This is where the persons we sought."
draft counseling service .fits in. The Office acts as the executive
The counselors know how, when arm of the Sesquicentennial Coin- etro it N e
and where appeals should be mittee, a 15-member faculty-stu-
made, what legal processes to fob- dent-alumni planning group that
low, whom to see. began work on the celebration in
Accodingto Khn, GuyswhoSeptember, 1963. Riin y 17
Accodin toKah, "uyswho In three major ceremonies-an
want to go 'CO' have to have alumni celebration, a conference
about fourty hours of counseling on higher education. and a third WASHINGTON (IP) -- The De-
before they begmn to know what on "The University and the Body troit News, among Gov. George
they're doing." Politic"-resulted in acceptance Romney's staunchest backers in
A student may not require forty rates of original invitees between three successful campaigns for
hours of counseling. He may just I67 and 90 percent. Open places governor, will call in an editorial
want to get through law school, were filled from rosters drawn up tomorrow for him to "get out of
Or straighten out the ''mistake'' by the central committee months the presidential race -and for
his draft board made when they in advance. ,Gov. Nelson Rockefeller to get in."
reclassified him 1-A. Or see about Different Audiences .In an editorial to be published
getting a 1-Y for his "football The topics of the major cere- ,in Sunday's editions, the news-
knee.'' Whatever, SGC's draft monies were aimed at fundamen- paper bases its stand on what it
counseling service may be able tally different audiences, Ken- calls Republican Romney's "blurt
to help. nedy said. "Voices of Civilization,,," drtea ai.
scd___fr ct_1__simd It said it was moved to speak
pscmeduled for ct.1-6s is faimred out by his charges this week that
primril ntd students and feysturss he was brainwashed by U.S. gen-
Harold Urey, economist Gunnar toenaddim. t na16 ii
Myrdal, former Secretary of State itI Niew okRcefleaise
Dean Acheson, psychologist Jean thi statementkn resosethrough
Plaget, economist Paul Samuel-
soand playwright Eugene Ion- a n pas:i o=
In Nvmra conference on support Gov. Romney in the fu-
population will host an interdis-tr.irpaune ocrun
ciplinary guest list of sociologists, tanes I ea andn iate."
public health and medical experts F starde ofl th bea ndira pead
for a highly technical conference. Wrd fth edtra rad
This last ceremony is partially fi- among delegates to a Republican
nance by FordFounatio National Committee meeting Fri-
---r ance byve atord undtiton day afternoon and when Romney
grn ghivea tor thek Univerity a arrived at a reception he was ask-
ethis er fowrkonmsp.a ed by a reporter about it. ,
t probe ms. rcreois "I haven't heard about it,' the
S only the population symposium F governor replied. "It is very
and the alumni celebration paid amusing.
- their own way. The other three Leonard W. Hall, heading Rom-
were financed by the University's ney's campaign, noted that the
expendable restricted fund, which Michigan governor has not an-
is mde u lagelyof iftsandnounced officially his candidacy
isme u pesreltogft an fo the Republican nomination.

aged many professional societies
to hold their congresses at the
University during the Sesquicen-
tennial year. Possibly 100 lio 200
did so upon specific invitation up
to three years in advance. The
major function of the Sesquicen-
tennial Office was to provide stu-
dent escorts for delegates.
"The student escort idea was
one of the most delightful sur-
prises of the whole celebration,"
commented Kennedy.
FThe escort service, under Paul
Blackney, '69, was entirely stu-
dent-organized and student-train-
ed. Students were assigned to meet
delegates at the airport and con-
vey them to all their appoint-
According to Kennedy, many of
the major participants, like for-
mer German chancellor Ludwig
Erhard, specially complimented
the office on the escort program-,
ws Urges
Rockefeller nas been plugging
Romney for the nomination',
counseling other party leaders
that they should get behind the
Michigan governor to insure the
nomination of a moderate at the
Aug. 5, 1968, convention in Miami
Beach, Fla.
There have been indications,
however, that Rockefeller has
some reservations about Romney's
ability to win the nomination. The
New York governor said it is pos-
sible he may become a favorite
son to hold New York's big dele-
gation in line for a moderate.

autonomy of the University.
The tradesmen's offer came dur-
ing a recess at Circuit Court,
where the Washtenaw County
General Contractors Association
(WCGCA) sought to obtain an
injunction against picketing of
University building sites.,
tradesmen should not cease their
Action on this request was de-
layed until Monday. The contrac-
tors are also asking a restraining
order against the picketing.
It was reported yesterday that
the proposal rejected by the Uni-
versity was accepted Thursday by
Central Michigan University,
which has been involved with the
University in its challenge of PA
No Difference
FWilliam Lemmer, University at-
torney, said that there is "no
significant 4ifference" between
the constitutional autonomy of the
University and CM9U.
Lemmer refused to comment on
why the U~niversity rejece th
Tetradesmen rmade their pro-
psal jointly, tQ the University and
the contractors. Acceptance would
have ended the injunction re-
quest, and picketing. The WCGCA
is also asking the National La-
bor Relations Board to investigate
the tradesmen's picketing.
On Thursday, the day before
the proposal was made to the
University, Executive Vice-Presi-
dent Marvin Niehuss issued a
statement saying "it is obvious
that the University should not
accede to any demand to drop the
effort to obtain a court decision.
"Too much is at stake. Early
clarification of the issues involv-
ed in this case will be in the best
interest of the state of Michi-
gan and the University."
He said that until the state
Labor Mediation Board .acts on
union petitions on appropriate
bargaining units and the court
acts on the constitutionality of
PA 379, "the University does not
feel it can make any further de-
cisions about collective bargain-

Picketing of all University dor-
mitories, originally planned for
yest rday was o begi th s mrn -
the Building Service Employes In-
ternational Union.
The BSEIU walked out in sym-
pathy with the skilled tradesmen
over the latter's collective bar-
gaining dispute with the Ujniver-
sity, Welles said.
The action will probably slow
down, rather than halt, dormitory
services, Welles said. The' union
had been set to picket yesterday
he said, but upon learning of the
request for a show-cause order
against picketing skilled trades-
men, the BSEIU decided to post-
pone any action.
A decision on that request has
been delayed until next week.
Welles skiid he could not predict
what course his union would take
if an injunction were ,granted
against the tradesmnen, who are
picketing construction sites only.
The BSEIU will only picket dormi-
John Feldkamp, director of Uni-
versity Housing, said yesterday he
had told Welles "that it is very
serious to walk out.
"We have normal contingencyr
plans which are used for various
emergencies and may be used if
necessary here," Feldkamp added.
These include the use of admin-
istrative personnel in any neces-
sary jobs, "such as dishwashers."
Welles said that while he ex-
pected the majority of dormitory
workers to picket, enough workers
will probably be left in each res-
idence hall to carry on services.
At a meeting of the American
Federation of State, County and
Municipal Employes (AFSCME)
last night, University workers were
told to avoid antagonizing stu-
dents, ,such as by shutting down
residence halls'- entirely. Union
leaders also opposed a walkout
at University Hospital.

ControversiStudRent Senate President
Forced To Resign Post at Northwestern

By JIM HECK tion may hold elective office," Joe
Ellis Pines, Northwestern Uni- IMiller, director of student affairs,
versity's student senate president, explained.
is expected to resign his office In the meantime $10,000 in stu-
some time next week. dent funds is being held idle by
Pines, a student power advocate, the administration which refuses
wson his position by a mere 83 to recognize Pines as the legiti-
votes in a controversial election mate head of student senate.
last May. Vice-President Barbara Pines contendS that a possible
Caufield, considered a moderate- grade change may be able to pull
conservative, will assume Pines' him above the required 2.0 aver-
post. age.,
Pines, who stirred up much A stagecraft course was appar-
trouble on the Evanston campus ently not completed by Pines. But
with his manifesto calling for stu- instead of receiving an incomplete
dent revolution last spring, must grade, Pines contends, the in-

"Poor Elhi's gotta go," a student
spnator commented.
"You see, we're fighting a los-
ing battle," Miss Caufield sighed.
"Yes, I guess I will be president."
"This whole thing is a tempest
in a tea pot," Hines remarked. "I
think Ellis likes tempests In tea
Pines issued a manifesto In ear-
ly May calling for a student revo-
lution to change the emphasis at
the university ,from concentration
on "publishing, research, paren-
tal advice, and monetary profit,"
to "learning in an aura of contro-

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