r. THE MICHIGAN DAILY hTHURSDAY. AUGUSTT 21.I lCdZ ____________________________ ---...-a, .sV V41 S,,.liaus. A *0 OMEGA Detroit Courts Start Processing' Over 3,000 Arrested Rioters Exhausted Freshmen Confront Waterman Gym, Carrots Exam By BILL SIMMONS DETROIT (AP)-The vast major- ity of persons arrested in the De- troit riot are back on the streets, but about 150 defendants in riot- related cases remain in jail-held to face charges filed against them before the riot. Some are held for parole viola- tion, some for probation violation, some for failing to appear for trial on charges that existed prior to the riot, said Judge Donald S. Leonard of Recorder's Court. More evidence of previous crim- inality among riot defendants came from the Records Bureau of the Detroit Police Department, which reports that of 7,207 adults arrested in the riot, about half- 3,595-had records of previous criminal offenses. Authorities also say more than 90 per cent of those arrested in the riot are from Detroit, with no evidence of any significant num- ber from outside Detroit. According to police statistics, a SCf I re &3 SOW, 208 S. MAIN ST. Order Your Daily Now- Phone 764-0558 .11I composite picture of the "average riotor" would show a man, a Negro, age 20 to 28, arrested in the riot on a charge of looting, with a 50-50 chance that he had a previous criminal record. As in the riot in Newark last month, nearly 50 per cent of those ar- rested in Detroit's riot were over 25 years of age. Newark Compared In Detroit, as in Newark, about 75 per cent of the felony indict- ments stemmed from the process of stealing or receiving stolen property. But another reflection of the severity of the Detroit riot is that 255 persons were arrested in De- troit on charges involving weapons or explosives, compared to only 91 in Newark, where 26 were killed, compared to 43 riot deaths in De- troit. Although 3,595 of those arrested in Detroit had previous criminal records, some of these were on of- fenses as minor as traffic law vio- lations. Of the 7,207 detained by police during the riot, 3,363 were charged with felonies, including seven charges of murder, one of which has been dismissed for lack of evidence. This charge was against police Patrolman Robert Paille in the death of a Negro youth at a motel. In 95 other cases, the charge is assault with intent to commit murder, 26 of which police list as snipers, five of whom are women. There also were 52 persons charged with possession of ex- plosives -Molotov cocktails, the gasoline-fueld firebombs rioters lobbed into homes and businesses. Frequent Charge Among the felonies, the most frequent charge is entering with- out breaking-looting-filed against 2,139, with 316 others charged with larceny from a building and 225 chargesd with possession of stolen property. The only other felony charges against 100 or more riot defend- ants were 203 charges of carrying a concealed weapon and 150 charges of breaking and entering. Police statistics show 3,363 felony, arrests, but court records show on- ly 3,166 felony defendants. At Recorder's Court, which has exclusive jurisdiction over crim- inal cases in Detroit, charges against 848 persons were dismissed following their examination. Another 963 persons were held on the charges they faced at ex- amination and 1,355 of the de- fendants waived examination, making a total of 2,318 persons bound over for trial, Leonard said. Most of them have posted bond and are free pending their trials. By WALTER SHAPIRO and ELEANOR BRAUN In the general exhaustion that characterized Waterman Gym during registration, by far the most legitimately tired were the 15 prostrate bodies resting be- neath a sign which read "Orien- tation Leaders." Buttressed only by a yellow badge and a bulging brown fold- er, these leaders were solely re- sponsible for guiding hordes of terrified freshmen through their first confrontation with the Big "U. ~ The differences between these orientation leaders and the rest of the welcomingdignitaries, ranging from Mayor Wendell Hulcher to President Harlan Hatcher, was that the leaders had to walk, talk and answer questions. The whole process began at an ungodly hour last Thursday morn- ing, when the freshmen first met their temporary mentors in a cha- otic session at Hill Aud. reminis- cent of the final student power teach-in. Afterhthe pencilswere passed out, the Speech and Hearing forms answered, and the first of an endless series of quadruplicate IBM forms completed, the leaders, in teams of two, retreated with their coed groups to their group meeting rooms. There, in the short space of one hour, introductions were shouted, noses counted, pencils distributed, and freshmen were asked to answer candidly ques- tions along the line of "Are you now, or have you ever been, a stutterer?" The new students also received an ample introduction to those quadruplicate IBM cards on which the University depends. The rest of the morning was oc- cupied by tours of campus "hot spots," ranging from the Law Li- brary to the Engin Arch. Inter- spersed with this and other activi- ties was the constant litany of imaginative questions and harried, but hopefully adequate, replies. The range of the freshmen's in- terests was both academic and so- cial. The questions ran the gam- ut from the concerned, "Will Ser- bo-Croatian satisfy my language requirement?" to the casual, "Do they care if you smoke pot in your room?" And yes, they do still give the freshmen the "cooked carrots" test. And it is the orientation leaders who spur the freshmen onward with an indispensable sup- ply of No. 2 pencils. A weekend recess was called for both freshmen and leaders to gather energy and courage for the rigors of counseling and registra- tion which lay ahead. Most orientation leaders thought their counseling responsibilities were over when they deposited their groups in Auditorium B for appointments with counselors . But hours later it was the leaders to whom the freshmen came, moaning, "I waited for three hours to see my counselor for four and a half minutes, and I still don't know what I should take!" So once more, the orientation leaders weighed the relative merits of sociology versus botany, advised against postponing Eng- lish 123, and patiently explained the inescapabilty natural science requirements. While the orientation groups did bypass the registration lines AFT Adopts Neutral Stand On U.S. Policy in Vi'iet Nam stretching to State Street, fresh- men registration still managed to offer a few unforgettable mo- ments. There was the girl who completely changed her hairstyle on finding out her picture would be taken. And there was the orientation leader who played Pied Piper and led twenty of his friends through that side door, cleverly disguised as his orien- tation group. Back at Waterman, where the leaders still wondered absently about that missing student, marv- eled that they actually made it, thought eagerly of that $18 check, and in a peculiar way looked to the start of a new semester as a sort of anticlimax. i 11 You will find our store specially equipped to supply The American Federation of Teachers has voted to take no stand on the Vietnam war and has advised other labor organizations to do the same. The decision, 'reached at the federation's annual convention in Washington, represents a major policy change for the 140,000- member teachers' union. Last year, the AFT fully supported U.S. pol- icy in Southeast Asia. Voting 325-106 not to take a position on the war, AFT members 'expressed fear that a definite stand might be a "seriously de- visive element" in the organiza- tion. However, the AFT vote is not expected to sway the AFL-CIO from its strong support of the ad- ministration policy. Many delegates opposed the war's drain of money needed for education and urged the conven- tion to condemn present U.S. policy. In other action, the AFT pass- ed several resolutions favoring de- segregation of schools including an endorsement of the federal court decision which held that de facto segregation was as unconsti- tutional as segregation by law. The convention also passed a resolution which opposed, but did not condemn, the acceptance by any AFL-CIO affiliate of Central Intelligence Agency funds. The decision of the AFT to sup- port desegregation .coupled with the similar move taken by the National Education Association demonstrates a growing respon- siveness of educators to the prob-' lem. The stand of these two organi- zations sharply contrasts with the American Association of School Administrators' opposition to the Supreme Court rule banning de facto segregation. The teachers have generally fav- ored a stronger pro-civil rights position than the administrators. Enrollment According to figures released by the Office of the Registrar the en- rollment for the summer term was 12,280 students-the highest since the beginning of the trimester system in 1964. While these figures represent a 6 per cent increase of 1966, the actual enrollment was only 94 stu- dents over the estimated figures used by the University for plan- ning purposes, the office said. These figures include both stu- dents enrolled in the summer ses- sion and those in the spring-sum- mer term. In addition 979 students are enrolled at the Flint and Dear- born campuses and students are taking extension courses for credit. As has been usual since the in- ception of the trimester system, the enrollment for the summer session was approximately 3,000 students over the spring term. This spring the enrollment figures reached a new high with 9,567 students registered. A large portion of this increase can be attributed to Detroit area teachers, as the enrollment of the education school almost doubled betw-en the spring and summer terms the Gttce Laid. U U Paris Paris ... the City of Light, of romance, of high fashion.. . and the ultimate in hairstyling. Marilyn Mark's Inter- national is pleased to announce our affiliation with one of the world's leading hairstylists: Jacques Dessange of Paris. His salon, as an affiliate of Marilyn Mark's, will welcome you, and offer you the very latest in Paris styling. If you're conversant in French, fine! If not, English-speaking styl- ists will serve you. Located just off the Avenue Des Champs Elysees and near Rue Du Faubourg and St. Honore, Jacques Dessange is ideally located for your convenience. Q When you're travelling to Paris, just stop in at Marilyn Mark's for your international referral card. special person-a Marilyn Mark's patron. 0 We offer our referral system to you in other leading cities throughout the world. It's an extra service to patrons who insist on the same meticulous hair styling while travelling that they receive at Marilyn Mark's while at home. ,41A,. '&144 I I