PAGE FOUR -TII1 1Wf'utfCA N1 p A ww' ,, aau 1 il Il.ill to lB 17 H.1LI THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1967 7 EN RE 0 p ot Wayne President Keast Praises Campus Planning SUNY EXPERIMENT: Students, Staff Find Problems In Planning Full Partnership 4 4 i9t By LUCY KENNEDY. "One of the greatest problems facing planners is the difficulty of identifying an institution's ob- jectives," Wayne State University President William Keast told the visiting architects and college of- ficials of the Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) at their conference at the Univer- sity last week. College planning, according to Keast involves balancing several opposing forces. "A college," he says, "needs a plan that is sufficiently precise to overcome impulsion - sporadic growth that does not satisfy long- range needs -- and meet current academic plans." However, factors such as the beauty or individuality of a, cam- pus must also -be considered. Keast says, "a successful college plan should establish a campus as something different from other schools. The student body and programs of a college give each institution its own, 'atmosphere' and this should show in the col- lege's plan.", Innovation or tradition is an- other choice Keast says planners must face. He also pointed out the need to combine the profes- sional opinions of administrators and designers with those of stu- dents and faculty. The conference, held here in honor of the University's Sesqui- centennial, included panel discus- sions. and exhibits. Solutions to the problems of planning were shown through discussion of spe- cial types of colleges such as Michigan's Oakland Community College. Behavioral scientists have much to tell campus planners about the ideal university of the future-but it is up to architects, educators, and planners to put that knowl- edge to practical use, Harold Horowitz of the National Science Foundation's Architectural Serv- ices Staff, told society members in a speech on the human element in college planning. Horowitz says Duke University and the University of Washington+ are working on computer simula-; tion and campus planning models to express the existing relation- ship among students, staff, and space. Another technique, he says, is the "contextual map" used in an undeveloped region of Peru to develop a ten-year program for rapid cultural and technical ad- vances. In the project, a psy- chologist, e c o n o m i s t, political scientist, and anthropologist di- vided all available data into modules which shaped the map- and which could be shifted to show changing links in ideas. Bill To Liberalize Abortion Laws Faces Opposition at Lansing Hearing 1l LANSING (AP)-A prepared bill to liberalize Michigan's abortion law could lead to a cheapening of human life, a Detroit judge tes- tified yesterday at a hearing on the controversial proposed legis- lation. Circuit Judge Thomas J. Foley said, "It is my opinion that this legislation violates the Michigan and U.S. Constitutions," Foley told members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Foley said the Michigan Su- preme Court has ruled "that a fet- us is a human person and its civil rights are equally respected at every period of gestation." "Therefore," he said, "this leg- islation would deny life to a hu- man person. This legislation would take the life of a human person without due process of law." Foley was the leadoff witness in what was scheduled to be a day- long hearing in the State Appeals Court chamber. The more than 70 witnesses and interested spectators crowded the small courtroom so there was standing room only. Foley said the bill "can produce in the long run a further devalua- tion of human life. It could point Collegiate Press Service News Analysis OLD WESTBURY, N.Y.-Stu- dents involved in developing plans for an experimental college where staff and student body are to have a "full partnership" in the deci- sion-making process are running into serious problems in com- munications. The colege is the newest branch a4 us in the direction of further leg- more children who are pregnant islation to purify the race which by their own husbands." has led more than one nation to "These are respectable people," its destruction," he said. he said. Sen. John McCauley (D-Wyan- If they are not allowed legal dotte), sponsor of the bill, admit- abortions, McCauley said, they will ted "it will not win any popularity go to so-called backroom abortion- contests." ists. McCauley said he had received The proposed legislation pro- letters and telephone calls call- vides that a licensed physician, ing him "a murderer." after consultation and agreement McCauley claimed that the ar'- with at least two other licensed gument that early termination of physicians, may terminate the pregnancy "is totally inadmiss- pregnancy of a woman in a li- able." censed hospital upon certification "Life is there," but it is not nec- that it is necessary "for the pres- essarily human life," McCauley ervation of the physical or mental said. "I have never heard of a health of the mother or that there charge of murder following an is a substantial risk that the child abortion." would be born with a grave physi- McCauley said the legislation, cal or mental defect." similar- to legislation pioneered in In the case of rape or incest, Colorado, "is necessary to protect the certification of the need for our womanhood." the termination of pregnancy McCauley said his research de- would be waived. termined that 80 per cent of the The measure further permits abortions performed now were on sterilization of a woman or women married women between 30 and 40 "for physical, mental or economic years old with three or four or reasons." State Schools Initiate System To Aid Teacher Recruiting of the State University of New oYrk (SUNY), at Old Westbury on Long Island. Last January, Samuel Gould, chancellor of the SUNY system, told administrators of the new college to "review all the conventional ingredients such as admissions policies, grades, course systems, and academic divi- sions, and to break whatever bar- riers lie in the way." The college will stress experi- mental education. Students will spend several semesters off campus and will be encouraged to spend a year 'in the world" between high school and college. Gould also called for students' admission "to full partnership in the academic world" at Old Westbury. Thus seven students-all from other experimental colleges-ar- rived on campus in April to work with the eight-man senior plan- Wofford, formerly a special as- ning staff and president Harris sistant to President Kennedy and most recently associate director of the Peace Corps. The college is tentatively scheduled to open in 1968 with a class of about 100 who will continue to plan the col- lege. The first full class will arrive in 1970. From the beginning students and staff clashed over the "full partnership" clause. To Wofford this phrase meant that students have the right to try as hard as they can to persuade him of the value of their ideas. "Partnership is neither a matter of ideas, or of votes, but of responsible participa- tion in many forms in the dialogue that is making the college," Wof- ford said. To the students full partnership meant a vote on pol- an effect on Old Westbury. Some attempted to take part in specific areas of planning. Donna Mich- aelson, who had helped start the Experimental College at San Francisco State, worked extensive- ly with the architects, and Ken Beck, a returned Peace Corps vol- unteer from Goddard College, helped draft curriculum proposals. The students' major effect, how- ever, came through their taking part in the "dialogue" on the col- lege, acting as gadflies, and cri- ticizing the ideas of the senior staff. Wofford concluded, "We hoped that these students would start with us in intense form the dia- logue of discontent stirring most of the best colleges and universi- ties. We have not been disap- pointed; it has been a meaning- ful exchange." Larry Resnick, one of the two faculty members, also saw the stu- dents playing a significant role. "Their main effect was in reduc- ing the number of requirements we had been considering, creating a more flexible curriculum," he said. Senior staff members believe that in the future students must be given specific assignments in- stead of being allowed to be gen- eralists. "They have to be willing to take the responsibility for their recommendations," one said. The students, on the other hand, felt that the answer lay in their achieving voting power in the de- cision-making process. One of these assumptions will be tested in the fall when several new student consultants arrive on campus. Each will be assigned to work with a senior staff member 4' 4 0 A#3.%> USTIN DIAMOND Nsu "WHERE MARGINAL PRICES BUY QUALITY DIAMONDS" 1209 S. UNIVERSITY icy decision. in the fields of admissions, facr In spite of their apparent lack ulty recruitments or high school of power, the students did have consulting. Inscrutable Orientalists Meet the Wolverine Man IN YOUR FUTURE WITH BONDS IHILLEL DELI HOUSE Opening Program Sunday at 5:30 P.M. JOIN US FOR. . folk music special events 2 Kosher Corne or Pastrami S 1429 Hill d Beef Sandwiches 663-4129 $1.0o members $1.25 others Michigan is launching a system for guiding teachers to jobs in the state at no cost to the teachers or the school districts and which may be the first of its kind in the country. "Teachers both in and outside Michigan ,seeking positions any- where in the state will be able to contact all schools in a particular area to make the entire job-seek- ing process much quicker andi easier," said Dr. Ira Polley, State Superintendent of Public In- struction. Polley said the State Depart- ment of Education, which will operate the service, receives hun- dreds of requests a year from teachers for some assistance in locating jobs but up to now has been unable to help. PAUL BUNYAN'S COCKTAIL HOUR .* 4:30 to 6:30 P.M. *au ' Reduced Prices food Systems Zeeb Rd. at Jackson Rd. "We think this is the first pro- grom like this in the country," he said. "There is a lack of fully qualified teachers in Michigan," Polley said. "We feel that if teachers can easily move from one part of the state to the other they may stay in the teaching profes- sion and help ease the shortage." The service does not place a teacher in a job but only puts him or her in contact with schools in a geographic area in which they have indicated an interest. Afterteachers are referred to given areas, school districts may contact the applicants and pursue possible employement opportun- ities. "This is a very positve inno- vation in teacher recruitment," said Dr. Charles E. Morton, De- troit, a member of the State Board of Education when the new program was described to the Board last week. Several states operate a teacher placement service which requires processing of college credentials and recommendations at consid- erable expense in contrast to the referral service which only brings the prospective teacher and school district together. By JENNY STILLER For a week Ann Arbor might have been the United Nations. People wearing unusual clothes- even for a town well accustomed to sandals and saris-and speak- ing seven or eight major languages and countless minor ones wander- ed around campus, getting lost, trying to find the auditoriums in the physics-astronomy building, and trying out their English in the stores along.South State and South University Streets. There was all the usual confu- sion of the sesqui-conference, per- haps typified by the delegate and his wife looking confusedly at a campus- map, trying to find the Union 'from the corner of Forest and North "U"-only this time the delegate spoke only Japanese and Thai. (Luckily, they were right next door to the English Language Institute, so help was soon forth- coming.) Despite the Soviet boycott of the Congress of Orientalists; rep- resentatives of the Soviet Em- bassy and Tass, the Russian press service, were present. Most prom- inent was Igor Rogachev, first sec- retary of the Soviet Embassy, who told reporters he liked Ann Arbor "very much." Rogachev, who attended the congress because of his interest in the Far East, con- centrated his attention on reports and discussions of modern China. He said that all he knew of his country's official delegation's boy- cott was what he had read in the newspapers. Other visiting scholars were also concerned with the Russians' boy- cott. Prof. G. E. von Gruenbaum of the University of California at Los Angeles commented "as to the East Germans with whom I am well acquainted. They were very anxious to come," he said. "Then they sent a wire Satur- day that was most indignant and said the Vietnam situation made it impossible for them to think of attending. They suddenly dis- covered Vietnam between Friday and Saturday. On' Friday they said they were coming," he added. Prof. W. Norman Brown of the University of Pennsylvania, presi- dent of the Congress, said "I don't think the Russian scholars have any grievance against, the Ameri- can scholars. I think it is more that the Russian government put pressure on them. I BOOKS and SUPPLIES ( MEDICINE Our store is specially 'ry DENTISTRY NURSING PUBLIC HEALTH equipped to f'i your every need, and a well informed staff, including MEDICAL and DENTAL students will serve you. 4 A LUSTY RAEFORD HOPSACK IN A VESTED NATURAL SHOULDER MODEL ii