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September 07, 1967 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-09-07

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TlEMICIA DAL__._TR ....,. ru\n', O.'

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AEC Developim Fallout-Free Weapon

EDITOR'S NOTE: This month
marks the a5th anniversary of
the beginning of the race for
the atomic bomb at a secret
place in the Tennessee hills
known as Oak Ridge. In the fol-
lowing story, the Atomic Ener-
gy Commission and the Defense
Department assess America's
present nuclear arms posture.
d States is trying to develop pure
usion weapons that would not
equire an A-bomb trigger and
vould therefore be free of radio-
active fallout.'
The nation's nuclear- weapon-
ers are also still trying to de-
'elop the fearsome "neutron
omb," which has been described
is a kind of death-ray weapon.
This was related Tuesday by
he Atomic Energy Commission in
,n unusually frank discussion of
kmerican nuclear weapons posture
:iven in response to questions sub-
nitted by the AssociatedPress.
The answers to the queries--in
vhich the Defense Department
ollaborated with the. AEC-also
rought out that:
1. The United States has a pow-
rful and versatile stockpile of tens'

of thousands of individual nuclear
2. The stockpile includes such
novel things as nuclear antisub-
marine rockets, torpedoes and
depth charges-weapons that have
been hinted at, but previously
have had no official mention.
3. The United States still holds
an overall lead in nuclear weap-
ons over the Soviet Union.
4. Communist China apparently
has a "rational, well-organized"
nuclear weapons development pro-
gram - and conceivably could
launch an intercontinental ballist-
ic missile test vehicle before the
end of this year.
American Stockpile
The questions and answers:
Q. Can you give even a general
idea of the number of nuclear
weapons in the American stock-
A. Our weapons stockpile con-
sists of tens of thousands of nu-
clear weapons with yields rang-
ing from subkilitons to megatons.
Q. What is our variety of weap-
A. The United States has ar-
tillery-fired atomic projectiles,
atomic demolition munitions, an-
tisubmarine rockets, torpedoes,

depth charges, strategic and tac-
tical missiles and bombs.
Q. What progress is being made
on "advanced concepts" of nu-
clear arms-such as the so-called
"neutron bomb?"
A. The AEC is conducting re-
search on enhanced radiation
weapons (neutron bombs). Such
a device would be very "clean,"
in which only a small amount of
the energy released would come
from fission. The blast effect
would be very small but- the radia-
tion effect from heutrons would be
Q. What's the American nuclear
arms posture in comparison with
that of the Russians?
A. In aggregate-that is, over-
all-the United States still leads
the Soviet Union. This is of course
a very complex and complicated
matter and any detailed com-
parison would be difficult.
Race with Russians
For several decades the U.S.
has maintained this nuclear weap-
ons superiority. The maintenance
of this superiority depends on
continued improvements in weap-
ons' effectiveness.
Secretary of Defense McNamara
said, ". . . By the early 1970's, we

still expect to have a significant
Q. What's the AEC's rating of
the achieved, and potential,
strength of Communist China in
the nuclear weapons field?
The joint Senate-House Atomic
Committee, in its recent apprais-
al, said Communist China could
be capable of launching a hydro-
gen-missile attack on the United
States before the mid 1970's, con-
ceivably as early as 1970-71.
Communist China
This appears to be a more .om-
inous outlook than that of Defense
Secretary McNamara who has
estimated Communist C h i n a
would not be able to threaten
this country with a significant
number of ICBM's before the mid-
How does the AEC feel about
'... On the basis of recent evi-
dence, it appears possible that
they (the Communist Chinese)
may conduct either a space or a
long - range ballistic missile
launching before the end of 1967.
However, it appears unlikely that
the Chinese could .deploy a sig-
nificant number of ICBM's be-
fore the mid-1970's."

Gov. Rea
For Repu
Gov. Ronald Reagan revealed de-
tails yesterday of his fall nation-
w i d e Republican fund-raising
campaign, which he concedes will
generate more presidential specu-
lation about him.
The freshman governor will ap-
pear in nearly a dozen states from
coast-to-coast between now and
When he announced his expand-
ed travel plans Tuesday, ReaganI
reiterated: "I am not a candi-
Candidacy Problems
He almost decided against the
new speaking dates because of cer-
tain knowledge it would add to
speculation that he will seek the
Republican nomination for presi-
dent in 1968.,
But Reagan said: "I just de-
cided that it was ridiculous to let
this speculation-which I didn't
seem to be able to stop anyway-
to keep me from doing what I
think are party chores that should
be done."
Reagan added the speaking
dates at the urging of Republican
congressional campaign officials.
First Trip
His first trip, previously an-
nounced, will be to his alma ma-
ter, Eureka College, Ill. Sept. 28;
Columbia, S.C., Sept. 29, and Mil-
waukee, Wis., Sept. 30.
Reagan will address a fund-
raising dinner in Louisville, Ky.
Oct. 14 on his way to New York
City and the Virgin Islands for
the national governors' conference.
On his return, Reagan will speak
in Des Moines, Iowa. Oct. 25;
Manhattan, Kan., Dallas and
Houston, Tex., Oct. 26, and Chi-
cago, Ill., Oct. 27.
At Manhattan, he'll participate
in a series of lectures at Kansas
State University in honor of Alf
M. Landon, 1936 Republican pres-
idential nominee.

gan Lists Fall Plans
iblcan Fund-Raising

The Chicago address is to the
Illinois Chamber of Commerce.
Reagan wil give a Veterans Day
address in Albany, Ore., Nov. 11
and may speak the same in Port-
Portland, Ore. and Seattle, Wash.
Reagan will lecture students at
Yale University in New Haven,
Conn., Dec. 4-7. Republican fund-
raising appearances may be work-
ed into this trip, his staff. said.
GOP Governors
Another tentative plan is to go
to a meeting of GOP governors in
Palm Beach, Fla., Dec. 9. He also
said he would travel to Ohio. De-
tails were not available.
Reagan.:said he decided to make
the trip after some "arm twisting"
by Sen. George Murphy (R-Calif),
chairman of the Senate- Campaign
Committee and Rep. Bob Wilson
(R-Calif), head of the House cam-
paign Committee.
After declaring again he is not
a candidate, Reagan was pressed
as to whether he could be drafted
as the GOP nominee.
He . replied:. "Anything I say
has got to be wrong on this-and
I find myself wishing I hadn't
even come in today if I do answer
Reagan's schedule will take him'
into the Midwest and the South,
areas where his advisers say he
would pick up strength should

the unofficial presidential cam-
I paign of former Vice President
Richard M. Nixon falter.
Despite Reagan's repeated dec-
laration of non-candidacy, some
of his influential advisors say
Nixon will fail to survive impor-
tant primary tests and large
blocks of conservative Republican
support will swing to Reagan.
Reagan has said only that he'll
be a California favorite son can-
didate in a move designed to pre-
serve party unity in his own state.
The large bloc of convention
votes controlled by California will
certainly strengthen Reagan's in-
fluence at the time of the Repub-
lican nominating convention.
Despite the speaking swing, the
political comment, and the favor-
ite son plans, Reagan stil insists
that he will not be a candidate for
the presidency of the United
4:30to 6:30P.M.
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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication. For more
information call 764-9270.
Day Calendar
Mental Health Research Institute
-Research Seminar-"Electrophysiologi-
cal and Behavioral Studies of Olfac-
tion in Mammals," presented by Dr.
David G. Moulton, assoc. professor of
physiology, Clark Univ., Worcester,
Mass., 3:45-4:45 p.m., Room 1057 MHRI;
tea at 3:15 p.m., Room 2059 MHRI.
The Kasimir Fajans Awards Lecture -
Stereochemical Investigations: The
N~MR Spectrum of F2PPF2 and the
Mechanism of CI2BBCI2 Addition," pre-
sented by Dr. Ralph Rudolph, 8 p.m.,
Room 1300 Chemistry Bldg.
General Notices
Computing Center-A video-tape on
he "Basic Operation of the IBM 029
Card Punch" will be shown every half
hour from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.
to 10 p.m. on Thurs. and Fri., Sept. 7, 8,
in Room 1005 of the Computing Center.
NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially
recognized and registered student orga-
iizations only. Forms are available in
Rm. 1011 SAB,
Guild House is holding a luncheon on
Fri., Sept. 8, from 12-1 p.m., 802 Mon-
?oe. The speaker will be George White,
Poverty and Art: Understanding Polar-
U. of M. Chess Club is having an or-
ganizational meeting on Sept. 8, at
:30 p.m. in the Union, 3rd floor, Room
Engineering Council mass meeting,
Sept. 7, 7:30 p.m., Union, Room 3A.
Friends of Ann Arbor Vietnam Sum-
ner are holding meeting, Thurs., Sept.
7, 8 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Concert Dance Organization is hold-
ng modern dance classes every Tues-
lay at 7:30 p.m. and Thursday at
1:15 p.m., in the dance studio of
3arbour Gym. Classes are held for men
m Thursdays at 7:30 p.m.
Baha'i Student Group plans informal
liscussion Fri., Sept. 8, at 8 p.m. at
i20 Ashley. Call 662-3548 if you need
transportation. All interested welcome.

Student Government Council Approval
of the following student sponsored
events becomes effective 24 hours after
the publication of this notice. All pub-
licity for these events must be with-
held until the approval has become ef-
Approval request- forms for student
sponsored events are available in Room
1011 of the SAB.
Inter House Assembly and Hinsdale
House, all campus mixer, Sept. 9, 9:30
pm. to 12:30 a.m., East Quad.
1965-1966 University of Michigan Bib-
liography: Forms for bibliographic in-
formation for the "University of Mich-
igan Bibliography" were mailed to fac-
ulty and staff members in April, 1967.
Any University employe who has pub-
lications to report for the period July
1, 1965, to Dec. 31, 1966, and who has
not received the form is requested to
call the ORA Editorial Office, 764-4277.
Educational Testing Service French
and German Test: The Educational
Testing Service Test in French and
German administered by the Graduate
School for doctoral candidates is sched-
uled for Thurs. night, Oct. 26, from'
7 to 9 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture
Hall. ALL students planning to take
the test must register by 4 p.m., Fri.,
Oct. 26, at the Information Desk in the
lobby of the Rackham Bldg. The fee is
For further information call the In-
formaton,Desk, 764-4415.
Graduate Record Examination: Ap-
plication blanks are available in Room
122 Rackham Bldg. for the Graduate
Record Examination. The next admin-
istration of the test will be on Sat.,
Oct. 28, and applications are due in
Princeton, N.J., by Oct. 10.
Doctoral Examination for LeonRonu-
zelle Scott, Mechanical Engineering;
thesis: "Density Measurements for Neon
at Low Temperatures," Thurs., Sept. 7,
Room 336 West Engineering, at 11 a.m.
Chairman, R. E. Sonntag.
Doctoral Examination for Morris Jo-
seph Starsky, Philosophy; thesis: "The
Ontological Problem of Oratio Obliqua,"
Thurs., Sept. 7, Room 2217 Angell Hall,
at 2 p.m. Chairman, W. P. Alston.

Doctoral Examination for Val Dean
Rust, Education; thesis: "German In-
terest in Foreign Education Since
World War I," Thurs., Sept. 7, Room
4204 UHS, at 3 p.m. Chairman, C. A.
FSEE-Federal Service Entrance Ex-
amination applications have arrived.
They are due Sept. 13, for the October
exam. Test given third Sat. of each
month; applicationsdue second Wed.
of previous month. Dec. grads should
take these as soon as possible, proces-
sing takes time.
Massachusetts Institute of Technol-
ogy, Instrumentation Lab., Cambridge,
Mass.-Staff Member, documentation
work on system controlling Apollo
spacecraft. BS Math, Phys., interest and
ability in writing; or lib. arts degree
with some work in aMth or Physics.
National Cash Register Co., Dayton,
Ohio-Programmed Instruction Train-
ees, knowl. of psych. and some educa-
tional techniques, ability to write clear-
Hubbard, Westervely & Mottelay, Inc.,
N.Y.C.-Principal Officer, age 30-40 with
extensive top level transaction experi-
ence, broad exper. in loans and institu-
tional investors.

Eaton, Yale & Towne, Inc., Research
Ctr., Southfield, Mich.-Project Engi-
neer, BSE in ME, 1-10 yrs. in product
res, & dev.
Allstate Regional Office, Detroit-In-
surance Trainees, property, casualty ad-
Juster, insurance underwriter, super-
visors and sales positions in this
trainee program.
Management Consultants, N.Y.C. -
Research and Dev. Chemist, activities
in catalysis field. BS/MS/PhD in In-
organic Chem., plus some organic chem.
Velsicol Chemical Corp., Chicago, Ill.
-Regional 'Dev. Manager, MS Entomol-
ogy/Plant aPth. Entomologist, MS.
Chem., BS/MS plus exper. Research
Assoc., PhD plus 2 years in polymer.
Chemist, MS, vapor chronologtography.
Local Social Organization-Supervis-
or of Adult Activity Center for men-
tally retarded. Degree pref., exper. re-





U.S. Geological Survey, Computer
Center-Mathematicians, computer pro-
grammers, systems programmers, com-
puter systems analysts, nationwide cen-
ters, services for information in min-
eral, water and land resources. BS
levels required, file Form 57, available
at Bureau.
For further information please call
764-7460, General Division, Bureau of
Appointments, 3200 SAB.
a !


taken During September Only



212 North Hill
All ROTC Cadets

Help the Interfraternity Council help you. Register
your band for fraternity listing. Send name of Band,
manager and telephone number to Social Chair-
man, 1510 S.A.B. or call 662-3162 .






Need Information About



Contact Campus Representative
Miss Sue Ormandy
1548 S.A.B.

'.9 Gi{:




u U





1 Item

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. . . . 1.75

2 Items
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. 2.50

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. . . . . 3.35
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. . . . . .45

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