VIETNAM ELECTIONS: LAWFUL STATUS QUO See editorial page C, , r Sitr igau :4Iaitji MILD High-s0 Low-50 I. Con Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom ntinued fair and warm; showers not likely TEN PAGES VOL. LXXVII, No. 6 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1967 SEVEN CENTS NCNP Convention Ends on Note of Racial ni ty By WALTER SHAPIRO leadership to new politics. Other- tatively different from all other cism on us." The Black Caucus': Special To The Daily wise we will see the same liberal- third tickets of the past, which acute fear of white domination CHICAGO-Beginnings of an labor treachery." will place primary emphasis on was the prime motive for the two historic alliance between black and The two test votes appeared to forming community organizations test votes. white radicals appeared to be coa- convince the Black Caucus that as permanent organizing forces." However, some observers also lescing as the National Conference the majority at the convention Subordination of electoral poli- noted a degree of vindictiveness for New Politics (NCNP) ended its were authentic white radicals who tics to community organizing was in the actions of the Black Caucus. four day convention Monday. would not attempt to dominate the result of a 13,517 to 13,515 vote Robert Scheer, editor of "Ram- The major roadblocks to such black militants in a coalition. which rejected a third ticket pro- parts," questioned before Sun- an alliance were removed late SNCC leader H. Rap Brown re- posal. Later by a 2-1 vote the day's vote whether the convention Sunday night as almost 3000 dele- portedly told a closed Black Cau- body incorporated into the reso- was "to be the whipping boy for gates voted by over a 2-1 margin cus session Sunday that "we can- lution an amendment which the last 300 years." to give the Black Caucus, which not form a coalition with whites, stressed the benefits of electoral The Black Caucaus' demand for+ represeited almost all the Ne- but we can and must form an politics for community organizing. 50 per cent representation was groes at the convention, 50 per alliance with radical whites." Later Sunday, the Black Cau- presented to the Convention as a cent of the votes in the conven- When it had gained 50 per cent cus pushed through an amend- 6-to-4 majority recommendation tion. representation on the convention ment establishing two 12-mem- of the Credentials Committee, Carlos Russell, who emerged as floor, the Black Caucus moved to ber committees, equally divided with Bertram Garskof of Ann Ar- the leader of the Black Caucus, prevent a reconsideration of Sat- between blacks and whites. One b Citizens for New Politics cast- said the purpose of the vote was urday night's decision to stress of these committees will coordi-bor "to test the sincerity of the white local organizing, while acknowl- nate local organizing and the oth- ing the deciding vote- people here." An earlier vote Sat- edging that "an independent pres- er will direct electoral politics. One of the Black Caucus de- urday on 13 demands of the Black idential ticket is an extremely ef- The alliance formed during the mands approved Saturday grant- Caucus was similarly described as fective method next year" to convention at the incongruously ed them 50 per cent representation a test vote. strengthen local organizing ef- luxurious Palmer House is frag- on all convention committees. James Forman, former SNCC forts. ile and limited. As James Forman Arthur Waskow of the Institute leader, told the convention Sun- The resolution further stated stressed, "White progressives and for Policy Studies presented the day that "no new coalition is pos- that "the NCNP believes it can radicals are still, white and can- minority report, saying, "Yesterday sible unless the dispossessed give 'run an independent ticket quali- not understand the effects of ra- 1,000 good liberals who are trying representative of the Black Cau- cus told Todd Gitlin, former SDSI president, and Andrew Kopkind, an observer for the "New York to become radicals thought that accepting the Black Caucus de- mands was the way to do it. They castrated themselves. You don't castrate a man and sleep with him afterwards." But many whites, despite qualms about both sets of Black Caucus demands, agreed with Simon Cas- sady, NCAP leader from Califor- nia, that "It is easier to heal a split between whites than between black and whites." Prior to the vote on 50 per cent representation, it was rumored that the Black Caucus favored the third ticket proposals. The gen- erally middle-aged proponents of a third ticket were led by noted pediatrician Benjamin Spock and veteran labor leader Sidne'j Lens. After Sunday's vote, however, a Review of Books," that the Black Caucus did not fully understand the position of the local organ izers. The convention recessed afte the vote, so the Black Caucus which had not participated in th voting could re-assess its positior The caucus of local organizers composed largely of representa tives of SDS and Vietnam Sum mer, sent six representatives tc the Black Caucus to explain thei position. Those organizers wer admitted, while four delegate from the third ticket caucus wer not. The Black Caucus' ignorance o the radical organizers' position il lustrates the limited degree o communication between black and whites prior to Sunday's vote As a result, this convention wa not the scene of a dialogue be tween black and white radicals Rather, the conference resulted b the removal of the mutual distrus which had previously preventec such a dialogue from taking place See NCNP, Page 2 -Daily-Marvin Bookstein THE AFRICAN DRESS of some members of the Black Caucus at the NCNP Convention was explained by James Forman who told the gathering, "We are Africans, our loyalties and alleg- iances are to Africa, even though we are technically American ' citizens." END TO BOMBING POSSIBLE: President -Elect Thieu May Seek Peace By The Associated Press candidate,I SAIGON - President - elect Dzu. Nguyen Van Thieu may try to set Expected up peace talks with North Viet- fifth, Dzu' nam within the next few weeks, more thanf informed sources said yesterday. the militar3 Thieu, who was elected presi- Premier Ng dent of South Vietnam on Sun- about 1.65 day, had pledged during his cam- showing wa paign to ask the United States to He camp stop bombing for a week or more calling for if an indication was received with Hano from Hanoi that such a promise Cong. "I: might lead to some form of peace democracy,' talks. -,as an expl One factor that may force Thieu number of' to bid for peace, election analysts Six mont say, is the strong election show- peace wasr ing of the most outspoken peace Vietnamese lawyer Thruong Dinh to finish fourth or finished second with 800,000 votes. Although y ticket of Thieu and uyen Cao Ky received' million votes, Dzu's as surprising. aigned on a platform negtotiations not only i but with the Viet represent peace and " Dzu said yesterday lanation of the large votes he received. hs ago, the subject of not often discussed by politicians. F o u r Talks peace tickets that attempted to register for the presidential elec- tion were eliminated by the Con-, stituent Assembly for "pro-Com- munist and neutralist" views. It was not until after his ticket was accepted by the assembly that Dzu began talking about peace negotiations. The other candidates followed suit. Dzu and other defeated can- didates are challengling the elec- tion returns. Dzu charged that the election "was a nationwide organization for fraud." "We have lots of evidence of fraud on election day," he claim-; ed. Auto Talks Ceas( As' Strike Nears UAW, FordTo ResumeNegotiatioi In Final Attempt To Avert Walkoi DETROIT (j')-Bargainers for Ford Motor Co. and the Unit Auto Workers Union recessed negotiations over a new contract . night with both sides gloomy about chances of avoiding a midnig strike tonight. Talks were to resume at 10 a.m. today in last-ditch efforts sidestep a walkout that could idle 159,000 workers at Ford pla: in 25 states. The UAW. meanwhile.' asked Chrysler Corp. yesterday to exte the current three-year pact until a new agreement is worked o Chrysler said it would reply to the request today. Asked by newsmen if the UAW would work at Chrysler withc a contract if the firm denied an extension, Douglas Frazer, direc of the union's Chrysler department, replied, "Yes." "The fundamental issues are not being dealt with and until tt are there is not going to be an agreement that would avoid a wc stoppage," said Walter P. Reuther, president of the UAW as PRES4IDENT-DESIGNATE Mock Sorori~ty Rush Readies New Actives He and other candidates are ti~ns for the post he will preparing to bring their evidence I search eBui sing and lay before the Constituent Assembly Uesearch Building and p later this week. The assembly in Unversity affairs. must rule on charges of election! irregularly, and can, if there are o many, declare the electionF lemg If it decides the election was -Dany-AndyVSacks E ROBBEN FLEMING arrived in Ann Arbor this weekend to begin prepara- assume January 1. Fleming will occupy a temporary office in the Legal ans to spend the next four months observing rather than getting involved ies Arri-es in Ann Arbor, By ANNE BUESSER Panhellenic Association 1 a s t night sponsored a mock rush for all twenty-three sororities in preparation for the formal two and one-half week rush period starting tomorrow. During a mock rush the new sophomore initiates rush a group of actives from another house, 0 while their actives serve as rushees for a third chapter. The purpose of the mock rush, according -to Rush Counselor Chairman Susan Ladewig, is two- fold: it gives the members a chance to smooth out the rough spots in the rushing procedure practiced by each chapter; and, it gives the neophytes or sophomores. who are' rushing for the first time an opportunity to accustom them- selves to being "on the other side of the fence. Panhel observers stationed at A the mock sessions emphasize that veterans must try to make the rushee feel at ease. If encouraged to ask questions about the indivi- dual sorority's policies on discrim- ination, social pressure or, acade- mics, the rushee may give the sorority system a fairer evalu- ation. Mrs. Joan Ringell, adviser to sororities, suggests that if the rushee is hesitant about asking these questions directly of the rusing active, she should feel free to ask the chapter rush chairman or house president. "The stress this year," says Mrs. Mrs. Ringel, "is on individual in- dependent decision.". Only 1154 women have register-' ed for rush compared with lasts year's 1254, but Panhel attributes this to 'the fact that registration closed unusually early this year due to an overload of work for the IBM machines which process soro- rity bids. Of the 1154 girls registered for rush, 826 are freshmen. If -these freshmen decide to pledge, they must face the time commitment which pledging involves, and the detrimental effect it can have on fall term grades. fair, it must certify the --results within 30 days from election day. The new president and vice-presi- dent will be in stalled 30 days Begins Stu after that certification. By ROGER RAPOPORT Returns from the senate elect- Editor tion, which also took place Sun- There were no brass bands to day, are taking longer to count. meet President-Designate Robben Four 10-man slates backing Ky Fleming at the airport when he iere among the top six slates arrived this weekend. He wasn't in early returns. The top six on the plane. There was no plane. slates will make up the 60-man Fleming and his family drove senate. from Madison to Ann Arbor Sun- With control in the senate, Ky day and began moving into a would have a good hand in any home near campus. It was rented power struggle with Thieu. Ky for him by the University from at is reported to have received con- traveling professor. sessions from Thieu at the time Tuesday Fleming had to use a he pulled out of the presidential map to get to campus. He moved race to run second to Thieu. into a posh temporary office just Sources close to the two men also off the monkish stacks of the said 'Ky was pressing Thieu to seventh floor Legal Research name him Premier. Building. The 22 U.S. observers sent by Politely evasive on a number of President Johnson agreed the questions about what he plans to election was fair. "I have never do in his new $50,000 a year post, seen a nelection with, such ab- ("I don't want to get involved yet, sence of evidence of fraud," said the purpose of these four months observer Sen. Bourke Hicken- 'is to get a chance to look around.") looper (R-Iowa).. Fleming seems destined to spend rdy of U' Procedure much of this in public appearance. answer to some questions For { He made his first yesterday before l example when asked about the the University school faculty. He I mushrooming use of marijuana also will join his longtime friend on campus he will reply with a, Prof. Russell Smith of the Law series of analogies, illustrations School to teach a weekly two and incidents, but refrained from hour law seminar in collective committing himself. bargaining and public employ- On one area though his views ment. He will also sit-in at the are clear. 'I've always been, weekly administrative officers against the war, in Viet Nam. I meeting. 'don't think it's essential for us A calm ("I don't think my wife could nanie a time I've blown up in our 25 years together) candid, administrator, Fleming sounded scholarly but not stuffy in an interview. While he is a veteran labor amediator Fleming does not think that the best way to resolve a dispute is to compromise at half- way. That's not compromise, that's abdication of responsibil- ity." Always attentive, Fleming often offers an analysis instead of an to be involved like this in that area of the world and I don't think we should have ever gotten involved in the first place. I think we' should stop bombing North Vietnam and generally think the best way out would be to work along the lines of the. enclave theory suggested by General Gav- Asked about University war re- search he said that, "Universities have to look at this question to see. if they are in areas they shouldn't be." Fleming also said that he will consider bringing in men from other schools to fill administrative vacancies that develop here. What exactly will Fleming do when he takes over January 1? He really doesn't know yet. But he says "Great universities do not remain great universities, iby standing still?" Does that mean anything? "Come back in three years and tell me what you, think." emerged from a four-hour session. "When the strike takesplace both sides have to share the re- sponsibility for it. This is not the time to say the other side is re- sponsible. We will take half the blame," he added. "We have fallen apart from the basic approach for putting this dispute together," said Malcolm L. Denise, tall, slender Ford nego- tiator. "I am not bitter. But I am ex- tremely unhappy. The. outlook is extremely dim, he' said. Asked by newsmen what issues were discussed during the day- long bargaining sessions, Denise said, "Quite a variety, but' to enumerate them here would serve no purpose.'' , Asked point blank if prpgress had been made, he said: "No progress." Denisessaid the union has given assurance that enough manpower will be made available to close down operations, which normally takes several days. At its vast Rouge complex west of Detroit, the company makes much of its own steel and shutting down the fur- naces can take up to 48 hours. A shutdown of the firm would idle workers in 27 states and would knock Ford out of production of 1968-model cars with only 85,000 in the hands of dealers. Ford nor- mally makes about 50,000 cars a week. Among the top UAW demands are paying workers a monthly salary as the basis of a guaranteed annual income, a substantial wage boost and equal pay for American and Canadian workers. The-union has rejected the com- panies' offer to increase wages by 13 cents an hour, then to increase them by 2.8 per cent each year. In wages and fringe benefits, the average worker now makes about $4.70 an hour. Fear Effect Of Strike On Economy By STEVE WILDSTROM A major strike in the auto in- dustry "could easily play havoc with the health of the economy for the balance of this year," a University economist said yester- day. William Haber, dean of the literary collegeand a professor of economics explained, "The econ- omic ramifications of such a shut- down are overwhelming." A strike by 159,000 members of the United Auto Workers Union against Ford Motor Co. is set for midnight tonight and now appears virtually certain. "Any strike in a company as large as Ford and in an industry as significant as the automobile industry should be deplored," Haber said. "The issues which the union presents are critical, both for the union and the companies. There ought to be some rational way of finding resolution short of maxi- mum economic power." Haber said he doubts that Gen- eral Motors and Chrysler would lock their employes out in the event of a strike against Ford. "I would be very much surprised if anything like that happened," he said. '"In labor disputes, there are many costs which are non- monetaryand such a lockout, if that is the proper term, would in- troduce these intangible coste which affect productivity and morale." Haber said he could not pre- dict the length of any strike but added, "Unions don't ask those questions." "A strike is a political as well as an economic cjuestion," he add- ed. "If unions always figured out in detail the costs of a fore it took place, there would never be any strikes. "The union is a political organ- ization as well as an economic or- ganization," he added. "Conse- quently, present sacrifices are made which hopefully, from the FEWER 'M' STICKERS: Limited Parking Restricts Auto Permits By DAVID MANN Despite the lowering of the credit hour qualification to 70, or 9 the equivalent of a second semes- ter junior, the Student Vehicle Office is restricting the number of invaluable 'M' stickers issued to qualified drivers for the first time in University history. The reason for the tighter res- trictions, explains William Perigo of the Student Vehicle Office, is the "impossibility of the parking situation on campus." The Student Vehicle Office is now conducting a survey of the exact number of available parking spaces in the vicinity of campus, but will not be able to complete pus as in the past, said Brown, "old relationships of fraternities and other living units are being reviewed this year." For example, both the Zeta Beta Tau and Tau Delta Phi fraternities will be given a limited number of permits this year, based on the number of people living in the houses. Previously, because of their distant locations, the outlying fraternities received unlimited vehicle permits, but for the first time, an arbitrary quota is being established. Perigo says that the Student traffic Advisory Board had reco- mended that more students be allowed to have cars on campus Outside of parking illegally on the streets and ignoring the tickets, which run up to six dol- lars, issued by Ann Arbor's vigil- ent meter maids, many students park in staff reserved parking lots and structures. Although the staff lots and structures are not7 checked as regularly as Ann Arbor street parking spaces, according to John Walters of the Univer-i sity's Parking and scheduling bur- eau, student violations in staff1 structures are relayed to the city i police department, in addition to1 being recorded by the University.1 If the fines are not paid, credit will be held at the end of the semester or until remuneration is1 than wait as' much as four months The total cost, then, of parking for the clearance of the. backlog fines on campus, and the cost of of old tickets. With the aid of the police service for parking adds up IBM system, the police have up to to over $180,000 per year, exclu- date information on all traffic ding the money paid for parking violations. meter and structure fees. The Ann Arbor Police Depart- I:Both the University and the ment, at the request of the Uni- city government are currently versity patrols all of the Univer- working on the campus parking sity parking lots and street park- problem. Accordin to a spokes- ing spaces. The University pays man for the Ann Arbor Depart- for the service, while collecting ment of Parking and Traffic the revenue from registration and Engineering, the Maynard Street meters in University lots and on municipal parking structure will University streets. These funds go be 'enlarged from it's current 584 to provide for more University space capacity to 842 spaces, al- parking in the future. The city though few of the additional collects the revenue from the spaces will be available for stu- tickets, which is also put back dent parking. The contracts for ' r I G New York War Protesters File Referendum Petitions I NEW YORK (I'-A peace group seeking immediate withdrawal of U.S. forces from Vietnam filed a 93,853-signature petition yester- day to put the war on the local ballot next November and vowed referendum will be challenged on grounds that the question is not a proper one for a municipal vote. When the immediate withdrawal committee filed its petitions with the city clerk Tuesday, Len Fried-