* uto
Selected As
Reuther Seeks Over
$1 Billion in Benefits;
Chrysler, GM Wait
DETROIT (P)-The United Auto
Workers Union, shooting for well
over $1 billion in wage and fringe
benefit gains, picked Ford Motor
Co. yesterday as the automaker
it will bargain with to win a pat-
tern-setting contract for the in-
The bargaining deadline is mid-
night Wednesday.
UAW President Walter P. Reu-
ther, who traditionally leads the
union team to the target firm
when bargaminig reaches the crisis
stage, began talks with Ford, last
Ford responded: "Ford Motor
Co. will exert every reasonable ef-
fort to reach a sound and peace-
ful settlemient. We look to the
UAW tof sep up to its share of
the heavy responsibility imposed
on both. parties by the lateness of
the hour."
m'm ngr eement i rahede b
rent three-year contracts expire,
there will be a strike, Reuther has
A union source said that after a
contract is won at Ford, it will
be taken to Chrysler as the pat-
tern for a settlement there, and
then the union is likely to strike
giant General Motors "over work-
ing conditions to show them that
the UAW is a union."'
Maniy had anticipated GM
would be the target. Reuther had
accused the giant at thwarting
"free and independent' collective
But the fiery, red-haired UAW
chief told the union's General Mo-
tors council Friday: "We made the
decision with our minds, not oui
The union, gearing for the pos-
-sibility of a strike, set Sept. 23 as
the date for a special national con-
vention to supplement the UAW
strikge fund.
The fund, currently totaling $67
million, would last about 18 weeks
at Ford, six mhonths at Chrysler,
but only about-seven weeks at GM
apparently one of the factors
considered by the union in de-
ciding which firm would be the
target. -
If tradition holds, talks that
have been under way since July 10
will slip into limbo at General Mo-
tors and Chrysler while the UAW
and Ford are locked in marathon
bargaining sessions down to the
deadline. ',
Johnson Denies Reports
Of Administration Split
Hike Pices
Increases Announced
As Admninistration1
Pleads for Restraint
WASHINGTON (P) - President
Johnson said Friday there is no
deep division in his administration
on the conduct of the war in Viet-
nam. And he almost snorted at a
suggestion Secretary of Defense
Robert S. McNamara might be at
the point of resigning.
Johnson told a news conference
that while there is not complete
agreement on everything among
himself, MeNamara, Secretary of
State Dean Rusk and the military
high command, there is a sur-
prising and a very agreeable
amhount of unanimity-including
agreement on all the 300 targets
picked for bombing in North Viet-
feeling than he ordinarily does. He
replied in measured tones: ~
"Absolutely not. That is the
most ridiculous, nonsensical re-
port that I have seen, I think,
since I have been President. Any-
one who knows Secretary McNa-
mara would know that on the face
that was not true.
.What started it all was a ques-
tion raising the point that there
seems to be some dispute within
the administration on bombing
policy, with McNamara represent-
ing one point of view against es-
calation and the Joint Chiefs of
Staff another position In favor of
hitting additional targets.
While he was knocking down
assorted Ideas FrIday, Johnson told
a questioner that reports that
there might be "some kind of a
new peace move around about the
time of the Vietnamese elections"
Sunday "are off the top of some-
one's head."
Masfel Sa1y B
Welcomes UN Move
Johnson told reporters pressing
NEW YORK (P)-Four more of aon i fieds ehsbe
igened n spaig temakr in Washington 36 years and "dur-
rgnoreda adm1imsIdL tin UIeh ing that period I have been in-
riesan Frdyadupdtertimately associated with the armed
At almost thie same time as services. I ehave never known a
SPresident Johnson was telling his period during that time when I
4 nes cofernce n Wshintonthought there was more harmony,
that the administration very much~ mor cooperativ artitune, orndhen
regretted the price increases, Beth- moe coeaieatdo hn
lehem Steel Corp., No. 2 producer, thrl" emreal eni o-
and Inland Steel Co.. No. 4. an- r.'
nounced they were raising prcs Asked whether McNamara had
on steeprbces.suggested that he resign if the
A shrt tme aterthe o 5rate of bombing is stepped up or
-Asocite Prss producer, Jones & Laughlin Steel if new targets are hit in North
e and Nguyen Cao KY, left, premier, are can- Corp., announced it would follow Vietnam, Johnson showed more
in tomorrow's South Vietnamese election,- suit, as did Armco Steel.
ut Thieu and Ky are heavily favored. The aT- Republic Steel Corp., No. 3.
terrorism are held responsible for wide- started the price ball rolling Wed-
nesday and was followed byU..
four firms said they were raising
Tomorrouw- th==ce=fbamrdut 3 o f O., uto
Blame Costs
~Democratic Leader Mike Mans-
field said yesterday he believes
President Johnson welcomes the
expanding movement on Capitol
iHill seeking U.N. efforts to bring
peace to Vietnam.
"I would assume that the voices
of some 2'7 senators who have ex-
pressed their views In support of
this will have some weight and
be heard," the Montana senator
"The people who have expressed
U.S., Allies
GENERAL NGUYEN VAN THIEU, right, chief of stat
didates for president and vice-president respectively,
Opposing them are ten slates of civilian candidates, b
most certainty of the outcome and increased Viet Cong
spread public apathy as election-time nears.
Viet Election
Military Ticket Favored
By Tue Associated Press
Reflecting the apathy that has
marked much of the terrorist-
plagued campaign, only about
3,000 persons turned out for the
final public rally of South Viet-
nam's presidential candidates .In
Saigon last night.
Voters will choose a president
and a 60-member Senate tomor-
row in the country's most momen-
tous election since a referendum
Oct. 23, 1955, led to the ouster
of Emperor Bao Dai and procla-
mation of the republic.
Civilian candidates made a joint
appearance on a platform in front
of the United States Joint Public
Affairs Office at one of Saigon's
busiest Intersections in the eve-
ning rush hour, but attracted a
small crowd.
Saigon has 729,000 of the coun-
try's 5.85 million voters. In all.
the rallies here and elsewhere
have drawn fewer than 70,000
during a month's acrimonious
All campaigning stops by law
at noon today.
Radio and television appear-
ances of the candidates have
reached but a small percentage
of South Vietnam's people, many
World News Roundup
By The Associated Press Justice Hugo L. Black, who offi-
WASHINGTON - The Army's ciated.
ranking officer believes the pres- , *
ent course of the Vietnam war WASHINGTON -- Secretary of
may permit the United States to Defense Robert S. McNamara
consider in A18 months slowly swore in Paul R. Ignatius yester-
withdrawing Its troops. day as the new Secretary of the
It was learned Thursday that Navy.
Gen. Harold K. Johnson, Army Ignatius, 47, a native of Los
chief of staff, made that estimate Angeles, was appointed to the
last Monday in an address to Navy's top civilian post after the
Army chaplains at Ft. McNalr, Va. death of John T.- McNaughton,
* * * secretary-designate, who was kill-.
MOSCOW - The Soviet Union ed in a July plane crash.
threw two U.S. diplomats out of * * *
the country yesterday. LOS ANGELES - Two of the
Brice K. Meeker, 45, the U.S. three men convicted of stealing
Embassy agricultural attache, and the priceless Star of India sap-
Richard Dabney Chapman, 38, the phire in New York City three years
press attache, were charged with ago have been arrested in Los
"activities incompatible with their Angeles for investigation of jewel--
diplomatic status." No details were ry burglaries in this area.
given. Los Angeles police arrested Al-
* ** lan Kuhn, 30, and Jack "Murph
WASHINGyTON - Thurgood the Surf" Murphy, 29, early yes-
Marshall was sworn in Friday as a terday, along with three others
Justice of the Supreme Court and they say may be part of a burglary
was presented with a Bible by ring-.
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of whom do not own radios and
have never heard of television.
Newspaper coverage of the
election, although extensive, does
not reach down to the villages
and hamlets where, about 60 per
cent of the people live.
Chief of State Nguyen Van
Thieu, the leading contender, and
his running mate, Premier Nguyen
Cao Ky, skipped the Saigon rally.
A spokesman said official busi-
ness prevented them from being
on hand.
The leadin cotendes they
had joined the 10 civilian teams
on only two occasions. Instead
they made frequent, ostensibly
nonpolitical trips around the
country as government leaders
and officers in the armed forces.
United States strategists fore-
see no slackening of the Vietnam
war effort no matter who wins
in Sunday's election.'
Whether there will be a post-
election peace offensive also re-
mains an open question.
administration oficials talked to
newsmen Friday about the Sun-
day balloting in South Vietnam,
which is rivaling an American
election in the amount of atten-
tion it is getting in Washington.
officers preparet reeve elec
tion returns from Saigon over
tthe Whit ,House and other key
From the American standpoint,
the South 'Vietnamese balloting
will mark a milestone in the long
effort to establish a constitutional
Saigon government which repre-
sents the populace at large.
State Department officials said
that whether the military slate
headed by Thieu and Ky or one
of the civilian tickets wins, the
outlook is for no letup in the
campaign by the South Vietna-
mese and their allies to defeat
the Reds. They suggested rather
that the new Saigon government
may be more efficient in prose-
cuting the war.
Johnson voiced hope that the
new government can improve both
4:30 to 6:30 P.M. tu uyn
Reduced Prices Food Sysems
Zeeb Rd. ot
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military and civilian opera tions'
and pledged continued United
States support.
The President indicated Ameri-
can policy would continue along
present lines. He termed it a con-
sistent and "carefully thought out
As for reports that a new peace
offensive might be launched, in-
cluding a pause in the bombing of
North Vietnam, Johnson de-
scribed these as speculative with
"no basis in fact." He said such
reports "so far as I am aware are
off the top of someone's head."
However, Johnson avowed again
that the peace search is an every-
day concern in Washington-and
at the State Department, officials
acknowledged that not only Thieu
Vietnamee candidates have spok-
en of a possible new peace nego-
tiations bid to Hanoi if elected.
Observers See Rally
Some of the 22 American ob-
servers sent by President Johnson
watched the Saigon rally from
the terrace of the Rex Hotel,
United States officers billet just
across the street, but all left for
other engagements before the
proceedings ended. The engage-
ments included a reception by
United States Ambassador Ells-
worth Bunker.
The observers plannede to meet
ment's Independence Palace to-
day. At least one said, however,
he planned to break away from
the official schedule to try to see
"if any hanky-panky is going on."
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All of the firms blamed rising
costs for the increases.
Steel -bars are used in a variety
of end products such an industrial
fasteners and railroad car axles.
U.S. S t e e l's announcement
Thursday of its third price in-
crease within a month came only
hours after Gardner Ackley,
chairman of the President's Coun-
cii of Economic Advisers, called on
the industry to hold off on further
price hikes.-
Last August, Ackley called in-
creases by the industry "infla-
tionary" but did not use the word
this time, saying instead that the
latest hikes were "distressing."'
Ackley said the government had
avoided public reaction to earlier
steel price increases this. year be-
cause they seemed limited and se-
lective. However, he said, the latest
hike resulted in the increases
being "viewed as a consistent pat-
tern that has resulted in higher
prices for nearly half the steel
tonnage produced in this country."
1~KHARTOVUM, Sudan (wP-Arab solution in the Middle East. It
leaders agreed yesterday to re- was the second time in three days
sume oil shipments to the West, that he spoke of a possible politi-
to coordinate political and diplo- cal settlement.
ma tic policies, and to refuse to The summit meeting decided
consider negotiations with Israel. unanimously to eliminate all for-
A communique at the end of a eign bases on Arab soil. The
four-day summit conference re- United States, Britain and France
ported rejection of Iraq's plan for have such bases.
an oil boycott of the West. In-
stead, oil-rich Arab nations will The meeting was to have been
aid Egypt, Jordan and Syria, the final full-scale Arab summit
whose economies were badly shak- conference since 1965. But only
en in the June war with Israel. eght of te h easfsttea-
Kuwait's plan to establish a cotted the meeting, sent repre-
development fund for the Arab sentatives.
nations to be financed largely by
the oil-producing states was en- Syria refused to take part when
dorsed. 'it became clear the Arab leaders
The leaders decided to take would reject Iraq's proposals for
measures to consolidate Arab a three-month halt to Arab oil
military strength to meet aggres- supplies to the West followed by
sion. a permanen embargo on petro-
The decision camne after Presi- Ileum shipments to the United
dent Gamal Abdel Nasser of States, Britain and West Ger-
Egypt told the final session it was many. The three were accused by
essential to rebuild the Arab Syria and Egypt of aiding Israel
armies while seeking a political in the war.
agg ii RH 6No op! No pop! No jazz!
themselves cover the whole polit-
ical spectrum-those who can be
classified as doves and those who
can be classified as hawks and
those who can be classified neither
Mansfield said he feels those ex-
pressions are welcomed by the
White House-but said also he has
no concrete indication that the
administration Is planning to press
the Vietnam question In the Unit-
ed Nations.
U.N. Responsibility
"I think It ought to be taken
up in the Security Council wheth-
er we have the votes there or not,"
Mansfield told reporters. "The
question Is, does the U.N. want to
face up to Its responsllillty under
Mhasil .oined JohnsonIn In-
sisting that the administration Is
not deeply divided over the con-
duct of the air war against North
Both men thus challenged the
report of the Senate Armed Serv-
ices preparedness subcommittee,
which urged Thursday a major In-
tensification of U.S. bombing. It
said the Joint Chiefs of Staff ad-
vocate that course but Secretary
of Defense Robert S. McNamara Is
"diametrically opposed."
11-Day Trip
Mansfield, planning an 11-day
trip to Asia but not to South Viet-
nam, talked with Johnson at ihe
White House Thursday, and on the
telephone Friday.
The senator and the President
both sought to minimize the civil-
ian-military differences reported
by the preparedness subcommittee.
"In my opinion, the differences
between the Joint Chiefs of Staff
and Secretary McNamara have
been exaggerated," Mansfield said.
"Basically, they are more alosely
in accord than they are far apart."
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Ifyoura neo-.Classic and
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