t , r 9 iin Baii j 1 Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNwERSTTY OF MICMGA2 UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS . . . . ...... I THE VIEW FROM HERE A Greek Coup (Sorority Style) BY ROBERT KLIVANS Where Opinions Are Pree. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBORMicH. t'rutb Will PrevailA NEws PHoNE: 764-0552 ............ Y.. .L~h."...:.......:. . . . . . . . *.*....*,. t*.*.*":.'**.:*.*.: *:.w *....,. ....*. .. " . .... .......w ...4 ... .: .: . .. ..w ... ... : ... . ...... . ..... .. .... ...'.. ..... . '...,. ....s, ;. Editorials Printed in The Michigan Daily et press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all rehrmts. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: NEAL BRUSS Campus Parking Shortage: The Horns of a Dilemma AS A RESULT of administrative short- sightedness and mismanagement, the University's Student Vehicle Office has been forced to institute an arbitrary and unjust policy of restriction on the num- ber of student vehicle permits issued this year. Despite the fact that the Student Traffic Advisory Board urged a loosening of credit hour qualifications to allow more students to drive on campus, lack of adequate campus parking has brought the crackdown. Many students, victims of this iniqui- tous new policy, are questioning the arbi- trary system of priorities instituted this year. For example: " Is it fair that a second semester junior be permitted by the University to drive and park his car on campus when the student lives two blocks from cam- pus? It certainly seems reasonable, ex- cept when one considers that a sopho- more-living two,, miles from campus in a fraternity house on land purchased frpm the University with the understand- ing that the members would be permitted to have cars-is denied the very same privilege. " Is it fair that students involved in campus activities be. deprived of avail- able parking space or, at best, subjected to time-consuriing Ann Afbor meters? " Is it fair that students on North. Campus who are denied driving privileges be forced to use a bus service which is only slightly dependable at best, which stops running at 12:28 a.m., and which >ften doesn't perform at all on especial- ly snowy days? " Is it fair that students, who must rely on their cars to get to and from campus and are unable to find legal park- ing spaces, pay tens of thousands of dol- lars every school year in parking fines because not enough authorized student parking is available? STUDENT GOVERNMENT Council might well look into the existing system of priorities, and make some relevant modi- fications of that system, rather than ar- guing about student apathy and a new SGC constitution. The parking shortage is a real problem facing the University today, and ought to be recognized as such. In fact, the University administration has turned the entire student transporta- tion situation into a comic opera. Fore those students living off campus, and particularly those on North Campus, the University bus service is unreliable and slow at best, and totally inadequate at other times. For those students' allowed to have their cars on campus, the park- ing situation is simply intolerable, THE UNIVERSITY administration is to blame for allowing the problem to fes- ter and grow to its present proportions, and the administration thus has the re- sponsibility for finding an immediate and lasting solution. Some token attempt is being made at solving the dilemma, but it is too little too late. In the final analysis, promises, of more parking in the future do not ease the current situation, nor do promises pay the fines. --DAVID MANN LIKE A PACK of lemmings, freshman women are already rushing sororities in the University's second consecutive year of experimenting with Panhellenic madness. Instituted last fall after a year-long hassle in student government and administrative meetings, the new system moved rush up from the cold weeks of January to the balmy days of September. Thus, campus sorority leaders have kept the clothes cleaner and the souls purer of newly-arrived coeds. How student government leaders were bludgoened into accepting the first semester sorority rush plan re- mains a mystery. Except for the pointless weather argu- ment, there seems to be little a September sorority rush could contribute to the well-being of University women. Exposure to two-and-a-half weeks of rush during the first month of classes is unnecessary and artificial pres- sure added to all the other problems that could easily pop up. No time 'is permitted for women to appraise so- rorities from afar, or, more importantly, to perhaps weigh the alternatives to sororities offered on campus. 'WOMEN'S RUSH, as it is presently structured, con- sists of visits to all 26 sororities followed by several weeks of return trips to a steadily dwindling list of choices. The routine is long and arduous for both the actives and the rushees. It rightfully comes early in the -semester when study loads are lightest. But the changeover from second to first semester was a damaging alteration. The only explanation for the decision seems to be the Panhellenic executive's des- perate grab to preserve the system by forcing freshmen to make a decision before a real exposure to the Univer- sity environment. The transition in rush has a history that leaves all parties-excepting the much maligned Vice-President for Student Affairs-in a bad light. The plan was adopted in 1966 by Panhellenic Presi- dents Council through an unfortunate voting arrange- ment that gives the executive council seven votes added to the individual votes of the sororities involved. The proposal to switch rush from January to September was opposed by a majority of the voting sororities on campus, but was endorsed by Panhellenic anyway. Strike One. THE PLAN WAS passed on to Student Government Council. and, under the gospel of organizational auto- nomy, SGC approved it. SGC leaders argued that Pan- hellenic had the right to determine its own inner-work- ings and felt that "those most directly concerned should make the decision." Unfortunately, SGC abdiated its responsibility to speak for those who were actually most affected by the decision-the freshman women. They failed to recognize the inconveniences the plan could cause in the early days of adjusting to the University. They failed to chal- lenge Panhellenic, perhaps in the fear of causing an inter-student organization feud. And, in the end, they failed to act as the last realistic obstacle to the new fall rush plan. Strike Two. ONLY WHEN THE fall rush proposal came before Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler did it receive any serious opposition. He referred the pro- posal back for re-examination, voicing serious reserva- tions about the soundness of the new system, but the plan was re-endorsed anyway, more in the spirit of re- sisting administrative interference (the vice-president couldn't actually be correct when he dabbled in student affairs, could he?) than of considering the feasibility of subjecting freshmen to a September rush. The plan was passed and Panhellenic shifted into high gear with their new-found salvation. Strike Three. NOW IN ITS second year. the plan still seems to be unpopular in many sororities. No one is quite sure how freshman women feel about the plan, though they have nothing to measure it against. The dominant excuse, of course, is that fall rush is now spilled milk, so stop weeping. But it isn't really too late at all if SGC has enough backbone to speak up for the disenfranchised freshmen who are being herded like cattle through sorority houses within a week of their arrival in Ann Arbor. It is obvious that Vice-President Cutler's office is in a bad position to suggest reconsideration of the rush plan. After last fall's demonstrations, the Office of Student Affairs and SGC have a strained-albeit non- existent-relationship. This time the initiative must come from the student leaders themselves. The very best source of reconsideration, of course. is Panhellenic'Council. Are a majority of the sororities still opposed to the first semester rush? Have sorority leaders fully weighed the problem of freshman women while determining their rush schedule? Are the best interests of the campus served by an extensive rush practically upon arrival in the dormitory room? SORORITIES, AND probably fraternities also, should reconsider their policies of first semester rush. If the Greek. system offers a worthwhile alternative to other forms of campus living and activities, it certainly will not suffer during a semester's delay. But the present system, particularly in sororities, appears as an exercise in fear, with the sororities afraid that a semester's ex- posure to college, life may reveal something Panhellenic would rather hide. n Vietnam Reporting the Other War I The Rushees Are Coing, The Rushees Are Coring Mary Berry, an assistant professor of history at Central MichiganUni- versity, has been traveling in Viet- nam for over a month. She is at- tempting. to gain a general impres- sion of the United States commit- ment and its effects on this Asian "nation. She received her PhD from the University, and her specialty is U.S. constitutional history. By MARY F. BERRY Last of a Two-Part Series LONG XUYEN - The contrast between the pacification pro- grams carried on by. the army and marines and that which is oper- ated by the Agency for Interna- tional Development in Vietnam is sobering and striking. One begins to understand why the civilian side maintains that the military programs are not really designed for pacification and development but merely another means of try- ing to kill Viet Cong. A visit to the delta provinces of An Giang\ and Sadec in IV corps area serves to illustrate the contrast. An Giang province is reportedly 93 per cent pacified, the most peaceful province in South Viet- nam. There are some 469.753 per- sons mainly of the Hoa Hao sect living in the 5 districts and 38 vil- lages of the province. The Hoa Hao religion, essentially a reform Buddhist movement is the pri- mary cohesive force in the pro- vince. After 1956 the Hoa Had were firmly allied to the central government and since the No- vember, 1963, and February, 1964, coup d'etats, the alliance has been cemented, The area is blessed with ade- quate water communications and very fertile soil on which rice and a wide variety of vegetable crops are grown. Because of the security that the area enjoys, the govern- ment functions normally and the roads and waterways are travelled quite freely. It is one of the few places in Vietnam where one can ride around in a jeep without a military escort. The absence of VC activity in the area can be. explained by the absence of geographic cover, a good system of well-manned out- posts, and the seemingly adamant anti-communism of the Hoa Hao. The villagers insist that the VC would not dare to try to come into their' areas-they would throw them out. The development pro- gram instituted in An Giang by the Vietnam Government and the United States is expected to show complete success because of the favorable situation which already exists. H. AUBREY ELLIOTT, the Pro- vincial Senior Advisor, told me that the development program in An Giang is operated as if no war existed. The emphasis is placed on increasing rice production, building schools, roads and bridges and improving the administrative capacity of the local government.' The program seems to be success- ful. The province produced enough rice for its own needs and export- ed 100.000 tons last year, soybean production has been tripled in the last two years, and rock produc- tion-important for road building and other construction-was dou- bled in the last year. Things were so peaceful in An Giang that almost the entire AID mission was preparing for a Saturday after- noon cook-out and looking for- ward to a peaceful Sunday at home. WHEN TRAVELING through the villages one must have a mili- tary escort since there are many VC in the area. The government controls most of the hamlets in the three western villages of the province but the VC are heavily concentratel in Duc Ton on the Qast and are scattered throughout the province. One hamlet very near Sadec city in the center is a strong VC area surrounded by hamlets under South Vietnam government control This situation results from the fact that this hamlet is a stopping point on a route used by VC traveling from north to south and vice versa. There are four New Life De- velopment hamlets in Sadec. The NLD hamlets are what was re- ferred to as "strategic hamjlets" before 19 6. When the strategic hamlet pronr'i failed the name was changied and other neasures introduced to insure probable suc- cess in the operation. In an evolutionary sense a ham- let may first be VC controlled, then contested, then pacified mili- tarily, then a NLD hamlet and finally a government functioning hamlet. After military activity has ceased and the VC political in- frastructure has been destroyed, the New Life Development should proceed in an orderly fashion. In Sadec province, despite VC activ- ity, schools are being built, agri- cultural production has been hold- ing its own, and road and bridge construction are underway. DESPITE the obvious contrast between the military pacification programs and U.S. AID operations, even the!latter have great diffi- culties. There is great danger in assuming that because a part of the program works in An Giang province with its unique situation, it will work elsewhere. Also there might be great danger in operat- ing a program in a. country at war, even in a "secure" area as if there were no war. The peace3 may be only temporary. In Sadec, the obvious threat of large VC concentrations is om- inous. Since IV Corps area is one df almost complete responsibility for the South Vietnam Army, we must rely on ARVN troops to clear the area. An expedition into north- ern Due Ton to clear and de- stroy VC was planned for August 21. One civilian American offi- cial indicated that he ,had little faith in the outcome. ARVN's idea of warfare he said, is to build a few watch towers and station a man here and there at a bridge and avoid as much actual combat as possible. IT IS CLEAR indeed that the evolutionary development of the AID-GVN programs cannot go forward until the VC are more daequately suppressed. The AID- GVN programs may not create governmental loyalty and there- by contribute to the defeat of the VC. It may not always be true that people will discard ideology in exchange for more consumer goods, roads, bridges and schools, and this has been the rationale of the programs. It can be hoped, 'however, that the people can be made to think the South Vietnamese government is great and good: it gave me this food, schools, and so on, or at least made it possible for me to acquire them. TONIGHT AT 6:45 formal sorority rush begins for 1,154 University women. Of these rushees, 82 are freshmen. Their ears are still ringing with the sin- cerity of the directive in the Panhellenic Rush Manual, "You should evaluate the sorority membership and the individual chapters on the basis of your own values and objectives." They have been saturated with the "development of the individual" thesis which Panhel stressed this year in the "Sororities at Michigan" booklet sent to freshmen during the summer. They have learned through the Panhel publicity efforts and zealous rush coun- selors that "the sorority is composed of individuals," with its goal "the fulfill-, ment of the potential for individual de- velopment," and that "individuality is the strength of the sorority system." - The freshman has heard of the chance for individual reflection, individual ex- pression, individual personaldevelopment and individual accomplishment. How much of this hard-sell propagan- da can the freshman accept as true? THE ANSWER is simple. The potential for individualism within the sorority system is as real as the potential for individualism in the girl. Any girl who has a real respect and, belief in her own individuality will find that sorority life can and does provide the opportunity to encourage and pre- serve this uniqueness., The sorority makes no demands on the member to surrender her selfhood; the The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegate Press Service. Summer subscription rate: $2.00 per term by carrier ($2.50 by mai) $4.00 for entire summer ($4.50 by mail). Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan. '20 Maynard St., Ann Arbor. Michigan, 48104. Editorial Staff ROGER RAPOPORT, Editor MEREDITH EIKER, Managing Editor MICHAEL HEFFER ROBERT KLIVANS City ,Editor' Editorial Director SUSAN ELAN.Associate Managing Editor STEPHEN FIRSFII .... Associate Managing Editor LAURENCE MEDOW ...... Associate Managing Editor RONALD KLEMPNER .... Associate Editorial Director JOHN LTTIER........Associate Editorial Director SUSAN SCHNEPP..............Personnel Director NEIL. SHISrTErR ...... ..... ffaea ,, i t~or~ girl who resents being "labelled" by a pin is only displaying an inability to project with conviction her own per- sonality. While the sorority system is infused with both tradition and trivia-candle- light ceremonies, T.G.'s, endless house meetings and homecoming floats-these Greek institutions do not define the lim- its of the sorority woman's college exper- ience. Certainly there are those who sat- isfy themselves with the opinions of, their roommates and think no further than the dinner-table discussions of classes, acceptingcheerfully the bill of fare pro- vided by the social and activity commit- tees. But these are also the same people who will assimilate themselves into the an- onymity of a dorm or apartment or co-op. The real individual will remain an in- dividual wherever she goes. WHAT THE 828 FRESHMEN have to realize when they begin mixers to- night is this: being an individual in- cludes the ability to harbor tremendous loyalty and love for a group while at the same time keeping a grip on that entity called "self" or "me" or "what I, myself stand for." In this respect, sorority life presents a challenge, but a challenge that any other living situation presents, which is: the member must have the judgment to relegate each concern to its own level of importance. The dimensions which the sorority routine assumes in a person's schedule depends not on pressure from the chapter but on the values of the per- son. IN SHORT, the freshmen can pretty much accept what Panhel has been telling them about the opportunities for individual growth in the sorority. The. opportunity is there, but it must be taken advantage of, for it is no guarantee. It takes work to be "yourself" in any institution. If the rushees choose the Greek sys- tem as their "proving grounds" for self- hood, they will find no bigger obstacles than in any other group, and may find lots of encouragement along the way. -ANNE BUESSER Is Nothing 9 4 New Politics Convention: Blacks and Whites Together By WALTER SHAPIRO The National Conference for New Politics (NCNP) Convention just held in Chicago was a study in contrasts. Dissident Democrats and radical organizers. Talk of revolution beneath the glittering chandeliers of the Palmer House. SNCC militants and shuffling bellboys. But throughout the four day convention, the primary con- flict was between black and white. And yet when the convention ended Monday afternoon, two bi- racial committees on local organ- izing and electoral politics had been established to direct further NCNP operations. Twice the white majority prevented a walkout by the Black Caucus by accepting their demands with votes of over 2-1. The convention succeeded in destroying the obstacles which blocked a dialogue and working arrangement between white and black radicals. In light of a happy ending for a convention which seemed cer- tain to end in discord, it is im- portant to understand the im- plications of the NCNP conven- tion for both white and black radicals. And to pierce some of the euphoria, it is also necessary to realize the forces which still may split NCNP asunder. FOR MANY OF the whites pres- ent, the convention was a direct exposure to the realities of that much abused term - black power. The delegates, almost unanim- ously sympathetic to black mil- itance, had little concrete under- standing of the extents and limit- ations of an alliance with black radicals. And even more, they were unprepared for the hostility and solidarity of the Black Cau- cus, representing almost all the cAonventinn'is Neoe thing and the whites can do the white thing." BESIDES BEING encumbered by some degreee of prejudice, whites too often found the milit- ant Negro inscrutable. As James Forman t o 1 d the gathering, "White progressives and radicals are still white and cannot under- stand the effects of racism on us." What was most incomprehen- sible to the whites present was that peculiar admixture of super- iority and inferiority, arrogance and suspicion, which represented the behavior of the Black Caucus. Two votes, each described as "tests of white sincerity," were demanded of the convention by the Black Caucus. Inherent within both votes was the question of whether white radicals were willing to sacrifice white values and prejudices and meet the Black Caucus on equal terms. The first vote required whites to give up any sentimental attachments to Israel and any remnants of the belief that the white community represented any standard of civilized behavior. The second vote on equal voting power for' the Black Caucus demanded that whites abandon ingrained concepts of democracy and fair play. FOR RECENTLY RENEGADE Democrats the attack on white values struck too close to home to be swallowed lightly. For many radicals, who rejected the hypo- crisy of middle class life and American politics, any break with one's principles smacked too much of the "old politics" to be toler- ated at a "new politics" conven- tion. In the end, however, most lahiaCt aiy- lth t ...nr .lrnit .b expenses covered by NCNP "white liberal money," the convention provided them with an opportun- ity to further delineate 1 black power. But without the recent Newark Black Power Conference. it is unlikely that a coalition stretching from the SCLC to SN- CC would have been able to re- solve its differences in private and present a "united black front" to the convention. The emergence of Carlos Rus- sell, the architect of a "united front" at this convention, as a major black leader may have been one of the unhearalded accom- plishments of this gathering. Rus- sell, who claims affiliation with, no organization, was born in Pan- ama and said he "came to the convention from New York repre- senting only myself." Observers within the Black Caucus, said that Russell was in "complete tactical control" and described him as a "guerrila leader on the verge of a major battle." BUT THE MOST important im- plication of this convention for black militants was that some contact was maintained with a white group. A dialogue with white radicals will stress that the common enemy is white society and white values rather than the white man. A walkout by the Black Caucus would h a v e strengthened black separatism as an end in itself, rather than a road to eventual equality. However, it is difficult to be completely optimistic when as- sessing the outcome of the con- vention and the implications it holds for the future. Since the dialogue between white and black radicals has not yet begun, it is impossible to predict whether the tactical concerns of the two or rebellions which have engulfed our major cities. It would be naive to expect James Forman to take any other attitude toward the riots than to say, "If a brother wants to throw a molotov cock- tail, that's his business." But for Forman to say, "I real- ize there are pacifists in the aud- ience, but do not forget that this was the first country to break away from colonialism by armed revolutionary struggle," is to skirt the issue with pious rhetoric worthy of Lyndon Johnson at his best. There were white groups at the convention which sew urban vio- lence as the key to overthrowing the power structure. But the ma- jority of the delegates, while they understood the riots, and would not condemn the participants, were not wildly enthusiastic for repeated outbreaks. "Can't You Dig Up A Show That Kind of The convention's focus on the relationship between black and white radicals meant scant at- tention paid to cleavages between middle-aged' leftists and the young radical community organi- zers. But these differences may result more from mutual ignor- ance than ideological differences. For example, Simon Cassady, California CNP leader, admitted during the convention his total ignorance of the meaning of local organizing. Another gathering is necessary to delineate the rela- tionship between local organizing and electoral politics. BUT THE MAJOR weakness of the NCNP coalition is the amor- phous quality of its goals. As someone meekly asked during the local organizers' caucus; "Organ- ize for what?" Treaty Or Something To Commitment To Us?" V 14~.';. '-ft., ~.3 ; ~ ~l t~J - ~ 'K--.. 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