Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS AT-LARGE_ Coca-Colanizing the western World Ly NEIL SHISTER ere Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MicH. ['rutb Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all retwrints. IFRIDAY, SEPTEMBER I, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: WALLACE IMMEN Fleming Must Prepare To Tackle U' Problems ROBBEN FLEMING arrives on campus next week to begin his four month ex- posure to the University before officially succeeding Harlan Hatcher in January. The period was intended to provide Flem- ing with time to acquaint himself with and study the problems of the Univer- sity. It will be no easy task. The University is presently caught in the tightening grip of a fiscal squeeze resulting from legis- lative frugality and exploding enrollment demands. Construction of vital University facilities is being crippled by legal argu- ments and administrative stubbornness. The construction crisis and appropria- tions shortage threaten to doom such well-conceived programs as the Residen- tial College. In fact, the sprawling giant of a uni- versity which covers Ann Arbor needs close examination if fresh solutions are to be found to its mounting problems. And it is certainly the hope of the stu- dents, faculty, alumni and Regents who chose Fleming that he may provide the needed insight. There are several very thorny issues which a new administration will confront. A continuation of certain present poli- cies, which have slowed, not hastened the University's progress, could prove disas- terous. *The University continues to oppose Public Act 124, a legislative regulation calling for a state auditor to choose the architects of new state university build- ings. The Hatcher administration has argued that the act is unconstitutional and an abridgement of the University's autonomy. The University was the only one of the 11 Michigan state schools to resist the act last year. Beside running the risk of denying the University valuable funds for future con- struction and planning, administrative stubbornness breeds contempt in Lans- ing, where legislators no longer apreci- ate the University's disregard of state law. Perhaps the University is perfectly cor- rect and PA 124 is unconstitutional. Yet the law has yet to be officially chal- lenged in court by University lawyers and instead is stubbornly ignored. Mean- while, essential funds for future construc- tion- are either not requested (because of anticipated rejection) or sharply cut by a hostile Legislature. The University was handed a sharp setback in construction ("capital outlay") funds by Lansing this summer when only $7.4 million of a $24 million request was granted. Not a penny was; appropriated for projects to be planned and the Uni- versity is facing the precarious prospect of no funds for planned future building an enrollment curves sharply, upward through the 1970's. The Hatcher administration seemed quick to oblige draft boards with student ranks last year-though students voted against the action in an all-campus referendum. The administration's argu- ment was that though they feel laws may be incorrect, they should be challenged in court, not through resistance. Yet, as this paper has so often whispered in our eld- ers' ears, the contradiction in logic be- tween draft ranking and Public Act 124 is appalling. Challenge the law in court or abide by legislative acts. But don't sit on your thumbs while legislators scowl at the University's intransigence. * If the deteriorating relationship be- tween the administration and the state Legislature isn't serious enough, one need only examine the credibility gulf between administrators and students. The disturb- ances on campus last winter were end- ed by an administration-student compro- mise and the establishment of a high- powered Presidential Commission on De- cision-Making. What the commission will produce is still a question-mark, but an- other display of administrative disregard (as in the sit-in ban, the HUAC disclos- ure, and the draft referendum) could prove fatal to the hope of any student- administration cooperation. Student leaders, excepting the already disenchanted fringes, are putting their hopes behind the commission. If this balloon bursts, as so many others have done, the mistrust will be hard to re- pair. 0 The Residential College is one of the brightest projects to appear on the Uni- versity landscape in many years. It of- fers a personalized program in a rapidly depersonalizing environment. It offers the best that the University has to offer, and limits much of the bad. It is a brave ef- fort, launched in the confines of notor- iously depressing East Quad with a staff of dedicated teachers and administra- tors. Yet plans for its own building near North Campus are already a year be- hind schedule, and funds expected through the Sesquicentennial Fund Drive have not materialized. If there is a place in the multiversity for an isolated citadel of study and close relationship between teacher and student, then the means should be found to sup- port it. If funds can not be obtained in the traditional manner, then a new source of money must be provided to insure the Residential College's existence. THE CHALLENGE facing Fleming and his administration will be to find new solutions to old problems. They must re- vamp the image of an uncooperative Uni- versity leadership that has been instill- ed in minds of Ann Arbor students and Lansing legislators. It is not historically irrelevant to look back to 1871 to note what one of the Uni- versity's greatest presidents, James B. An- gell, obse'rved about progress: "In this day of unparalleled activity in college life, the institution which is not steadily advancing is certainly falling behind." This is what Robben ,Fleming must think about for the next four months. -ROBERT KLIVANS Editorial Director THERE IS THIS KID whom I have known, pretty casually, since we were orientationing together our freshman year. For the sake of argument let's call him John. For three years I've been seeing John on campus, saying hello and making five minutes of small-talk. John represents to me now the beginning not so much of my last year at the University as the beginning of what America is like now-a-days. John is a Negro, one whose militancy has progressed annually during our acquaintance. A long time ago he was a self-proclaimed Maoist, I don't know what he's calling himself these days. He was collecting election cards in Waterman Gym when I saw him in registration a couple of days ago. I went over to say hello. I'm hoping he didn't remember me but I doubt if that was the case. He gave me a hard, unknowing look and when I offered my right hand he mumbled something about using his left hand to shake with whites. We ex- changed limp, uncomfortable Feft hands, and then he mumbled something about how his right hand was tired, although that's unlikely. And that's the way things are. WELCOME BACK not only to the Big U, but to the United States. For this is not the same country we left last spring when men shook right hands with each other. When the war didn't seem as hopelessly intermin- able as it does now. When the leadership, even if not the kind of a thing you were willing to march behind, didn't seem as stale and tired and appalling as it does now. Kennedy was fond of saying, or at least his bio- graphers are fond of attributing him with saying, that public affairs move in a flow of ebbs and tides. This seems an appropriate metaphor for the moment, as we seem as a nation to be mired in the deepest ebb I can remember. There are good things around, of course. The hippies are a good thing, no matter what Harry Reasoner and C.B.S. News think; the Conference on New Politics, going on this week-end in Chicago, is a good thing if it can succeed; Black Power, frightening though it may be, is a good thing for it represents the start of the demise of the old order; and pretty girls, as long as they remember what beauty is all about, are of course good things. But that's about the sum of it. At least for this last week in August, 1967. AND THE CRITICAL question, the one which has started haunting those of us not yet professional revolu- tionaries but steadily moving that way, is whether the ebb is transient or fundamental to American character. Is it the passing product of leadership unable to provide a sense of national direction and purpose, or is this vio- lent self-destruction we seem so bent upon as embedded in America as the prognasticators of racial unrest want us to believe? I'm not sure whether Americans realize their in- credible constructive potential, and the extent to which it still goes unfullfilled. The American influence abroad, or at least in West- ern Europe, is absolutely domineering. One must go far south, deep into Greece, Spain, or Italy, to realize that he's not home. Our wealth and power, despite the legiti- mate protestations of De Gaulle, have so engulfed much of the world that it is difficult to make the impact felt. This is the Coca-Colanization of the world-more om- nipotent than Christianity, more omnipresent than God. YET WITH OUR fantastic economic influence we have not provided any correspondingly influential moral leadership. We know how to fight and keep down. But can we build anything greater than more sky-scrapered New York Cities in Berlin and Athens? At the moment I think not and yet hope so. Perhaps when hope dis- appears the emergence of the professional revolutionary is complete. But as long as we are obsessed with the walking Communist ghosts, as long as our wealth does not make us free but keeps us enslaved to the fear of losing it, as long as the ultimate American art form is advertising, we are in trouble. Vietnam is not the root-cause of anything. It is the natural expression of a society so absolutely powerful that it doesn't have any real understanding of what power is and what are its natural limitations. We are so rich that we have reached a point where we have entered into a war that is not ours that we cannot finish because there can be no finish to it. We are so rich that we have created John, whose Detroit hometown was bombed out this summer (perhaps he helped in it) and who now shakes with his left hand. THESE ARE THE THOUGHTS, meandering and perhaps ill-defined, of a native son on his homecoming. But there is another story that must be recounted before ci g. About a Negro businessman who was met one day sitting on a bench in Copenhagen and after a lengthy discussion he said, "America is your homeland and you ean't desert it." And then there's The Fire Next Time's James Baldwin writing to his nephew that "great men have done great things in this country and they can be done again." As maybe they can. As they must. Soon. :.:::.:.v: i::'::TODAY AND TOMORROW ... by WALTER LIPPMANN i4ยง :l4:t"4@ ' +.-ov:'.',{;4i, J::4i.V.W.V*. 7 ? "... New Priorities for American Society HOWEVER MUCH the Negro riots this summer have demon- strated our failure to make our racial policies work, the American people are quite unable to turn around and adopt a radically dif- ferent policy. The American predicament is unique. All the known "solutions" which have been applied elsewhere to racial conflicts are foreclosed. There is no alternative to con- tinuing to work for as much peace and harmony as possible on American territory between the Negroes and the whites. The races cannot separate. There can be no exodus of the Negroes to a land oftheir own. They cannot go elsewhere. They cannot separate on American ter- ritory by some form of apartheid as in South Africa. The Negroes will not tolerate and the whites will not attempt to enforce the brutality of a racial separation. The Negroes cannot seize, let us say, Mississippi, and secede from the United States in order to es- tablish a country of their own. The suggestion is unthinkable. There is nothing left for us all but to go on living together; try- ing to make the relationship as decent and tolerable as possible. THE AMERICAN belief in the gradual harmonization of the races is no doubt optimistic and idealistic when it is seen in the light of the ugly realities. But it is the only general vision of the future that, given American geog- raphy and history, Americans can allow themselves. Any ' other course means incessant smolder- ing violence and hatred. The critical difficulty is that all serious efforts to advance to- ward racial harmony take a long time to achieve results and they are very costly, The grievances and complaints of the young Ne- groes are, however, immediate and urgent. They will not wait for their grandchildren to enjoy the solutions of their problems. This is the ominous gap ?n which the riots are kindled. The older generation of Negro and white leaders have learned to ac- cept the gap. They have learned to live on promises, on small tokens and samples, of better things to come. For the present these older and more patient Ne- groes are not listened to by the new generation, THE CORE OF the problem is how to create a new generation of Negro leaders whom the young Negroes will follow and with whom the white establishment in Ameri- can society can live and work. For the irreconcilables like Stokeley Carmichael, who consider them- selves at war with the white ma- jority, there is no future except in jail or in exile. For in any test of strength and violence they would certainly be crushed, and if they insist on putting the mat- ter to the test, they havetno pros- pect whatsoever of prevailing. The power of the white community is so overwhelmingly superior that the security of the blacks lies, in the last analysis, in the determi- nation of the whites not to let the conflict go to extreme limits. The disparity in strength is such that it is absurd for Stokeley Carmi- chael to think of a race war.. The question is whether and how the white community can be induced to pay the costs, financial as well as human, of the reform, and reconstruction which might at last assuage the grievances of the Negroes. My own view is a tough-minded one.As long as the advance of the Negro is presented as a form of white philanthrooy- the white majority making sacri- fices to uplift the Negro minority -nothing on the scale needed gill be practical politics. The uplift- ing of the Negro cannot be ac- complished as a pro-Negro enter- prise. Large communities of men are not that generous mnd un- selfish. THE ADVANCE of the Negro must be part of a much greater and more general effort to uplift the whole community, arrying the Negro minority with it in the enterprise. In the current jargon we can uplift the Negro only in the process of creating the Great Society. We can do little for the Negro if we do not absorb his grievances in the greater needs of the whole community. Unless the whites have a vital interest in their own advancement, in making the cities livable, they will respond reluc- tantly to the costs of helping the Negro minority. This comes down to saying that the racial problem is manageable, I do not say soluble, in situations which come about only now and then, not often, in the life of a nation. There must be an overwhelming desire and intention among the active people to reform and re- construct their own social order. The hope of the Negro people is to participate in such a general movement., There is, in. my view. no hope for them as members of a separate minority who are to be accorded separate and special measures of relief and uplift. A GENERAL movement of re- form and reconstruction can exist only if its objectives are the main preoccupation of the great masses of the nation. In 1964 it was con- ceivable, indeed possible, that the Great Society would become the main American preoccupation for a generation to come. It has not been the American preoccupation ever since President Johnson, de- cided that he had to wage war in Asia. For it is impossible to expect a people to be preoccupied at one and the same time with two dia- metrically opposite and contra- dicting commitments: with a war on the other side of the world and with thetrebuilding of their own society at home. Once the President chose to be- lieve that he had to prevail in .a war of attrition on the Asianr mainland, the Great Society lost its momentum and its soul, and became nothing more than a com- plex series of political handouts to the poor. The hope of Negro participation in the creation of a new American social order was lost. President Johnson keeps c n saying that the United States is big enough and rich enough to pay for the war in Vietnam and at the same time for the Great Society at home. More than any- thing else this reveals Lyndon Johnson's lack of knowledge of war and his lack of wisdom in dealing with it. His willingness to believe that a democracy can have two overwhelming preoccupations at the same time is the mark of Surfer ~s - ,a %~:< 4 4r -s 4 an amateur. It is the view of a man who does not realize, because he has never himself felt it, the absorbing preoccupation of war. He does not understand that when the issues are life and death, vi- tory and defeat, everything else becomes pale and irrelevant and unimportant. Some of the meas- ures for the Great Society are still ,on the White House list of desirable legislation. But with half a million men fighting in Asia nobody really cares, or can care about what life is like in a Detroit slum. MOREOVER, THE people wno do not feel the need for reform, or do not believe that there is justice and reason in the claims of the Great Society, now have a legitimate reason for stopping the reforms and even of reversing them. President Johnson is much mistaken if he thinks that be- cause he has adopted the Gold- water war policy, the Goldwater faction will support the Great Society. Nor can he convince the predominant and bewildered ma- jority of our people that the 90th Congress is wicked because it puts the war ahead of everything else: In a word, therefore, the Negro grievances cannot be assuaged by a policy of white philanthropy, of white sacrifices to uplift the Ne- gro. The only way forward is to make the advance of the Negro a part of the general effort to solve the problems and deal with the needs of our great urban centers. But this undertaking, though it is a noble and inspiring one, is pos- sible only if it becomes the main preoccupation of the whole nation. And that is impossible while the nation is distracted and preoccu- pied by a foreign war it does not understand and does not believe in. (c), 196', The Washington Post Co. A q Insuring Social Awareness -1 THE SOCIALLY-AWARE businessman has a new friend: the Kemper Insur- ance Group of Chicago. Kemper has put out a new pamphlet, "Riot and Your Business," prepared with the help of the Chicago Police Depart- The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press service. Summer subscription rate: $2.00 per term by carrier '($2.50 by mail); $4.00 for entire summer ($4.50 by mal). Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session, Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor.. Michigan, 48104. Editorial Staff ROGER RAPOPORT, Editor MEREDITH MXEER, Managing Editor MICHAEL HEP'ER ROBERT KLIVANS City Editor Editorial Director SUSAN ELAN.............Associate Managing Editor LAURENCE MEDOW ...... Associate Managing Editor STEPHEN FIRRSHEIN ....Associate Editorial Director RONALD KLEMPNER ..:. Associate Editorial Director ment. It's must reading for any business- man troubled by recent riots. Kemper urges the enlightened ghetto merchant to "be aware of the social cli- mate in'your area." But responsible com- pany officials should do more than just that, Kemper says. As part of a "long range protection program" they should work with authorities in "securing and safeguarding" any company stocks of "firearms, ammunition or explosives" and "plan possible exit routes from the build- ing, and by auto from the area." "If a riot is imminent," the booklet ad- vises, businessmen should remove cash register contents, leaving the cash reg- ister open to "reduce the possibility of destruction," and "leave in a group .,. by private passenger car with windows rolled up and doors locked." AS THE PAMPHLET points out, rioting "could even happen in your town-to your business!" On July 24, the second day of rioting in Detroit, Kemper had to close its office there; a Detroit spokes- FEIFFEB FIRST NWRO - BUT R)DJtTIVE NOT PO RTO _-' RICAN6 . 'TO 5EEK OUT wfl CM.70 4p 0F AMA~Th'. A in 9PI)cY~CJ tee 1( Tt{EM -re YVVTH ter 1 TH - Wf16PE ! NT9 V --To PR5- RfVUTCP Y' -SAW AMP ORP'R -~ f fAVE x HAP TO ~- POT {HM JAIL. T0 {ft'9 C0H13OfC I A N APP0(WT 6J 1 pMOCRAT 1 P. rPIBLICA . tt-, . COME bEr us AU (4' . _