SUNDAY, SEPTEMBERS 3, 1961 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3,1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE South Vietnamese Choose OBSERVATION TEAM: Member of U.S. Group Notes Election's Promise, Problems Fir st Elective Government Thieu Victory Likely; Deny Rumors of Coup SAIGON (P) -South Vietnam's voters,capping a campaign mark- ed by political controversy, Red terrorist attacks and finally dis- counted rumors of a coup attempt, elect a new government today to supplant their military regime. Chief of State Nguyen Van Thieu, a lieutenant general who 1 is considered the front-runner among 11-candidates for president, said the election "will be the crowning achievement of this arduous process of democracy building." About 80 per cent of the na- tion's 5.85 million eligible voters- peasants, villagers and city dwell- ers-were expected to turn out to choose the president, vice presi- dent and ,60-member senate. Must Be Sure of Results Thieu told newsmen that if he wins under a cloud of fraud charges and the National Assem- bly finds there are proven irregu- larities, "I will give up the office." "The people and the country are most important," he said. Speculation about a possible coup attempt arose from the ar- rest yesterday of three military EDITOR'S NOTE: Polling 'stations of South Vietnam are to be open from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saigon time today for the election of a presidential slate and a 60-member senate. First returns are expected about three hours after the polls close. That would be about 7 a.m. EDT today. officers, including Col. Pham Van Lieu, a former head of the na- tional police, Intelligence sources said Lieu was picked up on a charge of working for the election of a civilian presidential candi- date, Assembly Speaker Phan Khac Suu. The chief of state denied there were any political implications. Thieu told newsmen the officers M had left their posts and come to Saigon and "were arrested for dis- ciplinary, not political reasons." "Now, with the quiet of night upon us, I hope that the people will elect a good leader with enough courage to bring victory to our beautiful homeland." Communist guerrillas staged a series of election-eve attacks. Five terrorists, one carrying 20 pounds of TNT, were shot dead in a raid in which 14 homes were destroyed at 'am Ky, a provin- cial capital 320 miles northeast of Saigon. * U.S. sources said 190 civilians were killed by terrorists in the past week. They listed 426 civil- ians wounded and 237 kidnaped in the Red ,campaign to intimi- date the voters. A grenade exploded late last night outside the Saigon residence of two American generals, the second time in 24 hours that a grenade had been tossed at the same house. First Free Election The blast occurred outside the quarters of Brig. Gen. Winant Sidle, chief of the public infor- mation division in Gen. West- moreland's command. Sidle shares the residence with Brig. Gen. Franklin Davis, chief of personnel. ' The voting was regarded as the first free election of national gov- ernment officers, in South Viet- nam's history, a step that could help bring more stability to the war-torn nation. Observers from at least 24 countries, including 22 Americans sent by President Johnson, and 600 newsmen were on hand to see how fair it was. Previously Rule by Decree . Thieu, 44, and Ky, 36, have ruled by decree since June 1965. Their civilian opponents accused them in a bitter, month-long campaign of subverting and rig- ging the election to legitimize their regime. Thieu and Ky de- nied it.' The outcome of the election may have an impact on the course of the war. All but one of the presidential candidates,mP h a m Huy Co, called for attempts to meet with Hanoi to end the war. Thieu promised that if elected he would ask the United States to stop bombing North Vietnam for a week or longer in an at- tempt to get North Vietnam to negotiate, but only if there was a sign that Hanoi might respond. He also promised a purge of the armedforces to weed out corrupt and incompetent officers. Possible Bombing Pause Saigon and Washington views may differ about another pause in the bombing campaign over the north. President Johnson, asked at a news conference Friday about re- ports that there might be some kind of a new peace move about the time of the Vietnam election, said they "are off the top of someone's head." "I know nothing about them," he said. "We look forward every day for every possibility that would lead toward peace, as I said yesterday. But I think that we do ourselves a great disservice when, out of the clear air, we conjure up something that has no basis in fact." To U.S, officials, the election was another major step toward a constitutional government which could represent more of South EDITOR'S NOTE: Gov. Thomas McCall of Oregon is a member of the special team sent by President Johnson to observe South Vietnam's national elec- tion. The governor, a long-time newsman, here sums up his im- pressions. By GOV. THOMAS McCALL Written for The Associated Press SAIGON - This election would bring a frown of concentration to the brow of even the most prac- ticed and informed American voter. Millions of unsophisticated Viet- namese will have three or four minutes in the polling booth to- day to choose between hundreds of candidates on 11 presidential and 48 senatorial tickets. For- tunately, they are not required to place an X before each favored name-but just picking the lists and tucking them into an en- velope entails both mental and manual dexterity. Few voters will recognize most of the names. Some will be guided by symbols and pictures. Many will find the lists almost totally unfamiliar. Much 'of the voting, then, will be done in the dark. Sham Election? As is true in every election everywhere, the so-called incum- bents in Vietnam have the ad- vantage of superior public expo- sure. It is also true that the mili- tary or the state police here have a big say over the placement of election personnel and this, of course, has a potential for fraudu-, lent manipulation of honestly cast ballots. All these disadvantages having been cited, does it necessarily follow that Sunday's election will tbe a sham? I can't speak for more than one of the 22 U.S. election ob- servers, but it is my impression that few, if any, in our group are ready to write it off as a sterile exercise. And this is not a stacked contingent, loaded by President Johnson to produce a non-ques- tioning accolade to the election. Reaches Every Elector The members, diverse in background and independent of thought and expression, have spent three: days patrolling the countryside, cities, villages and hamlets. They have talked with leaders at all levels of government but, more important, have visited with peasants, villagers and ur- banites. All have inspected some of the 8,808 polling places to which a major part of the nation's 5,853,- 251 voters will troop. The number of such places is striking since it can be regarded as evidence of the determination of authorities to establish ballot- ing stations within reach of every elector in this war-torn country. Predict 80% Turnout Even more impressive are con- sistent predictions of an 80 per cent turnout. Interestingly, the democracy of this election is less exclusionary than that accorded American citi- zens today. In Vietnam both men and women 18 years of age and over can qualify for the fran- chise. For decades our reformers have sought without success to finance individual election expenses with tax dollars levied by the federal government. The government of Vietnam is providing such sub- sidy for the presidential and sen- atorial candidates in this election. Airtight System The actual polling system here is probably as airtight as in any nation anywhere. As a former state elections officer, I have gone over it with national province and village officials both on paper and in the polling stations themselves and have failed to find any loopholes for the cheater. This isn't to say it is impossible to "throw" the election. It is to claim that the checks are present to enable the zealously fair to expose a deliberate miscarriage of election procedures. Might Question Results Regardless of the outcome of the voting, it is widely expected that a storm of accusation and protest will be blown up by some of the losers. The law allows three weeks after the election for filing and documenting complaints. Thus any firm assessment by the U.S. observers of the honesty of the election could run the risk of reversal. This, of course, ren- ders any such appraisal by us of doubtful value and probably would preclude our attempting to make i t. What we can do, however, and are trying to do in hundreds of miles of travel from the delta to the highlands, is to detect a wisp, a flavor, a spark, a thread that might offer some insight into in- dividual and perhaps national at- titudes toward the election. The late Vietnamese expert, Bernard B. Fall, wrote of the peo- ple's "admirable qualities of fru- gality, incredible endurance, pa- tience in the face of unavoidable adversity, and deep love for their war-torn homeland." Less than a week in Vietnam is a paucity of time for reaching hard conclusions. But the sense I have gotten from the country- side is that the Vietnamese are that kind of a people. They seem to possess serenity and humor. On the election itself, their pat- tern of thinking appears to be one of certainty and hope-certainty that it will be a fair election and hope that it will stabilize their nation, guarantee basic freedoms and somehow be instrumental in ending the war. Valuable Experience As far as identifying and choos- ing candidates are concerned, the odds are against it being too meaningful an election. But it will establish the first of two freely elected legislative chambers to counter authoratar- ianism at the top. And, most significant to me, the people will be choosing between voting and staying at home. That choice in the face of baffling pro- cedures and the menace of ter- rorism does a lot to commend the election as an exercise of high purpose and courage. -Associated Press A SCATTERED CROWD, estimated at about 3,000 persons, listened to one of South Vietnam's ten civilian presidential candidates speak from rostrum (left-center) at a final joint campaign rally in Saigon's main downtown traffic circle yesterday. Neither Chief of State Nguyen Van Thieu, the leading presidential candidate, nor his running mate, Premier Nguyen Cao Ky, showed up for the rally. Thieu and Ky, some political analysts estimate, will receive 35-45 per cent of the votes in today's election. The largely illiterate and apathetic electorate has been further discouraged from participating in the election after a series of terrorist attacks. Mansfield Seeks Occasion For New. Peace Attempts Vietnam's 17 million people than the present regime. It generally was conceded that the military government enjoyed only limited support among the population. A constitutional assembly was elected last September. It drafted a constitution and then wrote the laws for the presidential and Sen- ate election and the election of a 137-man House of Representa- tives coming up Oct. 22. Voters today are being present- ed a total of 59 ballots; 11 presi- dential and 48 10-man Senate tickets. They choose one presi- dential ballot and up to six Senate lists.- Vote by Symbol Each ballot had on it the sym- bol of the presidential or senate slate. Much of the campaigning of the candidates has consisted of teaching the largely illiterate voters which symbols to look for. Truong Dinh Dzu, 46, an out- spoken lawyer who has been most critical of the Thieu-Ky ticket, has charged them with everything from fraud to buying five Saigon newspapers to promote their can- didacy. He has gotten good audience reaction on most of his campaign appearances, but still is consider- ed an also-ran. Other candidates are Pham Huy .Co, a pediatrician and the only "hawk" in the campaign; Tran Van Ly, a former governor of Central Vietnam; Nguyen Hoa Hiep, a member of the Vietnam assembly; Vu Hong Khanh, a northern politician; Hoang Co Binh; a dentist, and Nguyen Dinh Quat, an industrialist. The government financed the campaign, paying for campaign and transportation expenses as well as printing the candidates' posters and leaflets. All candi- dates received an equal portion of a 60 million piaster ($5,050,000) campaign fund and an equal num- ber of posters and leaflets, all of standard size, design and color. Populace Apathetic Despite the expected turnout of about 4.7 million voters, the reac- tion of the population was gen- erally apathetic. Relatively few citizens knew the candidates, and the issues were even less well understood. The civilian candidates. in 11 joint campaign appearances' out- side Saigon, spoke before a total of about 70,000 persons. Sixty per cent of the people live in the countryside, where there are few radios and almost no television sets and where news- papers seldom are seen. Thieu and Ky, going their sep- arate ways on numerous "non- political" trips outside Saigon, have seen many more people and are more widely known than any of the civilian candidates. The fact that they are incum- bents, in control of the armed forces and the government admin- istrative machinery that reaches down to the lowest levels of Viet- namese life, helped their chances.. The civilian candidates charged that many government officials campaigned illegally for Thieu and Ky and in some cases applied pressure on voters and harassed representatives of other candi- dates. Fair by Asian Standards Their charges are unproved, al- though some newsmen have found indications that there were pres- sures for the Thieu-Ky ticket. Other observers compare the pres- sure to a U.S. President leaning IOPEN SUNDAY, September 3 7:30 P.M. The Film "America, On Edge of Abundance" r Singing Fun & Games All students are invited. Presbyterian Campus Center 1432 Washtenaw HOUSE on local politicians to get out the vote for his re-election. Men familiar with Asian politics say that by Asian standards the election probably is fair and free. Representatives of the candi- dates, as well as the foreign ob- servers and newsmen will scrutin- ize the counting of ballots. Results To Be Studied In addition, a committee of the' National Assembly will study any claims of fraud and will examine the voting records to determine the veracity of They can declare the election void and call for another if they find too many cases of irregularity. Thieu and Ky have said that if they win they will appoint a civil- ian as premier and that most of their cabinet ministers will be civilians. Political analysts guessed last night that Thieu and Ky would get between 35 and 45 per cent of the vote. Huong was expected to run second and Assembly Chair- man Phan Khac Suu, 62, a close third. WASHINGTON (P) - Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield hopes today's presidential election in South Vietnam will be followed by new peace explorations-possi- bly including a pause in U.S. bombing of the Communist North. "I would hope that no means which could shorten this war, save American lives and bring about an honorable settlement would be overlooked," Mansfield said, "and I'm certain that is the view of the administration as well." The Montana Democrat said in an interview he has no indication that there will be a post-election suspension of U.S. air raids on North Vietnam. But Mansfield said he hopes such a move has not been ruled out of consideration within the administration. Johnson Avoids Comment President Johnson, questioned Friday about speculation on a bombing pause, replied: "We do ourselves a great disservice if we conjure up something out of clear air." "I would hope that once the elections are over," Mansfield said, "that they would serve as a bench- mark for the exploration of furth- er ideas seelping to bring the Viet- namese war to an honorable con- clusion." But Sen. Clifford P. Case (R- NJ), accused Johnson of putting too much emphasis on the elec- tion. "I think it has been oversold by our administration here as a kind of be-all-end-al, which in turn has led to disappointment and therefore, criticism," Case said. .Election Oversold Case said the Vietnamese bal- loting is-"a useful step in a long process but not anything imme- diate" to produce a cease-fire or peace negotiations. Case said the Johnson admin- istration must 'persuade South Vietnam to undertake social and political reform - making clear that the United States will not continue the fight "unless they do the things that must be done." "If we are going to fail anyway we had better stop right now be- fore we kill any more American boys," he said. Case gave his views in an inter- view recorded for New Jersey and New York television stations. I ;; ; x: A SA f 2 0' _ W1 B> A Miss J revels in the natural look of her imported Belgian jacket Seeming sorcery gives the look of leather to cotton suede cloth. Stitched to encourage acti on . .ined with warm acrylic pile. Sizes 6:14. A. Long jacket; camel, navy. 28.00 ""' 'meB. Short style in brown, camel or green. 25.00 -Associated Press MAYOR JOSEPH BARR of Pittsburgh, wearing military fatigues, is shown speaking to Werner Gullander, president of the National Association of Manufacturers as he stepped from a triplex voting booth in a Da Nang polling place yesterday. Both men were in a group of five U.S. election observers on an inspection of prepara- tions in Da Nang and Hue for today's national election in South Vietnam. The observation group is examining the election proce- dures as well as the actual balloting. ... :: };{J